Advanced Ray Serve Autoscaling#

This guide goes over more advanced autoscaling parameters in autoscaling_config and an advanced model composition example.

Autoscaling config parameters#

In this section, we go into more detail about Serve autoscaling concepts as well as how to set your autoscaling config.

[Required] Define the steady state of your system#

To define what the steady state of your deployments should be, set values for target_ongoing_requests and max_ongoing_requests.

target_ongoing_requests [default=2]#


The default for target_ongoing_requests changed from 1.0 to 2.0 in Ray 2.32.0. You can continue to set it manually to override the default.

Serve scales the number of replicas for a deployment up or down based on the average number of ongoing requests per replica. Specifically, Serve compares the actual number of ongoing requests per replica with the target value you set in the autoscaling config and makes upscale or downscale decisions from that. Set the target value with target_ongoing_requests, and Serve attempts to ensure that each replica has roughly that number of requests being processed and waiting in the queue.

Always load test your workloads. For example, if the use case is latency sensitive, you can lower the target_ongoing_requests number to maintain high performance. Benchmark your application code and set this number based on an end-to-end latency objective.


As an example, suppose you have two replicas of a synchronous deployment that has 100ms latency, serving a traffic load of 30 QPS. Then Serve assigns requests to replicas faster than the replicas can finish processing them; more and more requests queue up at the replica (these requests are “ongoing requests”) as time progresses, and then the average number of ongoing requests at each replica steadily increases. Latency also increases because new requests have to wait for old requests to finish processing. If you set target_ongoing_requests = 1, Serve detects a higher than desired number of ongoing requests per replica, and adds more replicas. At 3 replicas, your system would be able to process 30 QPS with 1 ongoing request per replica on average.

max_ongoing_requests [default=5]#


The default for max_ongoing_requests changed from 100 to 5 in Ray 2.32.0. You can continue to set it manually to override the default.

There is also a maximum queue limit that proxies respect when assigning requests to replicas. Define the limit with max_ongoing_requests. Set max_ongoing_requests to ~20 to 50% higher than target_ongoing_requests.

  • Setting it too low can throttle throughput. Instead of being forwarded to replicas for concurrent execution, requests will tend to queue up at the proxy, waiting for replicas to finish processing existing requests.


max_ongoing_requests should be tuned higher especially for lightweight requests, else the overall throughput will be impacted.

  • Setting it too high can lead to imbalanced routing. Concretely, this can lead to very high tail latencies during upscale, because when the autoscaler is scaling a deployment up due to a traffic spike, most or all of the requests might be assigned to the existing replicas before the new replicas are started.

[Required] Define upper and lower autoscaling limits#

To use autoscaling, you need to define the minimum and maximum number of resources allowed for your system.

  • min_replicas [default=1]: This is the minimum number of replicas for the deployment. If you want to ensure your system can deal with a certain level of traffic at all times, set min_replicas to a positive number. On the other hand, if you anticipate periods of no traffic and want to scale to zero to save cost, set min_replicas = 0. Note that setting min_replicas = 0 causes higher tail latencies; when you start sending traffic, the deployment scales up, and there will be a cold start time as Serve waits for replicas to be started to serve the request.

  • max_replicas [default=1]: This is the maximum number of replicas for the deployment. This should be greater than min_replicas. Ray Serve Autoscaling relies on the Ray Autoscaler to scale up more nodes when the currently available cluster resources (CPUs, GPUs, etc.) are not enough to support more replicas.

  • initial_replicas: This is the number of replicas that are started initially for the deployment. This defaults to the value for min_replicas.

[Optional] Define how the system reacts to changing traffic#

Given a steady stream of traffic and appropriately configured min_replicas and max_replicas, the steady state of your system is essentially fixed for a chosen configuration value for target_ongoing_requests. Before reaching steady state, however, your system is reacting to traffic shifts. How you want your system to react to changes in traffic determines how you want to set the remaining autoscaling configurations.

  • upscale_delay_s [default=30s]: This defines how long Serve waits before scaling up the number of replicas in your deployment. In other words, this parameter controls the frequency of upscale decisions. If the replicas are consistently serving more requests than desired for an upscale_delay_s number of seconds, then Serve scales up the number of replicas based on aggregated ongoing requests metrics. For example, if your service is likely to experience bursts of traffic, you can lower upscale_delay_s so that your application can react quickly to increases in traffic.

  • downscale_delay_s [default=600s]: This defines how long Serve waits before scaling down the number of replicas in your deployment. In other words, this parameter controls the frequency of downscale decisions. If the replicas are consistently serving less requests than desired for a downscale_delay_s number of seconds, then Serve scales down the number of replicas based on aggregated ongoing requests metrics. For example, if your application initializes slowly, you can increase downscale_delay_s to make the downscaling happen more infrequently and avoid reinitialization when the application needs to upscale again in the future.

