Anti-pattern: Serialize ray.ObjectRef out of band#
TLDR: Avoid serializing ray.ObjectRef
because Ray can’t know when to garbage collect the underlying object.
Ray’s ray.ObjectRef
is distributed reference counted. Ray pins the underlying object until the reference isn’t used by the system anymore.
When all references are the pinned object gone, Ray garbage collects the pinned object and cleans it up from the system.
However, if user code serializes ray.objectRef
, Ray can’t keep track of the reference.
To avoid incorrect behavior, if ray.cloudpickle
serializes``ray.ObjectRef``, Ray pins the object for the lifetime of a worker. “Pin” means that object can’t be evicted from the object store
until the corresponding owner worker dies. It’s prone to Ray object leaks, which can lead disk spilling. See thjs page for more details.
To detect if this pattern exists in your code, you can set an environment variable RAY_allow_out_of_band_object_ref_serialization=0
. If Ray detects
that ray.cloudpickle
serialized``ray.ObjectRef``, it raises an exception with helpful messages.
Code example#
import ray
import pickle
from ray._private.internal_api import memory_summary
import ray.exceptions
def out_of_band_serialization_pickle():
obj_ref = ray.put(1)
import pickle
# object_ref is serialized from user code using a regular pickle.
# Ray can't keep track of the reference, so the underlying object
# can be GC'ed unexpectedly, which can cause unexpected hangs.
return pickle.dumps(obj_ref)
def out_of_band_serialization_ray_cloudpickle():
obj_ref = ray.put(1)
from ray import cloudpickle
# ray.cloudpickle can serialize only when
# RAY_allow_out_of_band_object_ref_serialization=1 env var is set.
# However, the object_ref is pinned for the lifetime of the worker,
# which can cause Ray object leaks that can cause spilling.
return cloudpickle.dumps(obj_ref)
print("==== serialize object ref with pickle ====")
result = ray.get(out_of_band_serialization_pickle.remote())
ray.get(pickle.loads(result), timeout=5)
except ray.exceptions.GetTimeoutError:
print("Underlying object is unexpectedly GC'ed!\n\n")
print("==== serialize object ref with ray.cloudpickle ====")
# By default, it's allowed to serialize ray.ObjectRef using
# ray.cloudpickle.
# you can see objects are still pinned although it's GC'ed and not used anymore.
"==== serialize object ref with ray.cloudpickle with env var "
"RAY_allow_out_of_band_object_ref_serialization=0 for debugging ===="
"env_vars": {
"RAY_allow_out_of_band_object_ref_serialization": "0",
except Exception as e:
print(f"Exception raised from out_of_band_serialization_ray_cloudpickle {e}\n\n")