Source code for ray.workflow.api

import functools
import logging
import tempfile
from typing import Dict, Set, List, Tuple, Union, Optional, Any
import time
import uuid
from pathlib import Path

import ray
from ray.dag import DAGNode
from ray.dag.input_node import DAGInputData
from ray.remote_function import RemoteFunction

# avoid collision with arguments & APIs

from ray.workflow.common import (
from ray.workflow import serialization, workflow_access, workflow_context
from ray.workflow.event_listener import EventListener, EventListenerType, TimerListener
from ray.workflow.workflow_storage import WorkflowStorage
from ray.workflow.workflow_state_from_dag import workflow_state_from_dag

from ray.util.annotations import PublicAPI
from ray._private.usage import usage_lib

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def init(
    max_running_workflows: Optional[int] = None,
    max_pending_workflows: Optional[int] = None,
) -> None:
    """Initialize workflow.

    If Ray is not initialized, we will initialize Ray and
    use ``/tmp/ray/workflow_data`` as the default storage.

        max_running_workflows: The maximum number of concurrently running workflows.
            Use -1 as infinity. 'None' means preserving previous setting or initialize
            the setting with infinity.
        max_pending_workflows: The maximum number of queued workflows.
            Use -1 as infinity. 'None' means preserving previous setting or initialize
            the setting with infinity.

    if max_running_workflows is not None:
        if not isinstance(max_running_workflows, int):
            raise TypeError("'max_running_workflows' must be None or an integer.")
        if max_running_workflows < -1 or max_running_workflows == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "'max_running_workflows' must be a positive integer "
                "or use -1 as infinity."
    if max_pending_workflows is not None:
        if not isinstance(max_pending_workflows, int):
            raise TypeError("'max_pending_workflows' must be None or an integer.")
        if max_pending_workflows < -1:
            raise ValueError(
                "'max_pending_workflows' must be a non-negative integer "
                "or use -1 as infinity."

    if not ray.is_initialized():
        # We should use get_temp_dir_path, but for ray client, we don't
        # have this one. We need a flag to tell whether it's a client
        # or a driver to use the right dir.
        # For now, just use $TMP/ray/workflow_data
        workflow_dir = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / "ray" / "workflow_data"
    workflow_access.init_management_actor(max_running_workflows, max_pending_workflows)

def _ensure_workflow_initialized() -> None:
    # NOTE: Trying to get the actor has a side effect: it initializes Ray with
    # default arguments. This is different in "init()": it assigns a temporary
    # storage. This is why we need to check "ray.is_initialized()" first.
    if not ray.is_initialized():
        except ValueError:

def client_mode_wrap(func):
    """Wraps a function called during client mode for execution as a remote task.

    Adopted from "ray._private.client_mode_hook.client_mode_wrap". Some changes are made
    (e.g., init the workflow instead of init Ray; the latter does not specify a storage
    during Ray init and will result in workflow failures).

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        from ray._private.client_mode_hook import client_mode_should_convert
        from ray._private.auto_init_hook import enable_auto_connect

        if enable_auto_connect:

