Serve a Text Generator with Request Batching#

This tutorial shows how to deploy a text generator that processes multiple queries simultaneously using batching. Learn how to:

  • Implement a Ray Serve deployment that handles batched requests

  • Configure and optimize batch processing

  • Query the model from HTTP and Python

Batching can significantly improve performance when your model supports parallel processing like GPU acceleration or vectorized operations. It increases both throughput and hardware utilization by processing multiple requests together.


This tutorial focuses on online serving with batching. For offline batch processing of large datasets, see batch inference with Ray Data.


pip install "ray[serve] transformers"

Define the Deployment#

Open a new Python file called First, import Ray Serve and some other helpers.

from typing import List

from starlette.requests import Request
from transformers import pipeline

from ray import serve

Ray Serve provides the @serve.batch decorator to automatically batch individual requests to a function or class method.

The decorated method:

  • Must be async def to handle concurrent requests

  • Receives a list of requests to process together

  • Returns a list of results of equal length, one for each request

async def my_batch_handler(self, requests: List):
    # Process multiple requests together
    results = []
    for request in requests:
        results.append(request)  # processing logic here
    return results

You can call the batch handler from another async def method in your deployment. Ray Serve batches and executes these calls together, but returns individual results just like normal function calls:

class BatchingDeployment:
    async def my_batch_handler(self, requests: List):
        results = []
        for request in requests:
            results.append(request.json())  # processing logic here
        return results

    async def __call__(self, request):
        return await self.my_batch_handler(request)


Ray Serve uses opportunistic batching by default - executing requests as soon as they arrive without waiting for a full batch. You can adjust this behavior using batch_wait_timeout_s in the @serve.batch decorator to trade increased latency for increased throughput (defaults to 0). Increasing this value may improve throughput at the cost of latency under low load.

Next, define a deployment that takes in a list of input strings and runs vectorized text generation on the inputs.

class BatchTextGenerator:
    def __init__(self, pipeline_key: str, model_key: str):
        self.model = pipeline(pipeline_key, model_key)

    async def handle_batch(self, inputs: List[str]) -> List[str]:
        print("Our input array has length:", len(inputs))

        results = self.model(inputs)
        return [result[0]["generated_text"] for result in results]

    async def __call__(self, request: Request) -> List[str]:
        return await self.handle_batch(request.query_params["text"])

Next, prepare to deploy the deployment. Note that in the @serve.batch decorator, you are specifying the maximum batch size with max_batch_size=4. This option limits the maximum possible batch size that Ray Serve executes at once.

generator = BatchTextGenerator.bind("text-generation", "gpt2")

Deployment Options#

You can deploy your app in two ways:

Option 1: Deploying with the Serve Command-Line Interface#

$ serve run tutorial_batch:generator --name "Text-Completion-App"

Option 2: Deploying with the Python API#

Alternatively, you can deploy the app using the Python API using the function. This command returns a handle that you can use to query the deployment.

from ray.serve.handle import DeploymentHandle

handle: DeploymentHandle =, name="Text-Completion-App")

You can now use this handle to query the model. See the Querying the Model section below.

Querying the Model#

There are multiple ways to interact with your deployed model:

1. Simple HTTP Queries#

For basic testing, use curl:

$ curl "http://localhost:8000/?text=Once+upon+a+time"

2. Send HTTP requests in parallel with Ray#

For higher throughput, use Ray remote tasks to send parallel requests:

import ray
import requests

def send_query(text):
    resp ="http://localhost:8000/", params={"text": text})
    return resp.text

# Example batch of queries
texts = [
    'Once upon a time,',
    'Hi my name is Lewis and I like to',
    'In a galaxy far far away',

# Send all queries in parallel
results = ray.get([send_query.remote(text) for text in texts])

3. Sending requests using DeploymentHandle#

For a more Pythonic way to query the model, you can use the deployment handle directly:

import ray
from ray import serve

input_batch = [
    'Once upon a time,',
    'Hi my name is Lewis and I like to',
    'In a galaxy far far away',

# initialize using the 'auto' option to connect to the already-running Ray cluster

handle = serve.get_deployment_handle("BatchTextGenerator", app_name="Text-Completion-App")
responses = [handle.handle_batch.remote(text) for text in input_batch]
results = [r.result() for r in responses]

Performance Considerations#

  • Increase max_batch_size if you have sufficient memory and want higher throughput - this may increase latency

  • Increase batch_wait_timeout_s if throughput is more important than latency