Ray Jobs CLI API Reference#

This section contains commands for Ray Job Submission.

ray job submit#

Submits a job to be run on the cluster.

By default (if –no-wait is not set), streams logs to stdout until the job finishes. If the job succeeded, exits with 0. If it failed, exits with 1.


ray job submit -- python my_script.py --arg=val

ray job submit [OPTIONS] ENTRYPOINT...


--address <address>#

Address of the Ray cluster to connect to. Can also be specified using the RAY_ADDRESS environment variable.

--job-id <job_id>#

DEPRECATED: Use --submission-id instead.

--submission-id <submission_id>#

Submission ID to specify for the job. If not provided, one will be generated.

--runtime-env <runtime_env>#

Path to a local YAML file containing a runtime_env definition.

--runtime-env-json <runtime_env_json>#

JSON-serialized runtime_env dictionary.

--working-dir <working_dir>#

Directory containing files that your job will run in. Can be a local directory or a remote URI to a .zip file (S3, GS, HTTP). If specified, this overrides the option in --runtime-env.

--metadata-json <metadata_json>#

JSON-serialized dictionary of metadata to attach to the job.

--entrypoint-num-cpus <entrypoint_num_cpus>#

the quantity of CPU cores to reserve for the entrypoint command, separately from any tasks or actors that are launched by it

--entrypoint-num-gpus <entrypoint_num_gpus>#

the quantity of GPUs to reserve for the entrypoint command, separately from any tasks or actors that are launched by it

--entrypoint-memory <entrypoint_memory>#

the amount of memory to reserve for the entrypoint command, separately from any tasks or actors that are launched by it

--entrypoint-resources <entrypoint_resources>#

a JSON-serialized dictionary mapping resource name to resource quantity describing resources to reserve for the entrypoint command, separately from any tasks or actors that are launched by it


If set, will not stream logs and wait for the job to exit.

--verify <verify>#

Boolean indication to verify the server’s TLS certificate or a path to a file or directory of trusted certificates.



--headers <headers>#

Used to pass headers through http/s to the Ray Cluster.please follow JSON formatting formatting {“key”: “value”}

--log-style <log_style>#

If ‘pretty’, outputs with formatting and color. If ‘record’, outputs record-style without formatting. ‘auto’ defaults to ‘pretty’, and disables pretty logging if stdin is not a TTY.


auto | record | pretty

--log-color <log_color>#

Use color logging. Auto enables color logging if stdout is a TTY.


auto | false | true

-v, --verbose#



Required argument(s)


When using the CLI, do not wrap the entrypoint command in quotes. For example, use ray job submit --working-dir="." -- python script.py instead of ray job submit --working-dir="." -- "python script.py". Otherwise you may encounter the error /bin/sh: 1: python script.py: not found.


You must provide the entrypoint command, python script.py, last (after the --), and any other arguments to ray job submit (e.g., --working-dir=".") must be provided before the two hyphens (--). For example, use ray job submit --working-dir="." -- python script.py instead of ray job submit -- python script.py --working-dir=".". This syntax supports the use of -- to separate arguments to ray job submit from arguments to the entrypoint command.

ray job status#

Queries for the current status of a job.


ray job status <my_job_id>

ray job status [OPTIONS] JOB_ID


--address <address>#

Address of the Ray cluster to connect to. Can also be specified using the RAY_ADDRESS environment variable.

--verify <verify>#

Boolean indication to verify the server’s TLS certificate or a path to a file or directory of trusted certificates.



--headers <headers>#

Used to pass headers through http/s to the Ray Cluster.please follow JSON formatting formatting {“key”: “value”}

--log-style <log_style>#

If ‘pretty’, outputs with formatting and color. If ‘record’, outputs record-style without formatting. ‘auto’ defaults to ‘pretty’, and disables pretty logging if stdin is not a TTY.


auto | record | pretty

--log-color <log_color>#

Use color logging. Auto enables color logging if stdout is a TTY.


auto | false | true

-v, --verbose#



Required argument

ray job stop#

Attempts to stop a job.


ray job stop <my_job_id>

ray job stop [OPTIONS] JOB_ID


--address <address>#

Address of the Ray cluster to connect to. Can also be specified using the RAY_ADDRESS environment variable.


