Key Concepts#


The experimental Ray Workflows library has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Ray.


Workflows is a library that provides strong durability for Ray task graphs. If you’re brand new to Ray, we recommend starting with the core walkthrough instead.


Normally, Ray tasks are executed eagerly. In order to provide durability, Ray Workflows uses the lazy Ray DAG API to separate the definition and execution of task DAGs.

Switching from Ray tasks to the DAG API is simple: just replace all calls to .remote(...) (which return object references), to calls to .bind(...) (which return DAG nodes). Ray DAG nodes can otherwise be composed like normal Ray tasks.

However, unlike Ray tasks, you are not allowed to call ray.get() or ray.wait() on DAG nodes. Instead, the DAG needs to be executed in order to compute a result.

Composing functions together into a DAG:

import ray

def one() -> int:
    return 1

def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    return a + b

dag = add.bind(100, one.bind())

Workflow Execution#

To execute a DAG with workflows, use

from ray import workflow

# Run the workflow until it completes and returns the output
assert == 101

# Or you can run it asynchronously and fetch the output via 'ray.get'
output_ref = workflow.run_async(dag)
assert ray.get(output_ref) == 101

Once started, a workflow’s execution is durably logged to storage. On system failure, the workflow can be resumed on any Ray cluster with access to the storage.

When executing the workflow DAG, workflow tasks are retried on failure, but once they finish successfully and the results are persisted by the workflow engine, they will never be run again.

Getting the result of a workflow:

# configure the storage with "ray.init" or "ray start --head --storage=<STORAGE_URI>"
# A default temporary storage is used by by the workflow if starting without
# Ray init.
assert, workflow_id="run_1") == 101
assert workflow.get_status("run_1") == workflow.WorkflowStatus.SUCCESSFUL
assert workflow.get_output("run_1") == 101
# workflow.get_output_async returns an ObjectRef.
assert ray.get(workflow.get_output_async("run_1")) == 101


Workflows integrates seamlessly with Ray objects, by allowing Ray object references to be passed into and returned from tasks. Objects are checkpointed when initially returned from a task. After checkpointing, the object can be shared among any number of workflow tasks at memory-speed via the Ray object store.

Using Ray objects in a workflow:

import ray
from typing import List

def hello():
    return "hello"

def words() -> List[ray.ObjectRef]:
    # NOTE: Here it is ".remote()" instead of ".bind()", so
    # it creates an ObjectRef instead of a DAG.
    return [hello.remote(), ray.put("world")]

def concat(words: List[ray.ObjectRef]) -> str:
    return " ".join([ray.get(w) for w in words])

assert == "hello world"

Dynamic Workflows#

Workflows can generate new tasks at runtime. This is achieved by returning a continuation of a DAG. A continuation is something returned by a function and executed after it returns. The continuation feature enables nesting, looping, and recursion within workflows.

The Fibonacci recursive workflow:

def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    return a + b

def fib(n: int) -> int:
    if n <= 1:
        return n
    # return a continuation of a DAG
    return workflow.continuation(add.bind(fib.bind(n - 1), fib.bind(n - 2)))

assert == 55


Events are external signals sent to the workflow. Workflows can be efficiently triggered by timers or external events using the event system.

import time

# Sleep is a special type of event.
sleep_task = workflow.sleep(1)

# `wait_for_events` allows for pluggable event listeners.
event_task = workflow.wait_for_event(workflow.event_listener.TimerListener, time.time() + 2)

def gather(*args):
    return args

# If a task's arguments include events, the task won't be executed until all
# of the events have occurred., event_task, "hello world"))