- class ray.LoggingConfig(encoding: str = 'TEXT', log_level: str = 'INFO', additional_log_standard_attrs: list = <factory>)[source]#
Logging configuration for a Ray job. These configurations are used to set up the root logger of the driver process and all Ray tasks and actor processes that belong to the job.
- Examples: 1. Configure the logging to use TEXT encoding.
import ray import logging ray.init( logging_config=ray.LoggingConfig(encoding="TEXT", log_level="INFO", additional_log_standard_attrs=['name']) ) @ray.remote def f(): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.info("This is a Ray task") ray.get(f.remote()) ray.shutdown()
2025-02-12 12:25:16,836 INFO test-log-config.py:11 -- This is a Ray task name=__main__ job_id=01000000 worker_id=51188d9448be4664bf2ea26ac410b67acaaa970c4f31c5ad3ae776a5 node_id=f683dfbffe2c69984859bc19c26b77eaf3866c458884c49d115fdcd4 task_id=c8ef45ccd0112571ffffffffffffffffffffffff01000000 task_name=f task_func_name=test-log-config.f timestamp_ns=1739391916836884000
- Configure the logging to use JSON encoding.
import ray import logging ray.init( logging_config=ray.LoggingConfig(encoding="JSON", log_level="INFO", additional_log_standard_attrs=['name']) ) @ray.remote def f(): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.info("This is a Ray task") ray.get(f.remote()) ray.shutdown()
{"asctime": "2025-02-12 12:25:48,766", "levelname": "INFO", "message": "This is a Ray task", "filename": "test-log-config.py", "lineno": 11, "name": "__main__", "job_id": "01000000", "worker_id": "6d307578014873fcdada0fa22ea6d49e0fb1f78960e69d61dfe41f5a", "node_id": "69e3a5e68bdc7eb8ac9abb3155326ee3cc9fc63ea1be04d11c0d93c7", "task_id": "c8ef45ccd0112571ffffffffffffffffffffffff01000000", "task_name": "f", "task_func_name": "test-log-config.f", "timestamp_ns": 1739391948766949000}
- Parameters:
encoding – Encoding type for the logs. The valid values are {list(_logging_configurator.get_supported_encodings())}
log_level – Log level for the logs. Defaults to ‘INFO’. You can set it to ‘DEBUG’ to receive more detailed debug logs.
additional_log_standard_attrs – List of additional standard python logger attributes to include in the log. Defaults to an empty list. The list of already included standard attributes are: “asctime”, “levelname”, “message”, “filename”, “lineno”, “exc_text”. The list of valid attributes are specified here: http://docs.python.org/library/logging.html#logrecord-attributes