Source code for ray.serve.api

import collections
import inspect
import logging
import time
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI

import ray
from ray import cloudpickle
from ray._private.serialization import pickle_dumps
from ray.dag import DAGNode
from ray.serve._private.config import (
from ray.serve._private.constants import SERVE_DEFAULT_APP_NAME, SERVE_LOGGER_NAME
from ray.serve._private.deployment_graph_build import build as pipeline_build
from ray.serve._private.deployment_graph_build import (
from ray.serve._private.http_util import (
from ray.serve._private.usage import ServeUsageTag
from ray.serve._private.utils import (
from ray.serve.config import (
from ray.serve.context import (
from ray.serve.deployment import Application, Deployment
from ray.serve.exceptions import RayServeException
from ray.serve.handle import DeploymentHandle
from ray.serve.multiplex import _ModelMultiplexWrapper
from ray.serve.schema import LoggingConfig, ServeInstanceDetails, ServeStatus
from ray.util.annotations import DeveloperAPI, PublicAPI

from ray.serve._private import api as _private_api  # isort:skip

logger = logging.getLogger(SERVE_LOGGER_NAME)

[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="stable") def start( proxy_location: Union[None, str, ProxyLocation] = None, http_options: Union[None, dict, HTTPOptions] = None, grpc_options: Union[None, dict, gRPCOptions] = None, logging_config: Union[None, dict, LoggingConfig] = None, **kwargs, ): """Start Serve on the cluster. Used to set cluster-scoped configurations such as HTTP options. In most cases, this does not need to be called manually and Serve will be started when an application is first deployed to the cluster. These cluster-scoped options cannot be updated dynamically. To update them, start a new cluster or shut down Serve on the cluster and start it again. These options can also be set in the config file deployed via REST API. Args: proxy_location: Where to run proxies that handle ingress traffic to the cluster (defaults to every node in the cluster with at least one replica on it). See `ProxyLocation` for supported options. http_options: HTTP config options for the proxies. These can be passed as an unstructured dictionary or the structured `HTTPOptions` class. See `HTTPOptions` for supported options. grpc_options: [EXPERIMENTAL] gRPC config options for the proxies. These can be passed as an unstructured dictionary or the structured `gRPCOptions` class See `gRPCOptions` for supported options. logging_config: logging config options for the serve component ( controller & proxy). """ if proxy_location is None: if http_options is None: http_options = HTTPOptions(location=DeploymentMode.EveryNode) else: if http_options is None: http_options = HTTPOptions() elif isinstance(http_options, dict): http_options = HTTPOptions(**http_options) if isinstance(proxy_location, str): proxy_location = ProxyLocation(proxy_location) http_options.location = ProxyLocation._to_deployment_mode(proxy_location) _private_api.serve_start( http_options=http_options, grpc_options=grpc_options, global_logging_config=logging_config, **kwargs, )
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="stable") def shutdown(): """Completely shut down Serve on the cluster. Deletes all applications and shuts down Serve system actors. """ try: client = _get_global_client() except RayServeException: "Nothing to shut down. There's no Serve application " "running on this Ray cluster." ) return client.shutdown() _set_global_client(None)
[docs] @DeveloperAPI def get_replica_context() -> ReplicaContext: """Returns the deployment and replica tag from within a replica at runtime. A replica tag uniquely identifies a single replica for a Ray Serve deployment. Raises: RayServeException: if not called from within a Ray Serve deployment. Example: .. code-block:: python from ray import serve @serve.deployment class MyDeployment: def __init__(self): # Prints "MyDeployment" print(serve.get_replica_context().deployment) """ internal_replica_context = _get_internal_replica_context() if internal_replica_context is None: raise RayServeException( "`serve.get_replica_context()` " "may only be called from within a " "Ray Serve deployment." ) return internal_replica_context
