Source code for ray.cluster_utils

import copy
import json
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
from typing import Dict, Optional

import yaml

import ray
from ray._private import ray_constants
from ray._private.client_mode_hook import disable_client_hook
from ray._raylet import GcsClientOptions
from ray.autoscaler._private.fake_multi_node.node_provider import FAKE_HEAD_NODE_ID
from ray.util.annotations import DeveloperAPI

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

cluster_not_supported = == "nt"

[docs] @DeveloperAPI class AutoscalingCluster: """Create a local autoscaling cluster for testing. See for an end-to-end example. """ def __init__( self, head_resources: dict, worker_node_types: dict, autoscaler_v2: bool = False, **config_kwargs, ): """Create the cluster. Args: head_resources: resources of the head node, including CPU. worker_node_types: autoscaler node types config for worker nodes. """ self._head_resources = head_resources self._config = self._generate_config( head_resources, worker_node_types, autoscaler_v2=autoscaler_v2, **config_kwargs, ) self._autoscaler_v2 = autoscaler_v2 def _generate_config( self, head_resources, worker_node_types, autoscaler_v2=False, **config_kwargs ): base_config = yaml.safe_load( open( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(ray.__file__), "autoscaler/_private/fake_multi_node/example.yaml", ) ) ) custom_config = copy.deepcopy(base_config) custom_config["available_node_types"] = worker_node_types custom_config["available_node_types"]["ray.head.default"] = { "resources": head_resources, "node_config": {}, "max_workers": 0, } # Autoscaler v2 specific configs if autoscaler_v2: custom_config["provider"]["launch_multiple"] = True custom_config["provider"]["head_node_id"] = FAKE_HEAD_NODE_ID custom_config.update(config_kwargs) return custom_config
[docs] def start(self, _system_config=None, override_env: Optional[Dict] = None): """Start the cluster. After this call returns, you can connect to the cluster with ray.init("auto"). """ subprocess.check_call(["ray", "stop", "--force"]) _, fake_config = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(fake_config, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(self._config)) cmd = [ "ray", "start", "--autoscaling-config={}".format(fake_config), "--head", ] if "CPU" in self._head_resources: cmd.append("--num-cpus={}".format(self._head_resources.pop("CPU"))) if "GPU" in self._head_resources: cmd.append("--num-gpus={}".format(self._head_resources.pop("GPU"))) if "object_store_memory" in self._head_resources: cmd.append( "--object-store-memory={}".format( self._head_resources.pop("object_store_memory") ) ) if self._head_resources: cmd.append("--resources='{}'".format(json.dumps(self._head_resources))) if _system_config is not None: cmd.append( "--system-config={}".format( json.dumps(_system_config, separators=(",", ":")) ) ) env = os.environ.copy() env.update({"AUTOSCALER_UPDATE_INTERVAL_S": "1", "RAY_FAKE_CLUSTER": "1"}) if self._autoscaler_v2: # Set the necessary environment variables for autoscaler v2. env.update( { "RAY_enable_autoscaler_v2": "1", "RAY_CLOUD_INSTANCE_ID": FAKE_HEAD_NODE_ID, "RAY_OVERRIDE_NODE_ID_FOR_TESTING": FAKE_HEAD_NODE_ID, } ) if override_env: env.update(override_env) subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=env)
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Terminate the cluster.""" subprocess.check_call(["ray", "stop", "--force"])
@DeveloperAPI class Cluster: def __init__( self, initialize_head: bool = False, connect: bool = False, head_node_args: dict = None, shutdown_at_exit: bool = True, ): """Initializes all services of a Ray cluster. Args: initialize_head: Automatically start a Ray cluster by initializing the head node. Defaults to False. connect: If `initialize_head=True` and `connect=True`, ray.init will be called with the address of this cluster passed in. head_node_args: Arguments to be passed into `start_ray_head` via `self.add_node`. shutdown_at_exit: If True, registers an exit hook for shutting down all started processes. """ if cluster_not_supported: logger.warning( "Ray cluster mode is currently experimental and untested on " "Windows. If you are using it and running into issues please " "file a report at" ) self.head_node = None self.worker_nodes = set() self.redis_address = None self.connected = False # Create a new global state accessor for fetching GCS table. self.global_state = ray._private.state.GlobalState() self._shutdown_at_exit = shutdown_at_exit if not initialize_head and connect: raise RuntimeError("Cannot connect to uninitialized cluster.") if initialize_head: head_node_args = head_node_args or {} self.add_node(**head_node_args) if connect: self.connect() @property def gcs_address(self): if self.head_node is None: return None return self.head_node.gcs_address @property def address(self): return self.gcs_address def connect(self, namespace=None): """Connect the driver to the cluster.""" assert self.address is not None assert not self.connected output_info = ray.init( namespace=namespace, ignore_reinit_error=True, address=self.address, _redis_username=self.redis_username, _redis_password=self.redis_password, ) self.connected = True def add_node(self, wait: bool = True, **node_args): """Adds a node to the local Ray Cluster. All nodes are by default started with the following settings: cleanup=True, num_cpus=1, object_store_memory=150 * 1024 * 1024 # 150 MiB Args: wait: Whether to wait until the node is alive. node_args: Keyword arguments used in `start_ray_head` and `start_ray_node`. Overrides defaults. Returns: Node object of the added Ray node. """ default_kwargs = { "num_cpus": 1, "num_gpus": 0, "object_store_memory": 150 * 1024 * 1024, # 150 MiB "min_worker_port": 0, "max_worker_port": 