        # `is_client_mode_enabled_by_default` is used for testing with
        # `RAY_CLIENT_MODE=1`. This flag means all tests run with client mode.
        if client_mode_should_convert():
            f = ray.remote(num_cpus=0)(func)
            ref = f.remote(*args, **kwargs)
            return ray.get(ref)
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def run( dag: DAGNode, *args, workflow_id: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Any: """Run a workflow. If the workflow with the given id already exists, it will be resumed. Examples: .. testcode:: import ray from ray import workflow @ray.remote def book_flight(origin: str, dest: str): return f"Flight: {origin}->{dest}" @ray.remote def book_hotel(location: str): return f"Hotel: {location}" @ray.remote def finalize_trip(bookings: List[Any]): return ' | '.join(ray.get(bookings)) flight1 = book_flight.bind("OAK", "SAN") flight2 = book_flight.bind("SAN", "OAK") hotel = book_hotel.bind("SAN") trip = finalize_trip.bind([flight1, flight2, hotel]) print( .. testoutput:: Flight: OAK->SAN | Flight: SAN->OAK | Hotel: SAN Args: workflow_id: A unique identifier that can be used to resume the workflow. If not specified, a random id will be generated. metadata: The metadata to add to the workflow. It has to be able to serialize to json. Returns: The running result. """ return ray.get( run_async(dag, *args, workflow_id=workflow_id, metadata=metadata, **kwargs) )
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def run_async( dag: DAGNode, *args, workflow_id: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> ray.ObjectRef: """Run a workflow asynchronously. If the workflow with the given id already exists, it will be resumed. Args: workflow_id: A unique identifier that can be used to resume the workflow. If not specified, a random id will be generated. metadata: The metadata to add to the workflow. It has to be able to serialize to json. Returns: The running result as ray.ObjectRef. """ _ensure_workflow_initialized() if not isinstance(dag, DAGNode): raise TypeError("Input should be a DAG.") input_data = DAGInputData(*args, **kwargs) validate_user_metadata(metadata) metadata = metadata or {} if workflow_id is None: # Workflow ID format: {Entry workflow UUID}.{Unix time to nanoseconds} workflow_id = f"{str(uuid.uuid4())}.{time.time():.9f}" workflow_manager = workflow_access.get_management_actor() if ray.get(workflow_manager.is_workflow_non_terminating.remote(workflow_id)): raise RuntimeError(f"Workflow '{workflow_id}' is already running or pending.") state = workflow_state_from_dag(dag, input_data, workflow_id)'Workflow job created. [id="{workflow_id}"].') context = workflow_context.WorkflowTaskContext(workflow_id=workflow_id) with workflow_context.workflow_task_context(context): # checkpoint the workflow @client_mode_wrap def _try_checkpoint_workflow(workflow_state) -> bool: ws = WorkflowStorage(workflow_id) ws.save_workflow_user_metadata(metadata) try: ws.get_entrypoint_task_id() return True except Exception: # The workflow does not exist. We must checkpoint entry workflow. ws.save_workflow_execution_state("", workflow_state) return False wf_exists = _try_checkpoint_workflow(state) if wf_exists: return resume_async(workflow_id) ray.get( workflow_manager.submit_workflow.remote( workflow_id, state, ignore_existing=False ) ) job_id = ray.get_runtime_context().get_job_id() return workflow_manager.execute_workflow.remote(job_id, context)
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def resume(workflow_id: str) -> Any: """Resume a workflow. Resume a workflow and retrieve its output. If the workflow was incomplete, it will be re-executed from its checkpointed outputs. If the workflow was complete, returns the result immediately. Examples: .. testcode:: from ray import workflow @ray.remote def start_trip(): return 3 trip = start_trip.bind() res1 = workflow.run_async(trip, workflow_id="trip1") res2 = workflow.resume("trip1") assert ray.get(res1) == res2 Args: workflow_id: The id of the workflow to resume. Returns: The output of the workflow. """ return ray.get(resume_async(workflow_id))
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def resume_async(workflow_id: str) -> ray.ObjectRef: """Resume a workflow asynchronously. Resume a workflow and retrieve its output. If the workflow was incomplete, it will be re-executed from its checkpointed outputs. If the workflow was complete, returns the result immediately. Examples: .. testcode:: from ray import workflow @ray.remote def start_trip(): return 3 trip = start_trip.bind() res1 = workflow.run_async(trip, workflow_id="trip1") res2 = workflow.resume_async("trip1") assert ray.get(res1) == ray.get(res2) Args: workflow_id: The id of the workflow to resume. Returns: An object reference that can be used to retrieve the workflow result. """ _ensure_workflow_initialized()'Resuming workflow [id="{workflow_id}"].') workflow_manager = workflow_access.get_management_actor() if ray.get(workflow_manager.is_workflow_non_terminating.remote(workflow_id)): raise RuntimeError(f"Workflow '{workflow_id}' is already running or pending.") # NOTE: It is important to 'ray.get' the returned output. This # ensures caller of 'run()' holds the reference to the workflow # result. Otherwise if the actor removes the reference of the # workflow output, the caller may fail to resolve the result. job_id = ray.get_runtime_context().get_job_id() context = workflow_context.WorkflowTaskContext(workflow_id=workflow_id) ray.get(workflow_manager.reconstruct_workflow.remote(job_id, context)) result = workflow_manager.execute_workflow.remote(job_id, context)"Workflow job {workflow_id} resumed.") return result
