Preprocessor Interface#
Implements an ML preprocessing operation. |
Fit/Transform APIs#
Fit this Preprocessor to the Dataset. |
Fit this Preprocessor to the Dataset and then transform the Dataset. |
Transform the given dataset. |
Transform a single batch of data. |
Error raised when the preprocessor needs to be fitted first. |
Generic Preprocessors#
Combine numeric columns into a column of type |
Replace missing values with imputed values. |
Categorical Encoders#
Convert columns to |
Encode labels as integer targets. |
Multi-hot encode categorical data. |
One-hot encode categorical data. |
Encode values within columns as ordered integer values. |
Feature Scalers#
Scale each column by its absolute max value. |
Scale each column by its range. |
Scales each sample to have unit norm. |
Apply a power transform to make your data more normally distributed. |
Scale and translate each column using quantiles. |
Translate and scale each column by its mean and standard deviation, respectively. |
K-Bins Discretizers#
Bin values into discrete intervals using custom bin edges. |
Bin values into discrete intervals (bins) of uniform width. |