Source code for ray.rllib.policy.eager_tf_policy_v2

"""Eager mode TF policy built using build_tf_policy().

It supports both traced and non-traced eager execution modes.

import logging
import os
import threading
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import gymnasium as gym
import tree  # pip install dm_tree

from ray.rllib.utils.numpy import convert_to_numpy
from ray.rllib.evaluation.episode import Episode
from ray.rllib.models.catalog import ModelCatalog
from ray.rllib.models.modelv2 import ModelV2
from import TFActionDistribution
from ray.rllib.policy.eager_tf_policy import (
from ray.rllib.policy.policy import Policy, PolicyState
from ray.rllib.policy.rnn_sequencing import pad_batch_to_sequences_of_same_size
from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import SampleBatch
from ray.rllib.utils import force_list
from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import (
from ray.rllib.utils.error import ERR_MSG_TF_POLICY_CANNOT_SAVE_KERAS_MODEL
from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf
from ray.rllib.utils.metrics import (
from ray.rllib.utils.metrics.learner_info import LEARNER_STATS_KEY
from ray.rllib.utils.spaces.space_utils import normalize_action
from ray.rllib.utils.tf_utils import get_gpu_devices
from ray.rllib.utils.threading import with_lock
from ray.rllib.utils.typing import (
from ray.util.debug import log_once

tf1, tf, tfv = try_import_tf()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @OldAPIStack class EagerTFPolicyV2(Policy): """A TF-eager / TF2 based tensorflow policy. This class is intended to be used and extended by sub-classing. """ def __init__( self, observation_space: gym.spaces.Space, action_space: gym.spaces.Space, config: AlgorithmConfigDict, **kwargs, ): self.framework = config.get("framework", "tf2") # Log device. "Creating TF-eager policy running on {}.".format( "GPU" if get_gpu_devices() else "CPU" ) ) Policy.__init__(self, observation_space, action_space, config) self._is_training = False # Global timestep should be a tensor. self.global_timestep = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, dtype=tf.int64) self.explore = tf.Variable( self.config["explore"], trainable=False, dtype=tf.bool ) # Log device and worker index. num_gpus = self._get_num_gpus_for_policy() if num_gpus > 0: gpu_ids = get_gpu_devices()"Found {len(gpu_ids)} visible cuda devices.") self._is_training = False self._loss_initialized = False # Backward compatibility workaround so Policy will call self.loss() directly. # TODO(jungong): clean up after all policies are migrated to new sub-class # implementation. self._loss = None self.batch_divisibility_req = self.get_batch_divisibility_req() self._max_seq_len = self.config["model"]["max_seq_len"] self.validate_spaces(observation_space, action_space, self.config) # If using default make_model(), dist_class will get updated when # the model is created next. self.dist_class = self._init_dist_class() self.model = self.make_model() self._init_view_requirements() self.exploration = self._create_exploration() self._state_inputs = self.model.get_initial_state() self._is_recurrent = len(self._state_inputs) > 0 # Got to reset global_timestep again after fake run-throughs. self.global_timestep.assign(0) # Lock used for locking some methods on the object-level. # This prevents possible race conditions when calling the model # first, then its value function (e.g. in a loss function), in # between of which another model call is made (e.g. to compute an # action). self._lock = threading.RLock() # Only for `config.eager_tracing=True`: A counter to keep track of # how many times an eager-traced method (e.g. # `self._compute_actions_helper`) has been re-traced by tensorflow. # We will raise an error if more than n re-tracings have been # detected, since this would considerably slow down execution. # The variable below should only get incremented during the # tf.function trace operations, never when calling the already # traced function after that. self._re_trace_counter = 0 @staticmethod def enable_eager_execution_if_necessary(): # If this class runs as a @ray.remote actor, eager mode may not # have been activated yet. if tf1 and not tf1.executing_eagerly(): tf1.enable_eager_execution() @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def validate_spaces( self, obs_space: gym.spaces.Space, action_space: gym.spaces.Space, config: AlgorithmConfigDict, ): return {}
