Source code for

import collections
import logging
import os
import warnings
from typing import (

import numpy as np

import ray
from ray._private.auto_init_hook import wrap_auto_init
from ray.air.util.tensor_extensions.utils import _create_possibly_ragged_ndarray
from import AudioDatasource
from import AvroDatasource
from import BigQueryDatasource
from import BinaryDatasource
from import ClickHouseDatasource
from import CSVDatasource
from import (
from import HudiDatasource
from import IcebergDatasource
from import (
from import JSONDatasource
from import LanceDatasource
from import MongoDatasource
from import NumpyDatasource
from import ParquetBulkDatasource
from import ParquetDatasource
from import RangeDatasource
from import SQLDatasource
from import TextDatasource
from import TFRecordDatasource
from import TorchDatasource
from import VideoDatasource
from import WebDatasetDatasource
from import DelegatingBlockBuilder
from import (
from import Read
from import LogicalPlan
from import ExecutionPlan
from import cached_remote_fn
from import DatasetStats
from import (
from import Block, BlockAccessor, BlockExecStats, BlockMetadata
from import DataContext
from import Dataset, MaterializedDataset
from import (
from import Reader
from import (
from import (
from import ParquetMetadataProvider
from import Partitioning
from ray.types import ObjectRef
from ray.util.annotations import Deprecated, DeveloperAPI, PublicAPI
from ray.util.scheduling_strategies import NodeAffinitySchedulingStrategy

    import dask
    import datasets
    import mars
    import modin
    import pandas
    import pyarrow
    import pymongoarrow.api
    import pyspark
    import tensorflow as tf
    import torch
    from pyiceberg.expressions import BooleanExpression
    from tensorflow_metadata.proto.v0 import schema_pb2

    from import TFXReadOptions

T = TypeVar("T")

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def from_blocks(blocks: List[Block]):
    """Create a :class:`` from a list of blocks.

    This method is primarily used for testing. Unlike other methods like
    :func:`` and :func:``, this method
    gaurentees that it won't modify the number of blocks.

        blocks: List of blocks to create the dataset from.

        A :class:`` holding the blocks.
    block_refs = [ray.put(block) for block in blocks]
    metadata = [BlockAccessor.for_block(block).get_metadata() for block in blocks]
    from_blocks_op = FromBlocks(block_refs, metadata)
    execution_plan = ExecutionPlan(
        DatasetStats(metadata={"FromBlocks": metadata}, parent=None)
    logical_plan = LogicalPlan(from_blocks_op, execution_plan._context)
    return MaterializedDataset(

[docs] @PublicAPI def from_items( items: List[Any], *, parallelism: int = -1, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> MaterializedDataset: """Create a :class:`` from a list of local Python objects. Use this method to create small datasets from data that fits in memory. Examples: >>> import ray >>> ds =[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) >>> ds MaterializedDataset(num_blocks=..., num_rows=5, schema={item: int64}) >>> ds.schema() Column Type ------ ---- item int64 Args: items: List of local Python objects. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: A :class:`` holding the items. """ import builtins parallelism = _get_num_output_blocks(parallelism, override_num_blocks) if parallelism == 0: raise ValueError(f"parallelism must be -1 or > 0, got: {parallelism}") detected_parallelism, _, _ = _autodetect_parallelism( parallelism, ray.util.get_current_placement_group(), DataContext.get_current(), ) # Truncate parallelism to number of items to avoid empty blocks. detected_parallelism = min(len(items), detected_parallelism) if detected_parallelism > 0: block_size, remainder = divmod(len(items), detected_parallelism) else: block_size, remainder = 0, 0 # NOTE: We need to explicitly use the builtins range since we override range below, # with the definition of blocks: List[ObjectRef[Block]] = [] metadata: List[BlockMetadata] = [] for i in builtins.range(detected_parallelism): stats = BlockExecStats.builder() builder = DelegatingBlockBuilder() # Evenly distribute remainder across block slices while preserving record order. block_start = i * block_size + min(i, remainder) block_end = (i + 1) * block_size + min(i + 1, remainder) for j in builtins.range(block_start, block_end): item = items[j] if not isinstance(item, item = {"item": item} builder.add(item) block = blocks.append(ray.put(block)) metadata.append( BlockAccessor.for_block(block).get_metadata( ) from_items_op = FromItems(blocks, metadata) execution_plan = ExecutionPlan( DatasetStats(metadata={"FromItems": metadata}, parent=None) ) logical_plan = LogicalPlan(from_items_op, execution_plan._context) return MaterializedDataset( execution_plan, logical_plan, )
[docs] @PublicAPI def range( n: int, *, parallelism: int = -1, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dataset: """Creates a :class:`` from a range of integers [0..n). This function allows for easy creation of synthetic datasets for testing or benchmarking :ref:`Ray Data <data>`. Examples: >>> import ray >>> ds = >>> ds Dataset(num_rows=10000, schema={id: int64}) >>> row: {"id": row["id"] * 2}).take(4) [{'id': 0}, {'id': 2}, {'id': 4}, {'id': 6}] Args: n: The upper bound of the range of integers. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: A :class:`` producing the integers from the range 0 to n. .. seealso:: :meth:`` Call this method for creating synthetic datasets of tensor data. """ datasource = RangeDatasource(n=n, block_format="arrow", column_name="id") return read_datasource( datasource, parallelism=parallelism, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI def range_tensor( n: int, *, shape: Tuple = (1,), parallelism: int = -1, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dataset: """Creates a :class:`` tensors of the provided shape from range [0...n]. This function allows for easy creation of synthetic tensor datasets for testing or benchmarking :ref:`Ray Data <data>`. Examples: >>> import ray >>> ds =, shape=(2, 2)) >>> ds Dataset(num_rows=1000, schema={data: numpy.ndarray(shape=(2, 2), dtype=int64)}) >>> ds.map_batches(lambda row: {"data": row["data"] * 2}).take(2) [{'data': array([[0, 0], [0, 0]])}, {'data': array([[2, 2], [2, 2]])}] Args: n: The upper bound of the range of tensor records. shape: The shape of each tensor in the dataset. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: A :class:`` producing the tensor data from range 0 to n. .. seealso:: :meth:`` Call this method to create synthetic datasets of integer data. """ datasource = RangeDatasource( n=n, block_format="tensor", column_name="data", tensor_shape=tuple(shape) ) return read_datasource( datasource, parallelism=parallelism, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI @wrap_auto_init def read_datasource( datasource: Datasource, *, parallelism: int = -1, ray_remote_args: Dict[str, Any] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, **read_args, ) -> Dataset: """Read a stream from a custom :class:``. Args: datasource: The :class:`` to read data from. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. read_args: Additional kwargs to pass to the :class:`` implementation. Returns: :class:`` that reads data from the :class:``. """ # noqa: E501 parallelism = _get_num_output_blocks(parallelism, override_num_blocks) ctx = DataContext.get_current() if ray_remote_args is None: ray_remote_args = {} if not datasource.supports_distributed_reads: ray_remote_args["scheduling_strategy"] = NodeAffinitySchedulingStrategy( ray.get_runtime_context().get_node_id(), soft=False, ) if "scheduling_strategy" not in ray_remote_args: ray_remote_args["scheduling_strategy"] = ctx.scheduling_strategy datasource_or_legacy_reader = _get_datasource_or_legacy_reader( datasource, ctx, read_args, ) cur_pg = ray.util.get_current_placement_group() requested_parallelism, _, inmemory_size = _autodetect_parallelism( parallelism, ctx.target_max_block_size, DataContext.get_current(), datasource_or_legacy_reader, placement_group=cur_pg, ) # TODO(hchen/chengsu): Remove the duplicated get_read_tasks call here after # removing LazyBlockList code path. read_tasks = datasource_or_legacy_reader.get_read_tasks(requested_parallelism) import uuid stats = DatasetStats( metadata={"Read": [read_task.metadata for read_task in read_tasks]}, parent=None, needs_stats_actor=True, stats_uuid=uuid.uuid4(), ) read_op = Read( datasource, datasource_or_legacy_reader, parallelism, inmemory_size, len(read_tasks) if read_tasks else 0, ray_remote_args, concurrency, ) execution_plan = ExecutionPlan(stats) logical_plan = LogicalPlan(read_op, execution_plan._context) return Dataset( plan=execution_plan, logical_plan=logical_plan, )
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def read_audio( paths: Union[str, List[str]], *, filesystem: Optional["pyarrow.fs.FileSystem"] = None, arrow_open_stream_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, partition_filter: Optional[PathPartitionFilter] = None, partitioning: Optional[Partitioning] = None, include_paths: bool = False, ignore_missing_paths: bool = False, file_extensions: Optional[List[str]] = AudioDatasource._FILE_EXTENSIONS, shuffle: Union[Literal["files"], None] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ray_remote_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): """Creates a :class:`` from audio files. Examples: >>> import ray >>> path = "s3://anonymous@air-example-data-2/6G-audio-data-LibriSpeech-train-clean-100-flac/train-clean-100/5022/29411/5022-29411-0000.flac" >>> ds = >>> ds.schema() Column Type ------ ---- amplitude numpy.ndarray(shape=(1, 191760), dtype=float) sample_rate int64 Args: paths: A single file or directory, or a list of file or directory paths. A list of paths can contain both files and directories. filesystem: The pyarrow filesystem implementation to read from. These filesystems are specified in the `pyarrow docs <\ filesystems.html#filesystem-implementations>`_. Specify this parameter if you need to provide specific configurations to the filesystem. By default, the filesystem is automatically selected based on the scheme of the paths. For example, if the path begins with ``s3://``, the `S3FileSystem` is used. arrow_open_stream_args: kwargs passed to `pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_file <\ python/generated/pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.html\ #pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_file>`_. when opening input files to read. partition_filter: A :class:``. Use with a custom callback to read only selected partitions of a dataset. partitioning: A :class:`` object that describes how paths are organized. Defaults to ``None``. include_paths: If ``True``, include the path to each image. File paths are stored in the ``'path'`` column. ignore_missing_paths: If True, ignores any file/directory paths in ``paths`` that are not found. Defaults to False. file_extensions: A list of file extensions to filter files by. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :meth:`~ray.remote` in the read tasks. Returns: A :class:`` containing audio amplitudes and associated metadata. """ # noqa: E501 datasource = AudioDatasource( paths, filesystem=filesystem, open_stream_args=arrow_open_stream_args, meta_provider=DefaultFileMetadataProvider(), partition_filter=partition_filter, partitioning=partitioning, ignore_missing_paths=ignore_missing_paths, shuffle=shuffle, include_paths=include_paths, file_extensions=file_extensions, ) return read_datasource( datasource, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def read_videos( paths: Union[str, List[str]], *, filesystem: Optional["pyarrow.fs.FileSystem"] = None, arrow_open_stream_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, partition_filter: Optional[PathPartitionFilter] = None, partitioning: Optional[Partitioning] = None, include_paths: bool = False, ignore_missing_paths: bool = False, file_extensions: Optional[List[str]] = VideoDatasource._FILE_EXTENSIONS, shuffle: Union[Literal["files"], None] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ray_remote_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): """Creates a :class:`` from video files. Each row in the resulting dataset represents a video frame. Examples: >>> import ray >>> path = "s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/basketball.mp4" >>> ds = >>> ds.schema() Column Type ------ ---- frame numpy.ndarray(shape=(720, 1280, 3), dtype=uint8) frame_index int64 Args: paths: A single file or directory, or a list of file or directory paths. A list of paths can contain both files and directories. filesystem: The pyarrow filesystem implementation to read from. These filesystems are specified in the `pyarrow docs <\ filesystems.html#filesystem-implementations>`_. Specify this parameter if you need to provide specific configurations to the filesystem. By default, the filesystem is automatically selected based on the scheme of the paths. For example, if the path begins with ``s3://``, the `S3FileSystem` is used. arrow_open_stream_args: kwargs passed to `pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_file <\ python/generated/pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.html\ #pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_file>`_. when opening input files to read. partition_filter: A :class:``. Use with a custom callback to read only selected partitions of a dataset. partitioning: A :class:`` object that describes how paths are organized. Defaults to ``None``. include_paths: If ``True``, include the path to each image. File paths are stored in the ``'path'`` column. ignore_missing_paths: If True, ignores any file/directory paths in ``paths`` that are not found. Defaults to False. file_extensions: A list of file extensions to filter files by. