Source code for ray.rllib.core.models.catalog

import enum
import functools
from typing import Optional

import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
import tree
from gymnasium.spaces import Box, Dict, Discrete, MultiDiscrete, Tuple

from ray.rllib.core.models.base import Encoder
from ray.rllib.core.models.configs import (
from ray.rllib.core.models.configs import ModelConfig
from ray.rllib.models import MODEL_DEFAULTS
from ray.rllib.models.distributions import Distribution
from ray.rllib.models.preprocessors import get_preprocessor, Preprocessor
from ray.rllib.models.utils import get_filter_config
from ray.rllib.utils.deprecation import deprecation_warning
from ray.rllib.utils.error import UnsupportedSpaceException
from ray.rllib.utils.spaces.simplex import Simplex
from ray.rllib.utils.spaces.space_utils import flatten_space
from ray.rllib.utils.spaces.space_utils import get_base_struct_from_space
from ray.rllib.utils.typing import ViewRequirementsDict
from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import (

[docs]class Catalog: """Describes the sub-module-architectures to be used in RLModules. RLlib's native RLModules get their Models from a Catalog object. By default, that Catalog builds the configs it has as attributes. This component was build to be hackable and extensible. You can inject custom components into RL Modules by overriding the `build_xxx` methods of this class. Note that it is recommended to write a custom RL Module for a single use-case. Modifications to Catalogs mostly make sense if you want to reuse the same Catalog for different RL Modules. For example if you have written a custom encoder and want to inject it into different RL Modules (e.g. for PPO, DQN, etc.). You can influence the decision tree that determines the sub-components by modifying `Catalog._determine_components_hook`. Usage example: # Define a custom catalog .. testcode:: import torch import gymnasium as gym from ray.rllib.core.models.configs import MLPHeadConfig from ray.rllib.core.models.catalog import Catalog class MyCatalog(Catalog): def __init__( self, observation_space: gym.Space, action_space: gym.Space, model_config_dict: dict, ): super().__init__(observation_space, action_space, model_config_dict) self.my_model_config = MLPHeadConfig( hidden_layer_dims=[64, 32], input_dims=[self.observation_space.shape[0]], ) def build_my_head(self, framework: str): return # With that, RLlib can build and use models from this catalog like this: catalog = MyCatalog(gym.spaces.Box(0, 1), gym.spaces.Box(0, 1), {}) my_head = catalog.build_my_head(framework="torch") # Make a call to the built model. out = my_head(torch.Tensor([[1]])) """ # TODO (Sven): Add `framework` arg to c'tor and remove this arg from `build` # methods. This way, we can already know in the c'tor of Catalog, what the exact # action distibution objects are and thus what the output dims for e.g. a pi-head # will be.
[docs] def __init__( self, observation_space: gym.Space, action_space: gym.Space, model_config_dict: dict, view_requirements: dict = None, ): """Initializes a Catalog with a default encoder config. Args: observation_space: The observation space of the environment. action_space: The action space of the environment. model_config_dict: The model config that specifies things like hidden dimensions and activations functions to use in this Catalog. view_requirements: The view requirements of Models to produce. This is needed for a Model that encodes a complex temporal mix of observations, actions or rewards. """ self.observation_space = observation_space self.action_space = action_space # TODO (Artur): Make model defaults a dataclass self._model_config_dict = {**MODEL_DEFAULTS, **model_config_dict} self._view_requirements = view_requirements self._latent_dims = None self._determine_components_hook()
[docs] @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic_CallToSuperRecommended def _determine_components_hook(self): """Decision tree hook for subclasses to override. By default, this method executes the decision tree that determines the components that a Catalog builds. You can extend the components by overriding this or by adding to the constructor of your subclass. Override this method if you don't want to use the default components determined here. If you want to use them but add additional components, you should call `super()._determine_components()` at the beginning of your implementation. This makes it so that subclasses are not forced to create an encoder