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="stable") def ingress(app: Union["FastAPI", "APIRouter", Callable]) -> Callable: """Wrap a deployment class with a FastAPI application for HTTP request parsing. Example: .. code-block:: python from ray import serve from fastapi import FastAPI app = FastAPI() @serve.deployment @serve.ingress(app) class MyFastAPIDeployment: @app.get("/hi") def say_hi(self) -> str: return "Hello world!" app = MyFastAPIDeployment.bind() Args: app: the FastAPI app or router object to wrap this class with. Can be any ASGI-compatible callable. """ def decorator(cls): if not inspect.isclass(cls): raise ValueError("@serve.ingress must be used with a class.") if issubclass(cls, raise ValueError( "Class passed to @serve.ingress may not have __call__ method." ) # Sometimes there are decorators on the methods. We want to fix # the fast api routes here. if isinstance(app, (FastAPI, APIRouter)): make_fastapi_class_based_view(app, cls) # Free the state of the app so subsequent modification won't affect # this ingress deployment. We don't use copy.copy here to avoid # recursion issue. ensure_serialization_context() frozen_app = cloudpickle.loads( pickle_dumps(app, error_msg="Failed to serialize the FastAPI app.") ) class ASGIIngressWrapper(cls, ASGIAppReplicaWrapper): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Call user-defined constructor. cls.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) ServeUsageTag.FASTAPI_USED.record("1") ASGIAppReplicaWrapper.__init__(self, frozen_app) async def __del__(self): await ASGIAppReplicaWrapper.__del__(self) # Call user-defined destructor if defined. if hasattr(cls, "__del__"): if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(cls.__del__): await cls.__del__(self) else: cls.__del__(self) ASGIIngressWrapper.__name__ = cls.__name__ if hasattr(frozen_app, "docs_url"): ASGIIngressWrapper.__fastapi_docs_path__ = frozen_app.docs_url return ASGIIngressWrapper return decorator
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="stable") def deployment( _func_or_class: Optional[Callable] = None, name: Default[str] = DEFAULT.VALUE, version: Default[str] = DEFAULT.VALUE, num_replicas: Default[Optional[Union[int, str]]] = DEFAULT.VALUE, route_prefix: Default[Union[str, None]] = DEFAULT.VALUE, ray_actor_options: Default[Dict] = DEFAULT.VALUE, placement_group_bundles: Default[List[Dict[str, float]]] = DEFAULT.VALUE, placement_group_strategy: Default[str] = DEFAULT.VALUE, max_replicas_per_node: Default[int] = DEFAULT.VALUE, user_config: Default[Optional[Any]] = DEFAULT.VALUE, max_ongoing_requests: Default[int] = DEFAULT.VALUE, max_queued_requests: Default[int] = DEFAULT.VALUE, autoscaling_config: Default[Union[Dict, AutoscalingConfig, None]] = DEFAULT.VALUE, graceful_shutdown_wait_loop_s: Default[float] = DEFAULT.VALUE, graceful_shutdown_timeout_s: Default[float] = DEFAULT.VALUE, health_check_period_s: Default[float] = DEFAULT.VALUE, health_check_timeout_s: Default[float] = DEFAULT.VALUE, logging_config: Default[Union[Dict, LoggingConfig, None]] = DEFAULT.VALUE, ) -> Callable[[Callable], Deployment]: """Decorator that converts a Python class to a `Deployment`. Example: .. code-block:: python from ray import serve @serve.deployment(num_replicas=2) class MyDeployment: pass app = MyDeployment.bind() Args: name: Name uniquely identifying this deployment within the application. If not provided, the name of the class or function is used. num_replicas: Number of replicas to run that handle requests to this deployment. Defaults to 1. autoscaling_config: Parameters to configure autoscaling behavior. If this is set, `num_replicas` cannot be set. route_prefix: [DEPRECATED] Route prefix should be set per-application through `` or the config file. ray_actor_options: Options to pass to the Ray Actor decorator, such as resource requirements. Valid options are: `accelerator_type`, `memory`, `num_cpus`, `num_gpus`, `resources`, and `runtime_env`. placement_group_bundles: Defines a set of placement group bundles to be scheduled *for each replica* of this deployment. The replica actor will be scheduled in the first bundle provided, so the resources specified in `ray_actor_options` must be a subset of the first bundle's resources. All actors and tasks created by the replica actor will be scheduled in the placement group by default (`placement_group_capture_child_tasks` is set to True). This cannot be set together with max_replicas_per_node. placement_group_strategy: Strategy to use for the replica placement group specified via `placement_group_bundles`. Defaults to `PACK`. user_config: Config to pass to the reconfigure method of the deployment. This can be updated dynamically without restarting the replicas of the deployment. The user_config must be fully JSON-serializable. max_ongoing_requests: Maximum number of requests that are sent to a replica of this deployment without receiving a response. Defaults to 5. max_queued_requests: [EXPERIMENTAL] Maximum number of requests to this deployment that will be queued at each *caller* (proxy or DeploymentHandle). Once this limit is reached, subsequent requests will raise a BackPressureError (for handles) or return an HTTP 503 status code (for HTTP requests). Defaults to -1 (no limit). health_check_period_s: Duration between health check calls for the replica. Defaults to 10s. The health check is by default a no-op Actor call to the replica, but you can define your own health check using the "check_health" method in your deployment that raises an exception when unhealthy. health_check_timeout_s: Duration in seconds, that replicas wait for a health check method to return before considering it as failed. Defaults to 30s. graceful_shutdown_wait_loop_s: Duration that replicas wait until there is no more work to be done before shutting down. Defaults to 2s. graceful_shutdown_timeout_s: Duration to wait for a replica to gracefully shut down before being forcefully killed. Defaults to 20s. max_replicas_per_node: The max number of replicas of this deployment that can run on a single node. Valid values are None (default, no limit) or an integer in the range of [1, 100]. This cannot be set together with placement_group_bundles. Returns: `Deployment` """ if max_ongoing_requests is None: raise ValueError("`max_ongoing_requests` must be non-null, got None.") if num_replicas == "auto": num_replicas = None max_ongoing_requests, autoscaling_config = handle_num_replicas_auto( max_ongoing_requests, autoscaling_config ) ServeUsageTag.AUTO_NUM_REPLICAS_USED.record("1") # NOTE: The user_configured_option_names should be the first thing that's # defined in this function. It depends on the locals() dictionary storing # only the function args/kwargs. # Create list of all user-configured options from keyword args user_configured_option_names = [ option for option, value in locals().items() if option != "_func_or_class" and value is not DEFAULT.VALUE ] # Num of replicas should not be 0. # TODO(Sihan) seperate num_replicas attribute from internal and api if num_replicas == 0: raise ValueError("num_replicas is expected to larger than 0") if num_replicas not in [DEFAULT.VALUE, None, "auto"] and autoscaling_config not in [ DEFAULT.VALUE, None, ]: raise ValueError( "Manually setting num_replicas is not allowed when " "autoscaling_config is provided." ) if version is not DEFAULT.VALUE: logger.warning( "DeprecationWarning: `version` in `@serve.deployment` has been deprecated. " "Explicitly specifying version will raise an error in the future!" ) if route_prefix is not DEFAULT.VALUE: logger.warning( "DeprecationWarning: `route_prefix` in `@serve.deployment` has been " "deprecated. To specify a route prefix for an application, pass it into " "`` instead." ) if isinstance(logging_config, LoggingConfig): logging_config = logging_config.dict() deployment_config = DeploymentConfig.from_default( num_replicas=num_replicas if num_replicas is not None else 1, user_config=user_config, max_ongoing_requests=max_ongoing_requests, max_queued_requests=max_queued_requests, autoscaling_config=autoscaling_config, graceful_shutdown_wait_loop_s=graceful_shutdown_wait_loop_s, graceful_shutdown_timeout_s=graceful_shutdown_timeout_s, health_check_period_s=health_check_period_s, health_check_timeout_s=health_check_timeout_s, logging_config=logging_config, ) deployment_config.user_configured_option_names = set(user_configured_option_names) def decorator(_func_or_class): replica_config = ReplicaConfig.create( _func_or_class, init_args=None, init_kwargs=None, ray_actor_options=( ray_actor_options if ray_actor_options is not DEFAULT.VALUE else None ), placement_group_bundles=( placement_group_bundles if placement_group_bundles is not DEFAULT.VALUE else None ), placement_group_strategy=( placement_group_strategy if placement_group_strategy is not DEFAULT.VALUE else None ), max_replicas_per_node=( max_replicas_per_node if max_replicas_per_node is not DEFAULT.VALUE else None ), ) return Deployment( name if name is not DEFAULT.VALUE else _func_or_class.__name__, deployment_config, replica_config, version=(version if version is not DEFAULT.VALUE else None), route_prefix=route_prefix, _internal=True, ) # This handles both parametrized and non-parametrized usage of the # decorator. See the @serve.batch code for more details. return decorator(_func_or_class) if callable(_func_or_class) else decorator