[docs] @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic @override(Policy) def loss( self, model: Union[ModelV2, "tf.keras.Model"], dist_class: Type[TFActionDistribution], train_batch: SampleBatch, ) -> Union[TensorType, List[TensorType]]: """Compute loss for this policy using model, dist_class and a train_batch. Args: model: The Model to calculate the loss for. dist_class: The action distr. class. train_batch: The training data. Returns: A single loss tensor or a list of loss tensors. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def stats_fn(self, train_batch: SampleBatch) -> Dict[str, TensorType]: """Stats function. Returns a dict of statistics. Args: train_batch: The SampleBatch (already) used for training. Returns: The stats dict. """ return {}
[docs] @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def grad_stats_fn( self, train_batch: SampleBatch, grads: ModelGradients ) -> Dict[str, TensorType]: """Gradient stats function. Returns a dict of statistics. Args: train_batch: The SampleBatch (already) used for training. Returns: The stats dict. """ return {}
[docs] @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def make_model(self) -> ModelV2: """Build underlying model for this Policy. Returns: The Model for the Policy to use. """ # Default ModelV2 model. _, logit_dim = ModelCatalog.get_action_dist( self.action_space, self.config["model"] ) return ModelCatalog.get_model_v2( self.observation_space, self.action_space, logit_dim, self.config["model"], framework=self.framework, )
[docs] @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def compute_gradients_fn( self, policy: Policy, optimizer: LocalOptimizer, loss: TensorType ) -> ModelGradients: """Gradients computing function (from loss tensor, using local optimizer). Args: policy: The Policy object that generated the loss tensor and that holds the given local optimizer. optimizer: The tf (local) optimizer object to calculate the gradients with. loss: The loss tensor for which gradients should be calculated. Returns: ModelGradients: List of the possibly clipped gradients- and variable tuples. """ return None
[docs] @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def apply_gradients_fn( self, optimizer: "tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer", grads: ModelGradients, ) -> "tf.Operation": """Gradients computing function (from loss tensor, using local optimizer). Args: optimizer: The tf (local) optimizer object to calculate the gradients with. grads: The gradient tensor to be applied. Returns: "tf.Operation": TF operation that applies supplied gradients. """ return None
[docs] @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def action_sampler_fn( self, model: ModelV2, *, obs_batch: TensorType, state_batches: TensorType, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[TensorType, TensorType, TensorType, List[TensorType]]: """Custom function for sampling new actions given policy. Args: model: Underlying model. obs_batch: Observation tensor batch. state_batches: Action sampling state batch. Returns: Sampled action Log-likelihood Action distribution inputs Updated state """ return None, None, None, None
[docs] @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def action_distribution_fn( self, model: ModelV2, *, obs_batch: TensorType, state_batches: TensorType, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[TensorType, type, List[TensorType]]: """Action distribution function for this Policy. Args: model: Underlying model. obs_batch: Observation tensor batch. state_batches: Action sampling state batch. Returns: Distribution input. ActionDistribution class. State outs. """ return None, None, None
