Source code for

from collections import Counter
from numbers import Number
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import pandas as pd
from pandas.api.types import is_categorical_dtype

from import Dataset
from import Mean
from import Preprocessor
from ray.util.annotations import PublicAPI

[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") class SimpleImputer(Preprocessor): """Replace missing values with imputed values. Examples: >>> import pandas as pd >>> import ray >>> from import SimpleImputer >>> df = pd.DataFrame({"X": [0, None, 3, 3], "Y": [None, "b", "c", "c"]}) >>> ds = # doctest: +SKIP >>> ds.to_pandas() # doctest: +SKIP X Y 0 0.0 None 1 NaN b 2 3.0 c 3 3.0 c The `"mean"` strategy imputes missing values with the mean of non-missing values. This strategy doesn't work with categorical data. >>> preprocessor = SimpleImputer(columns=["X"], strategy="mean") >>> preprocessor.fit_transform(ds).to_pandas() # doctest: +SKIP X Y 0 0.0 None 1 2.0 b 2 3.0 c 3 3.0 c The `"most_frequent"` strategy imputes missing values with the most frequent value in each column. >>> preprocessor = SimpleImputer(columns=["X", "Y"], strategy="most_frequent") >>> preprocessor.fit_transform(ds).to_pandas() # doctest: +SKIP X Y 0 0.0 c 1 3.0 b 2 3.0 c 3 3.0 c The `"constant"` strategy imputes missing values with the value specified by `fill_value`. >>> preprocessor = SimpleImputer( ... columns=["Y"], ... strategy="constant", ... fill_value="?", ... ) >>> preprocessor.fit_transform(ds).to_pandas() # doctest: +SKIP X Y 0 0.0 ? 1 NaN b 2 3.0 c 3 3.0 c Args: columns: The columns to apply imputation to. strategy: How imputed values are chosen. * ``"mean"``: The mean of non-missing values. This strategy only works with numeric columns. * ``"most_frequent"``: The most common value. * ``"constant"``: The value passed to ``fill_value``. fill_value: The value to use when ``strategy`` is ``"constant"``. Raises: ValueError: if ``strategy`` is not ``"mean"``, ``"most_frequent"``, or ``"constant"``. """ # noqa: E501 _valid_strategies = ["mean", "most_frequent", "constant"] def __init__( self, columns: List[str], strategy: str = "mean", fill_value: Optional[Union[str, Number]] = None, ): self.columns = columns self.strategy = strategy self.fill_value = fill_value if strategy not in self._valid_strategies: raise ValueError( f"Strategy {strategy} is not supported." f"Supported values are: {self._valid_strategies}" ) if strategy == "constant": # There is no information to be fitted. self._is_fittable = False if fill_value is None: raise ValueError( '`fill_value` must be set when using "constant" strategy.' ) def _fit(self, dataset: Dataset) -> Preprocessor: if self.strategy == "mean": aggregates = [Mean(col) for col in self.columns] self.stats_ = dataset.aggregate(*aggregates) elif self.strategy == "most_frequent": self.stats_ = _get_most_frequent_values(dataset, *self.columns) return self def _transform_pandas(self, df: pd.DataFrame): if self.strategy == "mean": new_values = { column: self.stats_[f"mean({column})"] for column in self.columns } elif self.strategy == "most_frequent": new_values = { column: self.stats_[f"most_frequent({column})"] for column in self.columns } elif self.strategy == "constant": new_values = {column: self.fill_value for column in self.columns} for column, value in new_values.items(): if is_categorical_dtype(df.dtypes[column]): df[column] = df[column].cat.add_categories(value) df = df.fillna(new_values) return df def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(columns={self.columns!r}, " f"strategy={self.strategy!r}, fill_value={self.fill_value!r})" )
def _get_most_frequent_values( dataset: Dataset, *columns: str ) -> Dict[str, Union[str, Number]]: columns = list(columns) def get_pd_value_counts(df: pd.DataFrame) -> List[Dict[str, Counter]]: return {col: [Counter(df[col].value_counts().to_dict())] for col in columns} value_counts = dataset.map_batches(get_pd_value_counts, batch_format="pandas") final_counters = {col: Counter() for col in columns} for batch in value_counts.iter_batches(batch_size=None): for col, counters in batch.items(): for counter in counters: final_counters[col] += counter return { f"most_frequent({column})": final_counters[column].most_common(1)[0][0] for column in columns }