Source code for

import io
import logging
from typing import (

import numpy as np

import ray
from import (
from import Block, BlockAccessor
from import DataContext
from import Datasource, ReadTask
from import (
from import (
from import (
from ray.util.annotations import DeveloperAPI

    import pandas as pd
    import pyarrow

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# We should parallelize file size fetch operations beyond this threshold.

# 16 file size fetches from S3 takes ~1.5 seconds with Arrow's S3FileSystem.

# The max retry backoff in seconds for opening file.

# The max number of attempts for opening file.

[docs] @DeveloperAPI class FileBasedDatasource(Datasource): """File-based datasource for reading files. Don't use this class directly. Instead, subclass it and implement `_read_stream()`. """ # If `_WRITE_FILE_PER_ROW` is `True`, this datasource calls `_write_row` and writes # each row to a file. Otherwise, this datasource calls `_write_block` and writes # each block to a file. _WRITE_FILE_PER_ROW = False _FILE_EXTENSIONS: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None # Number of threads for concurrent reading within each read task. # If zero or negative, reading will be performed in the main thread. _NUM_THREADS_PER_TASK = 0 def __init__( self, paths: Union[str, List[str]], *, filesystem: Optional["pyarrow.fs.FileSystem"] = None, schema: Optional[Union[type, "pyarrow.lib.Schema"]] = None, open_stream_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, meta_provider: BaseFileMetadataProvider = DefaultFileMetadataProvider(), partition_filter: PathPartitionFilter = None, partitioning: Partitioning = None, ignore_missing_paths: bool = False, shuffle: Union[Literal["files"], None] = None, include_paths: bool = False, file_extensions: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): _check_pyarrow_version() self._supports_distributed_reads = not _is_local_scheme(paths) if not self._supports_distributed_reads and ray.util.client.ray.is_connected(): raise ValueError( "Because you're using Ray Client, read tasks scheduled on the Ray " "cluster can't access your local files. To fix this issue, store " "files in cloud storage or a distributed filesystem like NFS." ) self._schema = schema self._open_stream_args = open_stream_args self._meta_provider = meta_provider self._partition_filter = partition_filter self._partitioning = partitioning self._ignore_missing_paths = ignore_missing_paths self._include_paths = include_paths paths, self._filesystem = _resolve_paths_and_filesystem(paths, filesystem) paths, file_sizes = map( list, zip( *meta_provider.expand_paths( paths, self._filesystem, partitioning, ignore_missing_paths=ignore_missing_paths, ) ), ) if ignore_missing_paths and len(paths) == 0: raise ValueError( "None of the provided paths exist. " "The 'ignore_missing_paths' field is set to True." ) if self._partition_filter is not None: # Use partition filter to skip files which are not needed. path_to_size = dict(zip(paths, file_sizes)) paths = self._partition_filter(paths) file_sizes = [path_to_size[p] for p in paths] if len(paths) == 0: raise ValueError( "No input files found to read. Please double check that " "'partition_filter' field is set properly." ) if file_extensions is not None: path_to_size = dict(zip(paths, file_sizes)) paths = [p for p in paths if _has_file_extension(p, file_extensions)] file_sizes = [path_to_size[p] for p in paths] if len(paths) == 0: raise ValueError( "No input files found to read with the following file extensions: " f"{file_extensions}. Please double check that " "'file_extensions' field is set properly." ) _validate_shuffle_arg(shuffle) self._file_metadata_shuffler = None if shuffle == "files": self._file_metadata_shuffler = np.random.default_rng() # Read tasks serialize `FileBasedDatasource` instances, and the list of paths # can be large. To avoid slow serialization speeds, we store a reference to # the paths rather than the paths themselves. self._paths_ref = ray.put(paths) self._file_sizes_ref = ray.put(file_sizes) def _paths(self) -> List[str]: return ray.get(self._paths_ref) def _file_sizes(self) -> List[float]: return