[docs] @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def get_batch_divisibility_req(self) -> int: """Get batch divisibility request. Returns: Size N. A sample batch must be of size K*N. """ # By default, any sized batch is ok, so simply return 1. return 1
[docs] @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic_CallToSuperRecommended def extra_action_out_fn(self) -> Dict[str, TensorType]: """Extra values to fetch and return from compute_actions(). Returns: Dict[str, TensorType]: An extra fetch-dict to be passed to and returned from the compute_actions() call. """ return {}
[docs] @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic_CallToSuperRecommended def extra_learn_fetches_fn(self) -> Dict[str, TensorType]: """Extra stats to be reported after gradient computation. Returns: Dict[str, TensorType]: An extra fetch-dict. """ return {}
[docs] @override(Policy) @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic_CallToSuperRecommended def postprocess_trajectory( self, sample_batch: SampleBatch, other_agent_batches: Optional[SampleBatch] = None, episode: Optional["Episode"] = None, ): """Post process trajectory in the format of a SampleBatch. Args: sample_batch: sample_batch: batch of experiences for the policy, which will contain at most one episode trajectory. other_agent_batches: In a multi-agent env, this contains a mapping of agent ids to (policy, agent_batch) tuples containing the policy and experiences of the other agents. episode: An optional multi-agent episode object to provide access to all of the internal episode state, which may be useful for model-based or multi-agent algorithms. Returns: The postprocessed sample batch. """ assert tf.executing_eagerly() return Policy.postprocess_trajectory(self, sample_batch)
[docs] @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def optimizer( self, ) -> Union["tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer", List["tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer"]]: """TF optimizer to use for policy optimization. Returns: A local optimizer or a list of local optimizers to use for this Policy's Model. """ return tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(self.config["lr"])
def _init_dist_class(self): if is_overridden(self.action_sampler_fn) or is_overridden( self.action_distribution_fn ): if not is_overridden(self.make_model): raise ValueError( "`make_model` is required if `action_sampler_fn` OR " "`action_distribution_fn` is given" ) return None else: dist_class, _ = ModelCatalog.get_action_dist( self.action_space, self.config["model"] ) return dist_class def _init_view_requirements(self): # Auto-update model's inference view requirements, if recurrent. self._update_model_view_requirements_from_init_state() # Combine view_requirements for Model and Policy. self.view_requirements.update(self.model.view_requirements) # Disable env-info placeholder. if SampleBatch.INFOS in self.view_requirements: self.view_requirements[SampleBatch.INFOS].used_for_training = False def maybe_initialize_optimizer_and_loss(self): optimizers = force_list(self.optimizer()) if self.exploration: # Policies with RLModules don't have an exploration object. optimizers = self.exploration.get_exploration_optimizer(optimizers) # The list of local (tf) optimizers (one per loss term). self._optimizers: List[LocalOptimizer] = optimizers # Backward compatibility: A user's policy may only support a single # loss term and optimizer (no lists). self._optimizer: LocalOptimizer = optimizers[0] if optimizers else None self._initialize_loss_from_dummy_batch( auto_remove_unneeded_view_reqs=True, ) self._loss_initialized = True @override(Policy) def compute_actions_from_input_dict( self, input_dict: Dict[str, TensorType], explore: bool = None, timestep: Optional[int] = None, episodes: Optional[List[Episode]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[TensorType, List[TensorType], Dict[str, TensorType]]: self._is_training = False explore = explore if explore is not None else self.explore timestep = timestep if timestep