
Ray 2.40 uses RLlib’s new API stack by default. The Ray team has mostly completed transitioning algorithms, example scripts, and documentation to the new code base.

If you’re still using the old API stack, see New API stack migration guide for details on how to migrate.

RLlib’s callback APIs#


RLlib’s callbacks are the easiest way for you to inject code into your experiments.

In a nutshell, you define the code you want to execute at certain events and pass it to your AlgorithmConfig.

Here is an example of defining a simple lambda that prints out an episode’s return after the episode has terminated:

from ray.rllib.algorithms.ppo import PPOConfig

ppo = config = (
            lambda episode, **kw: print(f"Episode done. R={episode.get_return()}")

Callback lambdas vs stateful RLlibCallback#

There are two ways to define custom code and have it executed during the various callback events.

Callback lambdas#

If your injected code is rather simple and doesn’t need to store temporary information for reuse in succeeding event calls, you can use a lambda and pass it to the callbacks() method as previously shown.

See here for a complete list of supported callback events. The names of the events always match the argument names for the callbacks() method.

Stateful RLlibCallback#

If you need your code to be stateful and be able to temporarily store results for reuse in succeeding calls triggered by the same or a different event, you need to subclass the RLlibCallback API and then implement one or more methods, for example on_algorithm_init():

Here is the same example, printing out a terminated episode’s return, but using a subclass of RLlibCallback.

from ray.rllib.algorithms.ppo import PPOConfig
from ray.rllib.callbacks.callbacks import RLlibCallback

class EpisodeReturn(RLlibCallback):
    def __init__(self):
        # Keep some global state in between individual callback events.
        self.overall_sum_of_rewards = 0.0

    def on_episode_end(self, *, episode, **kwargs):
        self.overall_sum_of_rewards += episode.get_return()
        print(f"Episode done. R={episode.get_return()} Global SUM={self.overall_sum_of_rewards}")

ppo = (

Overview of all callback events#

During a training iteration, the Algorithm normally walks through the following event tree. Note that some of the events in the tree happen simultaneously, on different processes through Ray actors. For example an EnvRunner actor may trigger its on_episode_start event while at the same time another EnvRunner actor may trigger its on_sample_end event and the main Algorithm process triggers on_train_result.


Currently, RLlib only invokes callbacks in Algorithm and EnvRunner actors. The Ray team is considering expanding callbacks onto Learner actors and possibly RLModule instances as well.

Here is a high-level overview of all supported events in RLlib’s callbacks system.

        `on_algorithm_init` - After algorithm construction and setup.
        `on_train_result` - After a training iteration.
        `on_evaluate_start` - Before evaluation starts using the eval ``EnvRunnerGroup``.
        `on_evaluate_end` - After evaluation is finished.
        `on_checkpoint_loaded` - After a checkpoint's new state has been loaded.

        `on_environment_created` - After the RL environment has been created.
        `on_episode_created` - After a new episode object has been created.
        `on_episode_start` - After an episode object has started (after ``env.reset()``).
        `on_episode_step` - After an episode object has stepped (after ``env.step()``).
        `on_episode_end` - After an episode object has terminated (or truncated).
        `on_sample_end` - At the end of the ``EnvRunner.sample()`` call.
Click here to see all Algorithm-bound methods of RLlibCallback

RLlibCallback.on_algorithm_init(*, algorithm)

Callback run when a new Algorithm instance has finished setup.

RLlibCallback.on_evaluate_start(*, algorithm)

Callback before evaluation starts.

RLlibCallback.on_evaluate_end(*, algorithm)

Runs when the evaluation is done.

RLlibCallback.on_env_runners_recreated(*, ...)

Callback run after one or more EnvRunner actors have been recreated.

RLlibCallback.on_checkpoint_loaded(*, ...)

Callback run when an Algorithm has loaded a new state from a checkpoint.

Click here to see all EnvRunner-bound methods of RLlibCallback

RLlibCallback.on_environment_created(*, ...)

Callback run when a new environment object has been created.

RLlibCallback.on_episode_created(*, episode)

Callback run when a new episode is created (but has not started yet!).

RLlibCallback.on_episode_start(*, episode[, ...])

Callback run right after an Episode has been started.

RLlibCallback.on_episode_step(*, episode[, ...])

Called on each episode step (after the action(s) has/have been logged).

RLlibCallback.on_episode_end(*, episode[, ...])

Called when an episode is done (after terminated/truncated have been logged).

RLlibCallback.on_sample_end(*[, env_runner, ...])

Called at the end of EnvRunner.sample().

Chaining callbacks#

You can define more than one RLlibCallback class and send them in a list to the callbacks() method. You can also send lists of callables, instead of a single callable, to the different arguments of that method.

For example, assume you already have a subclass of RLlibCallback written and would like to reuse it in different experiments. However, one of your experiments requires some debug callback code you would like to inject only temporarily for a couple of runs.