If set, will not wait for the job to exit.

--verify <verify>#

Boolean indication to verify the server’s TLS certificate or a path to a file or directory of trusted certificates.



--headers <headers>#

Used to pass headers through http/s to the Ray Cluster.please follow JSON formatting formatting {“key”: “value”}

--log-style <log_style>#

If ‘pretty’, outputs with formatting and color. If ‘record’, outputs record-style without formatting. ‘auto’ defaults to ‘pretty’, and disables pretty logging if stdin is not a TTY.


auto | record | pretty

--log-color <log_color>#

Use color logging. Auto enables color logging if stdout is a TTY.


auto | false | true

-v, --verbose#



Required argument

ray job logs#

Gets the logs of a job.


ray job logs <my_job_id>

ray job logs [OPTIONS] JOB_ID


--address <address>#

Address of the Ray cluster to connect to. Can also be specified using the RAY_ADDRESS environment variable.

-f, --follow#

If set, follow the logs (like tail -f).

--verify <verify>#

Boolean indication to verify the server’s TLS certificate or a path to a file or directory of trusted certificates.



--headers <headers>#

Used to pass headers through http/s to the Ray Cluster.please follow JSON formatting formatting {“key”: “value”}

--log-style <log_style>#

If ‘pretty’, outputs with formatting and color. If ‘record’, outputs record-style without formatting. ‘auto’ defaults to ‘pretty’, and disables pretty logging if stdin is not a TTY.


auto | record | pretty

--log-color <log_color>#

Use color logging. Auto enables color logging if stdout is a TTY.


auto | false | true

-v, --verbose#



Required argument

ray job list#

Lists all running jobs and their information.


ray job list

ray job list [OPTIONS]


--address <address>#

Address of the Ray cluster to connect to. Can also be specified using the RAY_ADDRESS environment variable.

--verify <verify>#

Boolean indication to verify the server’s TLS certificate or a path to a file or directory of trusted certificates.



--headers <headers>#

Used to pass headers through http/s to the Ray Cluster.please follow JSON formatting formatting {“key”: “value”}

--log-style <log_style>#

If ‘pretty’, outputs with formatting and color. If ‘record’, outputs record-style without formatting. ‘auto’ defaults to ‘pretty’, and disables pretty logging if stdin is not a TTY.


auto | record | pretty

--log-color <log_color>#

Use color logging. Auto enables color logging if stdout is a TTY.


auto | false | true

-v, --verbose#

ray job delete#

Deletes a stopped job and its associated data from memory.

Only supported for jobs that are already in a terminal state. Fails with exit code 1 if the job is not already stopped. Does not delete job logs from disk. Submitting a job with the same submission ID as a previously deleted job is not supported and may lead to unexpected behavior.


ray job delete <my_job_id>

ray job delete [OPTIONS] JOB_ID


--address <address>#

Address of the Ray cluster to connect to. Can also be specified using the RAY_ADDRESS environment variable.

--verify <verify>#

Boolean indication to verify the server’s TLS certificate or a path to a file or directory of trusted certificates.



--headers <headers>#

Used to pass headers through http/s to the Ray Cluster.please follow JSON formatting formatting {“key”: “value”}

--log-style <log_style>#

If ‘pretty’, outputs with formatting and color. If ‘record’, outputs record-style without formatting. ‘auto’ defaults to ‘pretty’, and disables pretty logging if stdin is not a TTY.


auto | record | pretty

--log-color <log_color>#

Use color logging. Auto enables color logging if stdout is a TTY.


auto | false | true

-v, --verbose#



Required argument