is not None else self.global_timestep if isinstance(timestep, tf.Tensor): timestep = int(timestep.numpy()) # Pass lazy (eager) tensor dict to Model as `input_dict`. input_dict = self._lazy_tensor_dict(input_dict) input_dict.set_training(False) # Pack internal state inputs into (separate) list. state_batches = [ input_dict[k] for k in input_dict.keys() if "state_in" in k[:8] ] self._state_in = state_batches self._is_recurrent = len(tree.flatten(self._state_in)) > 0 # Call the exploration before_compute_actions hook. if self.exploration: # Policies with RLModules don't have an exploration object. self.exploration.before_compute_actions( timestep=timestep, explore=explore, tf_sess=self.get_session() ) ret = self._compute_actions_helper( input_dict, state_batches, # TODO: Passing episodes into a traced method does not work. None if self.config["eager_tracing"] else episodes, explore, timestep, ) # Update our global timestep by the batch size. self.global_timestep.assign_add(tree.flatten(ret[0])[0].shape.as_list()[0]) return convert_to_numpy(ret) # TODO(jungong) : deprecate this API and make compute_actions_from_input_dict the # only canonical entry point for inference. @override(Policy) def compute_actions( self, obs_batch, state_batches=None, prev_action_batch=None, prev_reward_batch=None, info_batch=None, episodes=None, explore=None, timestep=None, **kwargs, ): # Create input dict to simply pass the entire call to # self.compute_actions_from_input_dict(). input_dict = SampleBatch( { SampleBatch.CUR_OBS: obs_batch, }, _is_training=tf.constant(False), ) if state_batches is not None: for s in enumerate(state_batches): input_dict["state_in_{i}"] = s if prev_action_batch is not None: input_dict[SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS] = prev_action_batch if prev_reward_batch is not None: input_dict[SampleBatch.PREV_REWARDS] = prev_reward_batch if info_batch is not None: input_dict[SampleBatch.INFOS] = info_batch return self.compute_actions_from_input_dict( input_dict=input_dict, explore=explore, timestep=timestep, episodes=episodes, **kwargs, ) @with_lock @override(Policy) def compute_log_likelihoods( self, actions: Union[List[TensorType], TensorType], obs_batch: Union[List[TensorType], TensorType], state_batches: Optional[List[TensorType]] = None, prev_action_batch: Optional[Union[List[TensorType], TensorType]] = None, prev_reward_batch: Optional[Union[List[TensorType], TensorType]] = None, actions_normalized: bool = True, in_training: bool = True, ) -> TensorType: if is_overridden(self.action_sampler_fn) and not is_overridden( self.action_distribution_fn ): raise ValueError( "Cannot compute log-prob/likelihood w/o an " "`action_distribution_fn` and a provided " "`action_sampler_fn`!" ) seq_lens = tf.ones(len(obs_batch), dtype=tf.int32) input_batch = SampleBatch( { SampleBatch.CUR_OBS: tf.convert_to_tensor(obs_batch), SampleBatch.ACTIONS: actions, }, _is_training=False, ) if prev_action_batch is not None: input_batch[SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS] = tf.convert_to_tensor( prev_action_batch ) if prev_reward_batch is not None: input_batch[SampleBatch.PREV_REWARDS] = tf.convert_to_tensor( prev_reward_batch ) # Exploration hook before each forward pass. if self.exploration: # Policies with RLModules don't have an exploration object. self.exploration.before_compute_actions(explore=False) # Action dist class and inputs are generated via custom function. if is_overridden(self.action_distribution_fn): dist_inputs, self.dist_class, _ = self.action_distribution_fn( self, self.model, input_batch, explore=False, is_training=False ) action_dist = self.dist_class(dist_inputs, self.model) # Default log-likelihood calculation. else: dist_inputs, _ = self.model(input_batch, state_batches, seq_lens) action_dist = self.dist_class(dist_inputs, self.model) # Normalize actions if necessary. if not actions_normalized and self.config["normalize_actions"]: actions = normalize_action(actions, self.action_space_struct) log_likelihoods = action_dist.logp(actions) return log_likelihoods @with_lock @override(Policy) def learn_on_batch(self, postprocessed_batch): # Callback handling. learn_stats = {} self.callbacks.on_learn_on_batch( policy=self, train_batch=postprocessed_batch, result=learn_stats ) pad_batch_to_sequences_of_same_size( postprocessed_batch, max_seq_len=self._max_seq_len, shuffle=False, batch_divisibility_req=self.batch_divisibility_req, view_requirements=self.view_requirements, ) self._is_training = True postprocessed_batch = self._lazy_tensor_dict(postprocessed_batch) postprocessed_batch.set_training(True) stats = self._learn_on_batch_helper(postprocessed_batch) self.num_grad_updates += 1 stats.update( { "custom_metrics": learn_stats, NUM_AGENT_STEPS_TRAINED: postprocessed_batch.count, NUM_GRAD_UPDATES_LIFETIME: self.num_grad_updates, # -1, b/c we have to measure this diff before we do the update above. DIFF_NUM_GRAD_UPDATES_VS_SAMPLER_POLICY: ( self.num_grad_updates - 1 - (postprocessed_batch.num_grad_updates or 0) ), } ) return convert_to_numpy(stats) @override(Policy) def compute_gradients( self, postprocessed_batch: SampleBatch ) -> Tuple[ModelGradients, Dict[str, TensorType]]: pad_batch_to_sequences_of_same_size( postprocessed_batch, shuffle=False, max_seq_len=self._max_seq_len, batch_divisibility_req=self.batch_divisibility_req, view_requirements=self.view_requirements, ) self._is_training = True self._lazy_tensor_dict(postprocessed_batch) postprocessed_batch.set_training(True) grads_and_vars, grads, stats = self._compute_gradients_helper( postprocessed_batch ) return convert_to_numpy((grads, stats)) @override(Policy) def apply_gradients(self, gradients: ModelGradients) -> None: self._apply_gradients_helper( list( zip( [ (tf.convert_to_tensor(g) if g is not None else None) for g in gradients ], self.model.trainable_variables(), ) ) ) @override(Policy) def get_weights(self, as_dict=False): variables = self.variables() if as_dict: return { v.numpy() for v in variables} return [v.numpy() for v in variables] @override(Policy) def set_weights(self, weights): variables = self.variables() assert len(weights) == len(variables), (len(weights), len(variables)) for v, w in zip(variables, weights): v.assign(w) @override(Policy) def get_exploration_state(self): return convert_to_numpy(self.exploration.get_state()) @override(Policy) def is_recurrent(self): return self._is_recurrent @override(Policy) def num_state_tensors(self): return len(self._state_inputs) @override(Policy) def get_initial_state(self): if hasattr(self, "model"): return self.model.get_initial_state() return [] @override(Policy) @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic_CallToSuperRecommended def get_state(self) -> PolicyState: # Legacy Policy state (w/o keras model and w/o PolicySpec). state = super().get_state() state["global_timestep"] = state["global_timestep"].numpy() # In the new Learner API stack, the optimizers live in the learner. state["_optimizer_variables"] = [] if self._optimizer and len(self._optimizer.variables()) > 0: state["_optimizer_variables"] = self._optimizer.variables() # Add exploration state. if self.exploration: # This is not compatible with RLModules, which have a method # `forward_exploration` to specify custom exploration behavior. state["_exploration_state"] = self.exploration.get_state() return state @override(Policy) @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic_CallToSuperRecommended def set_state(self, state: PolicyState) -> None: # Set optimizer vars. optimizer_vars = state.get("_optimizer_variables", None) if optimizer_vars and self._optimizer.variables(): if not type(self).