API stability#

Ray provides stability guarantees for its public APIs in Ray core and libraries, which are decorated/labeled accordingly.

An API can be labeled:

  • PublicAPI, which means the API is exposed to end users. PublicAPI has three sub-levels (alpha, beta, stable), as described below.

  • DeveloperAPI, which means the API is explicitly exposed to advanced Ray users and library developers

  • Deprecated, which may be removed in future releases of Ray.

Ray’s PublicAPI stability definitions are based off the Google stability level guidelines, with minor differences:


An alpha component undergoes rapid iteration with a known set of users who must be tolerant of change. The number of users should be a curated, manageable set, such that it is feasible to communicate with all of them individually.

Breaking changes must be both allowed and expected in alpha components, and users must have no expectation of stability.


A beta component must be considered complete and ready to be declared stable, subject to public testing.

Because users of beta components tend to have a lower tolerance of change, beta components should be as stable as possible; however, the beta component must be permitted to change over time. These changes should be minimal but may include backwards-incompatible changes to beta components.

Backwards-incompatible changes must be made only after a reasonable deprecation period to provide users with an opportunity to migrate their code.


A stable component must be fully-supported over the lifetime of the major API version. Because users expect such stability from components marked stable, there must be no breaking changes to these components within a major version (excluding extraordinary circumstances).


ray.util.annotations.PublicAPI(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Annotation for documenting public APIs.

Public APIs are classes and methods exposed to end users of Ray.

If stability="alpha", the API can be used by advanced users who are tolerant to and expect breaking changes.

If stability="beta", the API is still public and can be used by early users, but are subject to change.

If stability="stable", the APIs will remain backwards compatible across minor Ray releases (e.g., Ray 1.4 -> 1.8).

For a full definition of the stability levels, please refer to the Ray API Stability definitions.

  • stability – One of {“stable”, “beta”, “alpha”}.

  • api_group – Optional. Used only for doc rendering purpose. APIs in the same group will be grouped together in the API doc pages.


>>> from ray.util.annotations import PublicAPI
>>> @PublicAPI
... def func(x):
...     return x
>>> @PublicAPI(stability="beta")
... def func(y):
...     return y
ray.util.annotations.DeveloperAPI(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Annotation for documenting developer APIs.

Developer APIs are lower-level methods explicitly exposed to advanced Ray users and library developers. Their interfaces may change across minor Ray releases.


>>> from ray.util.annotations import DeveloperAPI
>>> @DeveloperAPI
... def func(x):
...     return x
ray.util.annotations.Deprecated(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Annotation for documenting a deprecated API.

Deprecated APIs may be removed in future releases of Ray.


message – a message to help users understand the reason for the deprecation, and provide a migration path.


>>> from ray.util.annotations import Deprecated
>>> @Deprecated
... def func(x):
...     return x
>>> @Deprecated(message="g() is deprecated because the API is error "
...   "prone. Please call h() instead.")
... def g(y):
...     return y

Undecorated functions can be generally assumed to not be part of the Ray public API.