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :meth:`~ray.remote` in the read tasks. Returns: A :class:`` containing video frames from the video files. """ datasource = VideoDatasource( paths, filesystem=filesystem, open_stream_args=arrow_open_stream_args, meta_provider=DefaultFileMetadataProvider(), partition_filter=partition_filter, partitioning=partitioning, ignore_missing_paths=ignore_missing_paths, shuffle=shuffle, include_paths=include_paths, file_extensions=file_extensions, ) return read_datasource( datasource, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def read_mongo( uri: str, database: str, collection: str, *, pipeline: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, schema: Optional["pymongoarrow.api.Schema"] = None, parallelism: int = -1, ray_remote_args: Dict[str, Any] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, **mongo_args, ) -> Dataset: """Create a :class:`` from a MongoDB database. The data to read from is specified via the ``uri``, ``database`` and ``collection`` of the MongoDB. The dataset is created from the results of executing ``pipeline`` against the ``collection``. If ``pipeline`` is None, the entire ``collection`` is read. .. tip:: For more details about these MongoDB concepts, see the following: - URI: - Database and Collection: - Pipeline: To read the MongoDB in parallel, the execution of the pipeline is run on partitions of the collection, with a Ray read task to handle a partition. Partitions are created in an attempt to evenly distribute the documents into the specified number of partitions. The number of partitions is determined by ``parallelism`` which can be requested from this interface or automatically chosen if unspecified (see the ``parallelism`` arg below). Examples: >>> import ray >>> from pymongoarrow.api import Schema # doctest: +SKIP >>> ds = # doctest: +SKIP ... uri="mongodb://username:[email protected]:27017/?authSource=admin", # noqa: E501 ... database="my_db", ... collection="my_collection", ... pipeline=[{"$match": {"col2": {"$gte": 0, "$lt": 100}}}, {"$sort": "sort_field"}], # noqa: E501 ... schema=Schema({"col1": pa.string(), "col2": pa.int64()}), ... override_num_blocks=10, ... ) Args: uri: The URI of the source MongoDB where the dataset is read from. For the URI format, see details in the `MongoDB docs <https:/\ />`_. database: The name of the database hosted in the MongoDB. This database must exist otherwise ValueError is raised. collection: The name of the collection in the database. This collection must exist otherwise ValueError is raised. pipeline: A `MongoDB pipeline <\ /aggregation-pipeline/>`_, which is executed on the given collection with results used to create Dataset. If None, the entire collection will be read. schema: The schema used to read the collection. If None, it'll be inferred from the results of pipeline. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. mongo_args: kwargs passed to `aggregate_arrow_all() <https://mongo-arrow\\ aggregate_arrow_all>`_ in pymongoarrow in producing Arrow-formatted results. Returns: :class:`` producing rows from the results of executing the pipeline on the specified MongoDB collection. Raises: ValueError: if ``database`` doesn't exist. ValueError: if ``collection`` doesn't exist. """ datasource = MongoDatasource( uri=uri, database=database, collection=collection, pipeline=pipeline, schema=schema, **mongo_args, ) return read_datasource( datasource, parallelism=parallelism, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def read_bigquery( project_id: str, dataset: Optional[str] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, *, parallelism: int = -1, ray_remote_args: Dict[str, Any] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dataset: """Create a dataset from BigQuery. The data to read from is specified via the ``project_id``, ``dataset`` and/or ``query`` parameters. The dataset is created from the results of executing ``query`` if a query is provided. Otherwise, the entire ``dataset`` is read. For more information about BigQuery, see the following concepts: - Project id: `Creating and Managing Projects <>`_ - Dataset: `Datasets Intro <>`_ - Query: `Query Syntax <>`_ This method uses the BigQuery Storage Read API which reads in parallel, with a Ray read task to handle each stream. The number of streams is determined by ``parallelism`` which can be requested from this interface or automatically chosen if unspecified (see the ``parallelism`` arg below). .. warning:: The maximum query response size is 10GB. For more information, see `BigQuery response too large to return <>`_. Examples: .. testcode:: :skipif: True import ray # Users will need to authenticate beforehand ( ds = project_id="my_project", query="SELECT * FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.gsod` LIMIT 1000", ) Args: project_id: The name of the associated Google Cloud Project that hosts the dataset to read. For more information, see `Creating and Managing Projects <>`_. dataset: The name of the dataset hosted in BigQuery in the format of ``dataset_id.table_id``. Both the dataset_id and table_id must exist otherwise an exception will be raised. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: Dataset producing rows from the results of executing the query (or reading the entire dataset) on the specified BigQuery dataset. """ # noqa: E501 datasource = BigQueryDatasource(project_id=project_id, dataset=dataset, query=query) return read_datasource( datasource, parallelism=parallelism, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI def read_parquet( paths: Union[str, List[str]], *, filesystem: Optional["pyarrow.fs.FileSystem"] = None, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, parallelism: int = -1, ray_remote_args: Dict[str, Any] = None, tensor_column_schema: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[np.dtype, Tuple[int, ...]]]] = None, meta_provider: Optional[ParquetMetadataProvider] = None, partition_filter: Optional[PathPartitionFilter] = None, partitioning: Optional[Partitioning] = Partitioning("hive"), shuffle: Optional[Union[Literal["files"], FileShuffleConfig]] = None, include_paths: bool = False, file_extensions: Optional[List[str]] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, **arrow_parquet_args, ) -> Dataset: """Creates a :class:`` from parquet files. Examples: Read a file in remote storage. >>> import ray >>> ds ="s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/iris.parquet") >>> ds.schema() Column Type ------ ---- sepal.length double sepal.width double petal.length double petal.width double variety string Read a directory in remote storage. >>> ds ="s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/iris-parquet/") Read multiple local files. >>> ... ["local:///path/to/file1", "local:///path/to/file2"]) # doctest: +SKIP Specify a schema for the parquet file. >>> import pyarrow as pa >>> fields = [("sepal.length", pa.float32()), ... ("sepal.width", pa.float32()), ... ("petal.length", pa.float32()), ... ("petal.width", pa.float32()), ... ("variety", pa.string())] >>> ds ="s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/iris.parquet", ... schema=pa.schema(fields)) >>> ds.schema() Column Type ------ ---- sepal.length float sepal.width float petal.length float petal.width float variety string The Parquet reader also supports projection and filter pushdown, allowing column selection and row filtering to be pushed down to the file scan. .. testcode:: import pyarrow as pa # Create a Dataset by reading a Parquet file, pushing column selection and # row filtering down to the file scan. ds = "s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/iris.parquet", columns=["sepal.length", "variety"], filter=pa.dataset.field("sepal.length") > 5.0, ) .. testoutput:: {'sepal.length': 5.1, 'variety': 'Setosa'} {'sepal.length': 5.4, 'variety': 'Setosa'} For further arguments you can pass to PyArrow as a keyword argument, see the `PyArrow API reference <\ pyarrow.dataset.Scanner.html#pyarrow.dataset.Scanner.from_fragment>`_. Args: paths: A single file path or directory, or a list of file paths. Multiple directories are not supported. filesystem: The PyArrow filesystem implementation to read from. These filesystems are specified in the `pyarrow docs <\ filesystems.html#filesystem-implementations>`_. Specify this parameter if you need to provide specific configurations to the filesystem. By default, the filesystem is automatically selected based on the scheme of the paths. For example, if the path begins with ``s3://``, the ``S3FileSystem`` is used. If ``None``, this function uses a system-chosen implementation. columns: A list of column names to read. Only the specified columns are read during the file scan. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks. tensor_column_schema: A dict of column name to PyArrow dtype and shape mappings for converting a Parquet column containing serialized tensors (ndarrays) as their elements to PyArrow tensors. This function assumes that the tensors are serialized in the raw NumPy array format in C-contiguous order (e.g., via `arr.tobytes()`). meta_provider: A :ref:`file metadata provider <metadata_provider>`. Custom metadata providers may be able to resolve file metadata more quickly and/or accurately. In most cases you do not need to set this parameter. partition_filter: A :class:``. Use with a custom callback to read only selected partitions of a dataset. partitioning: A :class:`` object that describes how paths are organized. Defaults to HIVE partitioning. shuffle: If setting to "files", randomly shuffle input files order before read. If setting to :class:``, you can pass a seed to shuffle the input files. Defaults to not shuffle with ``None``. arrow_parquet_args: Other parquet read options to pass to PyArrow. For the full set of arguments, see the `PyArrow API <\ python/generated/pyarrow.dataset.Scanner.html\ #pyarrow.dataset.Scanner.from_fragment>`_ include_paths: If ``True``, include the path to each file. File paths are stored in the ``'path'`` column. file_extensions: A list of file extensions to filter files by. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: :class:`` producing records read from the specified parquet files. """ _emit_meta_provider_deprecation_warning(meta_provider) _validate_shuffle_arg(shuffle) if meta_provider is None: meta_provider = ParquetMetadataProvider() arrow_parquet_args = _resolve_parquet_args( tensor_column_schema, **arrow_parquet_args, ) dataset_kwargs = arrow_parquet_args.pop("dataset_kwargs", None) _block_udf = arrow_parquet_args.pop("_block_udf", None) schema = arrow_parquet_args.pop("schema", None) datasource = ParquetDatasource( paths, columns=columns, dataset_kwargs=dataset_kwargs, to_batch_kwargs=arrow_parquet_args, _block_udf=_block_udf, filesystem=filesystem, schema=schema, meta_provider=meta_provider, partition_filter=partition_filter, partitioning=partitioning, shuffle=shuffle, include_paths=include_paths, file_extensions=file_extensions, ) return read_datasource( datasource, parallelism=parallelism, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="beta") def read_images( paths: Union[str, List[str]], *, filesystem: Optional["pyarrow.fs.FileSystem"] = None, parallelism: int = -1, meta_provider: Optional[BaseFileMetadataProvider] = None, ray_remote_args: Dict[str, Any] = None, arrow_open_file_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, partition_filter: Optional[PathPartitionFilter] = None, partitioning: Partitioning = None, size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, mode: Optional[str] = None, include_paths: bool = False, ignore_missing_paths: bool = False, shuffle: Optional[Union[Literal["files"], FileShuffleConfig]] = None, file_extensions: Optional[List[str]] = ImageDatasource._FILE_EXTENSIONS, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dataset: """Creates a :class:`` from image files. Examples: >>> import ray >>> path = "s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/batoidea/JPEGImages/" >>> ds = >>> ds.schema() Column Type ------ ---- image numpy.ndarray(shape=(32, 32, 3), dtype=uint8) If you need image file paths, set ``include_paths=True``. >>> ds =, include_paths=True) >>> ds.schema() Column Type ------ ---- image numpy.ndarray(shape=(32, 32, 3), dtype=uint8) path string >>> ds.take(1)[0]["path"] 'ray-example-data/batoidea/JPEGImages/1.jpeg' If your images are arranged like: .. code:: root/dog/xxx.png root/dog/xxy.png root/cat/123.png root/cat/nsdf3.png Then you can include the labels by specifying a :class:``. >>> import ray >>> from import Partitioning >>> root = "s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/image-datasets/dir-partitioned" >>> partitioning = Partitioning("dir", field_names=["class"], base_dir=root) >>> ds =, size=(224, 224), partitioning=partitioning) >>> ds.schema() Column Type ------ ---- image numpy.ndarray(shape=(224, 224, 3), dtype=uint8) class string Args: paths: A single file or directory, or a list of file or directory paths. A list of paths can contain both files and directories. filesystem: The pyarrow filesystem implementation to read from. These filesystems are specified in the `pyarrow docs <\ filesystems.html#filesystem-implementations>`_. Specify this parameter if you need to provide specific configurations to the filesystem. By default, the filesystem is automatically selected based on the scheme of the paths. For example, if the path begins with ``s3://``, the `S3FileSystem` is used. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. meta_provider: [Deprecated] A :ref:`file metadata provider <metadata_provider>`. Custom metadata providers may be able to resolve file metadata more quickly and/or accurately. In most cases, you do not need to set this. If ``None``, this function uses a system-chosen implementation. ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks. arrow_open_file_args: kwargs passed to `pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_file <\ python/generated/pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.html\ #pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_file>`_. when opening input files to read. partition_filter: A :class:``. Use with a custom callback to read only selected partitions of a dataset. By default, this filters out any file paths whose file extension does not match ``*.png``, ``*.jpg``, ``*.jpeg``, ``*.tiff``, ``*.bmp``, or ``*.gif``. partitioning: A :class:`` object that describes how paths are organized. Defaults to ``None``. size: The desired height and width of loaded images. If unspecified, images retain their original shape. mode: A `Pillow mode <\ .html#modes>`_ describing the desired type and depth of pixels. If unspecified, image modes are inferred by `Pillow <>`_. include_paths: If ``True``, include the path to each image. File paths are stored in the ``'path'`` column. ignore_missing_paths: If True, ignores any file/directory paths in ``paths`` that are not found. Defaults to False. shuffle: If setting to "files", randomly shuffle input files order before read. If setting to :class:``, you can pass a seed to shuffle the input files. Defaults to not shuffle with ``None``. file_extensions: A list of file extensions to filter files by. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: A :class:`` producing tensors that represent the images at the specified paths. For information on working with tensors, read the :ref:`tensor data guide <working_with_tensors>`. Raises: ValueError: if ``size`` contains non-positive numbers. ValueError: if ``mode`` is unsupported. """ _emit_meta_provider_deprecation_warning(meta_provider) if meta_provider is None: meta_provider = ImageFileMetadataProvider() datasource = ImageDatasource( paths, size=size, mode=mode, include_paths=include_paths, filesystem=filesystem, meta_provider=meta_provider, open_stream_args=arrow_open_file_args, partition_filter=partition_filter, partitioning=partitioning, ignore_missing_paths=ignore_missing_paths, shuffle=shuffle, file_extensions=file_extensions, ) return read_datasource( datasource, parallelism=parallelism, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @Deprecated def read_parquet_bulk( paths: Union[str, List[str]], *, filesystem: Optional["pyarrow.fs.FileSystem"] = None, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, parallelism: int = -1, ray_remote_args: Dict[str, Any] = None, arrow_open_file_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, tensor_column_schema: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[np.dtype, Tuple[int, ...]]]] = None, meta_provider: Optional[BaseFileMetadataProvider] = None, partition_filter: Optional[PathPartitionFilter] = None, shuffle: Optional[Union[Literal["files"], FileShuffleConfig]] = None, include_paths: bool = False, file_extensions: Optional[List[str]] = ParquetBulkDatasource._FILE_EXTENSIONS, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, **arrow_parquet_args, ) -> Dataset: """Create :class:`` from parquet files without reading metadata. Use :meth:`` for most cases. Use :meth:`` if all the provided paths point to files and metadata fetching using :meth:`` takes too long or the parquet files do not all have a unified schema. Performance slowdowns are possible when using this method with parquet files that are very large. .. warning:: Only provide file paths as input (i.e., no directory paths). An OSError is raised if one or more paths point to directories. If your use-case requires directory paths, use :meth:`` instead. Examples: Read multiple local files. You should always provide only input file paths (i.e. no directory paths) when known to minimize read latency. >>> # doctest: +SKIP ... ["/path/to/file1", "/path/to/file2"]) Args: paths: A single file path or a list of file paths. filesystem: The PyArrow filesystem implementation to read from. These filesystems are specified in the `PyArrow docs <\ filesystems.html#filesystem-implementations>`_. Specify this parameter if you need to provide specific configurations to the filesystem. By default, the filesystem is automatically selected based on the scheme of the paths. For example, if the path begins with ``s3://``, the `S3FileSystem` is used. columns: A list of column names to read. Only the specified columns are read during the file scan. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks. arrow_open_file_args: kwargs passed to `pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_file <\ python/generated/pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.html\ #pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_file>`_. when opening input files to read. tensor_column_schema: A dict of column name to PyArrow dtype and shape mappings for converting a Parquet column containing serialized tensors (ndarrays) as their elements to PyArrow tensors. This function assumes that the tensors are serialized in the raw NumPy array format in C-contiguous order (e.g. via `arr.tobytes()`). meta_provider: [Deprecated] A :ref:`file metadata provider <metadata_provider>`. Custom metadata providers may be able to resolve file metadata more quickly and/or accurately. In most cases, you do not need to set this. If ``None``, this function uses a system-chosen implementation. partition_filter: A :class:``. Use with a custom callback to read only selected partitions of a dataset. By default, this filters out any file paths whose file extension does not match "*.parquet*". shuffle: If setting to "files", randomly shuffle input files order before read. If setting to :class:``, you can pass a seed to shuffle the input files. Defaults to not shuffle with ``None``. arrow_parquet_args: Other parquet read options to pass to PyArrow. For the full set of arguments, see the `PyArrow API <\ pyarrow.dataset.Scanner.html#pyarrow.dataset.Scanner.from_fragment>`_ include_paths: If ``True``, include the path to each file. File paths are stored in the ``'path'`` column. file_extensions: A list of file extensions to filter files by. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: :class:`` producing records read from the specified paths. """ _emit_meta_provider_deprecation_warning(meta_provider) warnings.warn( "`read_parquet_bulk` is deprecated and will be removed after May 2025. Use " "`read_parquet` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) if meta_provider is None: meta_provider = FastFileMetadataProvider() read_table_args = _resolve_parquet_args( tensor_column_schema, **arrow_parquet_args, ) if columns is not None: read_table_args["columns"] = columns datasource = ParquetBulkDatasource( paths, read_table_args=read_table_args, filesystem=filesystem, open_stream_args=arrow_open_file_args, meta_provider=meta_provider, partition_filter=partition_filter, shuffle=shuffle, include_paths=include_paths, file_extensions=file_extensions, ) return read_datasource( datasource, parallelism=parallelism, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI def read_json( paths: Union[str, List[str]], *, filesystem: Optional["pyarrow.fs.FileSystem"] = None, parallelism: int = -1, ray_remote_args: Dict[str, Any] = None, arrow_open_stream_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, meta_provider: Optional[BaseFileMetadataProvider] = None, partition_filter: Optional[PathPartitionFilter] = None, partitioning: Partitioning = Partitioning("hive"), include_paths: bool = False, ignore_missing_paths: bool = False, shuffle: Optional[Union[Literal["files"], FileShuffleConfig]] = None, file_extensions: Optional[List[str]] = JSONDatasource._FILE_EXTENSIONS, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, **arrow_json_args, ) -> Dataset: """Creates a :class:`` from JSON and JSONL files. For JSON file, the whole file is read as one row. For JSONL file, each line of file is read as separate row. Examples: Read a JSON file in remote storage. >>> import ray >>> ds ="s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/log.json") >>> ds.schema() Column Type ------ ---- timestamp timestamp[...] size int64 Read a JSONL file in remote storage. >>> ds ="s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/train.jsonl") >>> ds.schema() Column Type ------ ---- input string Read multiple local files. >>> # doctest: +SKIP ... ["local:///path/to/file1", "local:///path/to/file2"]) Read multiple directories. >>> # doctest: +SKIP ... ["s3://bucket/path1", "s3://bucket/path2"]) By default, :meth:`` parses `Hive-style partitions <\ hive-style-partitioning/>`_ from file paths. If your data adheres to a different partitioning scheme, set the ``partitioning`` parameter. >>> ds ="s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/year=2022/month=09/sales.json") >>> ds.take(1) [{'order_number': 10107, 'quantity': 30, 'year': '2022', 'month': '09'}] Args: paths: A single file or directory, or a list of file or directory paths. A list of paths can contain both files and directories. filesystem: The PyArrow filesystem implementation to read from. These filesystems are specified in the `PyArrow docs <\ filesystems.html#filesystem-implementations>`_. Specify this parameter if you need to provide specific configurations to the filesystem. By default, the filesystem is automatically selected based on the scheme of the paths. For example, if the path begins with ``s3://``, the `S3FileSystem` is used. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks. arrow_open_stream_args: kwargs passed to `pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_file <\ python/generated/pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.html\ #pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_stream>`_. when opening input files to read. meta_provider: [Deprecated] A :ref:`file metadata provider <metadata_provider>`. Custom metadata providers may be able to resolve file metadata more quickly and/or accurately. In most cases, you do not need to set this. If ``None``, this function uses a system-chosen implementation. partition_filter: A :class:``. Use with a custom callback to read only selected partitions of a dataset. By default, this filters out any file paths whose file extension does not match "*.json" or "*.jsonl". partitioning: A :class:`` object that describes how paths are organized. By default, this function parses `Hive-style partitions <\ hive-style-partitioning/>`_. include_paths: If ``True``, include the path to each file. File paths are stored in the ``'path'`` column. ignore_missing_paths: If True, ignores any file paths in ``paths`` that are not found. Defaults to False. shuffle: If setting to "files", randomly shuffle input files order before read. If setting to ``FileShuffleConfig``, you can pass a random seed to shuffle the input files, e.g. ``FileShuffleConfig(seed=42)``. Defaults to not shuffle with ``None``. arrow_json_args: JSON read options to pass to `pyarrow.json.read_json <https://\\ json.read_json>`_. file_extensions: A list of file extensions to filter files by. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: :class:`` producing records read from the specified paths. """ # noqa: E501 _emit_meta_provider_deprecation_warning(meta_provider) if meta_provider is None: meta_provider = DefaultFileMetadataProvider() datasource = JSONDatasource( paths, arrow_json_args=arrow_json_args, filesystem=filesystem, open_stream_args=arrow_open_stream_args, meta_provider=meta_provider, partition_filter=partition_filter, partitioning=partitioning, ignore_missing_paths=ignore_missing_paths, shuffle=shuffle, include_paths=include_paths, file_extensions=file_extensions, ) return read_datasource( datasource, parallelism=parallelism, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI def read_csv( paths: Union[str, List[str]], *, filesystem: Optional["pyarrow.fs.FileSystem"] = None, parallelism: int = -1, ray_remote_args: Dict[str, Any] = None, arrow_open_stream_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, meta_provider: Optional[BaseFileMetadataProvider] = None, partition_filter: Optional[PathPartitionFilter] = None, partitioning: Partitioning = Partitioning("hive"), include_paths: bool = False, ignore_missing_paths: bool = False, shuffle: Optional[Union[Literal["files"], FileShuffleConfig]] = None, file_extensions: Optional[List[str]] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, **arrow_csv_args, ) -> Dataset: """Creates a :class:`` from CSV files. Examples: Read a file in remote storage. >>> import ray >>> ds ="s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/iris.csv") >>> ds.schema() Column Type ------ ---- sepal length (cm) double sepal width (cm) double petal length (cm) double petal width (cm) double target int64 Read multiple local files. >>> # doctest: +SKIP ... ["local:///path/to/file1", "local:///path/to/file2"]) Read a directory from remote storage. >>> ds ="s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/iris-csv/") Read files that use a different delimiter. For more uses of ParseOptions see # noqa: #501 >>> from pyarrow import csv >>> parse_options = csv.ParseOptions(delimiter="\\t") >>> ds = ... "s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/iris.tsv", ... parse_options=parse_options) >>> ds.schema() Column Type ------ ---- sepal.length double sepal.width double petal.length double petal.width double variety string Convert a date column with a custom format from a CSV file. For more uses of ConvertOptions see # noqa: #501 >>> from pyarrow import csv >>> convert_options = csv.ConvertOptions( ... timestamp_parsers=["%m/%d/%Y"]) >>> ds = ... "s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/dow_jones.csv", ... convert_options=convert_options) By default, :meth:`` parses `Hive-style partitions <\ articles/hive-style-partitioning/>`_ from file paths. If your data adheres to a different partitioning scheme, set the ``partitioning`` parameter. >>> ds ="s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/year=2022/month=09/sales.csv") >>> ds.take(1) [{'order_number': 10107, 'quantity': 30, 'year': '2022', 'month': '09'}] By default, :meth:`` reads all files from file paths. If you want to filter files by file extensions, set the ``file_extensions`` parameter. Read only ``*.csv`` files from a directory. >>>"s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/different-extensions/", ... file_extensions=["csv"]) Dataset(num_rows=?, schema={a: int64, b: int64}) Args: paths: A single file or directory, or a list of file or directory paths. A list of paths can contain both files and directories. filesystem: The PyArrow filesystem implementation to read from. These filesystems are specified in the `pyarrow docs <\ filesystems.html#filesystem-implementations>`_. Specify this parameter if you need to provide specific configurations to the filesystem. By default, the filesystem is automatically selected based on the scheme of the paths. For example, if the path begins with ``s3://``, the `S3FileSystem` is used. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks. arrow_open_stream_args: kwargs passed to `pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_file <\ python/generated/pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.html\ #pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_stream>`_. when opening input files to read. meta_provider: [Deprecated] A :ref:`file metadata provider <metadata_provider>`. Custom metadata providers may be able to resolve file metadata more quickly and/or accurately. In most cases, you do not need to set this. If ``None``, this function uses a system-chosen implementation. partition_filter: A :class:``. Use with a custom callback to read only selected partitions of a dataset. By default, no files are filtered. partitioning: A :class:`` object that describes how paths are organized. By default, this function parses `Hive-style partitions <\ hive-style-partitioning/>`_. include_paths: If ``True``, include the path to each file. File paths are stored in the ``'path'`` column. ignore_missing_paths: If True, ignores any file paths in ``paths`` that are not found. Defaults to False. shuffle: If setting to "files", randomly shuffle input files order before read. If setting to :class:``, you can pass a seed to shuffle the input files. Defaults to not shuffle with ``None``. arrow_csv_args: CSV read options to pass to `pyarrow.csv.open_csv <\ pyarrow.csv.open_csv.html#pyarrow.csv.open_csv>`_ when opening CSV files. file_extensions: A list of file extensions to filter files by. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: :class:`` producing records read from the specified paths. """ _emit_meta_provider_deprecation_warning(meta_provider) if meta_provider is None: meta_provider = DefaultFileMetadataProvider() datasource = CSVDatasource( paths, arrow_csv_args=arrow_csv_args, filesystem=filesystem, open_stream_args=arrow_open_stream_args, meta_provider=meta_provider, partition_filter=partition_filter, partitioning=partitioning, ignore_missing_paths=ignore_missing_paths, shuffle=shuffle, include_paths=include_paths, file_extensions=file_extensions, ) return read_datasource( datasource, parallelism=parallelism, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI def read_text( paths: Union[str, List[str]], *, encoding: str = "utf-8", drop_empty_lines: bool = True, filesystem: Optional["pyarrow.fs.FileSystem"] = None, parallelism: int = -1, ray_remote_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, arrow_open_stream_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, meta_provider: Optional[BaseFileMetadataProvider] = None, partition_filter: Optional[PathPartitionFilter] = None, partitioning: Partitioning = None, include_paths: bool = False, ignore_missing_paths: bool = False, shuffle: Optional[Union[Literal["files"], FileShuffleConfig]] = None, file_extensions: Optional[List[str]] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dataset: """Create a :class:`` from lines stored in text files. Examples: Read a file in remote storage. >>> import ray >>> ds ="s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/this.txt") >>> ds.schema() Column Type ------ ---- text string Read multiple local files. >>> # doctest: +SKIP ... ["local:///path/to/file1", "local:///path/to/file2"]) Args: paths: A single file or directory, or a list of file or directory paths. A list of paths can contain both files and directories. encoding: The encoding of the files (e.g., "utf-8" or "ascii"). filesystem: The PyArrow filesystem implementation to read from. These filesystems are specified in the `PyArrow docs <\ filesystems.html#filesystem-implementations>`_. Specify this parameter if you need to provide specific configurations to the filesystem. By default, the filesystem is automatically selected based on the scheme of the paths. For example, if the path begins with ``s3://``, the `S3FileSystem` is used. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks and in the subsequent text decoding map task. arrow_open_stream_args: kwargs passed to `pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_file <\ python/generated/pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.html\ #pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_stream>`_. when opening input files to read. meta_provider: [Deprecated] A :ref:`file metadata provider <metadata_provider>`. Custom metadata providers may be able to resolve file metadata more quickly and/or accurately. In most cases, you do not need to set this. If ``None``, this function uses a system-chosen implementation. partition_filter: A :class:``. Use with a custom callback to read only selected partitions of a dataset. By default, no files are filtered. partitioning: A :class:`` object that describes how paths are organized. Defaults to ``None``. include_paths: If ``True``, include the path to each file. File paths are stored in the ``'path'`` column. ignore_missing_paths: If True, ignores any file paths in ``paths`` that are not found. Defaults to False. shuffle: If setting to "files", randomly shuffle input files order before read. If setting to :class:``, you can pass a seed to shuffle the input files. Defaults to not shuffle with ``None``. file_extensions: A list of file extensions to filter files by. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: :class:`` producing lines of text read from the specified paths. """ _emit_meta_provider_deprecation_warning(meta_provider) if meta_provider is None: meta_provider = DefaultFileMetadataProvider() datasource = TextDatasource( paths, drop_empty_lines=drop_empty_lines, encoding=encoding, filesystem=filesystem, open_stream_args=arrow_open_stream_args, meta_provider=meta_provider, partition_filter=partition_filter, partitioning=partitioning, ignore_missing_paths=ignore_missing_paths, shuffle=shuffle, include_paths=include_paths, file_extensions=file_extensions, ) return read_datasource( datasource, parallelism=parallelism, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI def read_avro( paths: Union[str, List[str]], *, filesystem: Optional["pyarrow.fs.FileSystem"] = None, parallelism: int = -1, ray_remote_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, arrow_open_stream_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, meta_provider: Optional[BaseFileMetadataProvider] = None, partition_filter: Optional[PathPartitionFilter] = None, partitioning: Partitioning = None, include_paths: bool = False, ignore_missing_paths: bool = False, shuffle: Optional[Union[Literal["files"], FileShuffleConfig]] = None, file_extensions: Optional[List[str]] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dataset: """Create a :class:`` from records stored in Avro files. Examples: Read an Avro file in remote storage or local storage. >>> import ray >>> ds ="s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/mnist.avro") >>> ds.schema() Column Type ------ ---- features list<item: int64> label int64 dataType string >>> # doctest: +SKIP ... ["local:///path/to/file1", "local:///path/to/file2"]) Args: paths: A single file or directory, or a list of file or directory paths. A list of paths can contain both files and directories. filesystem: The PyArrow filesystem implementation to read from. These filesystems are specified in the `PyArrow docs <\ filesystems.html#filesystem-implementations>`_. Specify this parameter if you need to provide specific configurations to the filesystem. By default, the filesystem is automatically selected based on the scheme of the paths. For example, if the path begins with ``s3://``, the `S3FileSystem` is used. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks and in the subsequent text decoding map task. arrow_open_stream_args: kwargs passed to `pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_file <\ python/generated/pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.html\ #pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_stream>`_. when opening input files to read. meta_provider: [Deprecated] A :ref:`file metadata provider <metadata_provider>`. Custom metadata providers may be able to resolve file metadata more quickly and/or accurately. In most cases, you do not need to set this. If ``None``, this function uses a system-chosen implementation. partition_filter: A :class:``. Use with a custom callback to read only selected partitions of a dataset. By default, no files are filtered. partitioning: A :class:`` object that describes how paths are organized. Defaults to ``None``. include_paths: If ``True``, include the path to each file. File paths are stored in the ``'path'`` column. ignore_missing_paths: If True, ignores any file paths in ``paths`` that are not found. Defaults to False. shuffle: If setting to "files", randomly shuffle input files order before read. If setting to :class:``, you can pass a seed to shuffle the input files. Defaults to not shuffle with ``None``. file_extensions: A list of file extensions to filter files by. