
Ray 2.10.0 introduces the alpha stage of RLlib’s “new API stack”. The Ray Team plans to transition algorithms, example scripts, and documentation to the new code base thereby incrementally replacing the “old API stack” (e.g., ModelV2, Policy, RolloutWorker) throughout the subsequent minor releases leading up to Ray 3.0.

Note, however, that so far only PPO (single- and multi-agent) and SAC (single-agent only) support the “new API stack” and continue to run by default with the old APIs. You can continue to use the existing custom (old stack) classes.

See here for more details on how to use the new API stack.

How To Contribute to RLlib#

Development Install#

You can develop RLlib locally without needing to compile Ray by using the script. This sets up symlinks between the ray/rllib dir in your local git clone and the respective directory bundled with the pip-installed ray package. This way, every change you make in the source files in your local git clone will immediately be reflected in your installed ray as well. However if you have installed ray from source using these instructions then don’t use this, as these steps should have already created this symlink. When using this script, make sure that your git branch is in sync with the installed Ray binaries (i.e., you are up-to-date on master and have the latest wheel installed.)

# Clone your fork onto your local machine, e.g.:
git clone[your username]/ray.git
cd ray
# Only enter 'Y' at the first question on linking RLlib.
# This leads to the most stable behavior and you won't have to re-install ray as often.
# If you anticipate making changes to e.g. tune quite often, consider also symlinking ray tune here
# (say 'Y' when asked by the script about creating the tune symlink).
python python/ray/

API Stability#

Objects and methods annotated with @PublicAPI, @DeveloperAPI, or @ExperimentalAPI have the following API compatibility guarantees:


Decorator for documenting public APIs.

Public APIs are classes and methods exposed to end users of RLlib. You can expect these APIs to remain stable across RLlib releases.

Subclasses that inherit from a @PublicAPI base class can be assumed part of the RLlib public API as well (e.g., all Algorithm classes are in public API because Algorithm is @PublicAPI).

In addition, you can assume all algo configurations are part of their public API as well.

# Indicates that the `Algorithm` class is exposed to end users
# of RLlib and will remain stable across RLlib releases.
from ray import tune
class Algorithm(tune.Trainable):

Decorator for documenting developer APIs.

Developer APIs are classes and methods explicitly exposed to developers for the purposes of building custom algorithms or advanced training strategies on top of RLlib internals. You can generally expect these APIs to be stable sans minor changes (but less stable than public APIs).

Subclasses that inherit from a @DeveloperAPI base class can be assumed part of the RLlib developer API as well.

# Indicates that the `TorchPolicy` class is exposed to end users
# of RLlib and will remain (relatively) stable across RLlib
# releases.
from ray.rllib.policy import Policy
class TorchPolicy(Policy):

Decorator for documenting experimental APIs.

Experimental APIs are classes and methods that are in development and may change at any time in their development process. You should not expect these APIs to be stable until their tag is changed to DeveloperAPI or PublicAPI.

Subclasses that inherit from a @ExperimentalAPI base class can be assumed experimental as well.

from ray.rllib.policy import Policy
class TorchPolicy(Policy):
    # Indicates that the `TorchPolicy.loss` method is a new and
    # experimental API and may change frequently in future
    # releases.
    def loss(self, model, action_dist, train_batch):


Feature development, discussion, and upcoming priorities are tracked on the GitHub issues page (note that this may not include all development efforts).


A number of training run results are available in the rl-experiments repo, and there is also a list of working hyperparameter configurations in tuned_examples, sorted by algorithm. Benchmark results are extremely valuable to the community, so if you happen to have results that may be of interest, consider making a pull request to either repo.

Contributing Algorithms#

These are the guidelines for merging new algorithms (rllib/algorithms) into RLlib:

  • Contributed algorithms:
    • must subclass Algorithm and implement the training_step() method

    • must include a lightweight test to ensure the algorithm runs

    • should include tuned hyperparameter examples and documentation

    • should offer functionality not present in existing algorithms

  • Fully integrated algorithms have the following additional requirements:
    • must fully implement the Algorithm API

    • must offer substantial new functionality not possible to add to other algorithms

    • should support custom models and preprocessors

    • should use RLlib abstractions and support distributed execution

Both integrated and contributed algorithms ship with the ray PyPI package, and are tested as part of Ray’s automated tests. The main difference between contributed and fully integrated algorithms is that the latter will be maintained by the Ray team to a much greater extent with respect to bugs and integration with RLlib features.

Debugging your Algorithms#

Finding Memory Leaks In Workers#

Keeping the memory usage of long running workers stable can be challenging. The MemoryTrackingCallbacks class can be used to track memory usage of workers.

class ray.rllib.algorithms.callbacks.MemoryTrackingCallbacks[source]#

MemoryTrackingCallbacks can be used to trace and track memory usage in rollout workers.

The Memory Tracking Callbacks uses tracemalloc and psutil to track python allocations during rollouts, in training or evaluation.

The tracking data is logged to the custom_metrics of an episode and can therefore be viewed in tensorboard (or in WandB etc..)

Add MemoryTrackingCallbacks callback to the tune config e.g. { …’callbacks’: MemoryTrackingCallbacks …}


This class is meant for debugging and should not be used in production code as tracemalloc incurs a significant slowdown in execution speed.

The objects with the top 20 memory usage in the workers are added as custom metrics. These can then be monitored using tensorboard or other metrics integrations like Weights & Biases:



If you encounter errors like blas_thread_init: pthread_create: Resource temporarily unavailable when using many workers, try setting OMP_NUM_THREADS=1. Similarly, check configured system limits with ulimit -a for other resource limit errors.

For debugging unexpected hangs or performance problems, you can run ray stack to dump the stack traces of all Ray workers on the current node, ray timeline to dump a timeline visualization of tasks to a file, and ray memory to list all object references in the cluster.

TensorFlow 2.x#

It is now recommended to use framework=tf2 and eager_tracing=True (in case you are developing with TensorFlow) for maximum performance and support. We will however continue to support framework=tf (static-graph) for the foreseeable future.

For debugging purposes, you should use framework=tf2 with eager_tracing=False. All tf.Tensor values will then be visible and printable when executing your code. However, some slowdown is to be expected in this config mode.

Older TensorFlow versions#

RLlib supports both TensorFlow 2.x as well as tf.compat.v1 modes. Always use the ray.rllib.utils.framework.try_import_tf() utility function to import tensorflow. It returns three values:

  • tf1: The tf.compat.v1 module or the installed tf1.x package (if the version is < 2.0).

  • tf: The installed tensorflow module as-is.

  • tfv: A version integer, whose value is either 1 or 2.