Source code for ray.exceptions

import logging
import os
import sys
from traceback import format_exception
from typing import Optional, Union

import colorama

import ray._private.ray_constants as ray_constants
import ray.cloudpickle as pickle
from ray._raylet import ActorID, TaskID, WorkerID
from ray.core.generated.common_pb2 import (
from ray.util.annotations import DeveloperAPI, PublicAPI

import setproctitle

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @PublicAPI class RayError(Exception): """Super class of all ray exception types.""" def to_bytes(self): # Extract exc_info from exception object. exc_info = (type(self), self, self.__traceback__) formatted_exception_string = "\n".join(format_exception(*exc_info)) return RayException( language=PYTHON, serialized_exception=pickle.dumps(self), formatted_exception_string=formatted_exception_string, ).SerializeToString() @staticmethod def from_bytes(b): ray_exception = RayException() ray_exception.ParseFromString(b) return RayError.from_ray_exception(ray_exception) @staticmethod def from_ray_exception(ray_exception): if ray_exception.language == PYTHON: try: return pickle.loads(ray_exception.serialized_exception) except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to unpickle serialized exception" raise RuntimeError(msg) from e else: return CrossLanguageError(ray_exception)
[docs] @PublicAPI class CrossLanguageError(RayError): """Raised from another language.""" def __init__(self, ray_exception): super().__init__( "An exception raised from {}:\n{}".format( Language.Name(ray_exception.language), ray_exception.formatted_exception_string, ) )
[docs] @PublicAPI class TaskCancelledError(RayError): """Raised when this task is cancelled. Args: task_id: The TaskID of the function that was directly cancelled. """ def __init__( self, task_id: Optional[TaskID] = None, error_message: Optional[str] = None ): self.task_id = task_id self.error_message = error_message def __str__(self): msg = "" if self.task_id: msg = "Task: " + str(self.task_id) + " was cancelled. " if self.error_message: msg += self.error_message return msg
[docs] @PublicAPI class RayTaskError(RayError): """Indicates that a task threw an exception during execution. If a task throws an exception during execution, a RayTaskError is stored in the object store for each of the task's outputs. When an object is retrieved from the object store, the Python method that retrieved it checks to see if the object is a RayTaskError and if it is then an exception is thrown propagating the error message. """ def __init__( self, function_name, traceback_str, cause, proctitle=None, pid=None, ip=None, actor_repr=None, actor_id=None, ): """Initialize a RayTaskError.""" import ray if proctitle: self.proctitle = proctitle else: self.proctitle = setproctitle.getproctitle() = pid or os.getpid() self.ip = ip or ray.util.get_node_ip_address() self.function_name = function_name self.traceback_str = traceback_str self.actor_repr = actor_repr self._actor_id = actor_id self.cause = cause try: pickle.dumps(cause) except (pickle.PicklingError, TypeError) as e: err_msg = ( "The original cause of the RayTaskError" f" ({self.cause.__class__}) isn't serializable: {e}." " Overwriting the cause to a RayError." ) logger.warning(err_msg) self.cause = RayError(err_msg) # BaseException implements a __reduce__ method that returns # a tuple with the type and the value of self.args. # self.args = (function_name, traceback_str, self.cause, proctitle, pid, ip) assert traceback_str is not None def make_dual_exception_instance(self) -> "RayTaskError": """Makes a object instance that inherits from both RayTaskError and the type of `self.cause`. Raises TypeError if the cause class can't be subclassed""" # For normal user Exceptions, we subclass from both # RayTaskError and the user exception. For ExceptionGroup, # we special handle it because it has a different __new__() # signature from Exception. # Ref: if sys.version_info >= (3, 11) and isinstance( self.cause, ExceptionGroup # noqa: F821 ): return self._make_exceptiongroup_dual_exception_instance() return self._make_normal_dual_exception_instance() def _make_normal_dual_exception_instance(self) -> "RayTaskError": cause_cls = self.cause.