
GroupedData.map_groups(fn: Callable[[pyarrow.Table | pandas.DataFrame | Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]], pyarrow.Table | pandas.DataFrame | Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]] | Callable[[pyarrow.Table | pandas.DataFrame | Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]], Iterator[pyarrow.Table | pandas.DataFrame | Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]]] | _CallableClassProtocol, *, compute: str | ComputeStrategy = None, batch_format: str | None = 'default', fn_args: Iterable[Any] | None = None, fn_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, fn_constructor_args: Iterable[Any] | None = None, fn_constructor_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, num_cpus: float | None = None, num_gpus: float | None = None, memory: float | None = None, concurrency: int | Tuple[int, int] | None = None, **ray_remote_args) Dataset[source]#

Apply the given function to each group of records of this dataset.

While map_groups() is very flexible, note that it comes with downsides:
  • It may be slower than using more specific methods such as min(), max().

  • It requires that each group fits in memory on a single node.

In general, prefer to use aggregate() instead of map_groups().


Specifying both num_cpus and num_gpus for map tasks is experimental, and may result in scheduling or stability issues. Please report any issues to the Ray team.


>>> # Return a single record per group (list of multiple records in,
>>> # list of a single record out).
>>> import ray
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import numpy as np
>>> # Get first value per group.
>>> ds = ray.data.from_items([ 
...     {"group": 1, "value": 1},
...     {"group": 1, "value": 2},
...     {"group": 2, "value": 3},
...     {"group": 2, "value": 4}])
>>> ds.groupby("group").map_groups( 
...     lambda g: {"result": np.array([g["value"][0]])})
>>> # Return multiple records per group (dataframe in, dataframe out).
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(
...     {"A": ["a", "a", "b"], "B": [1, 1, 3], "C": [4, 6, 5]}
... )
>>> ds = ray.data.from_pandas(df) 
>>> grouped = ds.groupby("A") 
>>> grouped.map_groups( 
...     lambda g: g.apply(
...         lambda c: c / g[c.name].sum() if c.name in ["B", "C"] else c
...     )
... ) 
  • fn – The function to apply to each group of records, or a class type that can be instantiated to create such a callable. It takes as input a batch of all records from a single group, and returns a batch of zero or more records, similar to map_batches().

  • compute – The compute strategy, either “tasks” (default) to use Ray tasks, ray.data.ActorPoolStrategy(size=n) to use a fixed-size actor pool, or ray.data.ActorPoolStrategy(min_size=m, max_size=n) for an autoscaling actor pool.

  • batch_format – Specify "default" to use the default block format (NumPy), "pandas" to select pandas.DataFrame, “pyarrow” to select pyarrow.Table, or "numpy" to select Dict[str, numpy.ndarray], or None to return the underlying block exactly as is with no additional formatting.

  • fn_args – Arguments to fn.

  • fn_kwargs – Keyword arguments to fn.

  • fn_constructor_args – Positional arguments to pass to fn’s constructor. You can only provide this if fn is a callable class. These arguments are top-level arguments in the underlying Ray actor construction task.

  • fn_constructor_kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass to fn’s constructor. This can only be provided if fn is a callable class. These arguments are top-level arguments in the underlying Ray actor construction task.

  • num_cpus – The number of CPUs to reserve for each parallel map worker.

  • num_gpus – The number of GPUs to reserve for each parallel map worker. For example, specify num_gpus=1 to request 1 GPU for each parallel map worker.

  • memory – The heap memory in bytes to reserve for each parallel map worker.

  • ray_remote_args – Additional resource requirements to request from Ray (e.g., num_gpus=1 to request GPUs for the map tasks). See ray.remote() for details.


The return type is determined by the return type of fn, and the return value is combined from results of all groups.