@PublicAPI(stability="stable") def _run( target: Application, _blocking: bool = True, name: str = SERVE_DEFAULT_APP_NAME, route_prefix: str = DEFAULT.VALUE, logging_config: Optional[Union[Dict, LoggingConfig]] = None, ) -> DeploymentHandle: """Run an application and return a handle to its ingress deployment. This is only used internally with the _blocking not totally blocking the following code indefinitely until Ctrl-C'd. """ if len(name) == 0: raise RayServeException("Application name must a non-empty string.") client = _private_api.serve_start( http_options={"location": "EveryNode"}, ) # Record after Ray has been started. ServeUsageTag.API_VERSION.record("v2") if isinstance(target, Application): deployments = pipeline_build(target._get_internal_dag_node(), name) ingress = get_and_validate_ingress_deployment(deployments) else: msg = "`` expects an `Application` returned by `Deployment.bind()`." if isinstance(target, DAGNode): msg += ( " If you are using the DAG API, you must bind the DAG node to a " "deployment like: `app = Deployment.bind(my_dag_output)`. " ) raise TypeError(msg) parameter_group = [] for deployment in deployments: # Overwrite route prefix if route_prefix is not DEFAULT.VALUE and deployment._route_prefix is not None: if route_prefix is not None and not route_prefix.startswith("/"): raise ValueError( "The route_prefix must start with a forward slash ('/')" ) deployment._route_prefix = route_prefix if deployment.logging_config is None and logging_config: if isinstance(logging_config, dict): logging_config = LoggingConfig(**logging_config) deployment.set_logging_config(logging_config.dict()) deployment_parameters = { "name": deployment._name, "replica_config": deployment._replica_config, "deployment_config": deployment._deployment_config, "version": deployment._version or get_random_string(), "route_prefix": deployment.route_prefix, "url": deployment.url, "docs_path": deployment._docs_path, "ingress": deployment._name == ingress._name, } parameter_group.append(deployment_parameters) client.deploy_application( name, parameter_group, _blocking=_blocking, ) if ingress is not None: # The deployment state is not guaranteed to be created after # deploy_application returns; the application state manager will # need another reconcile iteration to create it. client._wait_for_deployment_created(, name) handle = client.get_handle(, name, check_exists=False) return handle
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="stable") def run( target: Application, blocking: bool = False, name: str = SERVE_DEFAULT_APP_NAME, route_prefix: Optional[str] = DEFAULT.VALUE, logging_config: Optional[Union[Dict, LoggingConfig]] = None, ) -> DeploymentHandle: """Run an application and return a handle to its ingress deployment. The application is returned by `Deployment.bind()`. Example: .. code-block:: python handle = ray.get(handle.remote()) Args: target: A Serve application returned by `Deployment.bind()`. blocking: Whether this call should be blocking. If True, it will loop and log status until Ctrl-C'd. name: Application name. If not provided, this will be the only application running on the cluster (it will delete all others). route_prefix: Route prefix for HTTP requests. Defaults to '/'. If `None` is passed, the application will not be exposed over HTTP (this may be useful if you only want the application to be exposed via gRPC or a `DeploymentHandle`). logging_config: Application logging config. If provided, the config will be applied to all deployments which doesn't have logging config. Returns: DeploymentHandle: A handle that can be used to call the application. """ handle = _run( target=target, name=name, route_prefix=route_prefix, logging_config=logging_config, )"Deployed app '{name}' successfully.") if blocking: try: while True: # Block, letting Ray print logs to the terminal. time.sleep(10) except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.warning("Got KeyboardInterrupt, exiting...") # We need to re-raise KeyboardInterrupt, so serve components can be shutdown # from the main script. raise return handle
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="stable") def delete(name: str, _blocking: bool = True): """Delete an application by its name. Deletes the app with all corresponding deployments. """ client = _get_global_client() client.delete_apps([name], blocking=_blocking)