ray.get(self._file_sizes_ref) def estimate_inmemory_data_size(self) -> Optional[int]: total_size = 0 for sz in self._file_sizes(): if sz is not None: total_size += sz return total_size def get_read_tasks(self, parallelism: int) -> List[ReadTask]: import numpy as np ctx = DataContext.get_current() open_stream_args = self._open_stream_args partitioning = self._partitioning paths = self._paths() file_sizes = self._file_sizes() if self._file_metadata_shuffler is not None: files_metadata = list(zip(paths, file_sizes)) shuffled_files_metadata = [ files_metadata[i] for i in self._file_metadata_shuffler.permutation(len(files_metadata)) ] paths, file_sizes = list(map(list, zip(*shuffled_files_metadata))) read_stream = self._read_stream filesystem = _wrap_s3_serialization_workaround(self._filesystem) if open_stream_args is None: open_stream_args = {} open_input_source = self._open_input_source def read_files( read_paths: Iterable[str], ) -> Iterable[Block]: nonlocal filesystem, open_stream_args, partitioning DataContext._set_current(ctx) fs = _unwrap_s3_serialization_workaround(filesystem) for read_path in read_paths: partitions: Dict[str, str] = {} if partitioning is not None: parse = PathPartitionParser(partitioning) partitions = parse(read_path) with _open_file_with_retry( read_path, lambda: open_input_source(fs, read_path, **open_stream_args), ) as f: for block in read_stream(f, read_path): if partitions: block = _add_partitions(block, partitions) if self._include_paths: block_accessor = BlockAccessor.for_block(block) block = block_accessor.append_column( "path", [read_path] * block_accessor.num_rows() ) yield block def create_read_task_fn(read_paths, num_threads): def read_task_fn(): nonlocal num_threads, read_paths # TODO: We should refactor the code so that we can get the results in # order even when using multiple threads. if ctx.execution_options.preserve_order: num_threads = 0 if num_threads > 0: if len(read_paths) < num_threads: num_threads = len(read_paths) logger.debug( f"Reading {len(read_paths)} files with {num_threads} threads." ) yield from make_async_gen( iter(read_paths), read_files, num_workers=num_threads, ) else: logger.debug(f"Reading {len(read_paths)} files.") yield from read_files(read_paths) return read_task_fn # fix parallelism = min(parallelism, len(paths)) read_tasks = [] for read_paths, file_sizes in zip( np.array_split(paths, parallelism), np.array_split(file_sizes, parallelism) ): if len(read_paths) <= 0: continue meta = self._meta_provider( read_paths, self._schema, rows_per_file=self._rows_per_file(), file_sizes=file_sizes, ) read_task_fn = create_read_task_fn(read_paths, self._NUM_THREADS_PER_TASK) read_task = ReadTask(read_task_fn, meta) read_tasks.append(read_task) return read_tasks def _open_input_source( self, filesystem: "pyarrow.fs.FileSystem", path: str, **open_args, ) -> "pyarrow.NativeFile": """Opens a source path for reading and returns the associated Arrow NativeFile. The default implementation opens the source path as a sequential input stream, using ctx.streaming_read_buffer_size as the buffer size if none is given by the caller. Implementations that do not support streaming reads (e.g. that require random access) should override this method. """ import pyarrow as pa from pyarrow.fs import HadoopFileSystem ctx = DataContext.get_current() compression = open_args.get("compression", None) if compression is None: try: # If no compression manually given, try to detect # compression codec from path. compression = pa.Codec.detect(path).name except (ValueError, TypeError): # Arrow's compression inference on the file path # doesn't work for Snappy, so we double-check ourselves. import pathlib suffix = pathlib.Path(path).suffix if suffix and suffix[1:] == "snappy": compression = "snappy" else: compression = None buffer_size = open_args.pop("buffer_size", None) if buffer_size is None: buffer_size = ctx.streaming_read_buffer_size if compression == "snappy": # Arrow doesn't support streaming Snappy decompression since the canonical # C++ Snappy library doesn't natively support streaming decompression. We # works around this by manually decompressing the file with