Tune Callbacks (tune.Callback)#
See this user guide for more details.
See also
Tune’s built-in loggers use the Callback
Callback Interface#
Callback Initialization and Setup#
Tune base callback that can be extended and passed to a |
Called once at the very beginning of training. |
Callback Hooks#
Called after a trial saved a checkpoint with Tune. |
Called after experiment is over and all trials have concluded. |
Called at the start of each tuning loop step. |
Called at the end of each tuning loop step. |
Called after a trial instance completed. |
Called after a trial instance failed (errored). |
Called after restoring a trial instance. |
Called after receiving a result from a trial. |
Called after receiving a checkpoint from a trial. |
Called after starting a trial instance. |
Stateful Callbacks#
The following methods must be overridden for stateful callbacks to be saved/restored properly by Tune.
Get the state of the callback. |
Set the state of the callback. |