Source code for ray.tune.logger.tensorboardx

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict

import numpy as np

from ray.air.constants import TRAINING_ITERATION
from ray.tune.logger.logger import _LOGGER_DEPRECATION_WARNING, Logger, LoggerCallback
from ray.tune.result import TIME_TOTAL_S, TIMESTEPS_TOTAL
from ray.tune.utils import flatten_dict
from ray.util.annotations import Deprecated, PublicAPI
from ray.util.debug import log_once

    from ray.tune.experiment.trial import Trial  # noqa: F401

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

VALID_SUMMARY_TYPES = [int, float, np.float32, np.float64, np.int32, np.int64]

        old="TBXLogger", new="ray.tune.tensorboardx.TBXLoggerCallback"
class TBXLogger(Logger):
    """TensorBoardX Logger.

    Note that hparams will be written only after a trial has terminated.
    This logger automatically flattens nested dicts to show on TensorBoard:

        {"a": {"b": 1, "c": 2}} -> {"a/b": 1, "a/c": 2}

    VALID_HPARAMS = (str, bool, int, float, list, type(None))
    VALID_NP_HPARAMS = (np.bool_, np.float32, np.float64, np.int32, np.int64)

    def _init(self):
            from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
        except ImportError:
            if log_once("tbx-install"):
      'pip install "ray[tune]" to see TensorBoard files.')
        self._file_writer = SummaryWriter(self.logdir, flush_secs=30)
        self.last_result = None

    def on_result(self, result: Dict):
        step = result.get(TIMESTEPS_TOTAL) or result[TRAINING_ITERATION]

        tmp = result.copy()
        for k in ["config", "pid", "timestamp", TIME_TOTAL_S, TRAINING_ITERATION]:
            if k in tmp:
                del tmp[k]  # not useful to log these

        flat_result = flatten_dict(tmp, delimiter="/")
        path = ["ray", "tune"]
        valid_result = {}

        for attr, value in flat_result.items():
            full_attr = "/".join(path + [attr])
            if isinstance(value, tuple(VALID_SUMMARY_TYPES)) and not np.isnan(value):
                valid_result[full_attr] = value
                self._file_writer.add_scalar(full_attr, value, global_step=step)
            elif (isinstance(value, list) and len(value) > 0) or (
                isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.size > 0
                valid_result[full_attr] = value

                # Must be a single image.
                if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.ndim == 3:

                # Must be a batch of images.
                if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.ndim == 4:

                # Must be video
                if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.ndim == 5:
                        full_attr, value, global_step=step, fps=20

                    self._file_writer.add_histogram(full_attr, value, global_step=step)
                # In case TensorboardX still doesn't think it's a valid value
                # (e.g. `[[]]`), warn and move on.
                except (ValueError, TypeError):
                    if log_once("invalid_tbx_value"):
                            "You are trying to log an invalid value ({}={}) "
                            "via {}!".format(full_attr, value, type(self).__name__)

        self.last_result = valid_result

    def flush(self):
        if self._file_writer is not None:

    def close(self):
        if self._file_writer is not None:
            if self.trial and self.trial.evaluated_params and self.last_result:
                flat_result = flatten_dict(self.last_result, delimiter="/")
                scrubbed_result = {
                    k: value
                    for k, value in flat_result.items()
                    if isinstance(value, tuple(VALID_SUMMARY_TYPES))

    def _try_log_hparams(self, result):
        # TBX currently errors if the hparams value is None.
        flat_params = flatten_dict(self.trial.evaluated_params)
        scrubbed_params = {
            k: v for k, v in flat_params.items() if isinstance(v, self.VALID_HPARAMS)

        np_params = {
            k: v.tolist()
            for k, v in flat_params.items()
            if isinstance(v, self.VALID_NP_HPARAMS)


        removed = {
            k: v
            for k, v in flat_params.items()
            if not isinstance(v, self.VALID_HPARAMS + self.VALID_NP_HPARAMS)
        if removed:
                "Removed the following hyperparameter values when "
                "logging to tensorboard: %s",

        from tensorboardX.summary import hparams

            experiment_tag, session_start_tag, session_end_tag = hparams(
                hparam_dict=scrubbed_params, metric_dict=result
        except Exception:
                "TensorboardX failed to log hparams. "
                "This may be due to an unsupported type "
                "in the hyperparameter values."