config if the rest of their catalog is not dependent on it or if it breaks. At the end of this method, an attribute `Catalog.latent_dims` should be set so that heads can be built using that information. """ self._encoder_config = self._get_encoder_config( observation_space=self.observation_space, action_space=self.action_space, model_config_dict=self._model_config_dict, view_requirements=self._view_requirements, ) # Create a function that can be called when framework is known to retrieve the # class type for action distributions self._action_dist_class_fn = functools.partial( self._get_dist_cls_from_action_space, action_space=self.action_space ) # The dimensions of the latent vector that is output by the encoder and fed # to the heads. self.latent_dims = self._encoder_config.output_dims
@property def latent_dims(self): """Returns the latent dimensions of the encoder. This establishes an agreement between encoder and heads about the latent dimensions. Encoders can be built to output a latent tensor with `latent_dims` dimensions, and heads can be built with tensors of `latent_dims` dimensions as inputs. This can be safely ignored if this agreement is not needed in case of modifications to the Catalog. Returns: The latent dimensions of the encoder. """ return self._latent_dims @latent_dims.setter def latent_dims(self, value): self._latent_dims = value
[docs] @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def build_encoder(self, framework: str) -> Encoder: """Builds the encoder. By default, this method builds an encoder instance from Catalog._encoder_config. You should override this if you want to use RLlib's default RL Modules but only want to change the encoder. For example, if you want to use a custom encoder, but want to use RLlib's default heads, action distribution and how tensors are routed between them. If you want to have full control over the RL Module, we recommend writing your own RL Module by inheriting from one of RLlib's RL Modules instead. Args: framework: The framework to use. Either "torch" or "tf2". Returns: The encoder. """ assert hasattr(self, "_encoder_config"), ( "You must define a `Catalog._encoder_config` attribute in your Catalog " "subclass or override the `Catalog.build_encoder` method. By default, " "an encoder_config is created in the __post_init__ method." ) return
[docs] @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def get_action_dist_cls(self, framework: str): """Get the action distribution class. The default behavior is to get the action distribution from the `Catalog._action_dist_class_fn`. You should override this to have RLlib build your custom action distribution instead of the default one. For example, if you don't want to use RLlib's default RLModules with their default models, but only want to change the distribution that Catalog returns. Args: framework: The framework to use. Either "torch" or "tf2". Returns: The action distribution. """ assert hasattr(self, "_action_dist_class_fn"), ( "You must define a `Catalog._action_dist_class_fn` attribute in your " "Catalog subclass or override the `Catalog.action_dist_class_fn` method. " "By default, an action_dist_class_fn is created in the __post_init__ " "method." ) return self._action_dist_class_fn(framework=framework)
[docs] @classmethod def _get_encoder_config( cls, observation_space: gym.Space, model_config_dict: dict, action_space: gym.Space = None, view_requirements=None, ) -> ModelConfig: """Returns an EncoderConfig for the given input_space and model_config_dict. Encoders are usually used in RLModules to transform the input space into a latent space that is then fed to the heads. The returned EncoderConfig objects correspond to the built-in Encoder classes in RLlib. For example, for a simple 1D-Box input_space, RLlib offers an MLPEncoder, hence this method returns the MLPEncoderConfig. You can overwrite this method to produce specific EncoderConfigs for your custom Models. The following input spaces lead to the following configs: - 1D-Box: MLPEncoderConfig - 3D-Box: CNNEncoderConfig # TODO (Artur): Support more spaces here # ... Args: observation_space: The observation space to use. model_config_dict: The model config to use. action_space: The action space to use if actions are to be encoded. This is commonly the case for LSTM models. view_requirements: The view requirements to use if anything else than observation_space or action_space is to be encoded. This signifies an advanced use case. Returns: The encoder config. """ # TODO (Artur): Make it so that we don't work with complete MODEL_DEFAULTS model_config_dict = {**MODEL_DEFAULTS, **model_config_dict} activation = model_config_dict["fcnet_activation"] output_activation = model_config_dict["fcnet_activation"] fcnet_hiddens = model_config_dict["fcnet_hiddens"] # TODO (sven): Move to a new ModelConfig object (dataclass) asap, instead of # "linking" into the old ModelConfig (dict)! This just causes confusion as to # which old keys now mean what for the new RLModules-based default models. encoder_latent_dim = ( model_config_dict["encoder_latent_dim"] or fcnet_hiddens[-1] ) use_lstm = model_config_dict["use_lstm"] use_attention = model_config_dict["use_attention"] if use_lstm: encoder_config = RecurrentEncoderConfig( input_dims=observation_space.shape, recurrent_layer_type="lstm", hidden_dim=model_config_dict["lstm_cell_size"], hidden_weights_initializer=model_config_dict[ "lstm_weights_initializer" ], hidden_weights_initializer_config=model_config_dict[ "lstm_weights_initializer_config" ], hidden_bias_initializer=model_config_dict["lstm_bias_initializer"], hidden_bias_initializer_config=model_config_dict[ "lstm_bias_initializer_config" ], batch_major=not model_config_dict["_time_major"], num_layers=1, tokenizer_config=cls.get_tokenizer_config( observation_space, model_config_dict, view_requirements, ), ) elif use_attention: raise NotImplementedError else: # TODO (Artur): Maybe check for original spaces here # input_space is a 1D Box if isinstance(observation_space, Box) and len(observation_space.shape) == 1: # In order to guarantee backward compatability with old configs, # we need to check if no latent dim was set and simply reuse the last # fcnet hidden dim for that purpose. if model_config_dict["encoder_latent_dim"]: hidden_layer_dims = model_config_dict["fcnet_hiddens"] else: hidden_layer_dims = model_config_dict["fcnet_hiddens"][:-1] encoder_config = MLPEncoderConfig( input_dims=observation_space.shape, hidden_layer_dims=hidden_layer_dims, hidden_layer_activation=activation, hidden_layer_weights_initializer=model_config_dict[ "fcnet_weights_initializer" ], hidden_layer_weights_initializer_config=model_config_dict[ "fcnet_weights_initializer_config" ], hidden_layer_bias_initializer=model_config_dict[ "fcnet_bias_initializer" ], hidden_layer_bias_initializer_config=model_config_dict[ "fcnet_bias_initializer_config" ], output_layer_dim=encoder_latent_dim, output_layer_activation=output_activation, output_layer_weights_initializer=model_config_dict[ "post_fcnet_weights_initializer" ], output_layer_weights_initializer_config=model_config_dict[ "post_fcnet_weights_initializer_config" ], output_layer_bias_initializer=model_config_dict[ "post_fcnet_bias_initializer" ], output_layer_bias_initializer_config=model_config_dict[ "post_fcnet_bias_initializer_config" ], ) # input_space is a 3D Box elif ( isinstance(observation_space, Box) and len(observation_space.shape) == 3 ): if not model_config_dict.get("conv_filters"): model_config_dict["conv_filters"] = get_filter_config( observation_space.shape ) encoder_config = CNNEncoderConfig( input_dims=observation_space.shape, cnn_filter_specifiers=model_config_dict["conv_filters"], cnn_activation=model_config_dict["conv_activation"], cnn_use_layernorm=model_config_dict.get( "conv_use_layernorm", False ), cnn_kernel_initializer=model_config_dict["conv_kernel_initializer"], cnn_kernel_initializer_config=model_config_dict[ "conv_kernel_initializer_config" ], cnn_bias_initializer=model_config_dict["conv_bias_initializer"], cnn_bias_initializer_config=model_config_dict[ "conv_bias_initializer_config" ], ) # input_space is a 2D Box elif ( isinstance(observation_space, Box) and len(observation_space.shape) == 2 ): # RLlib used to support 2D Box spaces by silently flattening them raise ValueError( f"No default encoder config for obs space={observation_space}," f" lstm={use_lstm} and attention={use_attention} found. 2D Box " f"spaces are not supported. They should be either flattened to a " f"1D Box space or enhanced to be a 3D box space." ) # input_space is a possibly nested structure of spaces. else: # NestedModelConfig raise ValueError( f"No default encoder config for obs space={observation_space}," f" lstm={use_lstm} and attention={use_attention} found." ) return encoder_config
