Source code for

from typing import Callable, Iterable, List, Optional

import numpy as np

from import _check_pyarrow_version
from import Block, BlockMetadata
from ray.util.annotations import Deprecated, DeveloperAPI, PublicAPI

[docs] @PublicAPI class Datasource: """Interface for defining a custom :class:`` datasource. To read a datasource into a dataset, use :meth:``. """ # noqa: E501
[docs] @Deprecated def create_reader(self, **read_args) -> "Reader": """ Deprecated: Implement :meth:`` and :meth:`` instead. """ return _LegacyDatasourceReader(self, **read_args)
[docs] @Deprecated def prepare_read(self, parallelism: int, **read_args) -> List["ReadTask"]: """ Deprecated: Implement :meth:`` and :meth:`` instead. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: """Return a human-readable name for this datasource. This will be used as the names of the read tasks. """ name = type(self).__name__ datasource_suffix = "Datasource" if name.endswith(datasource_suffix): name = name[: -len(datasource_suffix)] return name
[docs] def estimate_inmemory_data_size(self) -> Optional[int]: """Return an estimate of the in-memory data size, or None if unknown. Note that the in-memory data size may be larger than the on-disk data size. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_read_tasks(self, parallelism: int) -> List["ReadTask"]: """Execute the read and return read tasks. Args: parallelism: The requested read parallelism. The number of read tasks should equal to this value if possible. Returns: A list of read tasks that can be executed to read blocks from the datasource in parallel. """ raise NotImplementedError
@property def should_create_reader(self) -> bool: has_implemented_get_read_tasks = ( type(self).get_read_tasks is not Datasource.get_read_tasks ) has_implemented_estimate_inmemory_data_size = ( type(self).estimate_inmemory_data_size is not Datasource.estimate_inmemory_data_size ) return ( not has_implemented_get_read_tasks or not has_implemented_estimate_inmemory_data_size ) @property def supports_distributed_reads(self) -> bool: """If ``False``, only launch read tasks on the driver's node.""" return True
@Deprecated class Reader: """A bound read operation for a :class:``. This is a stateful class so that reads can be prepared in multiple stages. For example, it is useful for :class:`Datasets <>` to know the in-memory size of the read prior to executing it. """ def estimate_inmemory_data_size(self) -> Optional[int]: """Return an estimate of the in-memory data size, or None if unknown. Note that the in-memory data size may be larger than the on-disk data size. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_read_tasks(self, parallelism: int) -> List["ReadTask"]: """Execute the read and return read tasks. Args: parallelism: The requested read parallelism. The number of read tasks should equal to this value if possible. read_args: Additional kwargs to pass to the datasource impl. Returns: A list of read tasks that can be executed to read blocks from the datasource in parallel. """ raise NotImplementedError class _LegacyDatasourceReader(Reader): def __init__(self, datasource: Datasource, **read_args): self._datasource = datasource self._read_args = read_args def estimate_inmemory_data_size(self) -> Optional[int]: return None def get_read_tasks(self, parallelism: int) -> List["ReadTask"]: return self._datasource.prepare_read(parallelism, **self._read_args)
[docs] @DeveloperAPI class ReadTask(Callable[[], Iterable[Block]]): """A function used to read blocks from the :class:``. Read tasks are generated by :meth:``, and return a list of ```` when called. Initial metadata about the read operation can be retrieved via the ``metadata`` attribute prior to executing the read. Final metadata is returned after the read along with the blocks. Ray will execute read tasks in remote functions to parallelize execution. Note that the number of blocks returned can vary at runtime. For example, if a task is reading a single large file it can return multiple blocks to avoid running out of memory during the read. The initial metadata should reflect all the blocks returned by the read, e.g., if the metadata says ``num_rows=1000``, the read can return a single block of 1000 rows, or multiple blocks with 1000 rows altogether. The final metadata (returned with the actual block) reflects the exact contents of the block itself. """ def __init__(self, read_fn: Callable[[], Iterable[Block]], metadata: BlockMetadata): self._metadata = metadata self._read_fn = read_fn @property def metadata(self) -> BlockMetadata: return self._metadata @property def read_fn(self) -> Callable[[], Iterable[Block]]: return self._read_fn def __call__(self) -> Iterable[Block]: result = self._read_fn() if not hasattr(result, "__iter__"): DeprecationWarning( "Read function must return Iterable[Block], got {}. " "Probably you need to return `[block]` instead of " "`block`.".format(result) ) yield from result
@DeveloperAPI class RandomIntRowDatasource(Datasource): """An example datasource that generates rows with random int64 columns. Examples: >>> import ray >>> from import RandomIntRowDatasource >>> source = RandomIntRowDatasource() # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP ... source, n=10, num_columns=2).take() {'c_0': 1717767200176864416, 'c_1': 999657309586757214} {'c_0': 4983608804013926748, 'c_1': 1160140066899844087} """ def __init__(self, n: int, num_columns: int): self._n = n self._num_columns = num_columns def estimate_inmemory_data_size(self) -> Optional[int]: return self._n * self._num_columns * 8 def get_read_tasks( self, parallelism: int, ) -> List[ReadTask]: _check_pyarrow_version() import pyarrow read_tasks: List[ReadTask] = [] n = self._n num_columns = self._num_columns block_size = max(1, n // parallelism) def make_block(count: int, num_columns: int) -> Block: return pyarrow.Table.from_arrays( np.random.randint( np.iinfo(np.int64).max, size=(num_columns, count), dtype=np.int64 ), names=[f"c_{i}" for i in range(num_columns)], ) schema = pyarrow.Table.from_pydict( {f"c_{i}": [0] for i in range(num_columns)} ).schema i = 0 while i < n: count = min(block_size, n - i) meta = BlockMetadata( num_rows=count, size_bytes=8 * count * num_columns, schema=schema, input_files=None, exec_stats=None, ) read_tasks.append( ReadTask( lambda count=count, num_columns=num_columns: [ make_block(count, num_columns) ], meta, ) ) i += block_size return read_tasks def get_name(self) -> str: """Return a human-readable name for this datasource. This will be used as the names of the read tasks. Note: overrides the base `Datasource` method. """ return "RandomInt"