__class__ error_msg = str(self) class cls(RayTaskError, cause_cls): def __init__(self, cause): self.cause = cause # BaseException implements a __reduce__ method that returns # a tuple with the type and the value of self.args. # self.args = (cause,) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.cause, name) def __str__(self): return error_msg name = f"RayTaskError({cause_cls.__name__})" cls.__name__ = name cls.__qualname__ = name return cls(self.cause) def _make_exceptiongroup_dual_exception_instance(self) -> "RayTaskError": cause_cls = self.cause.__class__ error_msg = str(self) class cls(RayTaskError, cause_cls): def __new__(cls, cause): self = super().__new__(cls, cause.message, cause.exceptions) return self def __init__(self, cause): self.cause = cause # BaseException implements a __reduce__ method that returns # a tuple with the type and the value of self.args. # self.args = (cause,) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.cause, name) def __str__(self): return error_msg name = f"RayTaskError({cause_cls.__name__})" cls.__name__ = name cls.__qualname__ = name return cls(self.cause) def as_instanceof_cause(self): """Returns an exception that's an instance of the cause's class. The returned exception inherits from both RayTaskError and the cause class and contains all of the attributes of the cause exception. If the cause class can't be subclassed, issues a warning and returns `self`. """ cause_cls = self.cause.__class__ if issubclass(RayTaskError, cause_cls): return self # already satisfied try: return self.make_dual_exception_instance() except TypeError as e: logger.warning( f"User exception type {type(self.cause)} in RayTaskError can't" " be subclassed! This exception is raised as" " RayTaskError only. You can use `ray_task_error.cause` to" f" access the user exception. Failure in subclassing: {e}" ) return self def __str__(self): """Format a RayTaskError as a string.""" lines = self.traceback_str.strip().split("\n") out = [] code_from_internal_file = False # Format tracebacks. # Python stacktrace consists of # Traceback...: Indicate the next line will be a traceback. # File [file_name + line number] # code # XError: [message] # NOTE: For _raylet.pyx (Cython), the code is not always included. for i, line in enumerate(lines): # Convert traceback to the readable information. if line.startswith("Traceback "): traceback_line = ( f"{colorama.Fore.CYAN}" f"{self.proctitle}()" f"{colorama.Fore.RESET} " f"(pid={}, ip={self.ip}" ) if self.actor_repr: traceback_line += ( f", actor_id={self._actor_id}, repr={self.actor_repr})" ) else: traceback_line += ")" code_from_internal_file = False out.append(traceback_line) elif line.startswith(" File ") and ( "ray/" in line or "ray/_private/" in line or "ray/util/tracing/" in line or "ray/_raylet.pyx" in line ): # TODO(windows) # Process the internal file line. # The file line always starts with 2 space and File. # # noqa if "ray._raylet.raise_if_dependency_failed" in line: # It means the current task is failed # due to the dependency failure. # Print out an user-friendly # message to explain that.. out.append( " At least one of the input arguments for " "this task could not be computed:" ) if i + 1 < len(lines) and lines[i + 1].startswith(" "): # If the next line is indented with 2 space, # that means it contains internal code information. # For example, # File [file_name] [line] # [code] # if the next line is indented, it is code. # Note there there are 4 spaces in the code line. code_from_internal_file = True elif code_from_internal_file: # If the current line is internal file's code, # the next line is not code anymore. code_from_internal_file = False else: out.append(line) return "\n".join(out)
[docs] @PublicAPI class LocalRayletDiedError(RayError): """Indicates that the task's local raylet died.""" def __str__(self): return "The task's local raylet died. Check raylet.out for more information."
