Source code for ray.rllib.algorithms.appo.appo

Asynchronous Proximal Policy Optimization (APPO)

This file defines the distributed Algorithm class for the asynchronous version
of proximal policy optimization (APPO).
See `appo_[tf|torch]` for the definition of the policy loss.

Detailed documentation:

from typing import Optional, Type
import logging

from ray.rllib.algorithms.algorithm_config import AlgorithmConfig, NotProvided
from ray.rllib.algorithms.impala.impala import IMPALA, IMPALAConfig
from ray.rllib.core.rl_module.rl_module import SingleAgentRLModuleSpec
from ray.rllib.policy.policy import Policy
from ray.rllib.utils.annotations import override
from ray.rllib.utils.metrics import (
from ray.rllib.utils.metrics import LEARNER_STATS_KEY
from ray.rllib.utils.typing import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

LEARNER_RESULTS_KL_KEY = "mean_kl_loss"
OLD_ACTION_DIST_KEY = "old_action_dist"
OLD_ACTION_DIST_LOGITS_KEY = "old_action_dist_logits"

[docs]class APPOConfig(IMPALAConfig): """Defines a configuration class from which an APPO Algorithm can be built. .. testcode:: from ray.rllib.algorithms.appo import APPOConfig config = APPOConfig().training(lr=0.01, grad_clip=30.0, train_batch_size=50) config = config.resources(num_gpus=0) config = config.env_runners(num_env_runners=1) config = config.environment("CartPole-v1") # Build an Algorithm object from the config and run 1 training iteration. algo = algo.train() del algo .. testcode:: from ray.rllib.algorithms.appo import APPOConfig from ray import air from ray import tune config = APPOConfig() # Update the config object. config =[0.001,])) # Set the config object's env. config = config.environment(env="CartPole-v1") # Use to_dict() to get the old-style python config dict # when running with tune. tune.Tuner( "APPO", run_config=air.RunConfig(stop={"training_iteration": 1}, verbose=0), param_space=config.to_dict(), ).fit() .. testoutput:: :hide: ... """ def __init__(self, algo_class=None): """Initializes a APPOConfig instance.""" super().__init__(algo_class=algo_class or APPO) # fmt: off # __sphinx_doc_begin__ # APPO specific settings: self.vtrace = True self.use_critic = True self.use_gae = True self.lambda_ = 1.0 self.clip_param = 0.4 self.use_kl_loss = False self.kl_coeff = 1.0 self.kl_target = 0.01 # Override some of IMPALAConfig's default values with APPO-specific values. self.num_env_runners = 2 self.min_time_s_per_iteration = 10 self.num_gpus = 0 self.num_multi_gpu_tower_stacks = 1 self.minibatch_buffer_size = 1 self.num_sgd_iter = 1 self.target_update_frequency = 1 self.replay_proportion = 0.0 self.replay_buffer_num_slots = 100 self.learner_queue_size = 16 self.learner_queue_timeout = 300 self.max_sample_requests_in_flight_per_worker = 2 self.broadcast_interval = 1 self.grad_clip = 40.0 # Note: Only when using enable_rl_module_and_learner=True can the clipping mode # be configured by the user. On the old API stack, RLlib will always clip by # global_norm, no matter the value of `grad_clip_by`. self.grad_clip_by = "global_norm" self.opt_type = "adam" = 0.0005 self.lr_schedule = None self.decay = 0.99 self.momentum = 0.0 self.epsilon = 0.1 self.vf_loss_coeff = 0.5 self.entropy_coeff = 0.01 self.entropy_coeff_schedule = None self.tau = 1.0 self.exploration_config = { # The Exploration class to use. In the simplest case, this is the name # (str) of any class present in the `rllib.utils.exploration` package. # You can also provide the python class directly or the full location # of your class (e.g. "ray.rllib.utils.exploration.epsilon_greedy. # EpsilonGreedy"). "type": "StochasticSampling", # Add constructor kwargs here (if any). } # __sphinx_doc_end__ # fmt: on
[docs] @override(IMPALAConfig) def training( self, *, vtrace: Optional[bool] = NotProvided, use_critic: Optional[bool] = NotProvided, use_gae: Optional[bool] = NotProvided, lambda_: Optional[float] = NotProvided, clip_param: Optional[float] = NotProvided, use_kl_loss: Optional[bool] = NotProvided, kl_coeff: Optional[float] = NotProvided, kl_target: Optional[float] = NotProvided, tau: Optional[float] = NotProvided, target_update_frequency: Optional[int] = NotProvided, **kwargs, ) -> "APPOConfig": """Sets the training related configuration. Args: vtrace: Whether to use V-trace weighted advantages. If false, PPO GAE advantages will be used instead. use_critic: Should use a critic as a baseline (otherwise don't use value baseline; required for using GAE). Only applies if vtrace=False. use_gae: If true, use the Generalized Advantage Estimator (GAE) with a value function, see Only applies if vtrace=False. lambda_: GAE (lambda) parameter. clip_param: PPO surrogate slipping parameter. use_kl_loss: Whether to use the KL-term in the loss function. kl_coeff: Coefficient for weighting the KL-loss term. kl_target: Target term for the KL-term to reach (via adjusting the `kl_coeff` automatically). tau: The factor by which to update the target policy network towards the current policy network. Can range between 0 and 1. e.g. updated_param = tau * current_param + (1 - tau) * target_param target_update_frequency: The frequency to update the target policy and tune