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: :class:`` holding records from the Avro files. """ _emit_meta_provider_deprecation_warning(meta_provider) if meta_provider is None: meta_provider = DefaultFileMetadataProvider() datasource = AvroDatasource( paths, filesystem=filesystem, open_stream_args=arrow_open_stream_args, meta_provider=meta_provider, partition_filter=partition_filter, partitioning=partitioning, ignore_missing_paths=ignore_missing_paths, shuffle=shuffle, include_paths=include_paths, file_extensions=file_extensions, ) return read_datasource( datasource, parallelism=parallelism, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI def read_numpy( paths: Union[str, List[str]], *, filesystem: Optional["pyarrow.fs.FileSystem"] = None, parallelism: int = -1, arrow_open_stream_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, meta_provider: Optional[BaseFileMetadataProvider] = None, partition_filter: Optional[PathPartitionFilter] = None, partitioning: Partitioning = None, include_paths: bool = False, ignore_missing_paths: bool = False, shuffle: Optional[Union[Literal["files"], FileShuffleConfig]] = None, file_extensions: Optional[List[str]] = NumpyDatasource._FILE_EXTENSIONS, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, **numpy_load_args, ) -> Dataset: """Create an Arrow dataset from numpy files. Examples: Read a directory of files in remote storage. >>> import ray >>>"s3://bucket/path") # doctest: +SKIP Read multiple local files. >>>["/path/to/file1", "/path/to/file2"]) # doctest: +SKIP Read multiple directories. >>> # doctest: +SKIP ... ["s3://bucket/path1", "s3://bucket/path2"]) Args: paths: A single file/directory path or a list of file/directory paths. A list of paths can contain both files and directories. filesystem: The filesystem implementation to read from. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. arrow_open_stream_args: kwargs passed to `pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_stream <>`_. numpy_load_args: Other options to pass to np.load. meta_provider: File metadata provider. Custom metadata providers may be able to resolve file metadata more quickly and/or accurately. If ``None``, this function uses a system-chosen implementation. partition_filter: Path-based partition filter, if any. Can be used with a custom callback to read only selected partitions of a dataset. By default, this filters out any file paths whose file extension does not match "*.npy*". partitioning: A :class:`` object that describes how paths are organized. Defaults to ``None``. include_paths: If ``True``, include the path to each file. File paths are stored in the ``'path'`` column. ignore_missing_paths: If True, ignores any file paths in ``paths`` that are not found. Defaults to False. shuffle: If setting to "files", randomly shuffle input files order before read. if setting to ``FileShuffleConfig``, the random seed can be passed toshuffle the input files, i.e. ``FileShuffleConfig(seed = 42)``. Defaults to not shuffle with ``None``. file_extensions: A list of file extensions to filter files by. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: Dataset holding Tensor records read from the specified paths. """ # noqa: E501 _emit_meta_provider_deprecation_warning(meta_provider) if meta_provider is None: meta_provider = DefaultFileMetadataProvider() datasource = NumpyDatasource( paths, numpy_load_args=numpy_load_args, filesystem=filesystem, open_stream_args=arrow_open_stream_args, meta_provider=meta_provider, partition_filter=partition_filter, partitioning=partitioning, ignore_missing_paths=ignore_missing_paths, shuffle=shuffle, include_paths=include_paths, file_extensions=file_extensions, ) return read_datasource( datasource, parallelism=parallelism, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def read_tfrecords( paths: Union[str, List[str]], *, filesystem: Optional["pyarrow.fs.FileSystem"] = None, parallelism: int = -1, arrow_open_stream_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, meta_provider: Optional[BaseFileMetadataProvider] = None, partition_filter: Optional[PathPartitionFilter] = None, include_paths: bool = False, ignore_missing_paths: bool = False, tf_schema: Optional["schema_pb2.Schema"] = None, shuffle: Optional[Union[Literal["files"], FileShuffleConfig]] = None, file_extensions: Optional[List[str]] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, tfx_read_options: Optional["TFXReadOptions"] = None, ) -> Dataset: """Create a :class:`` from TFRecord files that contain `tf.train.Example <>`_ messages. .. tip:: Using the ``tfx-bsl`` library is more performant when reading large datasets (for example, in production use cases). To use this implementation, you must first install ``tfx-bsl``: 1. `pip install tfx_bsl --no-dependencies` 2. Pass tfx_read_options to read_tfrecords, for example: `ds = read_tfrecords(path, ..., tfx_read_options=TFXReadOptions())` .. warning:: This function exclusively supports ``tf.train.Example`` messages. If a file contains a message that isn't of type ``tf.train.Example``, then this function fails. Examples: >>> import ray >>>"s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/iris.tfrecords") Dataset( num_rows=?, schema={...} ) We can also read compressed TFRecord files, which use one of the `compression types supported by Arrow <\ generated/pyarrow.CompressedInputStream.html>`_: >>> ... "s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/iris.tfrecords.gz", ... arrow_open_stream_args={"compression": "gzip"}, ... ) Dataset( num_rows=?, schema={...} ) Args: paths: A single file or directory, or a list of file or directory paths. A list of paths can contain both files and directories. filesystem: The PyArrow filesystem implementation to read from. These filesystems are specified in the `PyArrow docs <\ filesystems.html#filesystem-implementations>`_. Specify this parameter if you need to provide specific configurations to the filesystem. By default, the filesystem is automatically selected based on the scheme of the paths. For example, if the path begins with ``s3://``, the `S3FileSystem` is used. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. arrow_open_stream_args: kwargs passed to `pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_file <\ python/generated/pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.html\ #pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_stream>`_. when opening input files to read. To read a compressed TFRecord file, pass the corresponding compression type (e.g., for ``GZIP`` or ``ZLIB``), use ``arrow_open_stream_args={'compression': 'gzip'}``). meta_provider: [Deprecated] A :ref:`file metadata provider <metadata_provider>`. Custom metadata providers may be able to resolve file metadata more quickly and/or accurately. In most cases, you do not need to set this. If ``None``, this function uses a system-chosen implementation. partition_filter: A :class:``. Use with a custom callback to read only selected partitions of a dataset. include_paths: If ``True``, include the path to each file. File paths are stored in the ``'path'`` column. ignore_missing_paths: If True, ignores any file paths in ``paths`` that are not found. Defaults to False. tf_schema: Optional TensorFlow Schema which is used to explicitly set the schema of the underlying Dataset. shuffle: If setting to "files", randomly shuffle input files order before read. If setting to :class:``, you can pass a seed to shuffle the input files. Defaults to not shuffle with ``None``. file_extensions: A list of file extensions to filter files by. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. tfx_read_options: Specifies read options when reading TFRecord files with TFX. When no options are provided, the default version without tfx-bsl will be used to read the tfrecords. Returns: A :class:`` that contains the example features. Raises: ValueError: If a file contains a message that isn't a ``tf.train.Example``. """ import platform _emit_meta_provider_deprecation_warning(meta_provider) tfx_read = False if tfx_read_options and platform.processor() != "arm": try: import tfx_bsl # noqa: F401 tfx_read = True except ModuleNotFoundError: # override the tfx_read_options given that tfx-bsl is not installed tfx_read_options = None logger.warning( "Please install tfx-bsl package with" " `pip install tfx_bsl --no-dependencies`." " This can help speed up the reading of large TFRecord files." ) if meta_provider is None: meta_provider = DefaultFileMetadataProvider() datasource = TFRecordDatasource( paths, tf_schema=tf_schema, filesystem=filesystem, open_stream_args=arrow_open_stream_args, meta_provider=meta_provider, partition_filter=partition_filter, ignore_missing_paths=ignore_missing_paths, shuffle=shuffle, include_paths=include_paths, file_extensions=file_extensions, tfx_read_options=tfx_read_options, ) ds = read_datasource( datasource, parallelism=parallelism, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, ) if ( tfx_read_options and tfx_read_options.auto_infer_schema and tfx_read and not tf_schema ): from import ( _infer_schema_and_transform, ) return _infer_schema_and_transform(ds) return ds
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def read_webdataset( paths: Union[str, List[str]], *, filesystem: Optional["pyarrow.fs.FileSystem"] = None, parallelism: int = -1, arrow_open_stream_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, meta_provider: Optional[BaseFileMetadataProvider] = None, partition_filter: Optional[PathPartitionFilter] = None, decoder: Optional[Union[bool, str, callable, list]] = True, fileselect: Optional[Union[list, callable]] = None, filerename: Optional[Union[list, callable]] = None, suffixes: Optional[Union[list, callable]] = None, verbose_open: bool = False, shuffle: Optional[Union[Literal["files"], FileShuffleConfig]] = None, include_paths: bool = False, file_extensions: Optional[List[str]] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, expand_json: bool = False, ) -> Dataset: """Create a :class:`` from `WebDataset <>`_ files. Args: paths: A single file/directory path or a list of file/directory paths. A list of paths can contain both files and directories. filesystem: The filesystem implementation to read from. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. arrow_open_stream_args: Key-word arguments passed to `pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_stream <>`_. To read a compressed TFRecord file, pass the corresponding compression type (e.g. for ``GZIP`` or ``ZLIB``, use ``arrow_open_stream_args={'compression': 'gzip'}``). meta_provider: File metadata provider. Custom metadata providers may be able to resolve file metadata more quickly and/or accurately. If ``None``, this function uses a system-chosen implementation. partition_filter: Path-based partition filter, if any. Can be used with a custom callback to read only selected partitions of a dataset. decoder: A function or list of functions to decode the data. fileselect: A callable or list of glob patterns to select files. filerename: A function or list of tuples to rename files prior to grouping. suffixes: A function or list of suffixes to select for creating samples. verbose_open: Whether to print the file names as they are opened. shuffle: If setting to "files", randomly shuffle input files order before read. if setting to ``FileShuffleConfig``, the random seed can be passed toshuffle the input files, i.e. ``FileShuffleConfig(seed = 42)``. Defaults to not shuffle with ``None``. include_paths: If ``True``, include the path to each file. File paths are stored in the ``'path'`` column. file_extensions: A list of file extensions to filter files by. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. expand_json: If ``True``, expand JSON objects into individual samples. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: A :class:`` that contains the example features. Raises: ValueError: If a file contains a message that isn't a `tf.train.Example`_. .. _tf.train.Example: """ # noqa: E501 _emit_meta_provider_deprecation_warning(meta_provider) if meta_provider is None: meta_provider = DefaultFileMetadataProvider() datasource = WebDatasetDatasource( paths, decoder=decoder, fileselect=fileselect, filerename=filerename, suffixes=suffixes, verbose_open=verbose_open, filesystem=filesystem, open_stream_args=arrow_open_stream_args, meta_provider=meta_provider, partition_filter=partition_filter, shuffle=shuffle, include_paths=include_paths, file_extensions=file_extensions, expand_json=expand_json, ) return read_datasource( datasource, parallelism=parallelism, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI def read_binary_files( paths: Union[str, List[str]], *, include_paths: bool = False, filesystem: Optional["pyarrow.fs.FileSystem"] = None, parallelism: int = -1, ray_remote_args: Dict[str, Any] = None, arrow_open_stream_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, meta_provider: Optional[BaseFileMetadataProvider] = None, partition_filter: Optional[PathPartitionFilter] = None, partitioning: Partitioning = None, ignore_missing_paths: bool = False, shuffle: Optional[Union[Literal["files"], FileShuffleConfig]] = None, file_extensions: Optional[List[str]] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dataset: """Create a :class:`` from binary files of arbitrary contents. Examples: Read a file in remote storage. >>> import ray >>> path = "s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/pdf-sample_0.pdf" >>> ds = >>> ds.schema() Column Type ------ ---- bytes binary Read multiple local files. >>> # doctest: +SKIP ... ["local:///path/to/file1", "local:///path/to/file2"]) Read a file with the filepaths included as a column in the dataset. >>> path = "s3://anonymous@ray-example-data/pdf-sample_0.pdf" >>> ds =, include_paths=True) >>> ds.take(1)[0]["path"] 'ray-example-data/pdf-sample_0.pdf' Args: paths: A single file or directory, or a list of file or directory paths. A list of paths can contain both files and directories. include_paths: If ``True``, include the path to each file. File paths are stored in the ``'path'`` column. filesystem: The PyArrow filesystem implementation to read from. These filesystems are specified in the `PyArrow docs <\ filesystems.html#filesystem-implementations>`_. Specify this parameter if you need to provide specific configurations to the filesystem. By default, the filesystem is automatically selected based on the scheme of the paths. For example, if the path begins with ``s3://``, the `S3FileSystem` is used. ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. arrow_open_stream_args: kwargs passed to `pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_file <\ python/generated/pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.html\ #pyarrow.fs.FileSystem.open_input_stream>`_. meta_provider: [Deprecated] A :ref:`file metadata provider <metadata_provider>`. Custom metadata providers may be able to resolve file metadata more quickly and/or accurately. In most cases, you do not need to set this. If ``None``, this function uses a system-chosen implementation. partition_filter: A :class:``. Use with a custom callback to read only selected partitions of a dataset. By default, no files are filtered. By default, this does not filter out any files. partitioning: A :class:`` object that describes how paths are organized. Defaults to ``None``. ignore_missing_paths: If True, ignores any file paths in ``paths`` that are not found. Defaults to False. shuffle: If setting to "files", randomly shuffle input files order before read. If setting to :class:``, you can pass a seed to shuffle the input files. Defaults to not shuffle with ``None``. file_extensions: A list of file extensions to filter files by. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: :class:`` producing rows read from the specified paths. """ _emit_meta_provider_deprecation_warning(meta_provider) if meta_provider is None: meta_provider = DefaultFileMetadataProvider() datasource = BinaryDatasource( paths, include_paths=include_paths, filesystem=filesystem, open_stream_args=arrow_open_stream_args, meta_provider=meta_provider, partition_filter=partition_filter, partitioning=partitioning, ignore_missing_paths=ignore_missing_paths, shuffle=shuffle, file_extensions=file_extensions, ) return read_datasource( datasource, parallelism=parallelism, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def read_sql( sql: str, connection_factory: Callable[[], Connection], *, shard_keys: Optional[list[str]] = None, shard_hash_fn: str = "MD5", parallelism: int = -1, ray_remote_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dataset: """Read from a database that provides a `Python DB API2-compliant <>`_ connector. .. note:: Parallelism is supported by databases that support sharding. This means that the database needs to support all of the following operations: ``MOD``, ``ABS``, and ``CONCAT``. You can use ``shard_hash_fn`` to specify the hash function to use for sharding. The default is ``MD5``, but other common alternatives include ``hash``, ``unicode``, and ``SHA``. If the database does not support sharding, the read operation will be executed in a single task. Examples: For examples of reading from larger databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL, see :ref:`Reading from SQL Databases <reading_sql>`. .. testcode:: import sqlite3 import ray # Create a simple database connection = sqlite3.connect("example.db") connection.execute("CREATE TABLE movie(title, year, score)") connection.execute( \"\"\" INSERT INTO movie VALUES ('Monty Python and the Holy Grail', 1975, 8.2), ("Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl", 1982, 7.9), ("Monty Python's Life of Brian", 1979, 8.0), ("Rocky II", 1979, 7.3) \"\"\" ) connection.commit() connection.close() def create_connection(): return sqlite3.connect("example.db") # Get all movies ds ="SELECT * FROM movie", create_connection) # Get movies after the year 1980 ds = "SELECT title, score FROM movie WHERE year >= 1980", create_connection ) # Get the number of movies per year ds = "SELECT year, COUNT(*) FROM movie GROUP BY year", create_connection ) .. testcode:: :hide: import os os.remove("example.db") Args: sql: The SQL query to execute. connection_factory: A function that takes no arguments and returns a Python DB API2 `Connection object <>`_. shard_keys: The keys to shard the data by. shard_hash_fn: The hash function string to use for sharding. Defaults to "MD5". For other databases, common alternatives include "hash" and "SHA". This is applied to the shard keys. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. This is used for sharding when shard_keys is provided. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: A :class:`Dataset` containing the queried data. """ datasource = SQLDatasource( sql=sql, shard_keys=shard_keys, shard_hash_fn=shard_hash_fn, connection_factory=connection_factory, ) if override_num_blocks and override_num_blocks > 1: if shard_keys is None: raise ValueError("shard_keys must be provided when override_num_blocks > 1") if not datasource.supports_sharding(override_num_blocks): raise ValueError( "Database does not support sharding. Please set override_num_blocks to 1." ) return read_datasource( datasource, parallelism=parallelism, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def read_databricks_tables( *, warehouse_id: str, table: Optional[str] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, catalog: Optional[str] = None, schema: Optional[str] = None, parallelism: int = -1, ray_remote_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dataset: """Read a Databricks unity catalog table or Databricks SQL execution result. Before calling this API, set the ``DATABRICKS_TOKEN`` environment variable to your Databricks warehouse access token. .. code-block:: console export DATABRICKS_TOKEN=... If you're not running your program on the Databricks runtime, also set the ``DATABRICKS_HOST`` environment variable. .. code-block:: console export DATABRICKS_HOST=adb-<workspace-id>.<random-number> .. note:: This function is built on the `Databricks statement execution API <>`_. Examples: .. testcode:: :skipif: True import ray ds = warehouse_id='...', catalog='catalog_1', schema='db_1', query='select id from table_1 limit 750000', ) Args: warehouse_id: The ID of the Databricks warehouse. The query statement is executed on this warehouse. table: The name of UC table you want to read. If this argument is set, you can't set ``query`` argument, and the reader generates query of ``select * from {table_name}`` under the hood. query: The query you want to execute. If this argument is set, you can't set ``table_name`` argument. catalog: (Optional) The default catalog name used by the query. schema: (Optional) The default schema used by the query. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: A :class:`Dataset` containing the queried data. """ # noqa: E501 from import ( DatabricksUCDatasource, ) from ray.util.spark.utils import get_spark_session, is_in_databricks_runtime def get_dbutils(): no_dbutils_error = RuntimeError("No dbutils module found.") try: import IPython ip_shell = IPython.get_ipython() if ip_shell is None: raise no_dbutils_error return ip_shell.ns_table["user_global"]["dbutils"] except ImportError: raise no_dbutils_error except KeyError: raise no_dbutils_error token = os.environ.get("DATABRICKS_TOKEN") if not token: raise ValueError( "Please set environment variable 'DATABRICKS_TOKEN' to " "databricks workspace access token." ) host = os.environ.get("DATABRICKS_HOST") if not host: if is_in_databricks_runtime(): ctx = ( get_dbutils().notebook.entry_point.getDbutils().notebook().getContext() ) host = ctx.tags().get("browserHostName").get() else: raise ValueError( "You are not in databricks runtime, please set environment variable " "'DATABRICKS_HOST' to databricks workspace URL" '(e.g. "adb-<workspace-id>.<random-number>").' ) if not catalog: catalog = get_spark_session().sql("SELECT CURRENT_CATALOG()").collect()[0][0] if not schema: schema = get_spark_session().sql("SELECT CURRENT_DATABASE()").collect()[0][0] if query is not None and table is not None: raise ValueError("Only one of 'query' and 'table' arguments can be set.") if table: query = f"select * from {table}" if query is None: raise ValueError("One of 'query' and 'table' arguments should be set.") datasource = DatabricksUCDatasource( host=host, token=token, warehouse_id=warehouse_id, catalog=catalog, schema=schema, query=query, ) return read_datasource( datasource=datasource, parallelism=parallelism, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def read_hudi( table_uri: str, *, storage_options: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ray_remote_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dataset: """ Create a :class:`` from an `Apache Hudi table <>`_. Examples: >>> import ray >>> ds = # doctest: +SKIP ... table_uri="/hudi/trips", ... ) Args: table_uri: The URI of the Hudi table to read from. Local file paths, S3, and GCS are supported. storage_options: Extra options that make sense for a particular storage connection. This is used to store connection parameters like credentials, endpoint, etc. See more explanation `here <>`_. ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: A :class:`` producing records read from the Hudi table. """ # noqa: E501 datasource = HudiDatasource( table_uri=table_uri, storage_options=storage_options, ) return read_datasource( datasource=datasource, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI def from_dask(df: "dask.dataframe.DataFrame") -> MaterializedDataset: """Create a :class:`` from a `Dask DataFrame <>`_. Args: df: A `Dask DataFrame`_. Returns: A :class:`` holding rows read from the DataFrame. """ # noqa: E501 import dask from ray.util.dask import ray_dask_get partitions = df.to_delayed() persisted_partitions = dask.persist(*partitions, scheduler=ray_dask_get) import pandas def to_ref(df): if isinstance(df, pandas.DataFrame): return ray.put(df) elif isinstance(df, ray.ObjectRef): return df else: raise ValueError( "Expected a Ray object ref or a Pandas DataFrame, " f"got {type(df)}" ) ds = from_pandas_refs( [to_ref(next(iter(part.dask.values()))) for part in persisted_partitions], ) return ds
[docs] @PublicAPI def from_mars(df: "mars.dataframe.DataFrame") -> MaterializedDataset: """Create a :class:`` from a `Mars DataFrame <>`_. Args: df: A `Mars DataFrame`_, which must be executed by Mars-on-Ray. Returns: A :class:`` holding rows read from the DataFrame. """ # noqa: E501 import mars.dataframe as md ds: Dataset = md.to_ray_dataset(df) return ds
[docs] @PublicAPI def from_modin(df: "modin.pandas.dataframe.DataFrame") -> MaterializedDataset: """Create a :class:`` from a `Modin DataFrame <>`_. Args: df: A `Modin DataFrame`_, which must be using the Ray backend. Returns: A :class:`` rows read from the DataFrame. """ # noqa: E501 from modin.distributed.dataframe.pandas.partitions import unwrap_partitions parts = unwrap_partitions(df, axis=0) ds = from_pandas_refs(parts) return ds
[docs] @PublicAPI def from_pandas( dfs: Union["pandas.DataFrame", List["pandas.DataFrame"]], override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> MaterializedDataset: """Create a :class:`` from a list of pandas dataframes. Examples: >>> import pandas as pd >>> import ray >>> df = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [4, 5, 6]}) >>> MaterializedDataset(num_blocks=1, num_rows=3, schema={a: int64, b: int64}) Create a Ray Dataset from a list of Pandas DataFrames. >>>[df, df]) MaterializedDataset(num_blocks=2, num_rows=6, schema={a: int64, b: int64}) Args: dfs: A pandas dataframe or a list of pandas dataframes. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: :class:`` holding data read from the dataframes. """ import pandas as pd if isinstance(dfs, pd.DataFrame): dfs = [dfs] if override_num_blocks is not None: if len(dfs) > 1: # I assume most users pass a single DataFrame as input. For simplicity, I'm # concatenating DataFrames, even though it's not efficient. ary = pd.concat(dfs, axis=0) else: ary = dfs[0] dfs = np.array_split(ary, override_num_blocks) from ray.air.util.data_batch_conversion import ( _cast_ndarray_columns_to_tensor_extension, ) context = DataContext.get_current() if context.enable_tensor_extension_casting: dfs = [_cast_ndarray_columns_to_tensor_extension(df.copy()) for df in dfs] return from_pandas_refs([ray.put(df) for df in dfs])
