Helm Chart RBAC#

KubeRay utilizes Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) resources to grant permissions for monitoring and managing resources. This document describes how to configure the KubeRay Helm chart to create RBAC resources for 3 different use cases.


You can configure the KubeRay Helm chart to create RBAC resources for different use cases by modifying the following parameters in the values.yaml. Then, you can install the KubeRay Helm chart with the modified values.yaml.

# Step 1: Clone the KubeRay repository
# Step 2: Modify the helm-chart/kuberay-operator/values.yaml
# Step 3: Install the KubeRay Helm chart (path: helm-chart/kuberay-operator)
helm install kuberay-operator .
  • rbacEnable

    • If true, the Helm chart creates RBAC resources. If false, it doesn’t create any RBAC resources. Default: true.

  • singleNamespaceInstall

    • If true, the Helm chart creates namespace-scoped RBAC resources, that is, Role and RoleBinding. If false, it creates cluster-scoped RBAC resources, that is, ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding instead. Default: false.

  • watchNamespace

    • A list of namespaces in which the KubeRay operator’s informer watches the custom resources.

  • crNamespacedRbacEnable

    • Set to true in most cases. Set to false in the uncommon case of using a Kubernetes cluster managed by GitOps tools such as ArgoCD. For additional details, refer to ray-project/kuberay#1162. Default: true.

The values.yaml file contains detailed descriptions of the parameters. See these pull requests for more context on parameters:

Case 1: Watch all namespaces in the Kubernetes cluster#

Watch all namespaces in the Kubernetes cluster

By default, the informer of the KubeRay operator watches all namespaces in the Kubernetes cluster. The operator has cluster-scoped access to create and manage resources, using ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding.

# Create a Kubernetes cluster using Kind.
kind create cluster --image=kindest/node:v1.26.0

# Create namespaces.
kubectl create ns n1
kubectl create ns n2

# Install a KubeRay operator. Use the default `values.yaml` file.
# (path: helm-chart/kuberay-operator)
helm install kuberay-operator .

# Check ClusterRole.
kubectl get clusterrole | grep kuberay
# kuberay-operator                  2023-10-15T04:54:28Z

# Check Role.
kubectl get role
#NAME                               CREATED AT
#kuberay-operator-leader-election   2023-10-15T04:54:28Z

# Install RayCluster in the `default`, `n1`, and `n2` namespaces.
helm install raycluster kuberay/ray-cluster --version 1.3.0
helm install raycluster kuberay/ray-cluster --version 1.3.0 -n n1
helm install raycluster kuberay/ray-cluster --version 1.3.0 -n n2

# You should create a RayCluster in these 3 namespaces.
kubectl get raycluster -A
# default     raycluster-kuberay   1                 1                   ready    73s
# n1          raycluster-kuberay   1                 1                   ready    56s
# n2          raycluster-kuberay   1                 1                   ready    52s

Case 2: Watch the namespace where you deployed the operator#

Watch the namespace where you deployed the operator

The informer of the KubeRay operator watches the namespace where you deployed the operator. The operator has Role and RoleBinding in the same namespace.

  • Modify the singleNamespaceInstall parameter in the values.yaml file to true.

    singleNamespaceInstall: true
# Create a Kubernetes cluster using Kind.
kind create cluster --image=kindest/node:v1.26.0

# Create namespaces.
kubectl create ns n1
kubectl create ns n2

# Install a KubeRay operator.
# Set `singleNamespaceInstall` to true in the `values.yaml` file.
# (path: helm-chart/kuberay-operator)
helm install kuberay-operator .

# Check ClusterRole.
kubectl get clusterrole | grep kuberay
# (nothing found)

# Check Role.
kubectl get role --all-namespaces | grep kuberay
#default       kuberay-operator                                 2023-10-15T05:18:03Z
#default       kuberay-operator-leader-election                 2023-10-15T05:18:03Z

# Install RayCluster in the `default`, `n1`, and `n2` namespaces.
helm install raycluster kuberay/ray-cluster --version 1.3.0
helm install raycluster kuberay/ray-cluster --version 1.3.0 -n n1
helm install raycluster kuberay/ray-cluster --version 1.3.0 -n n2

# KubeRay only creates a RayCluster in the `default` namespace.
kubectl get raycluster -A
# default     raycluster-kuberay   1                 1                   ready    54s
# n1          raycluster-kuberay                                                  50s
# n2          raycluster-kuberay                                                  44s

Case 3: Watch multiple namespaces in the Kubernetes cluster#

Watch multiple namespaces in the Kubernetes cluster

In Case 2, users with only namespaced access deploy a separate KubeRay operator for each namespace. This approach can increase maintenance overhead, especially when upgrading versions for each deployed instance. Case 3 creates Role and RoleBinding for multiple namespaces, allowing a single KubeRay operator to monitor several namespaces.

  • Modify the singleNamespaceInstall and watchNamespace parameters in the values.yaml file.

    # Set in the `value.yaml` file.
    singleNamespaceInstall: true
    # Set the namespaces list.
      - n1
      - n2
# Create a Kubernetes cluster using Kind.
kind create cluster --image=kindest/node:v1.26.0

# Create namespaces.
kubectl create ns n1
kubectl create ns n2

# Install a KubeRay operator.
# Set `singleNamespaceInstall` and `watchNamespace` in the `values.yaml` file.
# (path: helm-chart/kuberay-operator)
helm install kuberay-operator .

# Check ClusterRole
kubectl get clusterrole | grep kuberay
# (nothing found)

# Check Role.
kubectl get role --all-namespaces | grep kuberay
#default       kuberay-operator-leader-election                 2023-10-15T05:34:27Z
#n1            kuberay-operator                                 2023-10-15T05:34:27Z
#n2            kuberay-operator                                 2023-10-15T05:34:27Z

# Install RayCluster in the `default`, `n1`, and `n2` namespaces.
helm install raycluster kuberay/ray-cluster --version 1.3.0
helm install raycluster kuberay/ray-cluster --version 1.3.0 -n n1
helm install raycluster kuberay/ray-cluster --version 1.3.0 -n n2

# KubeRay creates a RayCluster only in the `n1` and `n2` namespaces.
kubectl get raycluster -A
# default     raycluster-kuberay                                                  74s
# n1          raycluster-kuberay   1                 1                   ready    70s
# n2          raycluster-kuberay   1                 1                   ready    67s