Authenticating Remote URIs in runtime_env#

This section helps you:

  • Avoid leaking remote URI credentials in your runtime_env

  • Provide credentials safely in KubeRay

  • Understand best practices for authenticating your remote URI

Authenticating Remote URIs#

You can add dependencies to your runtime_env with remote URIs. This is straightforward for files hosted publicly, because you simply paste the public URI into your runtime_env:

runtime_env = {"working_dir": (

However, dependencies hosted privately, in a private GitHub repo for example, require authentication. One common way to authenticate is to insert credentials into the URI itself:

runtime_env = {"working_dir": (
        "https://username:[email protected]/"

In this example, personal_access_token is a secret credential that authenticates this URI. While Ray can successfully access your dependencies using authenticated URIs, you should not include secret credentials in your URIs for two reasons:

  1. Ray may log the URIs used in your runtime_env, which means the Ray logs could contain your credentials.

  2. Ray stores your remote dependency package in a local directory, and it uses a parsed version of the remote URI–including your credential–as the directory’s name.

In short, your remote URI is not treated as a secret, so it should not contain secret info. Instead, use a netrc file.

Running on VMs: the netrc File#

The netrc file contains credentials that Ray uses to automatically log into remote servers. Set your credentials in this file instead of in the remote URI:

# "$HOME/.netrc"

login username
password personal_access_token

In this example, the machine line specifies that any access to should be authenticated using the provided login and password.


On Unix, name the netrc file as .netrc. On Windows, name the file as _netrc.

The netrc file requires owner read/write access, so make sure to run the chmod command after creating the file:

chmod 600 "$HOME/.netrc"

Add the netrc file to your VM container’s home directory, so Ray can access the runtime_env’s private remote URIs, even when they don’t contain credentials.

Running on KubeRay: Secrets with netrc#

KubeRay can also obtain credentials from a netrc file for remote URIs. Supply your netrc file using a Kubernetes secret and a Kubernetes volume with these steps:

1. Launch your Kubernetes cluster.

2. Create the netrc file locally in your home directory.

3. Store the netrc file’s contents as a Kubernetes secret on your cluster:

kubectl create secret generic netrc-secret --from-file=.netrc="$HOME/.netrc"

4. Expose the secret to your KubeRay application using a mounted volume, and update the NETRC environment variable to point to the netrc file. Include the following YAML in your KubeRay config.

        - name: ...
          image: rayproject/ray:latest
            - mountPath: "/home/ray/netrcvolume/"
              name: netrc-kuberay
              readOnly: true
            - name: NETRC
              value: "/home/ray/netrcvolume/.netrc"
        - name: netrc-kuberay
            secretName: netrc-secret

        - name: ...
          image: rayproject/ray:latest
            - mountPath: "/home/ray/netrcvolume/"
              name: netrc-kuberay
              readOnly: true
            - name: NETRC
              value: "/home/ray/netrcvolume/.netrc"
        - name: netrc-kuberay
            secretName: netrc-secret

5. Apply your KubeRay config.

Your KubeRay application can use the netrc file to access private remote URIs, even when they don’t contain credentials.