__name__.endswith("_traced") and log_once( "set_state_optimizer_vars_tf_eager_policy_v2" ): logger.warning( "Cannot restore an optimizer's state for tf eager! Keras " "is not able to save the v1.x optimizers (from " "tf.compat.v1.train) since they aren't compatible with " "checkpoints." ) for opt_var, value in zip(self._optimizer.variables(), optimizer_vars): opt_var.assign(value) # Set exploration's state. if hasattr(self, "exploration") and "_exploration_state" in state: self.exploration.set_state(state=state["_exploration_state"]) # Restore glbal timestep (tf vars). self.global_timestep.assign(state["global_timestep"]) # Then the Policy's (NN) weights and connectors. super().set_state(state) @override(Policy) def export_model(self, export_dir, onnx: Optional[int] = None) -> None: if onnx: try: import tf2onnx except ImportError as e: raise RuntimeError( "Converting a TensorFlow model to ONNX requires " "`tf2onnx` to be installed. Install with " "`pip install tf2onnx`." ) from e model_proto, external_tensor_storage = tf2onnx.convert.from_keras( self.model.base_model, output_path=os.path.join(export_dir, "model.onnx"), ) # Save the tf.keras.Model (architecture and weights, so it can be retrieved # w/o access to the original (custom) Model or Policy code). elif ( hasattr(self, "model") and hasattr(self.model, "base_model") and isinstance(self.model.base_model, tf.keras.Model) ): try:, save_format="tf") except Exception: logger.warning(ERR_MSG_TF_POLICY_CANNOT_SAVE_KERAS_MODEL) else: logger.warning(ERR_MSG_TF_POLICY_CANNOT_SAVE_KERAS_MODEL)
[docs] def variables(self): """Return the list of all savable variables for this policy.""" if isinstance(self.model, tf.keras.Model): return self.model.variables else: return self.model.variables()
def loss_initialized(self): return self._loss_initialized @with_lock def _compute_actions_helper( self, input_dict, state_batches, episodes, explore, timestep, _ray_trace_ctx=None, ): # Increase the tracing counter to make sure we don't re-trace too # often. If eager_tracing=True, this counter should only get # incremented during the @tf.function trace operations, never when # calling the already traced function after that. self._re_trace_counter += 1 # Calculate RNN sequence lengths. if SampleBatch.SEQ_LENS in input_dict: seq_lens = input_dict[SampleBatch.SEQ_LENS] else: batch_size = tree.flatten(input_dict[SampleBatch.OBS])[0].shape[0] seq_lens = tf.ones(batch_size, dtype=tf.int32) if state_batches else None # Add default and custom fetches. extra_fetches = {} with tf.variable_creator_scope(_disallow_var_creation): if is_overridden(self.action_sampler_fn): actions, logp, dist_inputs, state_out = self.action_sampler_fn( self.model, input_dict[SampleBatch.OBS], explore=explore, timestep=timestep, episodes=episodes, ) else: # Try `action_distribution_fn`. if is_overridden(self.action_distribution_fn): ( dist_inputs, self.dist_class, state_out, ) = self.action_distribution_fn( self.model, obs_batch=input_dict[SampleBatch.OBS], state_batches=state_batches, seq_lens=seq_lens, explore=explore, timestep=timestep, is_training=False, ) elif isinstance(self.model, tf.keras.Model): if state_batches and "state_in_0" not in input_dict: for i, s in enumerate(state_batches): input_dict[f"state_in_{i}"] = s self._lazy_tensor_dict(input_dict) dist_inputs, state_out, extra_fetches = self.model(input_dict) else: dist_inputs, state_out = self.model( input_dict, state_batches, seq_lens ) action_dist = self.dist_class(dist_inputs, self.model) # Get the exploration action from the forward results. actions, logp = self.exploration.get_exploration_action( action_distribution=action_dist, timestep=timestep, explore=explore, ) # Action-logp and action-prob. if logp is not None: extra_fetches[SampleBatch.ACTION_PROB] = tf.exp(logp) extra_fetches[SampleBatch.ACTION_LOGP] = logp # Action-dist inputs. if dist_inputs is not None: extra_fetches[SampleBatch.ACTION_DIST_INPUTS] = dist_inputs # Custom extra fetches. extra_fetches.update(self.extra_action_out_fn()) return actions, state_out, extra_fetches # TODO: Figure out, why _ray_trace_ctx=None helps to prevent a crash in # AlphaStar w/ framework=tf2; eager_tracing=True on the policy learner actors. # It seems there may be a clash between the traced-by-tf function and the # traced-by-ray functions (for making the policy class a ray actor). def _learn_on_batch_helper(self, samples, _ray_trace_ctx=None): # Increase the tracing counter to make sure we don't re-trace too # often. If eager_tracing=True, this