MetricsLogger API#


Ray 2.40 uses RLlib’s new API stack by default. The Ray team has mostly completed transitioning algorithms, example scripts, and documentation to the new code base.

If you’re still using the old API stack, see New API stack migration guide for details on how to migrate.

The RLlib team designed the MetricsLogger API to unify and make accessible the logging and processing of stats and metrics during reinforcement learning (RL) experiments. RLlib’s Algorithm class and all its sub-components each have one MetricsLogger instance managing metrics and statistics for this component. When a subcomponent reports back to its parent component, it “reduces” the logged results and sends them upstream.

The RLlib team recommends this API for all your custom code, like in EnvRunner-based callbacks, in custom loss functions, or in custom training_step() implementations.


RLlib’s MetricsLogger system: Every subcomponent of an RLlib Algorithm has-a MetricsLogger instance and uses it to locally log values. When a component completes a distinct task, for example, an EnvRunner finishing a sampling request, the local metrics of the subcomponent (EnvRunner) are “reduced”, and sent upstream to the containing parent component (Algorithm). The parent component merges the received results into its own MetricsLogger and, at the end of its own task cycle, “reduces” as well for final reporting to the user or to Ray Tune.#


So far, RLlib components owning a MetricsLogger instance are Algorithm, EnvRunner, Learner, all ConnectorV2 classes, and all ~ray.rllib.utils.replay_buffers.EpisodeReplayBuffer classes. The Ray team is considering expanding access to this API on other components as well.

Features of MetricsLogger#

The MetricsLogger API offers the following functionalities:

  • Log scalar values over time, such as losses, individual rewards, or episode returns.

  • Configure different reduction types, in particular mean, min, max, or sum. Also, users can chose to not reduce at all through the reduce=None setting, leaving the logged values untouched. A separate clear_on_reduce=True setting allows for automatically clearing all logged values on each reduce event.

  • Specify sliding windows, over which reductions take place, for example window=100 to average over the last 100 logged values, or specify exponential moving average (EMA) coefficients, through which the weight of older values in the computed mean should decay over time.

  • Merge n result dicts from n parallel subcomponents into the local MetricsLogger. Each of these n dicts is the result of a reduce operation on each subcomponent’s own MetricsLogger instance.

  • Log execution times for distinct code blocks through convenient with ... blocks.

  • Add up lifetime counts and automatically compute the corresponding throughput metrics per second along the way.

Built-in usages of MetricsLogger#

RLlib uses the MetricsLogger API extensively in the existing code-base. The following is an overview of a typical information flow resulting from this:

  1. The Algorithm sends parallel sample requests to its n EnvRunner actors.

  2. Each EnvRunner collects training data by stepping through its RL environment and logs standard stats to its MetricsLogger, such as episode return or episode length.

  3. Each EnvRunner calls reduce() on its own MetricsLogger instance and returns the resulting stats dict.

  4. The Algorithm merges the n received stats dicts into its own MetricsLogger instance under the top-level key “env_runners”, thereby keeping all log-settings chosen by the EnvRunner actors.

  5. The Algorithm sends parallel update requests to its m Learner actors.

  6. Each Learner performs a model update through computing losses and gradients and logs standard stats to its MetricsLogger, such as total loss or mean gradients.

  7. Each Learner calls reduce() on its own MetricsLogger instance and returns the resulting stats dict.

  8. The Algorithm merges the m received stats dicts into its own MetricsLogger instance under the top-level key “learners”, thereby keeping all log-settings chosen by the Learner actors.

  9. The Algorithm may add standard stats to its own MetricsLogger instance, for example the average time of a parallel sample request.

  10. The Algorithm calls reduce() on its own MetricsLogger instance, compiling and returning a complete and final stats dict to the user or Ray Tune.

The MetricsLogger APIs in detail#

Before you can use MetricsLogger in your custom code, familiarize yourself with how to actually use its APIs.

Logging scalar values#

To log a scalar value under some string key in your MetricsLogger, use the log_value() method:

from ray.rllib.utils.metrics.metrics_logger import MetricsLogger

logger = MetricsLogger()

# Log a scalar float value under the `loss` key. By default, all logged
# values under that key are averaged, once `reduce()` is called.
logger.log_value("loss", 0.01, reduce="mean", window=2)

By default, MetricsLogger reduces values through averaging them (reduce="mean"). Other available reduce types are reduce="min", reduce="max", and reduce="sum".

Specifying a window causes the reduction to take place over the last window logged values. For example, you can continue logging new values under the loss key:

logger.log_value("loss", 0.02)  # don't have to repeat `reduce` or `window` args,
                                # because the key already exists.
logger.log_value("loss", 0.03)
logger.log_value("loss", 0.04)
logger.log_value("loss", 0.05)

Because you specified a window of 2, MetricsLogger only uses the last 2 values to compute the reduced result. You can peek() at the currently reduced result through the peek() method:

# Peek at the current, reduced value.
# Note that in the underlying structure, the internal values list still
# contains all logged values: 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, and 0.05.
print(logger.peek("loss"))  # Expect: 0.045, which is the average over the last 2 values

The peek() method allows you to check the current underlying reduced result for some key, without actually having to call reduce().


