Configuring and Managing Ray Dashboard#

Ray Dashboard is one of the most important tools to monitor and debug Ray applications and Clusters. This page describes how to configure Ray Dashboard on your Clusters.

Dashboard configurations may differ depending on how you launch Ray Clusters (e.g., local Ray Cluster v.s. KubeRay). Integrations with Prometheus and Grafana are optional for enhanced Dashboard experience.


Ray Dashboard is only intended for interactive development and debugging because the Dashboard UI and the underlying data are not accessible after Clusters are terminated. For production monitoring and debugging, users should rely on persisted logs, persisted metrics, persisted Ray states, and other observability tools.

Changing the Ray Dashboard port#

Ray Dashboard runs on port 8265 of the head node. Follow the instructions below to customize the port if needed.

Start the cluster explicitly with CLI
Pass the --dashboard-port argument with ray start in the command line.

Start the cluster implicitly with ray.init
Pass the keyword argument dashboard_port in your call to ray.init().

Include the --dashboard-port argument in the head_start_ray_commands section of the Cluster Launcher’s YAML file.

  - ray stop
  # Replace ${YOUR_PORT} with the port number you need.
  - ulimit -n 65536; ray start --head --dashboard-port=${YOUR_PORT} --port=6379 --object-manager-port=8076 --autoscaling-config=~/ray_bootstrap_config.yaml

View the specifying non-default ports page for details.

Viewing Ray Dashboard in browsers#

When you start a single-node Ray cluster on your laptop, you can access the dashboard through a URL printed when Ray is initialized (the default URL is http://localhost:8265).

When you start a remote Ray cluster with the VM cluster launcher, KubeRay operator, or manual configuration, the Ray Dashboard launches on the head node but the dashboard port may not be publicly exposed. You need an additional setup to access the Ray Dashboard from outside the head node.


For security purpose, do not expose Ray Dashboard publicly without proper authentication in place.

Port forwarding
You can securely port-forward local traffic to the dashboard with the ray dashboard command.

$ ray dashboard [-p <port, 8265 by default>] <cluster config file>

The dashboard is now visible at http://localhost:8265.

The KubeRay operator makes Dashboard available via a Service targeting the Ray head pod, named <RayCluster name>-head-svc. Access Dashboard from within the Kubernetes cluster at http://<RayCluster name>-head-svc:8265.

There are two ways to expose Dashboard outside the Cluster:

1. Setting up ingress
Follow the instructions to set up ingress to access Ray Dashboard. The Ingress must only allows access from trusted sources.

2. Port forwarding
You can also view the dashboard from outside the Kubernetes cluster by using port-forwarding:

$ kubectl port-forward service/${RAYCLUSTER_NAME}-head-svc 8265:8265
# Visit ${YOUR_IP}:8265 for the Dashboard (e.g. or ${YOUR_VM_IP}:8265)


Do not use port forwarding for production environment. Follow the instructions above to expose the Dashboard with Ingress.

For more information about configuring network access to a Ray cluster on Kubernetes, see the networking notes.

Running behind a reverse proxy#

Ray Dashboard should work out-of-the-box when accessed via a reverse proxy. API requests don’t need to be proxied individually.

Always access the dashboard with a trailing / at the end of the URL. For example, if your proxy is set up to handle requests to /ray/dashboard, view the dashboard at

The dashboard sends HTTP requests with relative URL paths. Browsers handle these requests as expected when the window.location.href ends in a trailing /.

This is a peculiarity of how many browsers handle requests with relative URLs, despite what MDN defines as the expected behavior.

Make your dashboard visible without a trailing / by including a rule in your reverse proxy that redirects the user’s browser to /, i.e. /ray/dashboard –> /ray/dashboard/.

Below is an example with a traefik TOML file that accomplishes this:

      rule = "PathPrefix(`/ray/dashboard`)"
      middlewares = ["test-redirectregex", "strip"]
      service = "dashboard"
      regex = "^(.*)/ray/dashboard$"
      replacement = "${1}/ray/dashboard/"
      prefixes = ["/ray/dashboard"]
        url = "http://localhost:8265"


The Ray Dashboard provides read and write access to the Ray Cluster. The reverse proxy must provide authentication or network ingress controls to prevent unauthorized access to the Cluster.

Disabling the Dashboard#

Dashboard is included if you use ray[default] or other installation commands and automatically started.

To disable Dashboard, use the following arguments --include-dashboard.

Start the cluster explicitly with CLI

ray start --include-dashboard=False

Start the cluster implicitly with ray.init

import ray

Include the ray start --head --include-dashboard=False argument in the head_start_ray_commands section of the Cluster Launcher’s YAML file.


It’s not recommended to disable Dashboard because several KubeRay features like RayJob and RayService depend on it.

Set spec.headGroupSpec.rayStartParams.include-dashboard to False. Check out this example YAML file.

Embed Grafana visualizations into Ray Dashboard#

For the enhanced Ray Dashboard experience, like viewing time-series metrics together with logs, Job info, etc., set up Prometheus and Grafana and integrate them with Ray Dashboard.