counter should only get # incremented during the @tf.function trace operations, never when # calling the already traced function after that. self._re_trace_counter += 1 with tf.variable_creator_scope(_disallow_var_creation): grads_and_vars, _, stats = self._compute_gradients_helper(samples) self._apply_gradients_helper(grads_and_vars) return stats def _get_is_training_placeholder(self): return tf.convert_to_tensor(self._is_training) @with_lock def _compute_gradients_helper(self, samples): """Computes and returns grads as eager tensors.""" # Increase the tracing counter to make sure we don't re-trace too # often. If eager_tracing=True, this counter should only get # incremented during the @tf.function trace operations, never when # calling the already traced function after that. self._re_trace_counter += 1 # Gather all variables for which to calculate losses. if isinstance(self.model, tf.keras.Model): variables = self.model.trainable_variables else: variables = self.model.trainable_variables() # Calculate the loss(es) inside a tf GradientTape. with tf.GradientTape( persistent=is_overridden(self.compute_gradients_fn) ) as tape: losses = self.loss(self.model, self.dist_class, samples) losses = force_list(losses) # User provided a custom compute_gradients_fn. if is_overridden(self.compute_gradients_fn): # Wrap our tape inside a wrapper, such that the resulting # object looks like a "classic" tf.optimizer. This way, custom # compute_gradients_fn will work on both tf static graph # and tf-eager. optimizer = _OptimizerWrapper(tape) # More than one loss terms/optimizers. if self.config["_tf_policy_handles_more_than_one_loss"]: grads_and_vars = self.compute_gradients_fn( [optimizer] * len(losses), losses ) # Only one loss and one optimizer. else: grads_and_vars = [self.compute_gradients_fn(optimizer, losses[0])] # Default: Compute gradients using the above tape. else: grads_and_vars = [ list(zip(tape.gradient(loss, variables), variables)) for loss in losses ] if log_once("grad_vars"): for g_and_v in grads_and_vars: for g, v in g_and_v: if g is not None:"Optimizing variable {}") # `grads_and_vars` is returned a list (len=num optimizers/losses) # of lists of (grad, var) tuples. if self.config["_tf_policy_handles_more_than_one_loss"]: grads = [[g for g, _ in g_and_v] for g_and_v in grads_and_vars] # `grads_and_vars` is returned as a list of (grad, var) tuples. else: grads_and_vars = grads_and_vars[0] grads = [g for g, _ in grads_and_vars] stats = self._stats(samples, grads) return grads_and_vars, grads, stats def _apply_gradients_helper(self, grads_and_vars): # Increase the tracing counter to make sure we don't re-trace too # often. If eager_tracing=True, this counter should only get # incremented during the @tf.function trace operations, never when # calling the already traced function after that. self._re_trace_counter += 1 if is_overridden(self.apply_gradients_fn): if self.config["_tf_policy_handles_more_than_one_loss"]: self.apply_gradients_fn(self._optimizers, grads_and_vars) else: self.apply_gradients_fn(self._optimizer, grads_and_vars) else: if self.config["_tf_policy_handles_more_than_one_loss"]: for i, o in enumerate(self._optimizers): o.apply_gradients( [(g, v) for g, v in grads_and_vars[i] if g is not None] ) else: self._optimizer.apply_gradients( [(g, v) for g, v in grads_and_vars if g is not None] ) def _stats(self, samples, grads): fetches = {} if is_overridden(self.stats_fn): fetches[LEARNER_STATS_KEY] = dict(self.stats_fn(samples)) else: fetches[LEARNER_STATS_KEY] = {} fetches.update(dict(self.extra_learn_fetches_fn())) fetches.update(dict(self.grad_stats_fn(samples, grads))) return fetches def _lazy_tensor_dict(self, postprocessed_batch: SampleBatch): # TODO: (sven): Keep for a while to ensure backward compatibility. if not isinstance(postprocessed_batch, SampleBatch): postprocessed_batch = SampleBatch(postprocessed_batch) postprocessed_batch.set_get_interceptor(_convert_to_tf) return postprocessed_batch @classmethod def with_tracing(cls): return _traced_eager_policy(cls)