0, } ray_params = ray._private.parameter.RayParams(**node_args) ray_params.update_if_absent(**default_kwargs) with disable_client_hook(): if self.head_node is None: node = ray._private.node.Node( ray_params, head=True, shutdown_at_exit=self._shutdown_at_exit, spawn_reaper=self._shutdown_at_exit, ) self.head_node = node self.redis_address = self.head_node.redis_address self.redis_username = node_args.get( "redis_username", ray_constants.REDIS_DEFAULT_USERNAME ) self.redis_password = node_args.get( "redis_password", ray_constants.REDIS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD ) self.webui_url = self.head_node.webui_url # Init global state accessor when creating head node. gcs_options = GcsClientOptions.create( node.gcs_address, None, allow_cluster_id_nil=True, fetch_cluster_id_if_nil=False, ) self.global_state._initialize_global_state(gcs_options) # Write the Ray cluster address for convenience in unit # testing. ray.init() and ray.init(address="auto") will connect # to the local cluster. ray._private.utils.write_ray_address(self.head_node.gcs_address) else: ray_params.update_if_absent(redis_address=self.redis_address) ray_params.update_if_absent(gcs_address=self.gcs_address) # We only need one log monitor per physical node. ray_params.update_if_absent(include_log_monitor=False) # Let grpc pick a port. ray_params.update_if_absent(node_manager_port=0) if "dashboard_agent_listen_port" not in node_args: # Pick a random one to not conflict # with the head node dashboard agent ray_params.dashboard_agent_listen_port = None node = ray._private.node.Node( ray_params, head=False, shutdown_at_exit=self._shutdown_at_exit, spawn_reaper=self._shutdown_at_exit, ) self.worker_nodes.add(node) if wait: # Wait for the node to appear in the client table. We do this # so that the nodes appears in the client table in the order # that the corresponding calls to add_node were made. We do # this because in the tests we assume that the driver is # connected to the first node that is added. self._wait_for_node(node) return node def remove_node(self, node, allow_graceful=True): """Kills all processes associated with worker node. Args: node: Worker node of which all associated processes will be removed. """ global_node = ray._private.worker._global_node if global_node is not None: if node._raylet_socket_name == global_node._raylet_socket_name: ray.shutdown() raise ValueError( "Removing a node that is connected to this Ray client " "is not allowed because it will break the driver." "You can use the get_other_node utility to avoid removing" "a node that the Ray client is connected." ) node.destroy_external_storage() if self.head_node == node: # We have to wait to prevent the raylet becomes a zombie which will prevent # worker from exiting self.head_node.kill_all_processes( check_alive=False, allow_graceful=allow_graceful, wait=True ) self.head_node = None # TODO(rliaw): Do we need to kill all worker processes? else: # We have to wait to prevent the raylet becomes a zombie which will prevent # worker from exiting node.kill_all_processes( check_alive=False, allow_graceful=allow_graceful, wait=True ) self.worker_nodes.remove(node) assert ( not node.any_processes_alive() ), "There are zombie processes left over after killing." def _wait_for_node(self, node, timeout: float = 30): """Wait until this node has appeared in the client table. Args: node (ray._private.node.Node): The node to wait for. timeout: The amount of time in seconds to wait before raising an exception. Raises: TimeoutError: An exception is raised if the timeout expires before the node appears in the client table. """ node.gcs_address, node.plasma_store_socket_name, timeout, ) def wait_for_nodes(self, timeout: float = 30): """Waits for correct number of nodes to be registered. This will wait until the number of live nodes in the client table exactly matches the number of "add_node" calls minus the number of "remove_node" calls that have been made on this cluster. This means that if a node dies without "remove_node" having been called, this will raise an exception. Args: timeout: The number of seconds to wait for nodes to join before failing. Raises: TimeoutError: An exception is raised if we time out while waiting for nodes to join. """ start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < timeout: live_clients = self.global_state._live_node_ids() expected = len(self.list_all_nodes()) if len(live_clients) == expected: logger.debug("All nodes registered as expected.") return else: logger.debug( f"{len(live_clients)} nodes are currently registered, " f"but we are expecting {expected}" ) time.sleep(0.1) raise TimeoutError("Timed out while waiting for nodes to join.") def list_all_nodes(self): """Lists all nodes. TODO(rliaw): What is the desired behavior if a head node dies before worker nodes die? Returns: List of all nodes, including the head node. """ nodes = list(self.worker_nodes) if self.head_node: nodes = [self.head_node] + nodes return nodes def remaining_processes_alive(self): """Returns a bool indicating whether all processes are alive or not. Note that this ignores processes that have been explicitly killed, e.g., via a command like node.kill_raylet(). Returns: True if all processes are alive and false otherwise. """ return all(node.remaining_processes_alive() for node in self.list_all_nodes()) def shutdown(self): """Removes all nodes.""" # We create a list here as a copy because `remove_node` # modifies `self.worker_nodes`. all_nodes = list(self.worker_nodes) for node in all_nodes: self.remove_node(node) if self.head_node is not None: self.remove_node(self.head_node) # need to reset internal kv since gcs is down ray.experimental.internal_kv._internal_kv_reset() # Delete the cluster address. ray._private.utils.reset_ray_address()