Tuning Redis for a Persistent Fault Tolerant GCS#
Using Redis to back up the Global Control Store (GCS) with KubeRay provides fault tolerance in the event that Ray loses the Ray Head. It allows the new Ray Head to rebuild its state by reading Redis.
However, if Redis loses data, the Ray Head state is also lost.
Therefore, you may want further protection in the event that your Redis cluster experiences partial or total failure. This guide documents how to configure and tune Redis for a highly available Ray Cluster with KubeRay.
Tuning your Ray cluster to be highly available safeguards long-running jobs against unexpected failures and allows you to run Ray on commodity hardware/pre-emptible machines.
Solution overview#
KubeRay supports using Redis to persist the GCS, which allows you to move the point of failure (for data loss) outside Ray. However, you still have to configure Redis itself to be resilient to failures.
This solution provisions a Persistent Volume backed by hardware storage, which Redis will use to write regular snapshots. If you lose Redis or its host node, the Redis deployment can be restored from the snapshot.
While Redis supports clustering, KubeRay only supports standalone (single replica) Redis, so it omits clustering.
Persistent storage#
Specialty storage volumes (like Google Cloud Storage FUSE or S3) don’t support append operations, which Redis uses to efficiently write its Append Only File (AOF) log. When using these options, it’s recommended to disable AOF.
With GCP GKE and Azure AKS, the default storage classes are persistent disks and SSD Azure disks respectively, and the only configuration needed to provision a disk is as follows:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: redis-data
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 8Gi
storageClassName: standard-rwo
On AWS, you must Create a storage class yourself as well.
Tuning backups#
Redis supports database dumps at set intervals, which is good for fast recovery and high performance during normal operation.
Redis also supports journaling at frequent intervals (or continuously), which can provide stronger durability at the cost of more disk writes (i.e., slower performance).
A good starting point for backups is to enable both as shown in the following:
# Dump a backup every 60s, if there are 1000 writes since the prev. backup.
save 60 1000
dbfilename dump.rdb
# Enable the append-only log file.
appendonly yes
appendfilename "appendonly.aof"
In this recommended configuration, Redis creates full backups every 60 s and updates the append-only every second, which is a reasonable balance for disk space, latency, and data safety.
There are more options to configure the AOF, defaults shown here:
# Sync the log to disk every second.
# Alternatives are "no" and "always" (every write).
appendfsync everysec
auto-aof-rewrite-percentage 100
auto-aof-rewrite-min-size 64mb
You can view the full reference here.
If your job is generally idempotent and can resume from several minutes of state loss, you may prefer to disable the append-only log.
If you prefer your job to lose as little state as possible, then you may prefer
to set appendfsync
to always
so Redis stores all writes immediately.
Putting it together#
Edit the full YAML to your satisfaction and apply it:
kubectl apply -f config/samples/ray-cluster.persistent-redis.yaml
Verify that Kubernetes provisioned a disk and Redis is running:
kubectl get persistentvolumes
kubectl get pods
# Should see redis-0 running.
After running a job with some state in GCS, you can delete the ray head pod as well as the redis pod without data loss.
Forward connections to the ray cluster you just created with the Ray kubectl plugin:
$ kubectl ray session raycluster-external-redis
Then submit any Ray job of your choosing and let it run. When finished, delete all your pods:
$ kubectl delete pods --all
Wait for Kubernetes to provision the Ray head and enter a ready state. Then restart your port forwarding and view the Ray dashboard. You should find that Ray and Redis has persisted your job’s metadata, despite the loss of the ray head as well as the Redis replica.