Source code for ray.rllib.utils.exploration.exploration

from gymnasium.spaces import Space
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

from ray.rllib.env.base_env import BaseEnv
from ray.rllib.models.action_dist import ActionDistribution
from ray.rllib.models.modelv2 import ModelV2
from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch
from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import OldAPIStack
from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_torch, TensorType
from ray.rllib.utils.typing import LocalOptimizer, AlgorithmConfigDict

    from ray.rllib.policy.policy import Policy
    from ray.rllib.utils import try_import_tf

    _, tf, _ = try_import_tf()

_, nn = try_import_torch()

[docs] @OldAPIStack class Exploration: """Implements an exploration strategy for Policies. An Exploration takes model outputs, a distribution, and a timestep from the agent and computes an action to apply to the environment using an implemented exploration schema. """
[docs] def __init__( self, action_space: Space, *, framework: str, policy_config: AlgorithmConfigDict, model: ModelV2, num_workers: int, worker_index: int ): """ Args: action_space: The action space in which to explore. framework: One of "tf" or "torch". policy_config: The Policy's config dict. model: The Policy's model. num_workers: The overall number of workers used. worker_index: The index of the worker using this class. """ self.action_space = action_space self.policy_config = policy_config self.model = model self.num_workers = num_workers self.worker_index = worker_index self.framework = framework # The device on which the Model has been placed. # This Exploration will be on the same device. self.device = None if isinstance(self.model, nn.Module): params = list(self.model.parameters()) if params: self.device = params[0].device
[docs] def before_compute_actions( self, *, timestep: Optional[Union[TensorType, int]] = None, explore: Optional[Union[TensorType, bool]] = None, tf_sess: Optional["tf.Session"] = None, **kwargs ): """Hook for preparations before policy.compute_actions() is called. Args: timestep: An optional timestep tensor. explore: An optional explore boolean flag. tf_sess: The tf-session object to use. **kwargs: Forward compatibility kwargs. """ pass
# fmt: off # __sphinx_doc_begin_get_exploration_action__
[docs] def get_exploration_action(self, *, action_distribution: ActionDistribution, timestep: Union[TensorType, int], explore: bool = True): """Returns a (possibly) exploratory action and its log-likelihood. Given the Model's logits outputs and action distribution, returns an exploratory action. Args: action_distribution: The instantiated ActionDistribution object to work with when creating exploration actions. timestep: The current sampling time step. It can be a tensor for TF graph mode, otherwise an integer. explore: True: "Normal" exploration behavior. False: Suppress all exploratory behavior and return a deterministic action. Returns: A tuple consisting of 1) the chosen exploration action or a tf-op to fetch the exploration action from the graph and 2) the log-likelihood of the exploration action. """ pass
# __sphinx_doc_end_get_exploration_action__ # fmt: on
[docs] def on_episode_start( self, policy: "Policy", *, environment: BaseEnv = None, episode: int = None, tf_sess: Optional["tf.Session"] = None ): """Handles necessary exploration logic at the beginning of an episode. Args: policy: The Policy object that holds this Exploration. environment: The environment object we are acting in. episode: The number of the episode that is starting. tf_sess: In case of tf, the session object. """ pass
[docs] def on_episode_end( self, policy: "Policy", *, environment: BaseEnv = None, episode: int = None, tf_sess: Optional["tf.Session"] = None ): """Handles necessary exploration logic at the end of an episode. Args: policy: The Policy object that holds this Exploration. environment: The environment object we are acting in. episode: The number of the episode that is starting. tf_sess: In case of tf, the session object. """ pass
[docs] def postprocess_trajectory( self, policy: "Policy", sample_batch: SampleBatch, tf_sess: Optional["tf.Session"] = None, ): """Handles post-processing of done episode trajectories. Changes the given batch in place. This callback is invoked by the sampler after policy.postprocess_trajectory() is called. Args: policy: The owning policy object. sample_batch: The SampleBatch object to post-process. tf_sess: An optional tf.Session object. """ return sample_batch
[docs] def get_exploration_optimizer( self, optimizers: List[LocalOptimizer] ) -> List[LocalOptimizer]: """May add optimizer(s) to the Policy's own `optimizers`. The number of optimizers (Policy's plus Exploration's optimizers) must match the number of loss terms produced by the Policy's loss function and the Exploration component's loss terms. Args: optimizers: The list of the Policy's local optimizers. Returns: The updated list of local optimizers to use on the different loss terms. """ return optimizers
[docs] def get_state(self, sess: Optional["tf.Session"] = None) -> Dict[str, TensorType]: """Returns the current exploration state. Args: sess: An optional tf Session object to use. Returns: The Exploration object's current state. """ return {}
[docs] def set_state(self, state: object, sess: Optional["tf.Session"] = None) -> None: """Sets the Exploration object's state to the given values. Note that some exploration components are stateless, even though they decay some values over time (e.g. EpsilonGreedy). However the decay is only dependent on the current global timestep of the policy and we therefore don't need to keep track of it. Args: state: The state to set this Exploration to. sess: An optional tf Session object to use. """ pass