Source code for ray.rllib.execution.train_ops

import logging
import numpy as np
import math
from typing import Dict

from ray.rllib.policy.sample_batch import DEFAULT_POLICY_ID
from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import OldAPIStack
from ray.rllib.utils.framework import try_import_tf
from ray.rllib.utils.deprecation import deprecation_warning
from ray.rllib.utils.metrics import (
from ray.rllib.utils.metrics.learner_info import LearnerInfoBuilder
from ray.rllib.utils.sgd import do_minibatch_sgd
from ray.util import log_once

tf1, tf, tfv = try_import_tf()

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @OldAPIStack def train_one_step(algorithm, train_batch, policies_to_train=None) -> Dict: """Function that improves the all policies in `train_batch` on the local worker. .. testcode:: :skipif: True from ray.rllib.execution.rollout_ops import synchronous_parallel_sample algo = [...] train_batch = synchronous_parallel_sample(algo.env_runner_group) # This trains the policy on one batch. print(train_one_step(algo, train_batch))) .. testoutput:: {"default_policy": ...} Updates the NUM_ENV_STEPS_TRAINED and NUM_AGENT_STEPS_TRAINED counters as well as the LEARN_ON_BATCH_TIMER timer of the `algorithm` object. """ config = algorithm.config workers = algorithm.env_runner_group local_worker = workers.local_env_runner num_sgd_iter = config.get("num_epochs", config.get("num_sgd_iter", 1)) minibatch_size = config.get("minibatch_size") if minibatch_size is None: minibatch_size = config.get("sgd_minibatch_size", 0) learn_timer = algorithm._timers[LEARN_ON_BATCH_TIMER] with learn_timer: # Subsample minibatches (size=`minibatch_size`) from the # train batch and loop through train batch `num_sgd_iter` times. if num_sgd_iter > 1 or minibatch_size > 0: info = do_minibatch_sgd( train_batch, { pid: local_worker.get_policy(pid) for pid in policies_to_train or local_worker.get_policies_to_train(train_batch) }, local_worker, num_sgd_iter, minibatch_size, [], ) # Single update step using train batch. else: info = local_worker.learn_on_batch(train_batch) learn_timer.push_units_processed(train_batch.count) algorithm._counters[NUM_ENV_STEPS_TRAINED] += train_batch.count algorithm._counters[NUM_AGENT_STEPS_TRAINED] += train_batch.agent_steps() if algorithm.reward_estimators: info[DEFAULT_POLICY_ID]["off_policy_estimation"] = {} for name, estimator in algorithm.reward_estimators.items(): info[DEFAULT_POLICY_ID]["off_policy_estimation"][name] = estimator.train( train_batch ) return info
[docs] @OldAPIStack def multi_gpu_train_one_step(algorithm, train_batch) -> Dict: """Multi-GPU version of train_one_step. Uses the policies' `load_batch_into_buffer` and `learn_on_loaded_batch` methods to be more efficient wrt CPU/GPU data transfers. For example, when doing multiple passes through a train batch (e.g. for PPO) using `config.num_sgd_iter`, the actual train batch is only split once and loaded once into the GPU(s). .. testcode:: :skipif: True from ray.rllib.execution.rollout_ops import synchronous_parallel_sample algo = [...] train_batch = synchronous_parallel_sample(algo.env_runner_group) # This trains the policy on one batch. print(multi_gpu_train_one_step(algo, train_batch))) .. testoutput:: {"default_policy": ...} Updates the NUM_ENV_STEPS_TRAINED and NUM_AGENT_STEPS_TRAINED counters as well as the LOAD_BATCH_TIMER and LEARN_ON_BATCH_TIMER timers of the Algorithm instance. """ if log_once("mulit_gpu_train_one_step_deprecation_warning"): deprecation_warning( old=("ray.rllib.execution.train_ops." "multi_gpu_train_one_step") ) config = algorithm.config workers = algorithm.env_runner_group local_worker = workers.local_env_runner num_sgd_iter = config.get("num_epochs", config.get("num_sgd_iter", 1)) minibatch_size = config.get("minibatch_size") if minibatch_size is None: minibatch_size = config["train_batch_size"] # Determine the number of devices (GPUs or 1 CPU) we use. num_devices = int(math.ceil(config["num_gpus"] or 1)) # Make sure total batch size is dividable by the number of devices. # Batch size per tower. per_device_batch_size = minibatch_size // num_devices # Total batch size. batch_size = per_device_batch_size * num_devices assert batch_size % num_devices == 0 assert batch_size >= num_devices, "Batch size too small!" # Handle everything as if multi-agent. train_batch = train_batch.as_multi_agent() # Load data into GPUs. load_timer = algorithm._timers[LOAD_BATCH_TIMER] with load_timer: num_loaded_samples = {} for policy_id, batch in train_batch.policy_batches.items(): # Not a policy-to-train. if ( local_worker.is_policy_to_train is not None and not local_worker.is_policy_to_train(policy_id, train_batch) ): continue # Decompress SampleBatch, in case some columns are compressed. batch.decompress_if_needed() # Load the entire train batch into the Policy's only buffer # (idx=0). Policies only have >1 buffers, if we are training # asynchronously. num_loaded_samples[policy_id] = local_worker.policy_map[ policy_id ].load_batch_into_buffer(batch, buffer_index=0) # Execute minibatch SGD on loaded data. learn_timer = algorithm._timers[LEARN_ON_BATCH_TIMER] with learn_timer: # Use LearnerInfoBuilder as a unified way to build the final # results dict from `learn_on_loaded_batch` call(s). # This makes sure results dicts always have the same structure # no matter the setup (multi-GPU, multi-agent, minibatch SGD, # tf vs torch). learner_info_builder = LearnerInfoBuilder(num_devices=num_devices) for policy_id, samples_per_device in num_loaded_samples.items(): policy = local_worker.policy_map[policy_id] num_batches = max(1, int(samples_per_device) // int(per_device_batch_size)) logger.debug("== sgd epochs for {} ==".format(policy_id)) for _ in range(num_sgd_iter): permutation = np.random.permutation(num_batches) for batch_index in range(num_batches): # Learn on the pre-loaded data in the buffer. # Note: For minibatch SGD, the data is an offset into # the pre-loaded entire train batch. results = policy.learn_on_loaded_batch( permutation[batch_index] * per_device_batch_size, buffer_index=0 ) learner_info_builder.add_learn_on_batch_results(results, policy_id) # Tower reduce and finalize results. learner_info = learner_info_builder.finalize() load_timer.push_units_processed(train_batch.count) learn_timer.push_units_processed(train_batch.count) # TODO: Move this into Algorithm's `training_step` method for # better transparency. algorithm._counters[NUM_ENV_STEPS_TRAINED] += train_batch.count algorithm._counters[NUM_AGENT_STEPS_TRAINED] += train_batch.agent_steps() if algorithm.reward_estimators: learner_info[DEFAULT_POLICY_ID]["off_policy_estimation"] = {} for name, estimator in algorithm.reward_estimators.items(): learner_info[DEFAULT_POLICY_ID]["off_policy_estimation"][ name ] = estimator.train(train_batch) return learner_info