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="beta") def multiplexed( func: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None, max_num_models_per_replica: int = 3 ): """Wrap a callable or method used to load multiplexed models in a replica. The function can be standalone function or a method of a class. The function must have exactly one argument, the model id of type `str` for the model to be loaded. It is required to define the function with `async def` and the function must be an async function. It is recommended to define coroutines for long running IO tasks in the function to avoid blocking the event loop. The multiplexed function is called to load a model with the given model ID when necessary. When the number of models in one replica is larger than max_num_models_per_replica, the models will be unloaded using an LRU policy. If you want to release resources after the model is loaded, you can define a `__del__` method in your model class. The `__del__` method will be called when the model is unloaded. Example: .. code-block:: python from ray import serve @serve.deployment class MultiplexedDeployment: def __init__(self): # Define s3 base path to load models. self.s3_base_path = "s3://my_bucket/my_models" @serve.multiplexed(max_num_models_per_replica=5) async def load_model(self, model_id: str) -> Any: # Load model with the given tag # You can use any model loading library here # and return the loaded model. load_from_s3 is # a placeholder function. return load_from_s3(model_id) async def __call__(self, request): # Get the model_id from the request context. model_id = serve.get_multiplexed_model_id() # Load the model for the requested model_id. # If the model is already cached locally, # this will just be a dictionary lookup. model = await self.load_model(model_id) return model(request) Args: max_num_models_per_replica: the maximum number of models to be loaded on each replica. By default, it is 3, which means that each replica can cache up to 3 models. You can set it to a larger number if you have enough memory on the node resource, in opposite, you can set it to a smaller number if you want to save memory on the node resource. """ if func is not None: if not callable(func): raise TypeError( "The `multiplexed` decorator must be used with a function or method." ) # TODO(Sihan): Make the API accept the sync function as well. # if not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func): raise TypeError( "@serve.multiplexed can only be used to decorate async " "functions or methods." ) signature = inspect.signature(func) if len(signature.parameters) == 0 or len(signature.parameters) > 2: raise TypeError( "@serve.multiplexed can only be used to decorate functions or methods " "with at least one 'model_id: str' argument." ) if not isinstance(max_num_models_per_replica, int): raise TypeError("max_num_models_per_replica must be an integer.") if max_num_models_per_replica != -1 and max_num_models_per_replica <= 0: raise ValueError("max_num_models_per_replica must be positive.") def _multiplex_decorator(func: Callable): @wraps(func) async def _multiplex_wrapper(*args): args_check_error_msg = ( "Functions decorated with `@serve.multiplexed` must take exactly one" "the multiplexed model ID (str), but got {}" ) if not args: raise TypeError( args_check_error_msg.format("no arguments are provided.") ) self = extract_self_if_method_call(args, func) # User defined multiplexed function can be a standalone function or a # method of a class. If it is a method of a class, the first argument # is self. if self is None: if len(args) != 1: raise TypeError( args_check_error_msg.format("more than one arguments.") ) multiplex_object = func model_id = args[0] else: # count self as an argument if len(args) != 2: raise TypeError( args_check_error_msg.format("more than one arguments.") ) multiplex_object = self model_id = args[1] multiplex_attr = "__serve_multiplex_wrapper" # If the multiplexed function is called for the first time, # create a model multiplex wrapper and cache it in the multiplex object. if not hasattr(multiplex_object, multiplex_attr): model_multiplex_wrapper = _ModelMultiplexWrapper( func, self, max_num_models_per_replica ) setattr(multiplex_object, multiplex_attr, model_multiplex_wrapper) else: model_multiplex_wrapper = getattr(multiplex_object, multiplex_attr) return await model_multiplex_wrapper.load_model(model_id) return _multiplex_wrapper return _multiplex_decorator(func) if callable(func) else _multiplex_decorator
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="beta") def get_multiplexed_model_id() -> str: """Get the multiplexed model ID for the current request. This is used with a function decorated with `@serve.multiplexed` to retrieve the model ID for the current request. .. code-block:: python import ray from ray import serve import requests # Set the multiplexed model id with the key # "ray_serve_multiplexed_model_id" in the request # headers when sending requests to the http proxy. requests.get("http://localhost:8000", headers={"ray_serve_multiplexed_model_id": "model_1"}) # This can also be set when using `DeploymentHandle`. handle.options(multiplexed_model_id="model_1").remote("blablabla") # In your deployment code, you can retrieve the model id from # `get_multiplexed_model_id()`. @serve.deployment def my_deployment_function(request): assert serve.get_multiplexed_model_id() == "model_1" """ _request_context = ray.serve.context._serve_request_context.get() return _request_context.multiplexed_model_id
