
TrainContext.get_trial_dir() str[source]#

Log directory corresponding to the trial directory for a Tune session. If calling from a Train session, this will give the trial directory of its parent Tune session.

import ray.tune

def train_func(config):

tuner = ray.tune.Tuner(train_func)

PublicAPI (beta): This API is in beta and may change before becoming stable.


DEPRECATED: This API is deprecated and may be removed in future Ray releases. get_trial_dir is deprecated because the concept of a Trial will soon be removed in Ray Train.Ray Train will no longer assume that it’s running within a Ray Tune Trial in the future. See this issue for more context and migration options: ray-project/ray#49454. Disable these warnings by setting the environment variable: RAY_TRAIN_ENABLE_V2_MIGRATION_WARNINGS=0