[docs] @DeveloperAPI def from_pandas_refs( dfs: Union[ObjectRef["pandas.DataFrame"], List[ObjectRef["pandas.DataFrame"]]], ) -> MaterializedDataset: """Create a :class:`` from a list of Ray object references to pandas dataframes. Examples: >>> import pandas as pd >>> import ray >>> df_ref = ray.put(pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [4, 5, 6]})) >>> MaterializedDataset(num_blocks=1, num_rows=3, schema={a: int64, b: int64}) Create a Ray Dataset from a list of Pandas Dataframes references. >>>[df_ref, df_ref]) MaterializedDataset(num_blocks=2, num_rows=6, schema={a: int64, b: int64}) Args: dfs: A Ray object reference to a pandas dataframe, or a list of Ray object references to pandas dataframes. Returns: :class:`` holding data read from the dataframes. """ if isinstance(dfs, ray.ObjectRef): dfs = [dfs] elif isinstance(dfs, list): for df in dfs: if not isinstance(df, ray.ObjectRef): raise ValueError( "Expected list of Ray object refs, " f"got list containing {type(df)}" ) else: raise ValueError( "Expected Ray object ref or list of Ray object refs, " f"got {type(df)}" ) context = DataContext.get_current() if context.enable_pandas_block: get_metadata = cached_remote_fn(get_table_block_metadata) metadata = ray.get([get_metadata.remote(df) for df in dfs]) execution_plan = ExecutionPlan( DatasetStats(metadata={"FromPandas": metadata}, parent=None) ) logical_plan = LogicalPlan(FromPandas(dfs, metadata), execution_plan._context) return MaterializedDataset( execution_plan, logical_plan, ) df_to_block = cached_remote_fn(pandas_df_to_arrow_block, num_returns=2) res = [df_to_block.remote(df) for df in dfs] blocks, metadata = map(list, zip(*res)) metadata = ray.get(metadata) execution_plan = ExecutionPlan( DatasetStats(metadata={"FromPandas": metadata}, parent=None) ) logical_plan = LogicalPlan(FromPandas(blocks, metadata), execution_plan._context) return MaterializedDataset( execution_plan, logical_plan, )
[docs] @PublicAPI def from_numpy(ndarrays: Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]) -> MaterializedDataset: """Creates a :class:`` from a list of NumPy ndarrays. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import ray >>> arr = np.array([1]) >>> MaterializedDataset(num_blocks=1, num_rows=1, schema={data: int64}) Create a Ray Dataset from a list of NumPy arrays. >>>[arr, arr]) MaterializedDataset(num_blocks=2, num_rows=2, schema={data: int64}) Args: ndarrays: A NumPy ndarray or a list of NumPy ndarrays. Returns: :class:`` holding data from the given ndarrays. """ if isinstance(ndarrays, np.ndarray): ndarrays = [ndarrays] return from_numpy_refs([ray.put(ndarray) for ndarray in ndarrays])
[docs] @DeveloperAPI def from_numpy_refs( ndarrays: Union[ObjectRef[np.ndarray], List[ObjectRef[np.ndarray]]], ) -> MaterializedDataset: """Creates a :class:`` from a list of Ray object references to NumPy ndarrays. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import ray >>> arr_ref = ray.put(np.array([1])) >>> MaterializedDataset(num_blocks=1, num_rows=1, schema={data: int64}) Create a Ray Dataset from a list of NumPy array references. >>>[arr_ref, arr_ref]) MaterializedDataset(num_blocks=2, num_rows=2, schema={data: int64}) Args: ndarrays: A Ray object reference to a NumPy ndarray or a list of Ray object references to NumPy ndarrays. Returns: :class:`` holding data from the given ndarrays. """ if isinstance(ndarrays, ray.ObjectRef): ndarrays = [ndarrays] elif isinstance(ndarrays, list): for ndarray in ndarrays: if not isinstance(ndarray, ray.ObjectRef): raise ValueError( "Expected list of Ray object refs, " f"got list containing {type(ndarray)}" ) else: raise ValueError( f"Expected Ray object ref or list of Ray object refs, got {type(ndarray)}" ) ctx = DataContext.get_current() ndarray_to_block_remote = cached_remote_fn(ndarray_to_block, num_returns=2) res = [ndarray_to_block_remote.remote(ndarray, ctx) for ndarray in ndarrays] blocks, metadata = map(list, zip(*res)) metadata = ray.get(metadata) execution_plan = ExecutionPlan( DatasetStats(metadata={"FromNumpy": metadata}, parent=None) ) logical_plan = LogicalPlan(FromNumpy(blocks, metadata), execution_plan._context) return MaterializedDataset( execution_plan, logical_plan, )
[docs] @PublicAPI def from_arrow( tables: Union["pyarrow.Table", bytes, List[Union["pyarrow.Table", bytes]]], ) -> MaterializedDataset: """Create a :class:`` from a list of PyArrow tables. Examples: >>> import pyarrow as pa >>> import ray >>> table = pa.table({"x": [1]}) >>> MaterializedDataset(num_blocks=1, num_rows=1, schema={x: int64}) Create a Ray Dataset from a list of PyArrow tables. >>>[table, table]) MaterializedDataset(num_blocks=2, num_rows=2, schema={x: int64}) Args: tables: A PyArrow table, or a list of PyArrow tables, or its streaming format in bytes. Returns: :class:`` holding data from the PyArrow tables. """ import pyarrow as pa if isinstance(tables, (pa.Table, bytes)): tables = [tables] return from_arrow_refs([ray.put(t) for t in tables])
[docs] @DeveloperAPI def from_arrow_refs( tables: Union[ ObjectRef[Union["pyarrow.Table", bytes]], List[ObjectRef[Union["pyarrow.Table", bytes]]], ], ) -> MaterializedDataset: """Create a :class:`` from a list of Ray object references to PyArrow tables. Examples: >>> import pyarrow as pa >>> import ray >>> table_ref = ray.put(pa.table({"x": [1]})) >>> MaterializedDataset(num_blocks=1, num_rows=1, schema={x: int64}) Create a Ray Dataset from a list of PyArrow table references >>>[table_ref, table_ref]) MaterializedDataset(num_blocks=2, num_rows=2, schema={x: int64}) Args: tables: A Ray object reference to Arrow table, or list of Ray object references to Arrow tables, or its streaming format in bytes. Returns: :class:`` holding data read from the tables. """ if isinstance(tables, ray.ObjectRef): tables = [tables] get_metadata = cached_remote_fn(get_table_block_metadata) metadata = ray.get([get_metadata.remote(t) for t in tables]) execution_plan = ExecutionPlan( DatasetStats(metadata={"FromArrow": metadata}, parent=None) ) logical_plan = LogicalPlan(FromArrow(tables, metadata), execution_plan._context) return MaterializedDataset( execution_plan, logical_plan, )
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def read_delta_sharing_tables( url: str, *, limit: Optional[int] = None, version: Optional[int] = None, timestamp: Optional[str] = None, json_predicate_hints: Optional[str] = None, ray_remote_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dataset: """ Read data from a Delta Sharing table. Delta Sharing projct This function reads data from a Delta Sharing table specified by the URL. It supports various options such as limiting the number of rows, specifying a version or timestamp, and configuring concurrency. Before calling this function, ensure that the URL is correctly formatted to point to the Delta Sharing table you want to access. Make sure you have a valid delta_share profile in the working directory. Examples: .. testcode:: :skipif: True import ray ds = url=f"your-profile.json#your-share-name.your-schema-name.your-table-name", limit=100000, version=1, ) Args: url: A URL under the format "<profile-file-path>#<share-name>.<schema-name>.<table-name>". Example can be found at limit: A non-negative integer. Load only the ``limit`` rows if the parameter is specified. Use this optional parameter to explore the shared table without loading the entire table into memory. version: A non-negative integer. Load the snapshot of the table at the specified version. timestamp: A timestamp to specify the version of the table to read. json_predicate_hints: Predicate hints to be applied to the table. For more details, see: ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control the number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: A :class:`Dataset` containing the queried data. Raises: ValueError: If the URL is not properly formatted or if there is an issue with the Delta Sharing table connection. """ datasource = DeltaSharingDatasource( url=url, json_predicate_hints=json_predicate_hints, limit=limit, version=version, timestamp=timestamp, ) # DeltaSharing limit is at the add_files level, it will not return # exactly the limit number of rows but it will return less files and rows. return datasource=datasource, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI def from_spark( df: "pyspark.sql.DataFrame", *, parallelism: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> MaterializedDataset: """Create a :class:`` from a `Spark DataFrame <>`_. Args: df: A `Spark DataFrame`_, which must be created by RayDP (Spark-on-Ray). parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: A :class:`` holding rows read from the DataFrame. """ # noqa: E501 import raydp parallelism = _get_num_output_blocks(parallelism, override_num_blocks) return raydp.spark.spark_dataframe_to_ray_dataset(df, parallelism)
[docs] @PublicAPI def from_huggingface( dataset: Union["datasets.Dataset", "datasets.IterableDataset"], parallelism: int = -1, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Union[MaterializedDataset, Dataset]: """Create a :class:`` from a `Hugging Face Datasets Dataset <>`_ or a :class:`` from a `Hugging Face Datasets IterableDataset <>`_. For an `IterableDataset`, we use a streaming implementation to read data. If the dataset is a public Hugging Face Dataset that is hosted on the Hugging Face Hub and no transformations have been applied, then the `hosted parquet files <>`_ will be passed to :meth:`` to perform a distributed read. All other cases will be done with a single node read. Example: .. The following `testoutput` is mocked to avoid illustrating download logs like "Downloading and preparing dataset 162.17 MiB". .. testcode:: import ray import datasets hf_dataset = datasets.load_dataset("tweet_eval", "emotion") ray_ds =["train"]) print(ray_ds) hf_dataset_stream = datasets.load_dataset("tweet_eval", "emotion", streaming=True) ray_ds_stream =["train"]) print(ray_ds_stream) .. testoutput:: :options: +MOCK MaterializedDataset( num_blocks=..., num_rows=3257, schema={text: string, label: int64} ) Dataset( num_rows=3257, schema={text: string, label: int64} ) Args: dataset: A `Hugging Face Datasets Dataset`_ or `Hugging Face Datasets IterableDataset`_. `DatasetDict <>`_ and `IterableDatasetDict <>`_ are not supported. parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: A :class:`` holding rows from the `Hugging Face Datasets Dataset`_. """ # noqa: E501 import datasets from aiohttp.client_exceptions import ClientResponseError from import ( HuggingFaceDatasource, ) if isinstance(dataset, (datasets.IterableDataset, datasets.Dataset)): try: # Attempt to read data via Hugging Face Hub parquet files. If the # returned list of files is empty, attempt read via other methods. file_urls = HuggingFaceDatasource.list_parquet_urls_from_dataset(dataset) if len(file_urls) > 0: # If file urls are returned, the parquet files are available via API # TODO: Add support for reading from http filesystem in # FileBasedDatasource. GH Issue: # import fsspec.implementations.http http = fsspec.implementations.http.HTTPFileSystem() return read_parquet( file_urls, parallelism=parallelism, filesystem=http, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, ray_remote_args={ "retry_exceptions": [FileNotFoundError, ClientResponseError] }, ) except (FileNotFoundError, ClientResponseError): logger.warning( "Distributed read via Hugging Face Hub parquet files failed, " "falling back on single node read." ) if isinstance(dataset, datasets.IterableDataset): # For an IterableDataset, we can use a streaming implementation to read data. return read_datasource( HuggingFaceDatasource(dataset=dataset), parallelism=parallelism, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, ) if isinstance(dataset, datasets.Dataset): # For non-streaming Hugging Face Dataset, we don't support override_num_blocks if override_num_blocks is not None: raise ValueError( "`override_num_blocks` parameter is not supported for " "non-streaming Hugging Face Datasets. Please omit the parameter and use `.repartition` instead." "Alternatively, use streaming mode to read the dataset." ) # To get the resulting Arrow table from a Hugging Face Dataset after # applying transformations (e.g., train_test_split(), shard(), select()), # we create a copy of the Arrow table, which applies the indices # mapping from the transformations. hf_ds_arrow = dataset.with_format("arrow") ray_ds = from_arrow(hf_ds_arrow[:]) return ray_ds elif isinstance(dataset, (datasets.DatasetDict, datasets.IterableDatasetDict)): available_keys = list(dataset.keys()) raise DeprecationWarning( "You provided a Hugging Face DatasetDict or IterableDatasetDict, " "which contains multiple datasets, but `from_huggingface` now " "only accepts a single Hugging Face Dataset. To convert just " "a single Hugging Face Dataset to a Ray Dataset, specify a split. " "For example, `" f"['{available_keys[0]}'])`. " f"Available splits are {available_keys}." ) else: raise TypeError( f"`dataset` must be a `datasets.Dataset`, but got {type(dataset)}" )
