- ResultGrid.get_dataframe(filter_metric: str | None = None, filter_mode: str | None = None) pandas.DataFrame [source]#
Return dataframe of all trials with their configs and reported results.
Per default, this returns the last reported results for each trial.
are set, the results from each trial are filtered for this metric and mode. For example, iffilter_metric="some_metric"
, for each trial, every received result is checked, and the one wheresome_metric
is maximal is returned.Example
import ray.tune def training_loop_per_worker(config): ray.tune.report({"accuracy": 0.8}) result_grid = ray.tune.Tuner( trainable=training_loop_per_worker, run_config=ray.tune.RunConfig(name="my_tune_run") ).fit() # Get last reported results per trial df = result_grid.get_dataframe() # Get best ever reported accuracy per trial df = result_grid.get_dataframe( filter_metric="accuracy", filter_mode="max" )
- Parameters:
filter_metric – Metric to filter best result for.
filter_mode – If
is given, one of["min", "max"]
to specify if we should find the minimum or maximum result.
- Returns:
Pandas DataFrame with each trial as a row and their results as columns.