
ExperimentAnalysis.get_best_trial(metric: str | None = None, mode: str | None = None, scope: str = 'last', filter_nan_and_inf: bool = True) Trial | None[source]#

Retrieve the best trial object.

Compares all trials’ scores on metric. If metric is not specified, self.default_metric will be used. If mode is not specified, self.default_mode will be used. These values are usually initialized by passing the metric and mode parameters to tune.run().

  • metric – Key for trial info to order on. Defaults to self.default_metric.

  • mode – One of [min, max]. Defaults to self.default_mode.

  • scope – One of [all, last, avg, last-5-avg, last-10-avg]. If scope=last, only look at each trial’s final step for metric, and compare across trials based on mode=[min,max]. If scope=avg, consider the simple average over all steps for metric and compare across trials based on mode=[min,max]. If scope=last-5-avg or scope=last-10-avg, consider the simple average over the last 5 or 10 steps for metric and compare across trials based on mode=[min,max]. If scope=all, find each trial’s min/max score for metric based on mode, and compare trials based on mode=[min,max].

  • filter_nan_and_inf – If True (default), NaN or infinite values are disregarded and these trials are never selected as the best trial.


The best trial for the provided metric. If no trials contain the provided

metric, or if the value for the metric is NaN for all trials, then returns None.