- pydantic model ray.serve.llm.openai_api_models.ChatCompletionStreamResponse[source]#
ChatCompletionStreamResponse is the response body for the chat completion API.
This model is compatible with vLLM’s OpenAI API models.
PublicAPI (alpha): This API is in alpha and may change before becoming stable.
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "ChatCompletionStreamResponse", "description": "ChatCompletionStreamResponse is the response body for the chat completion API.\n\nThis model is compatible with vLLM's OpenAI API models.\n\n**PublicAPI (alpha):** This API is in alpha and may change before becoming stable.", "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "title": "Id", "type": "string" }, "object": { "const": "chat.completion.chunk", "default": "chat.completion.chunk", "title": "Object", "type": "string" }, "created": { "title": "Created", "type": "integer" }, "model": { "title": "Model", "type": "string" }, "choices": { "items": { "$ref": "#/$defs/ChatCompletionResponseStreamChoice" }, "title": "Choices", "type": "array" }, "usage": { "anyOf": [ { "$ref": "#/$defs/UsageInfo" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null } }, "$defs": { "ChatCompletionLogProb": { "properties": { "token": { "title": "Token", "type": "string" }, "logprob": { "default": -9999.0, "title": "Logprob", "type": "number" }, "bytes": { "anyOf": [ { "items": { "type": "integer" }, "type": "array" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Bytes" } }, "required": [ "token" ], "title": "ChatCompletionLogProb", "type": "object" }, "ChatCompletionLogProbs": { "properties": { "content": { "anyOf": [ { "items": { "$ref": "#/$defs/ChatCompletionLogProbsContent" }, "type": "array" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Content" } }, "title": "ChatCompletionLogProbs", "type": "object" }, "ChatCompletionLogProbsContent": { "properties": { "token": { "title": "Token", "type": "string" }, "logprob": { "default": -9999.0, "title": "Logprob", "type": "number" }, "bytes": { "anyOf": [ { "items": { "type": "integer" }, "type": "array" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Bytes" }, "top_logprobs": { "items": { "$ref": "#/$defs/ChatCompletionLogProb" }, "title": "Top Logprobs", "type": "array" } }, "required": [ "token" ], "title": "ChatCompletionLogProbsContent", "type": "object" }, "ChatCompletionResponseStreamChoice": { "properties": { "index": { "title": "Index", "type": "integer" }, "delta": { "$ref": "#/$defs/DeltaMessage" }, "logprobs": { "anyOf": [ { "$ref": "#/$defs/ChatCompletionLogProbs" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null }, "finish_reason": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Finish Reason" }, "stop_reason": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "integer" }, { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Stop Reason" } }, "required": [ "index", "delta" ], "title": "ChatCompletionResponseStreamChoice", "type": "object" }, "DeltaFunctionCall": { "properties": { "name": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Name" }, "arguments": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Arguments" } }, "title": "DeltaFunctionCall", "type": "object" }, "DeltaMessage": { "properties": { "role": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Role" }, "content": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Content" }, "reasoning_content": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Reasoning Content" }, "tool_calls": { "items": { "$ref": "#/$defs/DeltaToolCall" }, "title": "Tool Calls", "type": "array" } }, "title": "DeltaMessage", "type": "object" }, "DeltaToolCall": { "properties": { "id": { "title": "Id", "type": "string" }, "type": { "const": "function", "default": "function", "title": "Type", "type": "string" }, "index": { "title": "Index", "type": "integer" }, "function": { "anyOf": [ { "$ref": "#/$defs/DeltaFunctionCall" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null } }, "required": [ "index" ], "title": "DeltaToolCall", "type": "object" }, "PromptTokenUsageInfo": { "properties": { "cached_tokens": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "integer" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "title": "Cached Tokens" } }, "title": "PromptTokenUsageInfo", "type": "object" }, "UsageInfo": { "properties": { "prompt_tokens": { "default": 0, "title": "Prompt Tokens", "type": "integer" }, "total_tokens": { "default": 0, "title": "Total Tokens", "type": "integer" }, "completion_tokens": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "integer" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": 0, "title": "Completion Tokens" }, "prompt_tokens_details": { "anyOf": [ { "$ref": "#/$defs/PromptTokenUsageInfo" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null } }, "title": "UsageInfo", "type": "object" } }, "required": [ "model", "choices" ] }
- field choices: List[ChatCompletionResponseStreamChoice] [Required]#
- field object: Literal['chat.completion.chunk'] = 'chat.completion.chunk'#