[docs] @PublicAPI class WorkerCrashedError(RayError): """Indicates that the worker died unexpectedly while executing a task.""" def __str__(self): return ( "The worker died unexpectedly while executing this task. " "Check python-core-worker-*.log files for more information." )
[docs] @PublicAPI class RayActorError(RayError): """Indicates that the actor has outages unexpectedly before finishing a task. This exception could happen because the actor process is dead, or is unavailable for the moment. Ray raises subclasses `ActorDiedError` and `ActorUnavailableError` respectively. """ BASE_ERROR_MSG = "The actor experienced an error before finishing this task." def __init__( self, actor_id: str = None, error_msg: str = BASE_ERROR_MSG, actor_init_failed: bool = False, preempted: bool = False, ): #: The actor ID in hex string. self.actor_id = actor_id #: Whether the actor failed in the middle of __init__. self.error_msg = error_msg #: The full error message. self._actor_init_failed = actor_init_failed #: Whether the actor died because the node was preempted. self._preempted = preempted def __str__(self) -> str: return self.error_msg @property def preempted(self) -> bool: return self._preempted @property def actor_init_failed(self) -> bool: return self._actor_init_failed
[docs] @DeveloperAPI class ActorDiedError(RayActorError): """Indicates that the actor died unexpectedly before finishing a task. This exception could happen either because the actor process dies while executing a task, or because a task is submitted to a dead actor. Args: cause: The cause of the actor error. `RayTaskError` type means the actor has died because of an exception within `__init__`. `ActorDiedErrorContext` means the actor has died because of an unexpected system error. None means the cause isn't known. Theoretically, this shouldn't happen, but it's there as a safety check. """ BASE_ERROR_MSG = "The actor died unexpectedly before finishing this task." def __init__( self, cause: Optional[Union[RayTaskError, ActorDiedErrorContext]] = None ): """ Construct a RayActorError by building the arguments. """ actor_id = None error_msg = ActorDiedError.BASE_ERROR_MSG actor_init_failed = False preempted = False if not cause: # Use the defaults above. pass elif isinstance(cause, RayTaskError): actor_init_failed = True actor_id = cause._actor_id error_msg = ( "The actor died because of an error" " raised in its creation task, " f"{cause.__str__()}" ) else: # Inidicating system-level actor failures. assert isinstance(cause, ActorDiedErrorContext) error_msg_lines = [ActorDiedError.BASE_ERROR_MSG] error_msg_lines.append(f"\tclass_name: {cause.class_name}") error_msg_lines.append(f"\tactor_id: {ActorID(cause.actor_id).hex()}") # Below items are optional fields. if != 0: error_msg_lines.append(f"\tpid: {}") if != "": error_msg_lines.append(f"\tname: {}") if cause.ray_namespace != "": error_msg_lines.append(f"\tnamespace: {cause.ray_namespace}") if cause.node_ip_address != "": error_msg_lines.append(f"\tip: {cause.node_ip_address}") error_msg_lines.append(cause.error_message) if cause.never_started: error_msg_lines.append( "The actor never ran - it was cancelled before it started running." ) if ( cause.node_death_info and cause.node_death_info.reason == NodeDeathInfo.AUTOSCALER_DRAIN_PREEMPTED ): preempted = True error_msg = "\n".join(error_msg_lines) actor_id = ActorID(cause.actor_id).hex() super().__init__(actor_id, error_msg, actor_init_failed, preempted) @staticmethod def from_task_error(task_error: RayTaskError): return ActorDiedError(task_error)
[docs] @DeveloperAPI class ActorUnavailableError(RayActorError): """Raised when the actor is temporarily unavailable but may be available later.""" def __init__(self, error_message: str, actor_id: Optional[bytes]): actor_id = ActorID(actor_id).hex() if actor_id is not None else None error_msg = ( f"The actor {actor_id} is unavailable: {error_message}. The task may or may" "not have been executed on the actor." ) actor_init_failed = False preempted = False super().__init__(actor_id, error_msg, actor_init_failed, preempted)
[docs] @PublicAPI class RaySystemError(RayError): """Indicates that Ray encountered a system error. This exception can be thrown when the raylet is killed. """ def __init__(self, client_exc, traceback_str=None): self.client_exc = client_exc self.traceback_str = traceback_str def __str__(self): error_msg = f"System error: {self.client_exc}" if self.traceback_str: error_msg += f"\ntraceback: {self.traceback_str}" return error_msg
@DeveloperAPI class UserCodeException(RayError): """Indicates that an exception occurred while executing user code. For example, this exception can be used to wrap user code exceptions from a remote task or actor. The `retry_exceptions` parameter will still respect the underlying cause of this exception.""" pass
