Source code for

import threading
from typing import Any, List, Optional

import ray
from ray.experimental import tqdm_ray
from ray.types import ObjectRef
from ray.util.annotations import Deprecated

    import tqdm

    needs_warning = False
except ImportError:
    tqdm = None
    needs_warning = True

# Used a signal to cancel execution.
_canceled_threads = set()
_canceled_threads_lock = threading.Lock()

[docs]@Deprecated def set_progress_bars(enabled: bool) -> bool: """Set whether progress bars are enabled. The default behavior is controlled by the ``RAY_DATA_DISABLE_PROGRESS_BARS`` environment variable. By default, it is set to "0". Setting it to "1" will disable progress bars, unless they are reenabled by this method. Returns: Whether progress bars were previously enabled. """ raise DeprecationWarning( "`set_progress_bars` is deprecated. Set " "`` instead.", )
class ProgressBar: """Thin wrapper around tqdm to handle soft imports. If `total` is `None` known (for example, it is unknown because no tasks have finished yet), doesn't display the full progress bar. Still displays basic progress stats from tqdm.""" def __init__( self, name: str, total: Optional[int], unit: str, position: int = 0, enabled: Optional[bool] = None, ): self._desc = name self._progress = 0 # Prepend a space to the unit for better formatting. if unit[0] != " ": unit = " " + unit if enabled is None: from import DataContext enabled = DataContext.get_current().enable_progress_bars if not enabled: self._bar = None elif tqdm: ctx = if ctx.use_ray_tqdm: self._bar = tqdm_ray.tqdm(total=total, unit=unit, position=position) else: self._bar = tqdm.tqdm( total=total, position=position, dynamic_ncols=True, unit=unit, ) self._bar.set_description(self._desc) else: global needs_warning if needs_warning: print("[dataset]: Run `pip install tqdm` to enable progress reporting.") needs_warning = False self._bar = None def block_until_complete(self, remaining: List[ObjectRef]) -> None: t = threading.current_thread() while remaining: done, remaining = ray.wait(remaining, fetch_local=False, timeout=0.1) self.update(len(done)) with _canceled_threads_lock: if t in _canceled_threads: break def fetch_until_complete(self, refs: List[ObjectRef]) -> List[Any]: ref_to_result = {} remaining = refs t = threading.current_thread() # Triggering fetch_local redundantly for the same object is slower. # We only need to trigger the fetch_local once for each object, # raylet will persist these fetch requests even after ray.wait returns. # See fetch_local = True while remaining: done, remaining = ray.wait(remaining, fetch_local=fetch_local, timeout=0.1) if fetch_local: fetch_local = False for ref, result in zip(done, ray.get(done)): ref_to_result[ref] = result self.update(len(done)) with _canceled_threads_lock: if t in _canceled_threads: break return [ref_to_result[ref] for ref in refs] def set_description(self, name: str) -> None: if self._bar and name != self._desc: self._desc = name self._bar.set_description(self._desc) def update(self, i: int = 0, total: Optional[int] = None) -> None: if self._bar and (i != 0 or != total): self._progress += i if total is not None: = total if is not None and self._progress > # If the progress goes over 100%, update the total. = self._progress self._bar.update(i) def close(self): if self._bar: if is not None and self._progress != # If the progress is not complete, update the total. = self._progress self._bar.refresh() self._bar.close() self._bar = None def __del__(self): self.close() def __getstate__(self): return {} def __setstate__(self, state): self._bar = None # Progress bar is disabled on remote nodes.