  • upscale_smoothing_factor [default_value=1.0] (DEPRECATED): This parameter is renamed to upscaling_factor. upscale_smoothing_factor will be removed in a future release.

  • downscale_smoothing_factor [default_value=1.0] (DEPRECATED): This parameter is renamed to downscaling_factor. downscale_smoothing_factor will be removed in a future release.

  • upscaling_factor [default_value=1.0]: The multiplicative factor to amplify or moderate each upscaling decision. For example, when the application has high traffic volume in a short period of time, you can increase upscaling_factor to scale up the resource quickly. This parameter is like a “gain” factor to amplify the response of the autoscaling algorithm.

  • downscaling_factor [default_value=1.0]: The multiplicative factor to amplify or moderate each downscaling decision. For example, if you want your application to be less sensitive to drops in traffic and scale down more conservatively, you can decrease downscaling_factor to slow down the pace of downscaling.

  • metrics_interval_s [default_value=10]: This controls how often each replica sends reports on current ongoing requests to the autoscaler. Note that the autoscaler can’t make new decisions if it doesn’t receive updated metrics, so you most likely want to set metrics_interval_s to a value that is less than or equal to the upscale and downscale delay values. For instance, if you set upscale_delay_s = 3, but keep metrics_interval_s = 10, the autoscaler only upscales roughly every 10 seconds.

  • look_back_period_s [default_value=30]: This is the window over which the average number of ongoing requests per replica is calculated.

Model composition example#

Determining the autoscaling configuration for a multi-model application requires understanding each deployment’s scaling requirements. Every deployment has a different latency and differing levels of concurrency. As a result, finding the right autoscaling config for a model-composition application requires experimentation.

This example is a simple application with three deployments composed together to build some intuition about multi-model autoscaling. Assume these deployments:

  • HeavyLoad: A mock 200ms workload with high CPU usage.

  • LightLoad: A mock 100ms workload with high CPU usage.

  • Driver: A driver deployment that fans out to the HeavyLoad and LightLoad deployments and aggregates the two outputs.

Attempt 1: One Driver replica#

First consider the following deployment configurations. Because the driver deployment has low CPU usage and is only asynchronously making calls to the downstream deployments, allocating one fixed Driver replica is reasonable.

- name: Driver
  num_replicas: 1
  max_ongoing_requests: 200
- name: HeavyLoad
  max_ongoing_requests: 3
    target_ongoing_requests: 1
    min_replicas: 0
    initial_replicas: 0
    max_replicas: 200
    upscale_delay_s: 3
    downscale_delay_s: 60
    upscaling_factor: 0.3
    downscaling_factor: 0.3
    metrics_interval_s: 2
    look_back_period_s: 10
- name: LightLoad
  max_ongoing_requests: 3
    target_ongoing_requests: 1
    min_replicas: 0
    initial_replicas: 0
    max_replicas: 200
    upscale_delay_s: 3
    downscale_delay_s: 60
    upscaling_factor: 0.3
    downscaling_factor: 0.3
    metrics_interval_s: 2
    look_back_period_s: 10
import time

from ray import serve
from ray.serve.handle import DeploymentHandle

class LightLoad:
    async def __call__(self) -> str:
        start = time.time()
        while time.time() - start < 0.1:

        return "light"

class HeavyLoad:
    async def __call__(self) -> str:
        start = time.time()
        while time.time() - start < 0.2:

        return "heavy"

class Driver:
    def __init__(self, a_handle, b_handle):
        self.a_handle: DeploymentHandle = a_handle
        self.b_handle: DeploymentHandle = b_handle

    async def __call__(self) -> str:
        a_future = self.a_handle.remote()
        b_future = self.b_handle.remote()

        return (await a_future), (await b_future)

app = Driver.bind(HeavyLoad.bind(), LightLoad.bind())

Running the same Locust load test from the Resnet workload generates the following results:

HeavyLoad and LightLoad Number Replicas


As you might expect, the number of autoscaled LightLoad replicas is roughly half that of autoscaled HeavyLoad replicas. Although the same number of requests per second are sent to both deployments, LightLoad replicas can process twice as many requests per second as HeavyLoad replicas can, so the deployment should need half as many replicas to handle the same traffic load.

Unfortunately, the service latency rises to from 230 to 400 ms when the number of Locust users increases to 100.

