Source code for

"""BOHB (Bayesian Optimization with HyperBand)"""

import copy
import logging
import math
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

# use cloudpickle instead of pickle to make BOHB obj
# pickleable
from ray import cloudpickle
from ray.tune.result import DEFAULT_METRIC
from import (
from import (
from import parse_spec_vars
from ray.tune.utils.util import flatten_dict, unflatten_list_dict

    import ConfigSpace
    from hpbandster.optimizers.config_generators.bohb import BOHB
except ImportError:
    BOHB = ConfigSpace = None

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _BOHBJobWrapper:
    """Mock object for HpBandSter to process."""

    def __init__(self, loss: float, budget: float, config: Dict):
        self.result = {"loss": loss}
        self.kwargs = {"budget": budget, "config": config.copy()}
        self.exception = None

[docs]class TuneBOHB(Searcher): """BOHB suggestion component. Requires HpBandSter and ConfigSpace to be installed. You can install HpBandSter and ConfigSpace with: ``pip install hpbandster ConfigSpace``. This should be used in conjunction with HyperBandForBOHB. Args: space: Continuous ConfigSpace search space. Parameters will be sampled from this space which will be used to run trials. bohb_config: configuration for HpBandSter BOHB algorithm metric: The training result objective value attribute. If None but a mode was passed, the anonymous metric `_metric` will be used per default. mode: One of {min, max}. Determines whether objective is minimizing or maximizing the metric attribute. points_to_evaluate: Initial parameter suggestions to be run first. This is for when you already have some good parameters you want to run first to help the algorithm make better suggestions for future parameters. Needs to be a list of dicts containing the configurations. seed: Optional random seed to initialize the random number generator. Setting this should lead to identical initial configurations at each run. max_concurrent: Number of maximum concurrent trials. If this Searcher is used in a ``ConcurrencyLimiter``, the ``max_concurrent`` value passed to it will override the value passed here. Set to <= 0 for no limit on concurrency. Tune automatically converts search spaces to TuneBOHB's format: .. code-block:: python config = { "width": tune.uniform(0, 20), "height": tune.uniform(-100, 100), "activation": tune.choice(["relu", "tanh"]) } algo = TuneBOHB(metric="mean_loss", mode="min") bohb = HyperBandForBOHB( time_attr="training_iteration", metric="mean_loss", mode="min", max_t=100) run(my_trainable, config=config, scheduler=bohb, search_alg=algo) If you would like to pass the search space manually, the code would look like this: .. code-block:: python import ConfigSpace as CS config_space = CS.ConfigurationSpace() config_space.add_hyperparameter( CS.UniformFloatHyperparameter("width", lower=0, upper=20)) config_space.add_hyperparameter( CS.UniformFloatHyperparameter("height", lower=-100, upper=100)) config_space.add_hyperparameter( CS.CategoricalHyperparameter( name="activation", choices=["relu", "tanh"])) algo = TuneBOHB( config_space, metric="mean_loss", mode="min") bohb = HyperBandForBOHB( time_attr="training_iteration", metric="mean_loss", mode="min", max_t=100) run(my_trainable, scheduler=bohb, search_alg=algo) """ def __init__( self, space: Optional[Union[Dict, "ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace"]] = None, bohb_config: Optional[Dict] = None, metric: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[str] = None, points_to_evaluate: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, max_concurrent: int = 0, ): assert ( BOHB is not None ), """HpBandSter must be installed! You can install HpBandSter with the command: `pip install hpbandster ConfigSpace`.""" if mode: assert mode in ["min", "max"], "`mode` must be 'min' or 'max'." self.trial_to_params = {} self._metric = metric self._bohb_config = bohb_config if isinstance(space, dict) and space: resolved_vars, domain_vars, grid_vars = parse_spec_vars(space) if domain_vars or grid_vars: logger.warning( UNRESOLVED_SEARCH_SPACE.format(par="space", cls=type(self)) ) space = self.convert_search_space(space) self._space = space self._seed = seed self.running = set() self.paused = set() self._max_concurrent = max_concurrent self._points_to_evaluate = points_to_evaluate super(TuneBOHB, self).__init__( metric=self._metric, mode=mode, ) if self._space: self._setup_bohb() def set_max_concurrency(self, max_concurrent: int) -> bool: self._max_concurrent = max_concurrent return True def _setup_bohb(self): from hpbandster.optimizers.config_generators.bohb import BOHB if self._metric is None and self._mode: # If only a mode was passed, use anonymous metric self._metric = DEFAULT_METRIC if self._mode == "max": self._metric_op = -1.0 elif self._mode == "min": self._metric_op = 1.0 if self._seed is not None: self._space.seed(self._seed) self.running = set() self.paused = set() bohb_config = self._bohb_config or {} self.bohber = BOHB(self._space, **bohb_config) def set_search_properties( self, metric: Optional[str], mode: Optional[str], config: Dict, **spec ) -> bool: if self._space: return False space = self.convert_search_space(config) self._space = space if metric: self._metric = metric if mode: self._mode = mode self._setup_bohb() return True def suggest(self, trial_id: str) -> Optional[Dict]: if not self._space: raise RuntimeError( UNDEFINED_SEARCH_SPACE.format( cls=self.