Source code for ray.train.tensorflow.config

import json
import logging
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List

import ray
from ray.train._internal.utils import get_address_and_port
from ray.train._internal.worker_group import WorkerGroup
from ray.train.backend import Backend, BackendConfig
from ray.util import PublicAPI

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@PublicAPI(stability="beta") @dataclass class TensorflowConfig(BackendConfig): @property def backend_cls(self): return _TensorflowBackend
def _setup_tensorflow_environment(worker_addresses: List[str], index: int): """Set up distributed Tensorflow training information. This function should be called on each worker. Args: worker_addresses: Addresses of all the workers. index: Index (i.e. world rank) of the current worker. """ tf_config = { "cluster": {"worker": worker_addresses}, "task": {"type": "worker", "index": index}, } os.environ["TF_CONFIG"] = json.dumps(tf_config) class _TensorflowBackend(Backend): def on_start(self, worker_group: WorkerGroup, backend_config: TensorflowConfig): # Compute URL for initializing distributed setup. def get_url(): address, port = get_address_and_port() return f"{address}:{port}" urls = worker_group.execute(get_url) # Get setup tasks in order to throw errors on failure. setup_futures = [] for i in range(len(worker_group)): setup_futures.append( worker_group.execute_single_async( i, _setup_tensorflow_environment, worker_addresses=urls, index=i, ) ) ray.get(setup_futures)