P50 Latency




Note that the number of HeavyLoad replicas should roughly match the number of Locust users to adequately serve the Locust traffic. However, when the number of Locust users increased to 100, the HeavyLoad deployment struggled to reach 100 replicas, and instead only reached 65 replicas. The per-deployment latencies reveal the root cause. While HeavyLoad and LightLoad latencies stayed steady at 200ms and 100ms, Driver latencies rose from 230 to 400 ms. This suggests that the high Locust workload may be overwhelming the Driver replica and impacting its asynchronous event loop’s performance.

Attempt 2: Autoscale Driver#

For this attempt, set an autoscaling configuration for Driver as well, with the setting target_ongoing_requests = 20. Now the deployment configurations are as follows:

- name: Driver
  max_ongoing_requests: 200
    target_ongoing_requests: 20
    min_replicas: 1
    initial_replicas: 1
    max_replicas: 10
    upscale_delay_s: 3
    downscale_delay_s: 60
    upscaling_factor: 0.3
    downscaling_factor: 0.3
    metrics_interval_s: 2
    look_back_period_s: 10
- name: HeavyLoad
  max_ongoing_requests: 3
    target_ongoing_requests: 1
    min_replicas: 0
    initial_replicas: 0
    max_replicas: 200
    upscale_delay_s: 3
    downscale_delay_s: 60
    upscaling_factor: 0.3
    downscaling_factor: 0.3
    metrics_interval_s: 2
    look_back_period_s: 10
- name: LightLoad
  max_ongoing_requests: 3
    target_ongoing_requests: 1
    min_replicas: 0
    initial_replicas: 0
    max_replicas: 200
    upscale_delay_s: 3
    downscale_delay_s: 60
    upscaling_factor: 0.3
    downscaling_factor: 0.3
    metrics_interval_s: 2
    look_back_period_s: 10

Running the same Locust load test again generates the following results:

HeavyLoad and LightLoad Number Replicas


Driver Number Replicas


With up to 6 Driver deployments to receive and distribute the incoming requests, the HeavyLoad deployment successfully scales up to 90+ replicas, and LightLoad up to 47 replicas. This configuration helps the application latency stay consistent as the traffic load increases.

Improved P50 Latency

Improved RPS



Troubleshooting guide#

Unstable number of autoscaled replicas#

If the number of replicas in your deployment keeps oscillating even though the traffic is relatively stable, try the following:

  • Set a smaller upscaling_factor and downscaling_factor. Setting both values smaller than one helps the autoscaler make more conservative upscale and downscale decisions. It effectively smooths out the replicas graph, and there will be less “sharp edges”.

  • Set a look_back_period_s value that matches the rest of the autoscaling config. For longer upscale and downscale delay values, a longer look back period can likely help stabilize the replica graph, but for shorter upscale and downscale delay values, a shorter look back period may be more appropriate. For instance, the following replica graphs show how a deployment with upscale_delay_s = 3 works with a longer vs shorter look back period.

look_back_period_s = 30

look_back_period_s = 3



High spikes in latency during bursts of traffic#

If you expect your application to receive bursty traffic, and at the same time want the deployments to scale down in periods of inactivity, you are likely concerned about how quickly the deployment can scale up and respond to bursts of traffic. While an increase in latency initially during a burst in traffic may be unavoidable, you can try the following to improve latency during bursts of traffic.

  • Set a lower upscale_delay_s. The autoscaler always waits upscale_delay_s seconds before making a decision to upscale, so lowering this delay allows the autoscaler to react more quickly to changes, especially bursts, of traffic.

  • Set a larger upscaling_factor. If upscaling_factor > 1, then the autoscaler scales up more aggressively than normal. This setting can allow your deployment to be more sensitive to bursts of traffic.

  • Lower the metric_interval_s. Always set metric_interval_s to be less than or equal to upscale_delay_s, otherwise upscaling is delayed because the autoscaler doesn’t receive fresh information often enough.

  • Set a lower max_ongoing_requests. If max_ongoing_requests is too high relative to target_ongoing_requests, then when traffic increases, Serve might assign most or all of the requests to the existing replicas before the new replicas are started. This setting can lead to very high latencies during upscale.

Deployments scaling down too quickly#

You may observe that deployments are scaling down too quickly. Instead, you may want the downscaling to be much more conservative to maximize the availability of your service.

  • Set a longer downscale_delay_s. The autoscaler always waits downscale_delay_s seconds before making a decision to downscale, so by increasing this number, your system has a longer “grace period” after traffic drops before the autoscaler starts to remove replicas.

  • Set a smaller downscaling_factor. If downscaling_factor < 1, then the autoscaler removes less replicas than what it thinks it should remove to achieve the target number of ongoing requests. In other words, the autoscaler makes more conservative downscaling decisions.

downscaling_factor = 1

downscaling_factor = 0.5

