
ray.serve.multiplexed(func: Callable[[...], Any] | None = None, max_num_models_per_replica: int = 3)[source]#

Wrap a callable or method used to load multiplexed models in a replica.

The function can be standalone function or a method of a class. The function must have exactly one argument, the model id of type str for the model to be loaded.

It is required to define the function with async def and the function must be an async function. It is recommended to define coroutines for long running IO tasks in the function to avoid blocking the event loop.

The multiplexed function is called to load a model with the given model ID when necessary.

When the number of models in one replica is larger than max_num_models_per_replica, the models will be unloaded using an LRU policy.

If you want to release resources after the model is loaded, you can define a __del__ method in your model class. The __del__ method will be called when the model is unloaded.


from ray import serve

class MultiplexedDeployment:

    def __init__(self):
        # Define s3 base path to load models.
        self.s3_base_path = "s3://my_bucket/my_models"

    async def load_model(self, model_id: str) -> Any:
        # Load model with the given tag
        # You can use any model loading library here
        # and return the loaded model. load_from_s3 is
        # a placeholder function.
        return load_from_s3(model_id)

    async def __call__(self, request):
        # Get the model_id from the request context.
        model_id = serve.get_multiplexed_model_id()
        # Load the model for the requested model_id.
        # If the model is already cached locally,
        # this will just be a dictionary lookup.
        model = await self.load_model(model_id)
        return model(request)

max_num_models_per_replica – the maximum number of models to be loaded on each replica. By default, it is 3, which means that each replica can cache up to 3 models. You can set it to a larger number if you have enough memory on the node resource, in opposite, you can set it to a smaller number if you want to save memory on the node resource.

PublicAPI (beta): This API is in beta and may change before becoming stable.