Ray Data Quickstart#

Get started with Ray Data’s Dataset abstraction for distributed data processing.

This guide introduces you to the core capabilities of Ray Data:


Ray Data’s main abstraction is a Dataset, which represents a distributed collection of data. Datasets are specifically designed for machine learning workloads and can efficiently handle data collections that exceed a single machine’s memory.

Loading data#

Create datasets from various sources including local files, Python objects, and cloud storage services like S3 or GCS. Ray Data seamlessly integrates with any filesystem supported by Arrow.

import ray

# Load a CSV dataset directly from S3
ds = ray.data.read_csv("s3://anonymous@air-example-data/iris.csv")

# Preview the first record
{'sepal length (cm)': 5.1, 'sepal width (cm)': 3.5, 'petal length (cm)': 1.4, 'petal width (cm)': 0.2, 'target': 0}

To learn more about creating datasets from different sources, read Loading data.

Transforming data#

Apply user-defined functions (UDFs) to transform datasets. Ray automatically parallelizes these transformations across your cluster for better performance.

from typing import Dict
import numpy as np

# Define a transformation to compute a "petal area" attribute
def transform_batch(batch: Dict[str, np.ndarray]) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
    vec_a = batch["petal length (cm)"]
    vec_b = batch["petal width (cm)"]
    batch["petal area (cm^2)"] = vec_a * vec_b
    return batch

# Apply the transformation to our dataset
transformed_ds = ds.map_batches(transform_batch)

# View the updated schema with the new column
# .materialize() will execute all the lazy transformations and
# materialize the dataset into object store memory
      sepal length (cm): double,
      sepal width (cm): double,
      petal length (cm): double,
      petal width (cm): double,
      target: int64,
      petal area (cm^2): double

To explore more transformation capabilities, read Transforming data.

Consuming data#

Access dataset contents through convenient methods like take_batch() and iter_batches(). You can also pass datasets directly to Ray Tasks or Actors for distributed processing.

# Extract the first 3 rows as a batch for processing
{'sepal length (cm)': array([5.1, 4.9, 4.7]),
    'sepal width (cm)': array([3.5, 3. , 3.2]),
    'petal length (cm)': array([1.4, 1.4, 1.3]),
    'petal width (cm)': array([0.2, 0.2, 0.2]),
    'target': array([0, 0, 0]),
    'petal area (cm^2)': array([0.28, 0.28, 0.26])}

For more details on working with dataset contents, see Iterating over Data and Saving Data.

Saving data#

Export processed datasets to a variety of formats and storage locations using methods like write_parquet(), write_csv(), and more.

import os

# Save the transformed dataset as Parquet files

# Verify the files were created
['..._000000.parquet', '..._000001.parquet']

For more information on saving datasets, see Saving data.