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def get_output(workflow_id: str, *, task_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Any: """Get the output of a running workflow. Args: workflow_id: The workflow to get the output of. task_id: If set, fetch the specific task instead of the output of the workflow. Examples: .. testcode:: from ray import workflow @ray.remote def start_trip(): return 1 trip = start_trip.options(**workflow.options(task_id="trip")).bind() res1 = workflow.run_async(trip, workflow_id="trip1") # you could "get_output()" in another machine res2 = workflow.get_output("trip1") assert ray.get(res1) == res2 task_output = workflow.get_output_async("trip1", task_id="trip") assert ray.get(task_output) == ray.get(res1) Returns: The output of the workflow task. """ return ray.get(get_output_async(workflow_id, task_id=task_id))
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") @client_mode_wrap def get_output_async( workflow_id: str, *, task_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> ray.ObjectRef: """Get the output of a running workflow asynchronously. Args: workflow_id: The workflow to get the output of. task_id: If set, fetch the specific task output instead of the output of the workflow. Returns: An object reference that can be used to retrieve the workflow task result. """ _ensure_workflow_initialized() try: workflow_manager = workflow_access.get_management_actor() except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( "Failed to connect to the workflow management " "actor. The workflow could have already failed. You can use " "workflow.resume() or workflow.resume_async() to resume the " "workflow." ) from e return workflow_manager.get_output.remote(workflow_id, task_id)
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") @client_mode_wrap def list_all( status_filter: Optional[ Union[Union[WorkflowStatus, str], Set[Union[WorkflowStatus, str]]] ] = None ) -> List[Tuple[str, WorkflowStatus]]: """List all workflows matching a given status filter. When returning "RESUMEABLE" workflows, the workflows that was running ranks before the workflow that was pending in the result list. Args: status_filter: If given, only returns workflow with that status. This can be a single status or set of statuses. The string form of the status is also acceptable, i.e., "RUNNING"/"FAILED"/"SUCCESSFUL"/"CANCELED"/"RESUMABLE"/"PENDING". Examples: .. testcode:: from ray import workflow @ray.remote def long_running_job(): import time time.sleep(2) workflow_task = long_running_job.bind() wf = workflow.run_async(workflow_task, workflow_id="long_running_job") jobs = workflow.list_all(workflow.RUNNING) assert jobs == [ ("long_running_job", workflow.RUNNING) ] ray.get(wf) jobs = workflow.list_all({workflow.RUNNING}) assert jobs == [] Returns: A list of tuple with workflow id and workflow status """ _ensure_workflow_initialized() if isinstance(status_filter, str): status_filter = set({WorkflowStatus(status_filter)}) elif isinstance(status_filter, WorkflowStatus): status_filter = set({status_filter}) elif isinstance(status_filter, set): if all(isinstance(s, str) for s in status_filter): status_filter = {WorkflowStatus(s) for s in status_filter} elif not all(isinstance(s, WorkflowStatus) for s in status_filter): raise TypeError( "status_filter contains element which is not" " a type of `WorkflowStatus or str`." f" {status_filter}" ) elif status_filter is None: status_filter = set(WorkflowStatus) status_filter.discard(WorkflowStatus.NONE) else: raise TypeError( "status_filter must be WorkflowStatus or a set of WorkflowStatus." ) try: workflow_manager = workflow_access.get_management_actor() except ValueError: workflow_manager = None if workflow_manager is None: non_terminating_workflows = {} else: non_terminating_workflows = ray.get( workflow_manager.list_non_terminating_workflows.remote() ) ret = [] if set(non_terminating_workflows.keys()).issuperset(status_filter): for status, workflows in non_terminating_workflows.items(): if status in status_filter: for w in workflows: ret.append((w, status)) return ret ret = [] # Here we don't have workflow id, so use empty one instead store = WorkflowStorage("") modified_status_filter = status_filter.copy() # Here we have to add non-terminating status to the status filter, because some # "RESUMABLE" workflows are converted from non-terminating workflows below. # This is the tricky part: the status "RESUMABLE" neither come from # the workflow management actor nor the storage. It is the status where # the storage says it is non-terminating but the workflow management actor # is not running it. This usually happened when there was a sudden crash # of the whole Ray runtime or the workflow management actor # (due to cluster etc.). So we includes non terminating status in the storage # filter to get "RESUMABLE" candidates. modified_status_filter.update(WorkflowStatus.non_terminating_status()) status_from_storage = store.list_workflow(modified_status_filter) non_terminating_workflows = { k: set(v) for k, v in non_terminating_workflows.items() } resume_running = [] resume_pending = [] for (k, s) in status_from_storage: if s in non_terminating_workflows and k not in non_terminating_workflows[s]: if s == WorkflowStatus.RUNNING: resume_running.append(k) elif s == WorkflowStatus.PENDING: resume_pending.append(k) else: assert False, "This line of code should not be reachable." continue if s in status_filter: ret.append((k, s)) if WorkflowStatus.RESUMABLE in status_filter: # The running workflows ranks before the pending workflows. for w in resume_running: ret.append((w, WorkflowStatus.RESUMABLE)) for w in resume_pending: ret.append((w, WorkflowStatus.RESUMABLE)) return ret
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") @client_mode_wrap def resume_all(include_failed: bool = False) -> List[Tuple[str, ray.ObjectRef]]: """Resume all resumable workflow jobs. This can be used after cluster restart to resume all tasks. Args: include_failed: Whether to resume FAILED workflows. Examples: .. testcode:: from ray import workflow @ray.remote def failed_job(): raise ValueError() workflow_task = failed_job.bind() output = workflow.run_async( workflow_task, workflow_id="failed_job") try: ray.get(output) except Exception: print("JobFailed") assert workflow.get_status("failed_job") == workflow.FAILED print(workflow.resume_all(include_failed=True)) .. testoutput:: JobFailed [('failed_job', ObjectRef(...))] Returns: A list of (workflow_id, returned_obj_ref) resumed. """ _ensure_workflow_initialized() filter_set = {WorkflowStatus.RESUMABLE} if include_failed: filter_set.add(WorkflowStatus.FAILED) all_failed = list_all(filter_set) try: workflow_manager = workflow_access.get_management_actor() except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("Failed to get management actor") from e job_id = ray.get_runtime_context().get_job_id() reconstructed_workflows = [] for wid, _ in all_failed: context = workflow_context.WorkflowTaskContext(workflow_id=wid) # TODO(suquark): This is not very efficient, but it makes sure # running workflows has higher priority when getting reconstructed. try: ray.get(workflow_manager.reconstruct_workflow.remote(job_id, context)) except Exception as e: # TODO(suquark): Here some workflows got resumed successfully but some # failed and the user has no idea about this, which is very wired. # Maybe we should raise an exception here instead? logger.error(f"Failed to resume workflow {context.workflow_id}", exc_info=e) raise reconstructed_workflows.append(context) results = [] for context in reconstructed_workflows: results.append( ( context.workflow_id, workflow_manager.execute_workflow.remote(job_id, context), ) ) return results
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def get_status(workflow_id: str) -> WorkflowStatus: """Get the status for a given workflow. Args: workflow_id: The workflow to query. Examples: .. testcode:: from ray import workflow @ray.remote def trip(): pass workflow_task = trip.bind() output =, workflow_id="local_trip") assert workflow.SUCCESSFUL == workflow.get_status("local_trip") Returns: The status of that workflow """ _ensure_workflow_initialized() if not isinstance(workflow_id, str): raise TypeError("workflow_id has to be a string type.") workflow_manager = workflow_access.get_management_actor() return ray.get(workflow_manager.get_workflow_status.remote(workflow_id))
@PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def wait_for_event( event_listener_type: EventListenerType, *args, **kwargs ) -> "DAGNode[Event]": if not issubclass(event_listener_type, EventListener): raise TypeError( f"Event listener type is {event_listener_type.__name__}" ", which is not a subclass of workflow.EventListener" ) @ray.remote def get_message(event_listener_type: EventListenerType, *args, **kwargs) -> Event: event_listener = event_listener_type() return asyncio_run(event_listener.poll_for_event(*args, **kwargs)) @ray.remote def message_committed( event_listener_type: EventListenerType, event: Event ) -> Event: event_listener = event_listener_type() asyncio_run(event_listener.event_checkpointed(event)) return event return message_committed.bind( event_listener_type, get_message.bind(event_listener_type, *args, **kwargs) ) @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def sleep(duration: float) -> "DAGNode[Event]": """ A workfow that resolves after sleeping for a given duration. """ @ray.remote def end_time(): return time.time() + duration return wait_for_event(TimerListener, end_time.bind())