Don’t call the reduce() method yourself on any MetricsLogger from your custom code. The only time RLlib invokes this API is at the end of a task cycle. RLlib controls all of these “hand over” points entirely, so unless you write your own subcomponent that reports to a parent component, such as Algorithm, refrain from calling the reduce() method.

To get the current reduced results, use the peek() method instead, which doesn’t alter any underlying values.

Instead of providing a flat key, you can also log a value under some nested key through passing in a tuple:

# Log a value under a deeper nested key.
logger.log_value(("some", "nested", "key"), -1.0)
print(logger.peek(("some", "nested", "key")))  # expect: -1.0

To use reduce methods, other than “mean”, specify the reduce argument in log_value():

# Log a maximum value.
logger.log_value(key="max_value", value=0.0, reduce="max")

Because you didn’t specify a window and are using reduce="max", RLlib uses the infinite window, meaning MetricsLogger reports the lifetime maximum value, whenever reduction takes place or you peek at the current value:

for i in range(1000, 0, -1):
    logger.log_value(key="max_value", value=float(i))

logger.peek("max_value")  # Expect: 1000.0, which is the lifetime max (infinite window)

You can also chose to not reduce at all, but to simply collect individual values, for example a set of images you receive from your environment over time and for which it doesn’t make sense to reduce them in any way.

Use the reduce=None argument for achieving this. However, it’s strongly advised that you should also set the clear_on_reduce=True flag, because this setting may cause memory leaks otherwise. This flag assures that MetricsLogger clears out the underlying list of values after every reduce() handover operation, for example from EnvRunner to Algorithm:

logger.log_value("some_items", value="a", reduce=None, clear_on_reduce=True)
logger.log_value("some_items", value="b")
logger.log_value("some_items", value="c")
logger.log_value("some_items", value="d")

logger.peek("some_items")  # expect a list: ["a", "b", "c", "d"]

logger.peek("some_items")  # expect an empty list: []

Logging a set of nested scalar values#

If you’re logging a nested structure of values, for example {"time_s": 0.1, "lives": 5, "rounds_played": {"player1": 10, "player2": 4}} and all values have the exact same log settings in terms of the reduce, clear_on_reduce, window, etc arguments, you can also call the shortcut log_dict() method to do so:

from ray.rllib.utils.metrics.metrics_logger import MetricsLogger

logger = MetricsLogger()

# Log a bunch of scalar values within a nested dict.
stats = {"player1": 100.0, "player2": 105.0}
logger.log_dict(stats, key="mean_scores", reduce="mean", window=10)

# Later, do the same again.
stats = {"player1": 150.0, "player2": 110.0}
logger.log_dict(stats, key="mean_scores")

print(logger.peek(("mean_scores", "player1")))  # <- expect 125.0

Logging non-scalar data#

MetricsLogger isn’t limited to scalar values. You can also use it to log images, videos, or any other complex data.

Normally, you would chose the previously described reduce=None argument. For example, to log three consecutive image frames from a CartPole environment, do the following:

import gymnasium as gym

env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")

# Log three consecutive render frames from the env.
# Make sure to set ``clear_on_reduce=True`` to avoid memory leaks.
logger.log_value("some_images", value=env.render(), reduce=None, clear_on_reduce=True)
logger.log_value("some_images", value=env.render())
logger.log_value("some_images", value=env.render())


MetricsLogger is context capable and offers the following simple API to log timer results. Notice that you can now time all your code blocks of interest inside your custom code through a single with- line:

import time
from ray.rllib.utils.metrics.metrics_logger import MetricsLogger

logger = MetricsLogger()

# First delta measurement:
with logger.log_time("my_block_to_be_timed", reduce="mean", ema_coeff=0.1):

# EMA should be ~1sec.
assert 1.1 > logger.peek("my_block_to_be_timed") > 0.9

# Second delta measurement:
with logger.log_time("my_block_to_be_timed"):

# EMA should be ~1.1sec.
assert 1.15 > logger.peek("my_block_to_be_timed") > 1.05


The default logging behavior is through exponential mean averaging (EMA), with a default coefficient of 0.01. This default is usually a good choice for averaging timer results over the course of the experiment.


In case you want to count things, for example the number of environment steps taken in a sample phase, and add up those counts either over the lifetime or over some particular phase, use the reduce="sum" argument in the call to log_value().

