Source code for ray.rllib.env.vector_env

import logging
import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Set

from ray.rllib.env.base_env import BaseEnv, _DUMMY_AGENT_ID
from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import Deprecated, OldAPIStack, override
from ray.rllib.utils.typing import (
from ray.util import log_once

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @OldAPIStack class VectorEnv: """An environment that supports batch evaluation using clones of sub-envs."""
[docs] def __init__( self, observation_space: gym.Space, action_space: gym.Space, num_envs: int ): """Initializes a VectorEnv instance. Args: observation_space: The observation Space of a single sub-env. action_space: The action Space of a single sub-env. num_envs: The number of clones to make of the given sub-env. """ self.observation_space = observation_space self.action_space = action_space self.num_envs = num_envs
[docs] @staticmethod def vectorize_gym_envs( make_env: Optional[Callable[[int], EnvType]] = None, existing_envs: Optional[List[gym.Env]] = None, num_envs: int = 1, action_space: Optional[gym.Space] = None, observation_space: Optional[gym.Space] = None, restart_failed_sub_environments: bool = False, # Deprecated. These seem to have never been used. env_config=None, policy_config=None, ) -> "_VectorizedGymEnv": """Translates any given gym.Env(s) into a VectorizedEnv object. Args: make_env: Factory that produces a new gym.Env taking the sub-env's vector index as only arg. Must be defined if the number of `existing_envs` is less than `num_envs`. existing_envs: Optional list of already instantiated sub environments. num_envs: Total number of sub environments in this VectorEnv. action_space: The action space. If None, use existing_envs[0]'s action space. observation_space: The observation space. If None, use existing_envs[0]'s observation space. restart_failed_sub_environments: If True and any sub-environment (within a vectorized env) throws any error during env stepping, the Sampler will try to restart the faulty sub-environment. This is done without disturbing the other (still intact) sub-environment and without the RolloutWorker crashing. Returns: The resulting _VectorizedGymEnv object (subclass of VectorEnv). """ return _VectorizedGymEnv( make_env=make_env, existing_envs=existing_envs or [], num_envs=num_envs, observation_space=observation_space, action_space=action_space, restart_failed_sub_environments=restart_failed_sub_environments, )
[docs] def vector_reset( self, *, seeds: Optional[List[int]] = None, options: Optional[List[dict]] = None ) -> Tuple[List[EnvObsType], List[EnvInfoDict]]: """Resets all sub-environments. Args: seed: The list of seeds to be passed to the sub-environments' when resetting them. If None, will not reset any existing PRNGs. If you pass integers, the PRNGs will be reset even if they already exists. options: The list of options dicts to be passed to the sub-environments' when resetting them. Returns: Tuple consitsing of a list of observations from each environment and a list of info dicts from each environment. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reset_at( self, index: Optional[int] = None, *, seed: Optional[int] = None, options: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> Union[Tuple[EnvObsType, EnvInfoDict], Exception]: """Resets a single sub-environment. Args: index: An optional sub-env index to reset. seed: The seed to be passed to the sub-environment at index `index` when resetting it. If None, will not reset any existing PRNG. If you pass an integer, the PRNG will be reset even if it already exists. options: An options dict to be passed to the sub-environment at index `index` when resetting it. Returns: Tuple consisting of observations from the reset sub environment and an info dict of the reset sub environment. Alternatively an Exception can be returned, indicating that the reset operation on the sub environment has failed (and why it failed). """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def restart_at(self, index: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Restarts a single sub-environment. Args: index: An optional sub-env index to restart. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def vector_step( self, actions: List[EnvActionType] ) -> Tuple[ List[EnvObsType], List[float], List[bool], List[bool], List[EnvInfoDict] ]: """Performs a vectorized step on all sub environments using `actions`. Args: actions: List of actions (one for each sub-env). Returns: A tuple consisting of 1) New observations for each sub-env. 2) Reward values for each sub-env. 3) Terminated values for each sub-env. 4) Truncated values for each sub-env. 5) Info values for each sub-env. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_sub_environments(self) -> List[EnvType]: """Returns the underlying sub environments. Returns: List of all underlying sub environments. """ return []