[docs] @PublicAPI def from_tf( dataset: "", ) -> MaterializedDataset: """Create a :class:`` from a `TensorFlow Dataset <>`_. This function is inefficient. Use it to read small datasets or prototype. .. warning:: If your dataset is large, this function may execute slowly or raise an out-of-memory error. To avoid issues, read the underyling data with a function like :meth:``. .. note:: This function isn't parallelized. It loads the entire dataset into the local node's memory before moving the data to the distributed object store. Examples: >>> import ray >>> import tensorflow_datasets as tfds >>> dataset, _ = tfds.load('cifar10', split=["train", "test"]) # doctest: +SKIP >>> ds = # doctest: +SKIP >>> ds # doctest: +SKIP MaterializedDataset( num_blocks=..., num_rows=50000, schema={ id: binary, image: numpy.ndarray(shape=(32, 32, 3), dtype=uint8), label: int64 } ) >>> ds.take(1) # doctest: +SKIP [{'id': b'train_16399', 'image': array([[[143, 96, 70], [141, 96, 72], [135, 93, 72], ..., [ 96, 37, 19], [105, 42, 18], [104, 38, 20]], ..., [[195, 161, 126], [187, 153, 123], [186, 151, 128], ..., [212, 177, 147], [219, 185, 155], [221, 187, 157]]], dtype=uint8), 'label': 7}] Args: dataset: A `TensorFlow Dataset`_. Returns: A :class:`MaterializedDataset` that contains the samples stored in the `TensorFlow Dataset`_. """ # noqa: E501 # FIXME: `as_numpy_iterator` errors if `dataset` contains ragged tensors. return from_items(list(dataset.as_numpy_iterator()))
[docs] @PublicAPI def from_torch( dataset: "", local_read: bool = False, ) -> Dataset: """Create a :class:`` from a `Torch Dataset <>`_. .. note:: The input dataset can either be map-style or iterable-style, and can have arbitrarily large amount of data. The data will be sequentially streamed with one single read task. Examples: >>> import ray >>> from torchvision import datasets >>> dataset = datasets.MNIST("data", download=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> ds = # doctest: +SKIP >>> ds # doctest: +SKIP MaterializedDataset(num_blocks=..., num_rows=60000, schema={item: object}) >>> ds.take(1) # doctest: +SKIP {"item": (<PIL.Image.Image image mode=L size=28x28 at 0x...>, 5)} Args: dataset: A `Torch Dataset`_. local_read: If ``True``, perform the read as a local read. Returns: A :class:`` containing the Torch dataset samples. """ # noqa: E501 # Files may not be accessible from all nodes, run the read task on current node. ray_remote_args = {} if local_read: ray_remote_args = { "scheduling_strategy": NodeAffinitySchedulingStrategy( ray.get_runtime_context().get_node_id(), soft=False, ), # The user might have initialized Ray to have num_cpus = 0 for the head # node. For a local read we expect the read task to be executed on the # head node, so we should set num_cpus = 0 for the task to allow it to # run regardless of the user's head node configuration. "num_cpus": 0, } return read_datasource( TorchDatasource(dataset=dataset), ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, # Only non-parallel, streaming read is currently supported override_num_blocks=1, )
[docs] @PublicAPI def read_iceberg( *, table_identifier: str, row_filter: Union[str, "BooleanExpression"] = None, parallelism: int = -1, selected_fields: Tuple[str, ...] = ("*",), snapshot_id: Optional[int] = None, scan_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, catalog_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ray_remote_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dataset: """Create a :class:`` from an Iceberg table. The table to read from is specified using a fully qualified ``table_identifier``. Using PyIceberg, any intended row filters, selection of specific fields and picking of a particular snapshot ID are applied, and the files that satisfy the query are distributed across Ray read tasks. The number of output blocks is determined by ``override_num_blocks`` which can be requested from this interface or automatically chosen if unspecified. .. tip:: For more details on PyIceberg, see - URI: Examples: >>> import ray >>> from pyiceberg.expressions import EqualTo #doctest: +SKIP >>> ds = #doctest: +SKIP ... table_identifier="db_name.table_name", ... row_filter=EqualTo("column_name", "literal_value"), ... catalog_kwargs={"name": "default", "type": "glue"} ... ) Args: table_identifier: Fully qualified table identifier (``db_name.table_name``) row_filter: A PyIceberg :class:`~pyiceberg.expressions.BooleanExpression` to use to filter the data *prior* to reading parallelism: This argument is deprecated. Use ``override_num_blocks`` argument. selected_fields: Which columns from the data to read, passed directly to PyIceberg's load functions. Should be an tuple of string column names. snapshot_id: Optional snapshot ID for the Iceberg table, by default the latest snapshot is used scan_kwargs: Optional arguments to pass to PyIceberg's Table.scan() function (e.g., case_sensitive, limit, etc.) catalog_kwargs: Optional arguments to pass to PyIceberg's catalog.load_catalog() function (e.g., name, type, etc.). For the function definition, see `pyiceberg catalog <\ #pyiceberg.catalog.load_catalog>`_. ray_remote_args: Optional arguments to pass to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources, and capped at the number of physical files to be read. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: :class:`` with rows from the Iceberg table. """ # Setup the Datasource datasource = IcebergDatasource( table_identifier=table_identifier, row_filter=row_filter, selected_fields=selected_fields, snapshot_id=snapshot_id, scan_kwargs=scan_kwargs, catalog_kwargs=catalog_kwargs, ) dataset = read_datasource( datasource=datasource, parallelism=parallelism, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, ) return dataset
[docs] @PublicAPI def read_lance( uri: str, *, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, storage_options: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, scanner_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ray_remote_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dataset: """ Create a :class:`` from a `Lance Dataset <>`_. Examples: >>> import ray >>> ds = # doctest: +SKIP ... uri="./db_name.lance", ... columns=["image", "label"], ... filter="label = 2 AND text IS NOT NULL", ... ) Args: uri: The URI of the Lance dataset to read from. Local file paths, S3, and GCS are supported. columns: The columns to read. By default, all columns are read. filter: Read returns only the rows matching the filter. By default, no filter is applied. storage_options: Extra options that make sense for a particular storage connection. This is used to store connection parameters like credentials, endpoint, etc. For more information, see `Object Store Configuration <https\ ://>`_. scanner_options: Additional options to configure the `LanceDataset.scanner()` method, such as `batch_size`. For more information, see `LanceDB API doc <\ /lance/api/python/lance.html#lance.dataset.LanceDataset.scanner>`_ ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: A :class:`` producing records read from the Lance dataset. """ # noqa: E501 datasource = LanceDatasource( uri=uri, columns=columns, filter=filter, storage_options=storage_options, scanner_options=scanner_options, ) return read_datasource( datasource=datasource, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def read_clickhouse( *, table: str, dsn: str, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None, order_by: Optional[Tuple[List[str], bool]] = None, client_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, client_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ray_remote_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, concurrency: Optional[int] = None, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Dataset: """ Create a :class:`` from a ClickHouse table or view. Examples: >>> import ray >>> ds = # doctest: +SKIP ... table="default.table", ... dsn="clickhouse+http://username:password@host:8124/default", ... columns=["timestamp", "age", "status", "text", "label"], ... filter="age > 18 AND status = 'active'", ... order_by=(["timestamp"], False), ... ) Args: table: Fully qualified table or view identifier (e.g., "default.table_name"). dsn: A string in standard DSN (Data Source Name) HTTP format (e.g., "clickhouse+http://username:password@host:8124/default"). For more information, see `ClickHouse Connection String doc <>`_. columns: Optional list of columns to select from the data source. If no columns are specified, all columns will be selected by default. filter: Optional SQL filter string that will be used in the WHERE statement (e.g., "label = 2 AND text IS NOT NULL"). The filter string must be valid for use in a ClickHouse SQL WHERE clause. Please Note: Parallel reads are not currently supported when a filter is set. Specifying a filter forces the parallelism to 1 to ensure deterministic and consistent results. For more information, see `ClickHouse SQL WHERE Clause doc <>`_. order_by: Optional tuple containing a list of columns to order by and a boolean indicating whether the order should be descending (True for DESC, False for ASC). Please Note: order_by is required to support parallelism. If not provided, the data will be read in a single task. This is to ensure that the data is read in a consistent order across all tasks. client_settings: Optional ClickHouse server settings to be used with the session/every request. For more information, see `ClickHouse Client Settings <>`_. client_kwargs: Optional additional arguments to pass to the ClickHouse client. For more information, see `ClickHouse Core Settings <>`_. ray_remote_args: kwargs passed to :func:`ray.remote` in the read tasks. concurrency: The maximum number of Ray tasks to run concurrently. Set this to control number of tasks to run concurrently. This doesn't change the total number of tasks run or the total number of output blocks. By default, concurrency is dynamically decided based on the available resources. override_num_blocks: Override the number of output blocks from all read tasks. By default, the number of output blocks is dynamically decided based on input data size and available resources. You shouldn't manually set this value in most cases. Returns: A :class:`` producing records read from the ClickHouse table or view. """ # noqa: E501 datasource = ClickHouseDatasource( table=table, dsn=dsn, columns=columns, filter=filter, order_by=order_by, client_settings=client_settings, client_kwargs=client_kwargs, ) return read_datasource( datasource=datasource, ray_remote_args=ray_remote_args, concurrency=concurrency, override_num_blocks=override_num_blocks, )
def _get_datasource_or_legacy_reader( ds: Datasource, ctx: DataContext, kwargs: dict, ) -> Union[Datasource, Reader]: """Generates reader. Args: ds: Datasource to read from. ctx: Dataset config to use. kwargs: Additional kwargs to pass to the legacy reader if `Datasource.create_reader` is implemented. Returns: The datasource or a generated legacy reader. """ kwargs = _unwrap_arrow_serialization_workaround(kwargs) DataContext._set_current(ctx) if ds.should_create_reader: warnings.warn( "`create_reader` has been deprecated in Ray 2.9. Instead of creating a " "`Reader`, implement `Datasource.get_read_tasks` and " "`Datasource.estimate_inmemory_data_size`.", DeprecationWarning, ) datasource_or_legacy_reader = ds.create_reader(**kwargs) else: datasource_or_legacy_reader = ds return datasource_or_legacy_reader def _resolve_parquet_args( tensor_column_schema: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[np.dtype, Tuple[int, ...]]]] = None, **arrow_parquet_args, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: if tensor_column_schema is not None: existing_block_udf = arrow_parquet_args.pop("_block_udf", None) def _block_udf(block: "pyarrow.Table") -> "pyarrow.Table": from import ArrowTensorArray for tensor_col_name, (dtype, shape) in tensor_column_schema.items(): # NOTE(Clark): We use NumPy to consolidate these potentially # non-contiguous buffers, and to do buffer bookkeeping in # general. np_col = _create_possibly_ragged_ndarray( [ np.ndarray(shape, buffer=buf.as_buffer(), dtype=dtype) for buf in block.column(tensor_col_name) ] ) block = block.set_column( block._ensure_integer_index(tensor_col_name), tensor_col_name, ArrowTensorArray.from_numpy(np_col, tensor_col_name), ) if existing_block_udf is not None: # Apply UDF after casting the tensor columns. block = existing_block_udf(block) return block arrow_parquet_args["_block_udf"] = _block_udf return arrow_parquet_args def _get_num_output_blocks( parallelism: int = -1, override_num_blocks: Optional[int] = None, ) -> int: if parallelism != -1: logger.warning( "The argument ``parallelism`` is deprecated in Ray 2.10. Please specify " "argument ``override_num_blocks`` instead." ) elif override_num_blocks is not None: parallelism = override_num_blocks return parallelism def _emit_meta_provider_deprecation_warning( meta_provider: Optional[BaseFileMetadataProvider], ) -> None: if meta_provider is not None: warnings.warn( "The `meta_provider` argument is deprecated and will be removed after May " "2025.", DeprecationWarning, )