[docs] @classmethod @OverrideToImplementCustomLogic def get_tokenizer_config( cls, observation_space: gym.Space, model_config_dict: dict, view_requirements: Optional[ViewRequirementsDict] = None, ) -> ModelConfig: """Returns a tokenizer config for the given space. This is useful for recurrent / transformer models that need to tokenize their inputs. By default, RLlib uses the models supported by Catalog out of the box to tokenize. You should override this method if you want to change the custom tokenizer inside current encoders that Catalog returns without providing the recurrent network as a whole. For example, if you want to define some custom CNN layers as a tokenizer for a recurrent encoder that already includes the recurrent layers and handles the state. Args: observation_space: The observation space to use. model_config_dict: The model config to use. view_requirements: The view requirements to use if anything else than observation_space is to be encoded. This signifies an advanced use case. """ return cls._get_encoder_config( observation_space=observation_space, # Use model_config_dict without flags that would end up in complex models model_config_dict={ **model_config_dict, **{"use_lstm": False, "use_attention": False}, }, view_requirements=view_requirements, )
[docs] @classmethod def _get_dist_cls_from_action_space( cls, action_space: gym.Space, *, framework: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Distribution: """Returns a distribution class for the given action space. You can get the required input dimension for the distribution by calling `action_dict_cls.required_input_dim(action_space)` on the retrieved class. This is useful, because the Catalog needs to find out about the required input dimension for the distribution before the model that outputs these inputs is configured. Args: action_space: Action space of the target gym env. framework: The framework to use. Returns: The distribution class for the given action space. """ # This method is structured in two steps: # Firstly, construct a dictionary containing the available distribution classes. # Secondly, return the correct distribution class for the given action space. # Step 1: Construct the dictionary. class DistEnum(enum.Enum): Categorical = "Categorical" DiagGaussian = "Gaussian" Deterministic = "Deterministic" MultiDistribution = "MultiDistribution" MultiCategorical = "MultiCategorical" if framework == "torch": from ray.rllib.models.torch.torch_distributions import ( TorchCategorical, TorchDeterministic, TorchDiagGaussian, ) distribution_dicts = { DistEnum.Deterministic: TorchDeterministic, DistEnum.DiagGaussian: TorchDiagGaussian, DistEnum.Categorical: TorchCategorical, } elif framework == "tf2": from import ( TfCategorical, TfDeterministic, TfDiagGaussian, ) distribution_dicts = { DistEnum.Deterministic: TfDeterministic, DistEnum.DiagGaussian: TfDiagGaussian, DistEnum.Categorical: TfCategorical, } else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown framework: {framework}. Only 'torch' and 'tf2' are " "supported for RLModule Catalogs." ) # Only add a MultiAction distribution class to the dict if we can compute its # components (we need a Tuple/Dict space for this). if isinstance(action_space, (Tuple, Dict)): partial_multi_action_distribution_cls = _multi_action_dist_partial_helper( catalog_cls=cls, action_space=action_space, framework=framework, ) distribution_dicts[ DistEnum.MultiDistribution ] = partial_multi_action_distribution_cls # Only add a MultiCategorical distribution class to the dict if we can compute # its components (we need a MultiDiscrete space for this). if isinstance(action_space, MultiDiscrete): partial_multi_categorical_distribution_cls = ( _multi_categorical_dist_partial_helper( action_space=action_space, framework=framework, ) ) distribution_dicts[ DistEnum.MultiCategorical ] = partial_multi_categorical_distribution_cls # Step 2: Return the correct distribution class for the given action space. # Box space -> DiagGaussian OR Deterministic. if isinstance(action_space, Box): if action_space.dtype.char in np.typecodes["AllInteger"]: raise ValueError( "Box(..., `int`) action spaces are not supported. " "Use MultiDiscrete or Box(..., `float`)." ) else: if len(action_space.shape) > 1: raise UnsupportedSpaceException( f"Action space has multiple dimensions {action_space.shape}. " f"Consider reshaping this into a single dimension, using a " f"custom action distribution, using a Tuple action space, " f"or the multi-agent API." ) return distribution_dicts[DistEnum.DiagGaussian] # Discrete Space -> Categorical. elif isinstance(action_space, Discrete): return distribution_dicts[DistEnum.Categorical] # Tuple/Dict Spaces -> MultiAction. elif