- TrainContext.get_trial_dir() str [source]#
Log directory corresponding to the trial directory for a Tune session. If calling from a Train session, this will give the trial directory of its parent Tune session.
import ray.tune def train_func(config): print(ray.tune.get_context().get_trial_dir()) tuner = ray.tune.Tuner(train_func) tuner.fit()
PublicAPI (beta): This API is in beta and may change before becoming stable.
DEPRECATED: This API is deprecated and may be removed in future Ray releases.
is deprecated because the concept of aTrial
will soon be removed in Ray Train.Ray Train will no longer assume that it’s running within a Ray TuneTrial
in the future. See this issue for more context and migration options: ray-project/ray#49454. Disable these warnings by setting the environment variable: RAY_TRAIN_ENABLE_V2_MIGRATION_WARNINGS=0