[docs]@PublicAPI class TBXLoggerCallback(LoggerCallback): """TensorBoardX Logger. Note that hparams will be written only after a trial has terminated. This logger automatically flattens nested dicts to show on TensorBoard: {"a": {"b": 1, "c": 2}} -> {"a/b": 1, "a/c": 2} """ _SAVED_FILE_TEMPLATES = ["events.out.tfevents.*"] VALID_HPARAMS = (str, bool, int, float, list, type(None)) VALID_NP_HPARAMS = (np.bool_, np.float32, np.float64, np.int32, np.int64) def __init__(self): try: from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter self._summary_writer_cls = SummaryWriter except ImportError: if log_once("tbx-install"):'pip install "ray[tune]" to see TensorBoard files.') raise self._trial_writer: Dict["Trial", SummaryWriter] = {} self._trial_result: Dict["Trial", Dict] = {} def log_trial_start(self, trial: "Trial"): if trial in self._trial_writer: self._trial_writer[trial].close() trial.init_local_path() self._trial_writer[trial] = self._summary_writer_cls( trial.local_path, flush_secs=30 ) self._trial_result[trial] = {} def log_trial_result(self, iteration: int, trial: "Trial", result: Dict): if trial not in self._trial_writer: self.log_trial_start(trial) step = result.get(TIMESTEPS_TOTAL) or result[TRAINING_ITERATION] tmp = result.copy() for k in ["config", "pid", "timestamp", TIME_TOTAL_S, TRAINING_ITERATION]: if k in tmp: del tmp[k] # not useful to log these flat_result = flatten_dict(tmp, delimiter="/") path = ["ray", "tune"] valid_result = {} for attr, value in flat_result.items(): full_attr = "/".join(path + [attr]) if isinstance(value, tuple(VALID_SUMMARY_TYPES)) and not np.isnan(value): valid_result[full_attr] = value self._trial_writer[trial].add_scalar(full_attr, value, global_step=step) elif (isinstance(value, list) and len(value) > 0) or ( isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.size > 0 ): valid_result[full_attr] = value # Must be a single image. if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.ndim == 3: self._trial_writer[trial].add_image( full_attr, value, global_step=step, ) continue # Must be a batch of images. if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.ndim == 4: self._trial_writer[trial].add_images( full_attr, value, global_step=step, ) continue # Must be video if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.ndim == 5: self._trial_writer[trial].add_video( full_attr, value, global_step=step, fps=20 ) continue try: self._trial_writer[trial].add_histogram( full_attr, value, global_step=step ) # In case TensorboardX still doesn't think it's a valid value # (e.g. `[[]]`), warn and move on. except (ValueError, TypeError): if log_once("invalid_tbx_value"): logger.warning( "You are trying to log an invalid value ({}={}) " "via {}!".format(full_attr, value, type(self).__name__) ) self._trial_result[trial] = valid_result self._trial_writer[trial].flush() def log_trial_end(self, trial: "Trial", failed: bool = False): if trial in self._trial_writer: if trial and trial.evaluated_params and self._trial_result[trial]: flat_result = flatten_dict(self._trial_result[trial], delimiter="/") scrubbed_result = { k: value for k, value in flat_result.items() if isinstance(value, tuple(VALID_SUMMARY_TYPES)) } self._try_log_hparams(trial, scrubbed_result) self._trial_writer[trial].close() del self._trial_writer[trial] del self._trial_result[trial] def _try_log_hparams(self, trial: "Trial", result: Dict): # TBX currently errors if the hparams value is None. flat_params = flatten_dict(trial.evaluated_params) scrubbed_params = { k: v for k, v in flat_params.items() if isinstance(v, self.VALID_HPARAMS) } np_params = { k: v.tolist() for k, v in flat_params.items() if isinstance(v, self.VALID_NP_HPARAMS) } scrubbed_params.update(np_params) removed = { k: v for k, v in flat_params.items() if not isinstance(v, self.VALID_HPARAMS + self.VALID_NP_HPARAMS) } if removed: "Removed the following hyperparameter values when " "logging to tensorboard: %s", str(removed), ) from tensorboardX.summary import hparams try: experiment_tag, session_start_tag, session_end_tag = hparams( hparam_dict=scrubbed_params, metric_dict=result ) self._trial_writer[trial].file_writer.add_summary(experiment_tag) self._trial_writer[trial].file_writer.add_summary(session_start_tag) self._trial_writer[trial].file_writer.add_summary(session_end_tag) except Exception: logger.exception( "TensorboardX failed to log hparams. " "This may be due to an unsupported type " "in the hyperparameter values." )