the kl loss coefficients that are used during training. After setting this parameter, the algorithm waits for at least `target_update_frequency * minibatch_size * num_sgd_iter` number of samples to be trained on by the learner group before updating the target networks and tuned the kl loss coefficients that are used during training. NOTE: This parameter is only applicable when using the Learner API (enable_rl_module_and_learner=True). Returns: This updated AlgorithmConfig object. """ # Pass kwargs onto super's `training()` method. super().training(**kwargs) if vtrace is not NotProvided: self.vtrace = vtrace if use_critic is not NotProvided: self.use_critic = use_critic if use_gae is not NotProvided: self.use_gae = use_gae if lambda_ is not NotProvided: self.lambda_ = lambda_ if clip_param is not NotProvided: self.clip_param = clip_param if use_kl_loss is not NotProvided: self.use_kl_loss = use_kl_loss if kl_coeff is not NotProvided: self.kl_coeff = kl_coeff if kl_target is not NotProvided: self.kl_target = kl_target if tau is not NotProvided: self.tau = tau if target_update_frequency is not NotProvided: self.target_update_frequency = target_update_frequency return self
@override(IMPALAConfig) def get_default_learner_class(self): if self.framework_str == "torch": from ray.rllib.algorithms.appo.torch.appo_torch_learner import ( APPOTorchLearner, ) return APPOTorchLearner elif self.framework_str == "tf2": from import APPOTfLearner return APPOTfLearner else: raise ValueError( f"The framework {self.framework_str} is not supported. " "Use either 'torch' or 'tf2'." ) @override(IMPALAConfig) def get_default_rl_module_spec(self) -> SingleAgentRLModuleSpec: if self.framework_str == "torch": from ray.rllib.algorithms.appo.torch.appo_torch_rl_module import ( APPOTorchRLModule as RLModule, ) elif self.framework_str == "tf2": from import ( APPOTfRLModule as RLModule, ) else: raise ValueError( f"The framework {self.framework_str} is not supported. " "Use either 'torch' or 'tf2'." ) from ray.rllib.algorithms.appo.appo_catalog import APPOCatalog return SingleAgentRLModuleSpec(module_class=RLModule, catalog_class=APPOCatalog) @property @override(AlgorithmConfig) def _model_config_auto_includes(self): return super()._model_config_auto_includes | {"vf_share_layers": False}
class APPO(IMPALA): def __init__(self, config, *args, **kwargs): """Initializes an APPO instance.""" super().__init__(config, *args, **kwargs) # After init: Initialize target net. # TODO(avnishn): Does this need to happen in __init__? I think we can move it # to setup() if not self.config.enable_rl_module_and_learner: self.workers.local_worker().foreach_policy_to_train( lambda p, _: p.update_target() ) @override(IMPALA) def training_step(self) -> ResultDict: train_results = super().training_step() # Update the target network and the KL coefficient for the APPO-loss. # The target network update frequency is calculated automatically by the product # of `num_sgd_iter` setting (usually 1 for APPO) and `minibatch_buffer_size`. if self.config.enable_rl_module_and_learner: if NUM_TARGET_UPDATES in train_results: self._counters[NUM_TARGET_UPDATES] += train_results[NUM_TARGET_UPDATES] self._counters[LAST_TARGET_UPDATE_TS] = train_results[ LAST_TARGET_UPDATE_TS ] else: last_update = self._counters[LAST_TARGET_UPDATE_TS] cur_ts = self._counters[ ( NUM_AGENT_STEPS_SAMPLED if self.config.count_steps_by == "agent_steps" else NUM_ENV_STEPS_SAMPLED ) ] target_update_freq = ( self.config.num_sgd_iter * self.config.minibatch_buffer_size ) if cur_ts - last_update > target_update_freq: self._counters[NUM_TARGET_UPDATES] += 1 self._counters[LAST_TARGET_UPDATE_TS] = cur_ts # Update our target network. self.workers.local_worker().foreach_policy_to_train( lambda p, _: p.update_target() ) # Also update the KL-coefficient for the APPO loss, if necessary. if self.config.use_kl_loss: def update(pi, pi_id): assert LEARNER_STATS_KEY not in train_results, ( "{} should be nested under policy id key".format( LEARNER_STATS_KEY ), train_results, ) if pi_id in train_results: kl = train_results[pi_id][LEARNER_STATS_KEY].get("kl") assert kl is not None, (train_results, pi_id) # Make the actual `Policy.update_kl()` call. pi.update_kl(kl) else: logger.warning( "No data for {}, not updating kl".format(pi_id) ) # Update KL on all trainable policies within the local (trainer) # Worker. self.workers.local_worker().foreach_policy_to_train(update) return train_results @classmethod @override(IMPALA) def get_default_config(cls) -> AlgorithmConfig: return APPOConfig() @classmethod @override(IMPALA) def get_default_policy_class( cls, config: AlgorithmConfig ) -> Optional[Type[Policy]]: if config["framework"] == "torch": from ray.rllib.algorithms.appo.appo_torch_policy import APPOTorchPolicy return APPOTorchPolicy elif config["framework"] == "tf": if config.enable_rl_module_and_learner: raise ValueError( "RLlib's RLModule and Learner API is not supported for" " tf1. Use " "framework='tf2' instead." ) from ray.rllib.algorithms.appo.appo_tf_policy import APPOTF1Policy return APPOTF1Policy else: from ray.rllib.algorithms.appo.appo_tf_policy import APPOTF2Policy return APPOTF2Policy