
class ray.data.aggregate.AggregateFn(init: ~typing.Callable[[~ray.data.block.KeyType], ~ray.data.block.AggType], merge: ~typing.Callable[[~ray.data.block.AggType, ~ray.data.block.AggType], ~ray.data.block.AggType], accumulate_row: ~typing.Callable[[~ray.data.block.AggType, ~ray.data.block.T], ~ray.data.block.AggType] = None, accumulate_block: ~typing.Callable[[~ray.data.block.AggType, pyarrow.Table | pandas.DataFrame], ~ray.data.block.AggType] = None, finalize: ~typing.Callable[[~ray.data.block.AggType], ~ray.data.block.U] = <function AggregateFn.<lambda>>, name: str | None = None)[source]#

Defines an aggregate function in the accumulator style.

Aggregates a collection of inputs of type T into a single output value of type U. See https://www.sigops.org/s/conferences/sosp/2009/papers/yu-sosp09.pdf for more details about accumulator-based aggregation.

  • init – This is called once for each group to return the empty accumulator. For example, an empty accumulator for a sum would be 0.

  • merge – This may be called multiple times, each time to merge two accumulators into one.

  • accumulate_row – This is called once per row of the same group. This combines the accumulator and the row, returns the updated accumulator. Exactly one of accumulate_row and accumulate_block must be provided.

  • accumulate_block – This is used to calculate the aggregation for a single block, and is vectorized alternative to accumulate_row. This will be given a base accumulator and the entire block, allowing for vectorized accumulation of the block. Exactly one of accumulate_row and accumulate_block must be provided.

  • finalize – This is called once to compute the final aggregation result from the fully merged accumulator.

  • name – The name of the aggregation. This will be used as the output column name in the case of Arrow dataset.