Resolution order of chained callbacks#

RLlib resolves all available callback methods and callables for a given event as follows:

Subclasses of RLlibCallback take precedence over individual or lists of callables provided through the various arguments of the callbacks() method.

For example, assume the callback event is on_train_result, which fires at the end of a training iteration and inside the algorithm’s process.

  • RLlib loops through the list of all given RLlibCallback subclasses and calls their on_train_result method. Thereby, it keeps the exact order the user provided in the list.

  • RLlib then loops through the list of all defined on_train_result callables. The user configured these by calling the callbacks() method and defining the on_train_result argument in this call.

class MyCallbacks(RLlibCallback):
    def on_train_result(self, *, algorithm, metrics_logger, result, **kwargs):
        print("RLlibCallback subclass")

class MyDebugCallbacks(RLlibCallback):
    def on_train_result(self, *, algorithm, metrics_logger, result, **kwargs):
        print("debug subclass")

# Define the callbacks order through the config.
# Subclasses first, then individual `on_train_result` (or other events) callables:
    callbacks_class=[MyDebugCallbacks, MyCallbacks],  # <- note: debug class first
        lambda algorithm, **kw: print('lambda 1'),
        lambda algorithm, **kw: print('lambda 2'),

# When training the algorithm, after each training iteration, you should see
# something like:
# > debug subclass
# > RLlibCallback subclass
# > lambda 1
# > lambda 2


Here are two examples showing you how to setup custom callbacks on the Algorithm process as well as on the EnvRunner processes.

Example 1: on_train_result#

The following example demonstrates how to implement a simple custom function writing the replay buffer contents to disk from time to time.

You normally don’t want to write the contents of buffers along with your Algorithm checkpoints, so doing this less often, in a more controlled fashion through a custom callback could be a good compromise.

import ormsgpack
from ray.rllib.algorithms.dqn import DQNConfig

def _write_buffer_if_necessary(algorithm, metrics_logger, result):
    # Write the buffer contents only every ith iteration.
    if algorithm.training_iteration % 2 == 0:
        # python dict
        buffer_contents = algorithm.local_replay_buffer.get_state()

        # binary
        msgpacked = ormsgpack.packb(

        # Open some file and write the buffer contents into it using `ormsgpack`.
        with open("replay_buffer_contents.msgpack", "wb") as f:

config = (
dqn =

# Train n times. Expect buffer to be written every ith iteration.
for _ in range(4):

Example 2: on_episode_step and on_episode_end#

The following example demonstrates how to implement a custom RLlibCallback class computing the average “first-joint angle” of the Acrobot-v1 RL environment.


The Acrobot-v1 environment: The env’s code described the angle you are about to compute and log through your custom callback as:#

`theta1` is the angle of the first joint, where an angle of 0.0 indicates that the first
link is pointing directly downwards.

The example utilizes RLlib’s MetricsLogger API to log the custom computations happening in the injected code your Algorithm’s main results system.

Also take a look at this more complex example on how to generate and log a PacMan heatmap (image) to WandB.

import math
import numpy as np
from ray.rllib.algorithms.ppo import PPOConfig
from ray.rllib.callbacks.callbacks import RLlibCallback

class LogAcrobotAngle(RLlibCallback):
    def on_episode_step(self, *, episode, env, **kwargs):
        # First get the angle from the env (note that `env` is a VectorEnv).
        # See
        # for the env's source code.
        cos_theta1, sin_theta1 = env.envs[0].unwrapped.state[0], env.envs[0].unwrapped.state[1]
        # Convert cos/sin/tan into degree.
        deg_theta1 = math.degrees(math.atan2(sin_theta1, cos_theta1))

        # Log the theta1 degree value in the episode object, temporarily.
        episode.add_temporary_timestep_data("theta1", deg_theta1)

    def on_episode_end(self, *, episode, metrics_logger, **kwargs):
        # Get all the logged theta1 degree values and average them.
        theta1s = episode.get_temporary_timestep_data("theta1")
        avg_theta1 = np.mean(theta1s)

        # Log the final result - per episode - to the MetricsLogger.
        # Report with a sliding/smoothing window of 50.
        metrics_logger.log_value("theta1_mean", avg_theta1, reduce="mean", window=50)

config = (
ppo =

# Train n times. Expect `theta1_mean` to be found in the results under:
# `env_runners/theta1_mean`
for i in range(10):
    results = ppo.train()
        f"iter={i} "
        f"theta1_mean={results['env_runners']['theta1_mean']} "


You can base your custom logic on whether the calling EnvRunner is a regular “training” EnvRunner, used to collect training samples, or an evaluation EnvRunner, used to play through episodes for evaluation only. Access the env_runner.config.in_evaluation boolean flag, which is True on evaluation EnvRunner actors and False on EnvRunner actors used to collect training data.