isinstance(action_space, (Tuple, Dict)): return distribution_dicts[DistEnum.MultiDistribution] # Simplex -> Dirichlet. elif isinstance(action_space, Simplex): # TODO(Artur): Supported Simplex (in torch). raise NotImplementedError("Simplex action space not yet supported.") # MultiDiscrete -> MultiCategorical. elif isinstance(action_space, MultiDiscrete): return distribution_dicts[DistEnum.MultiCategorical] # Unknown type -> Error. else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported action space: `{action_space}`")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_preprocessor(observation_space: gym.Space, **kwargs) -> Preprocessor: """Returns a suitable preprocessor for the given observation space. Args: observation_space: The input observation space. **kwargs: Forward-compatible kwargs. Returns: preprocessor: Preprocessor for the observations. """ # TODO(Artur): Since preprocessors have long been @PublicAPI with the options # kwarg as part of their constructor, we fade out support for this, # beginning with this entrypoint. # Next, we should deprecate the `options` kwarg from the Preprocessor itself, # after deprecating the old catalog and other components that still pass this. options = kwargs.get("options", {}) if options: deprecation_warning( old="get_preprocessor_for_space(..., options={...})", help="Override `Catalog.get_preprocessor()` " "in order to implement custom behaviour.", error=False, ) if options.get("custom_preprocessor"): deprecation_warning( old="model_config['custom_preprocessor']", help="Custom preprocessors are deprecated, " "since they sometimes conflict with the built-in " "preprocessors for handling complex observation spaces. " "Please use wrapper classes around your environment " "instead.", error=True, ) else: # TODO(Artur): Inline the get_preprocessor() call here once we have # deprecated the old model catalog. cls = get_preprocessor(observation_space) prep = cls(observation_space, options) return prep
def _multi_action_dist_partial_helper( catalog_cls: "Catalog", action_space: gym.Space, framework: str ) -> Distribution: """Helper method to get a partial of a MultiActionDistribution. This is useful for when we want to create MultiActionDistributions from logits only (!) later, but know the action space now already. Args: catalog_cls: The ModelCatalog class to use. action_space: The action space to get the child distribution classes for. framework: The framework to use. Returns: A partial of the TorchMultiActionDistribution class. """ action_space_struct = get_base_struct_from_space(action_space) flat_action_space = flatten_space(action_space) child_distribution_cls_struct = tree.map_structure( lambda s: catalog_cls._get_dist_cls_from_action_space( action_space=s, framework=framework, ), action_space_struct, ) flat_distribution_clses = tree.flatten(child_distribution_cls_struct) logit_lens = [ int(dist_cls.required_input_dim(space)) for dist_cls, space in zip(flat_distribution_clses, flat_action_space) ] if framework == "torch": from ray.rllib.models.torch.torch_distributions import ( TorchMultiDistribution, ) multi_action_dist_cls = TorchMultiDistribution elif framework == "tf2": from import TfMultiDistribution multi_action_dist_cls = TfMultiDistribution else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported framework: {framework}") partial_dist_cls = multi_action_dist_cls.get_partial_dist_cls( space=action_space, child_distribution_cls_struct=child_distribution_cls_struct, input_lens=logit_lens, ) return partial_dist_cls def _multi_categorical_dist_partial_helper( action_space: gym.Space, framework: str ) -> Distribution: """Helper method to get a partial of a MultiCategorical Distribution. This is useful for when we want to create MultiCategorical Distribution from logits only (!) later, but know the action space now already. Args: action_space: The action space to get the child distribution classes for. framework: The framework to use. Returns: A partial of the MultiCategorical class. """ if framework == "torch": from ray.rllib.models.torch.torch_distributions import TorchMultiCategorical multi_categorical_dist_cls = TorchMultiCategorical elif framework == "tf2": from import TfMultiCategorical multi_categorical_dist_cls = TfMultiCategorical else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported framework: {framework}") partial_dist_cls = multi_categorical_dist_cls.get_partial_dist_cls( space=action_space, input_lens=list(action_space.nvec) ) return partial_dist_cls