
class ray.data.preprocessors.Normalizer(columns: List[str], norm='l2')[source]#

Bases: Preprocessor

Scales each sample to have unit norm.

This preprocessor works by dividing each sample (i.e., row) by the sample’s norm. The general formula is given by

\[s' = \frac{s}{\lVert s \rVert_p}\]

where \(s\) is the sample, \(s'\) is the transformed sample, :math:lVert s rVert`, and \(p\) is the norm type.

The following norms are supported:

  • "l1" (\(L^1\)): Sum of the absolute values.

  • "l2" (\(L^2\)): Square root of the sum of the squared values.

  • "max" (\(L^\infty\)): Maximum value.


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import ray
>>> from ray.data.preprocessors import Normalizer
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"X1": [1, 1], "X2": [1, 0], "X3": [0, 1]})
>>> ds = ray.data.from_pandas(df)  
>>> ds.to_pandas()  
   X1  X2  X3
0   1   1   0
1   1   0   1

The \(L^2\)-norm of the first sample is \(\sqrt{2}\), and the \(L^2\)-norm of the second sample is \(1\).

>>> preprocessor = Normalizer(columns=["X1", "X2"])
>>> preprocessor.fit_transform(ds).to_pandas()  
         X1        X2  X3
0  0.707107  0.707107   0
1  1.000000  0.000000   1

The \(L^1\)-norm of the first sample is \(2\), and the \(L^1\)-norm of the second sample is \(1\).

>>> preprocessor = Normalizer(columns=["X1", "X2"], norm="l1")
>>> preprocessor.fit_transform(ds).to_pandas()  
    X1   X2  X3
0  0.5  0.5   0
1  1.0  0.0   1

The \(L^\infty\)-norm of the both samples is \(1\).

>>> preprocessor = Normalizer(columns=["X1", "X2"], norm="max")
>>> preprocessor.fit_transform(ds).to_pandas()  
    X1   X2  X3
0  1.0  1.0   0
1  1.0  0.0   1
  • columns – The columns to scale. For each row, these colmumns are scaled to unit-norm.

  • norm – The norm to use. The supported values are "l1", "l2", or "max". Defaults to "l2".


ValueError – if norm is not "l1", "l2", or "max".

PublicAPI (alpha): This API is in alpha and may change before becoming stable.



Load the original preprocessor serialized via self.serialize().


Fit this Preprocessor to the Dataset.


Fit this Preprocessor to the Dataset and then transform the Dataset.


Batch format hint for upstream producers to try yielding best block format.


Return this preprocessor serialized as a string.


Transform the given dataset.


Transform a single batch of data.