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") @client_mode_wrap def get_metadata(workflow_id: str, task_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the metadata of the workflow. This will return a dict of metadata of either the workflow ( if only workflow_id is given) or a specific workflow task (if both workflow_id and task id are given). Exception will be raised if the given workflow id or task id does not exist. If only workflow id is given, this will return metadata on workflow level, which includes running status, workflow-level user metadata and workflow-level running stats (e.g. the start time and end time of the workflow). If both workflow id and task id are given, this will return metadata on workflow task level, which includes task inputs, task-level user metadata and task-level running stats (e.g. the start time and end time of the task). Args: workflow_id: The workflow to get the metadata of. task_id: If set, fetch the metadata of the specific task instead of the metadata of the workflow. Examples: .. testcode:: from ray import workflow @ray.remote def trip(): pass workflow_task = trip.options( **workflow.options(task_id="trip", metadata={"k1": "v1"})).bind(), workflow_id="trip1", metadata={"k2": "v2"}) workflow_metadata = workflow.get_metadata("trip1") print(workflow_metadata) task_metadata = workflow.get_metadata("trip1", "trip") print(task_metadata) .. testoutput:: {'status': 'SUCCESSFUL', 'user_metadata': {'k2': 'v2'}, 'stats': {'start_time': ..., 'end_time': ...}} {'task_id': 'trip', 'task_options': {'task_type': 'FUNCTION', 'max_retries': 3, 'catch_exceptions': False, 'retry_exceptions': False, 'checkpoint': True, 'ray_options': {'_metadata': {'': {'task_id': 'trip', 'metadata': {'k1': 'v1'}}}}}, 'user_metadata': {'k1': 'v1'}, 'workflow_refs': [], 'stats': {'start_time': ..., 'end_time': ...}} Returns: A dictionary containing the metadata of the workflow. Raises: ValueError: if given workflow or workflow task does not exist. """ # noqa: E501 _ensure_workflow_initialized() store = WorkflowStorage(workflow_id) if task_id is None: return store.load_workflow_metadata() else: return store.load_task_metadata(task_id)
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def cancel(workflow_id: str) -> None: """Cancel a workflow. Workflow checkpoints will still be saved in storage. To clean up saved checkpoints, see `workflow.delete()`. Args: workflow_id: The workflow to cancel. Examples: .. testcode:: from ray import workflow @ray.remote def some_job(): return 1 workflow_task = some_job.bind(), workflow_id="some_job") workflow.cancel(workflow_id="some_job") assert workflow.get_status("some_job") == workflow.CANCELED Returns: None """ _ensure_workflow_initialized() if not isinstance(workflow_id, str): raise TypeError("workflow_id has to be a string type.") workflow_manager = workflow_access.get_management_actor() ray.get(workflow_manager.cancel_workflow.remote(workflow_id))
@PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def delete(workflow_id: str) -> None: """Delete a workflow, its checkpoints, and other information it may have persisted to storage. To stop a running workflow, see `workflow.cancel()`. Args: workflow_id: The workflow to delete. Raises: WorkflowStillActiveError: The workflow is still active. WorkflowNotFoundError: The workflow does not exist. Examples: .. testcode:: from ray import workflow @ray.remote def some_job(): pass workflow_task = some_job.bind(), workflow_id="some_job") workflow.delete(workflow_id="some_job") """ _ensure_workflow_initialized() workflow_manager = workflow_access.get_management_actor() ray.get(workflow_manager.delete_workflow.remote(workflow_id)) @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def continuation(dag_node: "DAGNode") -> Union["DAGNode", Any]: """Converts a DAG into a continuation. The result depends on the context. If it is inside a workflow, it returns a workflow; otherwise it executes and get the result of the DAG. Args: dag_node: The DAG to be converted. """ from ray.workflow.workflow_context import in_workflow_execution if not isinstance(dag_node, DAGNode): raise TypeError("Input should be a DAG.") if in_workflow_execution(): return dag_node return ray.get(dag_node.execute()) @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") class options: """This class serves both as a decorator and options for workflow. Examples: .. testcode:: import ray from ray import workflow # specify workflow options with a decorator @workflow.options(catch_exceptions=True) @ray.remote def foo(): return 1 # specify workflow options in ".options" foo_new = foo.options(**workflow.options(catch_exceptions=False)) """ def __init__(self, **workflow_options: Dict[str, Any]): # TODO(suquark): More rigid arguments check like @ray.remote arguments. This is # fairly complex, but we should enable it later. valid_options = { "task_id", "metadata", "catch_exceptions", "checkpoint", } invalid_keywords = set(workflow_options.keys()) - valid_options if invalid_keywords: raise ValueError( f"Invalid option keywords {invalid_keywords} for workflow tasks. " f"Valid ones are {valid_options}." ) from ray.workflow.common import WORKFLOW_OPTIONS validate_user_metadata(workflow_options.get("metadata")) self.options = {"_metadata": {WORKFLOW_OPTIONS: workflow_options}} def keys(self): return ("_metadata",) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.options[key] def __call__(self, f: RemoteFunction) -> RemoteFunction: if not isinstance(f, RemoteFunction): raise ValueError("Only apply 'workflow.options' to Ray remote functions.") f._default_options.update(self.options) return f __all__ = ( "init", "run", "run_async", "resume", "resume_async", "resume_all", "cancel", "list_all", "delete", "get_output", "get_output_async", "get_status", "get_metadata", "sleep", "wait_for_event", "options", "continuation", )