[docs] @PublicAPI class ObjectStoreFullError(RayError): """Indicates that the object store is full. This is raised if the attempt to store the object fails because the object store is full even after multiple retries. """ def __str__(self): return super(ObjectStoreFullError, self).__str__() + ( "\n" "The local object store is full of objects that are still in " "scope and cannot be evicted. Tip: Use the `ray memory` command " "to list active objects in the cluster." )
[docs] @PublicAPI class OutOfDiskError(RayError): """Indicates that the local disk is full. This is raised if the attempt to store the object fails because both the object store and disk are full. """ def __str__(self): # TODO(scv119): expose more disk usage information and link to a doc. return super(OutOfDiskError, self).__str__() + ( "\n" "The object cannot be created because the local object store" " is full and the local disk's utilization is over capacity" " (95% by default)." "Tip: Use `df` on this node to check disk usage and " "`ray memory` to check object store memory usage." )
[docs] @PublicAPI class OutOfMemoryError(RayError): """Indicates that the node is running out of memory and is close to full. This is raised if the node is low on memory and tasks or actors are being evicted to free up memory. """ # TODO: (clarng) expose the error message string here and format it with proto def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def __str__(self): return self.message
[docs] @PublicAPI class NodeDiedError(RayError): """Indicates that the node is either dead or unreachable.""" # TODO: (clarng) expose the error message string here and format it with proto def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def __str__(self): return self.message
[docs] @PublicAPI class ObjectLostError(RayError): """Indicates that the object is lost from distributed memory, due to node failure or system error. Args: object_ref_hex: Hex ID of the object. """ def __init__(self, object_ref_hex, owner_address, call_site): self.object_ref_hex = object_ref_hex self.owner_address = owner_address self.call_site = call_site.replace( ray_constants.CALL_STACK_LINE_DELIMITER, "\n " ) def _base_str(self): msg = f"Failed to retrieve object {self.object_ref_hex}. " if self.call_site: msg += f"The ObjectRef was created at: {self.call_site}" else: msg += ( "To see information about where this ObjectRef was created " "in Python, set the environment variable " "RAY_record_ref_creation_sites=1 during `ray start` and " "`ray.init()`." ) return msg def __str__(self): return ( self._base_str() + "\n\n" + ( f"All copies of {self.object_ref_hex} have been lost due to node " "failure. Check cluster logs (`/tmp/ray/session_latest/logs`) for " "more information about the failure." ) )
[docs] @PublicAPI class ObjectFetchTimedOutError(ObjectLostError): """Indicates that an object fetch timed out. Args: object_ref_hex: Hex ID of the object. """ def __str__(self): return ( self._base_str() + "\n\n" + ( f"Fetch for object {self.object_ref_hex} timed out because no " "locations were found for the object. This may indicate a " "system-level bug." ) )
@DeveloperAPI class RpcError(RayError): """Indicates an error in the underlying RPC system.""" def __init__(self, message, rpc_code=None): self.message = message self.rpc_code = rpc_code def __str__(self): return self.message @DeveloperAPI class ReferenceCountingAssertionError(ObjectLostError, AssertionError): """Indicates that an object has been deleted while there was still a reference to it. Args: object_ref_hex: Hex ID of the object. """ def __str__(self): return ( self._base_str() + "\n\n" + ( "The object has already been deleted by the reference counting " "protocol. This should not happen." ) ) @DeveloperAPI class ObjectFreedError(ObjectLostError): """Indicates that an object was manually freed by the application. Attributes: object_ref_hex: Hex ID of the object. """ def __str__(self): return ( self._base_str() + "\n\n" + ( "The object was manually freed using the internal `free` call. " "Please ensure that `free` is only called once the object is no " "longer needed." ) )
[docs] @PublicAPI class OwnerDiedError(ObjectLostError): """Indicates that the owner of the object has died while there is still a reference to the object. Args: object_ref_hex: Hex ID of the object. """ def __str__(self): log_loc = "`/tmp/ray/session_latest/logs`" if self.owner_address: try: addr = Address() addr.ParseFromString(self.owner_address) ip_addr = addr.ip_address worker_id = WorkerID(addr.worker_id) log_loc = ( f"`/tmp/ray/session_latest/logs/*{worker_id.hex()}*`" f" at IP address {ip_addr}" ) except Exception: # Catch all to make sure we always at least print the default # message. pass return ( self._base_str() + "\n\n" + ( "The object's owner has exited. This is the Python " "worker that first created the ObjectRef via `.remote()` or " "`ray.put()`. " f"Check cluster logs ({log_loc}) for more " "information about the Python worker failure." ) )