# TODO: (sven) Experimental method. Make @PublicAPI at some point.
[docs] def try_render_at(self, index: Optional[int] = None) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """Renders a single environment. Args: index: An optional sub-env index to render. Returns: Either a numpy RGB image (shape=(w x h x 3) dtype=uint8) or None in case rendering is handled directly by this method. """ pass
[docs] def to_base_env( self, make_env: Optional[Callable[[int], EnvType]] = None, num_envs: int = 1, remote_envs: bool = False, remote_env_batch_wait_ms: int = 0, restart_failed_sub_environments: bool = False, ) -> "BaseEnv": """Converts an RLlib MultiAgentEnv into a BaseEnv object. The resulting BaseEnv is always vectorized (contains n sub-environments) to support batched forward passes, where n may also be 1. BaseEnv also supports async execution via the `poll` and `send_actions` methods and thus supports external simulators. Args: make_env: A callable taking an int as input (which indicates the number of individual sub-environments within the final vectorized BaseEnv) and returning one individual sub-environment. num_envs: The number of sub-environments to create in the resulting (vectorized) BaseEnv. The already existing `env` will be one of the `num_envs`. remote_envs: Whether each sub-env should be a @ray.remote actor. You can set this behavior in your config via the `remote_worker_envs=True` option. remote_env_batch_wait_ms: The wait time (in ms) to poll remote sub-environments for, if applicable. Only used if `remote_envs` is True. Returns: The resulting BaseEnv object. """ env = VectorEnvWrapper(self) return env
@Deprecated(new="vectorize_gym_envs", error=True) def wrap(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "_VectorizedGymEnv": pass @Deprecated(new="get_sub_environments", error=True) def get_unwrapped(self) -> List[EnvType]: pass
[docs] @OldAPIStack class _VectorizedGymEnv(VectorEnv): """Internal wrapper to translate any gym.Envs into a VectorEnv object."""
[docs] def __init__( self, make_env: Optional[Callable[[int], EnvType]] = None, existing_envs: Optional[List[gym.Env]] = None, num_envs: int = 1, *, observation_space: Optional[gym.Space] = None, action_space: Optional[gym.Space] = None, restart_failed_sub_environments: bool = False, # Deprecated. These seem to have never been used. env_config=None, policy_config=None, ): """Initializes a _VectorizedGymEnv object. Args: make_env: Factory that produces a new gym.Env taking the sub-env's vector index as only arg. Must be defined if the number of `existing_envs` is less than `num_envs`. existing_envs: Optional list of already instantiated sub environments. num_envs: Total number of sub environments in this VectorEnv. action_space: The action space. If None, use existing_envs[0]'s action space. observation_space: The observation space. If None, use existing_envs[0]'s observation space. restart_failed_sub_environments: If True and any sub-environment (within a vectorized env) throws any error during env stepping, we will try to restart the faulty sub-environment. This is done without disturbing the other (still intact) sub-environments. """ self.envs = existing_envs self.make_env = make_env self.restart_failed_sub_environments = restart_failed_sub_environments # Fill up missing envs (so we have exactly num_envs sub-envs in this # VectorEnv. while len(self.envs) < num_envs: self.envs.append(make_env(len(self.envs))) super().__init__( observation_space=observation_space or self.envs[0].observation_space, action_space=action_space or self.envs[0].action_space, num_envs=num_envs, )