Setting up Prometheus#

To render Grafana visualizations, you need Prometheus to scrape metrics from Ray Clusters. Follow the instructions to set up your Prometheus server and start to scrape system and application metrics from Ray Clusters.

Setting up Grafana#

Grafana is a tool that supports advanced visualizations of Prometheus metrics and allows you to create custom dashboards with your favorite metrics. Follow the instructions to set up Grafana.

Embedding Grafana visualizations into Ray Dashboard#

To view embedded time-series visualizations in Ray Dashboard, the following must be set up:

  1. The head node of the cluster is able to access Prometheus and Grafana.

  2. The browser of the dashboard user is able to access Grafana.

Configure these settings using the RAY_GRAFANA_HOST, RAY_PROMETHEUS_HOST, RAY_PROMETHEUS_NAME, and RAY_GRAFANA_IFRAME_HOST environment variables when you start the Ray Clusters.

  • Set RAY_GRAFANA_HOST to an address that the head node can use to access Grafana. Head node does health checks on Grafana on the backend.

  • Set RAY_PROMETHEUS_HOST to an address the head node can use to access Prometheus.

  • Set RAY_PROMETHEUS_NAME to select a different data source to use for the Grafana dashboard panels to use. Default is “Prometheus”.

  • Set RAY_GRAFANA_IFRAME_HOST to an address that the user’s browsers can use to access Grafana and embed visualizations. If RAY_GRAFANA_IFRAME_HOST is not set, Ray Dashboard uses the value of RAY_GRAFANA_HOST.

For example, if the IP of the head node is and Grafana is hosted on port 3000. Set the value to RAY_GRAFANA_HOST=

  • If you start a single-node Ray Cluster manually, make sure these environment variables are set and accessible before you start the cluster or as a prefix to the ray start ... command, e.g., RAY_GRAFANA_HOST= ray start ...

  • If you start a Ray Cluster with VM Cluster Launcher, the environment variables should be set under head_start_ray_commands as a prefix to the ray start ... command.

  • If you start a Ray Cluster with KubeRay, refer to this tutorial.

If all the environment variables are set properly, you should see time-series metrics in Ray Dashboard.


If you use a different Prometheus server for each Ray Cluster and use the same Grafana server for all Clusters, set the RAY_PROMETHEUS_NAME environment variable to different values for each Ray Cluster and add these datasources in Grafana. Follow these instructions to set up Grafana.

Alternate Prometheus host location#

By default, Ray Dashboard assumes Prometheus is hosted at localhost:9090. You can choose to run Prometheus on a non-default port or on a different machine. In this case, make sure that Prometheus can scrape the metrics from your Ray nodes following instructions here.

Then, configure RAY_PROMETHEUS_HOST environment variable properly as stated above. For example, if Prometheus is hosted at port 9000 on a node with ip, set RAY_PROMETHEUS_HOST=

Alternate Grafana host location#

By default, Ray Dashboard assumes Grafana is hosted at localhost:3000 You can choose to run Grafana on a non-default port or on a different machine as long as the head node and the browsers of dashboard users can access it.

If Grafana is exposed with NGINX ingress on a Kubernetes cluster, the following line should be present in the Grafana ingress annotation: |
    add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN always;

When both Grafana and the Ray Cluster are on the same Kubernetes cluster, set RAY_GRAFANA_HOST to the external URL of the Grafana ingress.

User authentication for Grafana#

When the Grafana instance requires user authentication, the following settings have to be in its configuration file to correctly embed in Ray Dashboard:

  allow_embedding = true
  cookie_secure = true
  cookie_samesite = none


Dashboard message: either Prometheus or Grafana server is not deteced#

If you have followed the instructions above to set up everything, run the connection checks below in your browser:

  • check Head Node connection to Prometheus server: add api/prometheus_health to the end of Ray Dashboard URL (for example: visit it.

  • check Head Node connection to Grafana server: add api/grafana_health to the end of Ray Dashboard URL (for example: and visit it.

  • check browser connection to Grafana server: visit the URL used in RAY_GRAFANA_IFRAME_HOST.

Getting an error that says RAY_GRAFANA_HOST is not setup#

If you have set up Grafana , check that:

  • You’ve included the protocol in the URL (e.g., instead of

  • The URL doesn’t have a trailing slash (e.g., instead of

Certificate Authority (CA error)#

You may see a CA error if your Grafana instance is hosted behind HTTPS. Contact the Grafana service owner to properly enable HTTPS traffic.

Viewing built-in Dashboard API metrics#

Dashboard is powered by a server that serves both the UI code and the data about the cluster via API endpoints. Ray emits basic Prometheus metrics for each API endpoint:

ray_dashboard_api_requests_count_requests_total: Collects the total count of requests. This is tagged by endpoint, method, and http_status.

ray_dashboard_api_requests_duration_seconds_bucket: Collects the duration of requests. This is tagged by endpoint and method.

For example, you can view the p95 duration of all requests with this query:

histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(ray_dashboard_api_requests_duration_seconds_bucket[5m])) by (le))

You can query these metrics from the Prometheus or Grafana UI. Find instructions above for how to set these tools up.