[docs] @PublicAPI class ObjectReconstructionFailedError(ObjectLostError): """Indicates that the object cannot be reconstructed. Args: object_ref_hex: Hex ID of the object. """ def __str__(self): return ( self._base_str() + "\n\n" + ( "The object cannot be reconstructed " "because it was created by an actor, ray.put() call, or its " "ObjectRef was created by a different worker." ) )
[docs] @PublicAPI class ObjectReconstructionFailedMaxAttemptsExceededError(ObjectLostError): """Indicates that the object cannot be reconstructed because the maximum number of task retries has been exceeded. Args: object_ref_hex: Hex ID of the object. """ def __str__(self): return ( self._base_str() + "\n\n" + ( "The object cannot be reconstructed " "because the maximum number of task retries has been exceeded. " "To prevent this error, set " "`@ray.remote(max_retries=<num retries>)` (default 3)." ) )
[docs] @PublicAPI class ObjectReconstructionFailedLineageEvictedError(ObjectLostError): """Indicates that the object cannot be reconstructed because its lineage was evicted due to memory pressure. Args: object_ref_hex: Hex ID of the object. """ def __str__(self): return ( self._base_str() + "\n\n" + ( "The object cannot be reconstructed because its lineage has been " "evicted to reduce memory pressure. " "To prevent this error, set the environment variable " "RAY_max_lineage_bytes=<bytes> (default 1GB) during `ray start`." ) )
[docs] @PublicAPI class GetTimeoutError(RayError, TimeoutError): """Indicates that a call to the worker timed out.""" pass
[docs] @PublicAPI class PlasmaObjectNotAvailable(RayError): """Called when an object was not available within the given timeout.""" pass
[docs] @PublicAPI class AsyncioActorExit(RayError): """Raised when an asyncio actor intentionally exits via exit_actor().""" pass
[docs] @PublicAPI class RuntimeEnvSetupError(RayError): """Raised when a runtime environment fails to be set up. Args: error_message: The error message that explains why runtime env setup has failed. """ def __init__(self, error_message: str = None): self.error_message = error_message def __str__(self): msgs = ["Failed to set up runtime environment."] if self.error_message: msgs.append(self.error_message) return "\n".join(msgs)
[docs] @PublicAPI class TaskPlacementGroupRemoved(RayError): """Raised when the corresponding placement group was removed.""" def __str__(self): return "The placement group corresponding to this task has been removed."
[docs] @PublicAPI class ActorPlacementGroupRemoved(RayError): """Raised when the corresponding placement group was removed.""" def __str__(self): return "The placement group corresponding to this Actor has been removed."
[docs] @PublicAPI class PendingCallsLimitExceeded(RayError): """Raised when the pending actor calls exceeds `max_pending_calls` option. This exception could happen probably because the caller calls the callee too frequently. """ pass
[docs] @PublicAPI class TaskUnschedulableError(RayError): """Raised when the task cannot be scheduled. One example is that the node specified through NodeAffinitySchedulingStrategy is dead. """ def __init__(self, error_message: str): self.error_message = error_message def __str__(self): return f"The task is not schedulable: {self.error_message}"
[docs] @PublicAPI class ActorUnschedulableError(RayError): """Raised when the actor cannot be scheduled. One example is that the node specified through NodeAffinitySchedulingStrategy is dead. """ def __init__(self, error_message: str): self.error_message = error_message def __str__(self): return f"The actor is not schedulable: {self.error_message}"
@DeveloperAPI class ObjectRefStreamEndOfStreamError(RayError): """Raised by streaming generator tasks when there are no more ObjectRefs to read. """ pass @DeveloperAPI class OufOfBandObjectRefSerializationException(RayError): """Raised when an `ray.ObjectRef` is out of band serialized by `ray.cloudpickle`. It is an anti pattern. """ pass
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") class RayChannelError(RaySystemError): """Indicates that Ray encountered a system error related to """ pass
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") class RayChannelTimeoutError(RayChannelError, TimeoutError): """Raised when the Compiled Graph channel operation times out.""" pass
[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") class RayCgraphCapacityExceeded(RaySystemError): """Raised when the Compiled Graph channel's buffer is at max capacity""" pass
RAY_EXCEPTION_TYPES = [ PlasmaObjectNotAvailable, RayError, RayTaskError, WorkerCrashedError, RayActorError, ObjectStoreFullError, ObjectLostError, ObjectFetchTimedOutError, ReferenceCountingAssertionError, ObjectReconstructionFailedError, ObjectReconstructionFailedMaxAttemptsExceededError, ObjectReconstructionFailedLineageEvictedError, OwnerDiedError, GetTimeoutError, AsyncioActorExit, RuntimeEnvSetupError, TaskPlacementGroupRemoved, ActorPlacementGroupRemoved, PendingCallsLimitExceeded, LocalRayletDiedError, TaskUnschedulableError, ActorDiedError, ActorUnschedulableError, ActorUnavailableError, RayChannelError, RayChannelTimeoutError, OufOfBandObjectRefSerializationException, RayCgraphCapacityExceeded, ]