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def status() -> ServeStatus: """Get the status of Serve on the cluster. Includes status of all HTTP Proxies, all active applications, and their deployments. .. code-block:: python @serve.deployment(num_replicas=2) class MyDeployment: pass status = serve.status() assert status.applications["default"].status == "RUNNING" """ client = _get_global_client(raise_if_no_controller_running=False) if client is None: # Serve has not started yet return ServeStatus() ServeUsageTag.SERVE_STATUS_API_USED.record("1") details = ServeInstanceDetails(**client.get_serve_details()) return details._get_status()
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") def get_app_handle(name: str) -> DeploymentHandle: """Get a handle to the application's ingress deployment by name. Args: name: Name of application to get a handle to. Raises: RayServeException: If no Serve controller is running, or if the application does not exist. .. code-block:: python import ray from ray import serve @serve.deployment def f(val: int) -> int: return val * 2, name="my_app") handle = serve.get_app_handle("my_app") assert handle.remote(3).result() == 6 """ client = _get_global_client() ingress = ray.get(client._controller.get_ingress_deployment_name.remote(name)) if ingress is None: raise RayServeException(f"Application '{name}' does not exist.") ServeUsageTag.SERVE_GET_APP_HANDLE_API_USED.record("1") # There is no need to check if the deployment exists since the # deployment name was just fetched from the controller return client.get_handle(ingress, name, check_exists=False)
[docs] @DeveloperAPI def get_deployment_handle( deployment_name: str, app_name: Optional[str] = None, _check_exists: bool = True, _record_telemetry: bool = True, ) -> DeploymentHandle: """Get a handle to a deployment by name. This is a developer API and is for advanced Ray users and library developers. Args: deployment_name: Name of deployment to get a handle to. app_name: Application in which deployment resides. If calling from inside a Serve application and `app_name` is not specified, this will default to the application from which this API is called. Raises: RayServeException: If no Serve controller is running, or if calling from outside a Serve application and no application name is specified. The following example gets the handle to the ingress deployment of an application, which is equivalent to using `serve.get_app_handle`. .. testcode:: import ray from ray import serve @serve.deployment def f(val: int) -> int: return val * 2, name="my_app") handle = serve.get_deployment_handle("f", app_name="my_app") assert handle.remote(3).result() == 6 serve.shutdown() The following example demonstrates how you can use this API to get the handle to a non-ingress deployment in an application. .. testcode:: import ray from ray import serve from ray.serve.handle import DeploymentHandle @serve.deployment class Multiplier: def __init__(self, multiple: int): self._multiple = multiple def __call__(self, val: int) -> int: return val * self._multiple @serve.deployment class Adder: def __init__(self, handle: DeploymentHandle, increment: int): self._handle = handle self._increment = increment async def __call__(self, val: int) -> int: return await self._handle.remote(val) + self._increment # The app calculates 2 * x + 3, 3), name="math_app") handle = serve.get_app_handle("math_app") assert handle.remote(5).result() == 13 # Get handle to Multiplier only handle = serve.get_deployment_handle("Multiplier", app_name="math_app") assert handle.remote(5).result() == 10 serve.shutdown() """ client = _get_global_client() internal_replica_context = _get_internal_replica_context() if app_name is None: if internal_replica_context is None: raise RayServeException( "Please specify an application name when getting a deployment handle " "outside of a Serve application." ) else: app_name = internal_replica_context.app_name if _record_telemetry: ServeUsageTag.SERVE_GET_DEPLOYMENT_HANDLE_API_USED.record("1") return client.get_handle(deployment_name, app_name, check_exists=_check_exists)