[docs] @override(VectorEnv) def vector_reset( self, *, seeds: Optional[List[int]] = None, options: Optional[List[dict]] = None ) -> Tuple[List[EnvObsType], List[EnvInfoDict]]: seeds = seeds or [None] * self.num_envs options = options or [None] * self.num_envs # Use reset_at(index) to restart and retry until # we successfully create a new env. resetted_obs = [] resetted_infos = [] for i in range(len(self.envs)): while True: obs, infos = self.reset_at(i, seed=seeds[i], options=options[i]) if not isinstance(obs, Exception): break resetted_obs.append(obs) resetted_infos.append(infos) return resetted_obs, resetted_infos
[docs] @override(VectorEnv) def reset_at( self, index: Optional[int] = None, *, seed: Optional[int] = None, options: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> Tuple[Union[EnvObsType, Exception], Union[EnvInfoDict, Exception]]: if index is None: index = 0 try: obs_and_infos = self.envs[index].reset(seed=seed, options=options) except Exception as e: if self.restart_failed_sub_environments: logger.exception(e.args[0]) self.restart_at(index) obs_and_infos = e, {} else: raise e return obs_and_infos
[docs] @override(VectorEnv) def restart_at(self, index: Optional[int] = None) -> None: if index is None: index = 0 # Try closing down the old (possibly faulty) sub-env, but ignore errors. try: self.envs[index].close() except Exception as e: if log_once("close_sub_env"): logger.warning( "Trying to close old and replaced sub-environment (at vector " f"index={index}), but closing resulted in error:\n{e}" ) env_to_del = self.envs[index] self.envs[index] = None del env_to_del # Re-create the sub-env at the new index. logger.warning(f"Trying to restart sub-environment at index {index}.") self.envs[index] = self.make_env(index) logger.warning(f"Sub-environment at index {index} restarted successfully.")
[docs] @override(VectorEnv) def vector_step( self, actions: List[EnvActionType] ) -> Tuple[ List[EnvObsType], List[float], List[bool], List[bool], List[EnvInfoDict] ]: obs_batch, reward_batch, terminated_batch, truncated_batch, info_batch = ( [], [], [], [], [], ) for i in range(self.num_envs): try: results = self.envs[i].step(actions[i]) except Exception as e: if self.restart_failed_sub_environments: logger.exception(e.args[0]) self.restart_at(i) results = e, 0.0, True, True, {} else: raise e obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = results if not isinstance(info, dict): raise ValueError( "Info should be a dict, got {} ({})".format(info, type(info)) ) obs_batch.append(obs) reward_batch.append(reward) terminated_batch.append(terminated) truncated_batch.append(truncated) info_batch.append(info) return obs_batch, reward_batch, terminated_batch, truncated_batch, info_batch
[docs] @override(VectorEnv) def get_sub_environments(self) -> List[EnvType]: return self.envs
[docs] @override(VectorEnv) def try_render_at(self, index: Optional[int] = None): if index is None: index = 0 return self.envs[index].render()
@OldAPIStack class VectorEnvWrapper(BaseEnv): """Internal adapter of VectorEnv to BaseEnv. We assume the caller will always send the full vector of actions in each call to send_actions(), and that they call reset_at() on all completed environments before calling send_actions(). """ def __init__(self, vector_env: VectorEnv): self.vector_env = vector_env self.num_envs = vector_env.num_envs self._observation_space = vector_env.observation_space self._action_space = vector_env.action_space # Sub-environments' states. self.new_obs = None self.cur_rewards = None self.cur_terminateds = None self.cur_truncateds = None self.cur_infos = None # At first `poll()`, reset everything (all sub-environments). self.first_reset_done = False # Initialize sub-environments' state. self._init_env_state(idx=None) @override(BaseEnv) def poll( self, ) -> Tuple[ MultiEnvDict, MultiEnvDict, MultiEnvDict, MultiEnvDict, MultiEnvDict, MultiEnvDict, ]: from ray.rllib.env.base_env import