__class__.__name__, space="space" ) ) if not self._metric or not self._mode: raise RuntimeError( UNDEFINED_METRIC_MODE.format( cls=self.__class__.__name__, metric=self._metric, mode=self._mode ) ) max_concurrent = ( self._max_concurrent if self._max_concurrent > 0 else float("inf") ) if len(self.running) >= max_concurrent: return None if self._points_to_evaluate: config = self._points_to_evaluate.pop(0) else: # This parameter is not used in hpbandster implementation. config, _ = self.bohber.get_config(None) self.trial_to_params[trial_id] = copy.deepcopy(config) self.running.add(trial_id) return unflatten_list_dict(config) def on_trial_result(self, trial_id: str, result: Dict): if trial_id not in self.paused: self.running.add(trial_id) if "hyperband_info" not in result: logger.warning( "BOHB Info not detected in result. Are you using " "HyperBandForBOHB as a scheduler?" ) elif "budget" in result.get("hyperband_info", {}): hbs_wrapper = self.to_wrapper(trial_id, result) self.bohber.new_result(hbs_wrapper) def on_trial_complete( self, trial_id: str, result: Optional[Dict] = None, error: bool = False ): del self.trial_to_params[trial_id] self.paused.discard(trial_id) self.running.discard(trial_id) def to_wrapper(self, trial_id: str, result: Dict) -> _BOHBJobWrapper: return _BOHBJobWrapper( self._metric_op * result[self.metric], result["hyperband_info"]["budget"], self.trial_to_params[trial_id], ) # BOHB Specific. # TODO(team-ml): Refactor alongside HyperBandForBOHB def on_pause(self, trial_id: str): self.paused.add(trial_id) self.running.discard(trial_id) def on_unpause(self, trial_id: str): self.paused.discard(trial_id) self.running.add(trial_id) @staticmethod def convert_search_space(spec: Dict) -> "ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace": resolved_vars, domain_vars, grid_vars = parse_spec_vars(spec) if grid_vars: raise ValueError( "Grid search parameters cannot be automatically converted " "to a TuneBOHB search space." ) # Flatten and resolve again after checking for grid search. spec = flatten_dict(spec, prevent_delimiter=True) resolved_vars, domain_vars, grid_vars = parse_spec_vars(spec) def resolve_value( par: str, domain: Domain ) -> ConfigSpace.hyperparameters.Hyperparameter: quantize = None sampler = domain.get_sampler() if isinstance(sampler, Quantized): quantize = sampler.q sampler = sampler.sampler if isinstance(domain, Float): if isinstance(sampler, LogUniform): lower = domain.lower upper = domain.upper if quantize: lower = math.ceil(domain.lower / quantize) * quantize upper = math.floor(domain.upper / quantize) * quantize return ConfigSpace.UniformFloatHyperparameter( par, lower=lower, upper=upper, q=quantize, log=True ) elif isinstance(sampler, Uniform): lower = domain.lower upper = domain.upper if quantize: lower = math.ceil(domain.lower / quantize) * quantize upper = math.floor(domain.upper / quantize) * quantize return ConfigSpace.UniformFloatHyperparameter( par, lower=lower, upper=upper, q=quantize, log=False ) elif isinstance(sampler, Normal): return ConfigSpace.hyperparameters.NormalFloatHyperparameter( par, mu=sampler.mean,, q=quantize, log=False ) elif isinstance(domain, Integer): if isinstance(sampler, LogUniform): lower = domain.lower upper = domain.upper if quantize: lower = math.ceil(domain.lower / quantize) * quantize upper = math.floor(domain.upper / quantize) * quantize else: # Tune search space integers are exclusive upper -= 1 return ConfigSpace.UniformIntegerHyperparameter( par, lower=lower, upper=upper, q=quantize, log=True ) elif isinstance(sampler, Uniform): lower = domain.lower upper = domain.upper if quantize: lower = math.ceil(domain.lower / quantize) * quantize upper = math.floor(domain.upper / quantize) * quantize else: # Tune search space integers are exclusive upper -= 1 return ConfigSpace.UniformIntegerHyperparameter( par, lower=lower, upper=upper, q=quantize, log=False ) elif isinstance(domain, Categorical): if isinstance(sampler, Uniform): return ConfigSpace.CategoricalHyperparameter( par, choices=domain.categories ) raise ValueError( "TuneBOHB does not support parameters of type " "`{}` with samplers of type `{}`".format( type(domain).__name__, type(domain.sampler).__name__ ) ) cs = ConfigSpace.ConfigurationSpace() for path, domain in domain_vars: par = "/".join(str(p) for p in path) value = resolve_value(par, domain) cs.add_hyperparameter(value) return cs def save(self, checkpoint_path: str): save_object = self.__dict__ with open(checkpoint_path, "wb") as outputFile: cloudpickle.dump(save_object, outputFile) def restore(self, checkpoint_path: str): with open(checkpoint_path, "rb") as inputFile: save_object = cloudpickle.load(inputFile) self.__dict__.update(save_object)