Combine this with clear_on_reduce=True, if you want the count to only accumulate until the next “reduce” event. Set clear_on_reduce=False, which is the default, if you want the count to accumulate over the lifetime.

from ray.rllib.utils.metrics.metrics_logger import MetricsLogger

logger = MetricsLogger()

logger.log_value("my_counter", 50, reduce="sum", window=None)
logger.log_value("my_counter", 25)
logger.peek("my_counter")  # expect: 75

# Even if your logger gets "reduced" from time to time, the counter keeps increasing
# because we set clear_on_reduce=False (default behavior):
logger.peek("my_counter")  # still expect: 75

# To clear the sum after each "reduce" event, set `clear_on_reduce=True`:
logger.log_value("my_temp_counter", 50, reduce="sum", window=None, clear_on_reduce=True)
logger.log_value("my_temp_counter", 25)
logger.peek("my_counter")  # expect: 75
logger.peek("my_counter")  # expect: 0 (upon reduction, all values are cleared)

Automatic throughput measurements#

A metrics logged with the settings reduce="sum" and clear_on_reduce=False is considered a lifetime counter, accumulating counts over the entire course of the experiment without ever resetting the value back to 0. If you also add the with_throughput=True flag, the underlying metric automatically computes the throughput per second on each reduce() operation.

The Algorithm automatically compiles an extra key for each such metric, adding the suffix _throughput to the original key and assigning it the value for the throughput per second.

You can use the peek() method with the call argument throughput=True to access the throughput value. For example:

import time
from ray.rllib.utils.metrics.metrics_logger import MetricsLogger

logger = MetricsLogger()

for _ in range(3):
    logger.log_value("lifetime_count", 5, reduce="sum", with_throughput=True)

    # RLlib triggers a new throughput computation at each `reduce()` call

    # Expect the first call to return NaN because we don't have a proper start time for the time delta.
    # From the second call on, expect a value of roughly 5/sec.
    print(logger.peek("lifetime_count", throughput=True))

Example 1: How to use MetricsLogger in EnvRunner callbacks#

To demonstrate how to use the MetricsLogger on an EnvRunner, take a look at this end-to-end example here, which makes use of the RLlibCallback API to inject custom code into the RL environment loop.

The example computes the average “first-joint angle” of the Acrobot-v1 RL environment and logs the results through the MetricsLogger API.

Note that this example is identical to the one described here, but the focus has shifted to explain only the MetricsLogger aspects of the code.

import math
import numpy as np
from ray.rllib.algorithms.ppo import PPOConfig
from ray.rllib.callbacks.callbacks import RLlibCallback

# Define a custom RLlibCallback.
class LogAcrobotAngle(RLlibCallback):
    def on_episode_step(self, *, episode, env, **kwargs):
        # Compute the angle at every episode step and store it temporarily in episode:
        state = env.envs[0].unwrapped.state
        deg_theta1 = math.degrees(math.atan2(state[1], state[0]))
        episode.add_temporary_timestep_data("theta1", deg_theta1)

    def on_episode_end(self, *, episode, metrics_logger, **kwargs):
        theta1s = episode.get_temporary_timestep_data("theta1")
        avg_theta1 = np.mean(theta1s)

        # Log the resulting average angle - per episode - to the MetricsLogger.
        # Report with a sliding window of 50.
        metrics_logger.log_value("theta1_mean", avg_theta1, reduce="mean", window=50)

config = (
ppo =

# Train n times. Expect `theta1_mean` to be found in the results under:
# `env_runners/theta1_mean`
for i in range(10):
    results = ppo.train()
        f"iter={i} "
        f"theta1_mean={results['env_runners']['theta1_mean']} "

Also take a look at this more complex example on how to generate and log a PacMan heatmap (image) to WandB here.

Example 2: How to use MetricsLogger in a custom loss function#

You can log metrics inside your custom loss functions. Use the Learner’s self.metrics attribute for this.


When logging loss values, the RLlib team recommends to use window=1 to always report the exact current loss value, rather than a smoothened result over time. This way, you notice strange spikes or unstable behavior in your loss math right away and can pinpoint problems to a particular iteration.

def compute_loss_for_module(self, *, module_id, config, batch, fwd_out):

    loss_xyz = ...

    # Log a specific loss term.
    self.metrics.log_value("special_loss_term", loss_xyz, window=1)

    total_loss = loss_abc + loss_xyz

    return total_loss

Take a look at this running end-to-end example for logging custom values inside a loss function here.

Example 3: How to use MetricsLogger in a custom Algorithm#

You can log metrics inside your custom Algorithm training_step() method. Use the Algorithm’s own self.metrics attribute for this.

def training_step(self) -> None:

    # Log some value.
    self.metrics.log_value("some_mean_result", 1.5, window=5)


    with self.metrics.log_time(("timers", "some_code")):
        ... # time some code

See this running end-to-end example for logging inside training_step().