with_dummy_agent_id if not self.first_reset_done: self.first_reset_done = True # TODO(sven): We probably would like to seed this call here as well. self.new_obs, self.cur_infos = self.vector_env.vector_reset() new_obs = dict(enumerate(self.new_obs)) rewards = dict(enumerate(self.cur_rewards)) terminateds = dict(enumerate(self.cur_terminateds)) truncateds = dict(enumerate(self.cur_truncateds)) infos = dict(enumerate(self.cur_infos)) # Empty all states (in case `poll()` gets called again). self.new_obs = [] self.cur_rewards = [] self.cur_terminateds = [] self.cur_truncateds = [] self.cur_infos = [] return ( with_dummy_agent_id(new_obs), with_dummy_agent_id(rewards), with_dummy_agent_id(terminateds, "__all__"), with_dummy_agent_id(truncateds, "__all__"), with_dummy_agent_id(infos), {}, ) @override(BaseEnv) def send_actions(self, action_dict: MultiEnvDict) -> None: from ray.rllib.env.base_env import _DUMMY_AGENT_ID action_vector = [None] * self.num_envs for i in range(self.num_envs): action_vector[i] = action_dict[i][_DUMMY_AGENT_ID] ( self.new_obs, self.cur_rewards, self.cur_terminateds, self.cur_truncateds, self.cur_infos, ) = self.vector_env.vector_step(action_vector) @override(BaseEnv) def try_reset( self, env_id: Optional[EnvID] = None, *, seed: Optional[int] = None, options: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> Tuple[MultiEnvDict, MultiEnvDict]: from ray.rllib.env.base_env import _DUMMY_AGENT_ID if env_id is None: env_id = 0 assert isinstance(env_id, int) obs, infos = self.vector_env.reset_at(env_id, seed=seed, options=options) # If exceptions were returned, return MultiEnvDict mapping env indices to # these exceptions (for obs and infos). if isinstance(obs, Exception): return {env_id: obs}, {env_id: infos} # Otherwise, return a MultiEnvDict (with single agent ID) and the actual # obs and info dicts. else: return {env_id: {_DUMMY_AGENT_ID: obs}}, {env_id: {_DUMMY_AGENT_ID: infos}} @override(BaseEnv) def try_restart(self, env_id: Optional[EnvID] = None) -> None: assert env_id is None or isinstance(env_id, int) # Restart the sub-env at the index. self.vector_env.restart_at(env_id) # Auto-reset (get ready for next `poll()`). self._init_env_state(env_id) @override(BaseEnv) def get_sub_environments(self, as_dict: bool = False) -> Union[List[EnvType], dict]: if not as_dict: return self.vector_env.get_sub_environments() else: return { _id: env for _id, env in enumerate(self.vector_env.get_sub_environments()) } @override(BaseEnv) def try_render(self, env_id: Optional[EnvID] = None) -> None: assert env_id is None or isinstance(env_id, int) return self.vector_env.try_render_at(env_id) @property @override(BaseEnv) def observation_space(self) -> gym.Space: return self._observation_space @property @override(BaseEnv) def action_space(self) -> gym.Space: return self._action_space @override(BaseEnv) def get_agent_ids(self) -> Set[AgentID]: return {_DUMMY_AGENT_ID} def _init_env_state(self, idx: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Resets all or one particular sub-environment's state (by index). Args: idx: The index to reset at. If None, reset all the sub-environments' states. """ # If index is None, reset all sub-envs' states: if idx is None: self.new_obs = [None for _ in range(self.num_envs)] self.cur_rewards = [0.0 for _ in range(self.num_envs)] self.cur_terminateds = [False for _ in range(self.num_envs)] self.cur_truncateds = [False for _ in range(self.num_envs)] self.cur_infos = [{} for _ in range(self.num_envs)] # Index provided, reset only the sub-env's state at the given index. else: self.new_obs[idx], self.cur_infos[idx] = self.vector_env.reset_at(idx) # Reset all other states to null values. self.cur_rewards[idx] = 0.0 self.cur_terminateds[idx] = False self.cur_truncateds[idx] = False