Source code for ray.util

from typing import List

import ray
from ray._private.client_mode_hook import client_mode_hook
from ray._private.auto_init_hook import wrap_auto_init
from import get_node_ip_address
from ray.util import iter
from ray.util import rpdb as pdb
from ray.util import debugpy as ray_debugpy
from ray.util.actor_pool import ActorPool
from ray.util import accelerators
from ray.util.annotations import PublicAPI
from ray.util.check_serialize import inspect_serializability
from ray.util.client_connect import connect, disconnect
from ray.util.debug import disable_log_once_globally, enable_periodic_logging, log_once
from ray.util.placement_group import (
from ray.util.serialization import deregister_serializer, register_serializer

[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="beta") @wrap_auto_init @client_mode_hook def list_named_actors(all_namespaces: bool = False) -> List[str]: """List all named actors in the system. Actors must have been created with Actor.options(name="name").remote(). This works for both detached & non-detached actors. By default, only actors in the current namespace will be returned and the returned entries will simply be their name. If `all_namespaces` is set to True, all actors in the cluster will be returned regardless of namespace, and the returned entries will be of the form {"namespace": namespace, "name": name}. """ worker = ray._private.worker.global_worker worker.check_connected() actors = worker.core_worker.list_named_actors(all_namespaces) if all_namespaces: return [{"name": name, "namespace": namespace} for namespace, name in actors] else: return [name for _, name in actors]
__all__ = [ "accelerators", "ActorPool", "disable_log_once_globally", "enable_periodic_logging", "iter", "log_once", "pdb", "placement_group", "placement_group_table", "get_placement_group", "get_current_placement_group", "get_node_ip_address", "remove_placement_group", "ray_debugpy", "inspect_serializability", "collective", "connect", "disconnect", "register_serializer", "deregister_serializer", "list_named_actors", ]