python-snappy. open_args["compression"] = None else: open_args["compression"] = compression file = call_with_retry( lambda: filesystem.open_input_stream( path, buffer_size=buffer_size, **open_args ), description=f"open file {path}", match=ctx.retried_io_errors, ) if compression == "snappy": import snappy stream = io.BytesIO() if isinstance(filesystem, HadoopFileSystem): snappy.hadoop_snappy.stream_decompress(src=file, dst=stream) else: snappy.stream_decompress(src=file, dst=stream) file = pa.PythonFile(stream, mode="r") return file def _rows_per_file(self): """Returns the number of rows per file, or None if unknown.""" return None def _read_stream(self, f: "pyarrow.NativeFile", path: str) -> Iterator[Block]: """Streaming read a single file. This method should be implemented by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Subclasses of FileBasedDatasource must implement _read_stream()." ) @property def supports_distributed_reads(self) -> bool: return self._supports_distributed_reads
def _add_partitions( data: Union["pyarrow.Table", "pd.DataFrame"], partitions: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Union["pyarrow.Table", "pd.DataFrame"]: import pandas as pd import pyarrow as pa assert isinstance(data, (pa.Table, pd.DataFrame)) if isinstance(data, pa.Table): return _add_partitions_to_table(data, partitions) if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): return _add_partitions_to_dataframe(data, partitions) def _add_partitions_to_table( table: "pyarrow.Table", partitions: Dict[str, Any] ) -> "pyarrow.Table": import pyarrow as pa import pyarrow.compute as pc column_names = set(table.column_names) for field, value in partitions.items(): column = pa.array([value] * len(table)) if field in column_names: # TODO: Handle cast error. column_type = table.schema.field(field).type column = column.cast(column_type) values_are_equal = pc.all(pc.equal(column, table[field])) values_are_equal = values_are_equal.as_py() if not values_are_equal: raise ValueError( f"Partition column {field} exists in table data, but partition " f"value '{value}' is different from in-data values: " f"{table[field].unique().to_pylist()}." ) i = table.schema.get_field_index(field) table = table.set_column(i, field, column) else: table = table.append_column(field, column) return table def _add_partitions_to_dataframe( df: "pd.DataFrame", partitions: Dict[str, Any] ) -> "pd.DataFrame": import pandas as pd for field, value in partitions.items(): column = pd.Series(data=[value] * len(df), name=field) if field in df: column = column.astype(df[field].dtype) mask = df[field].notna() if not df[field][mask].equals(column[mask]): raise ValueError( f"Partition column {field} exists in table data, but partition " f"value '{value}' is different from in-data values: " f"{list(df[field].unique())}." ) df[field] = column return df def _wrap_s3_serialization_workaround(filesystem: "pyarrow.fs.FileSystem"): # This is needed because pa.fs.S3FileSystem assumes pa.fs is already # imported before deserialization. See #17085. import pyarrow as pa import pyarrow.fs if isinstance(filesystem, pa.fs.S3FileSystem): return _S3FileSystemWrapper(filesystem) return filesystem def _unwrap_s3_serialization_workaround( filesystem: Union["pyarrow.fs.FileSystem", "_S3FileSystemWrapper"] ): if isinstance(filesystem, _S3FileSystemWrapper): return filesystem.unwrap() else: return filesystem class _S3FileSystemWrapper: def __init__(self, fs: "pyarrow.fs.S3FileSystem"): self._fs = fs def unwrap(self): return self._fs @classmethod def _reconstruct(cls, fs_reconstruct, fs_args): # Implicitly trigger S3 subsystem initialization by importing # pyarrow.fs. import pyarrow.fs # noqa: F401 return cls(fs_reconstruct(*fs_args)) def __reduce__(self): return _S3FileSystemWrapper._reconstruct, self._fs.__reduce__() def _wrap_arrow_serialization_workaround(kwargs: dict) -> dict: if "filesystem" in kwargs: kwargs["filesystem"] = _wrap_s3_serialization_workaround(kwargs["filesystem"]) return kwargs def _unwrap_arrow_serialization_workaround(kwargs: dict) -> dict: if isinstance(kwargs.get("filesystem"), _S3FileSystemWrapper): kwargs["filesystem"] = kwargs["filesystem"].unwrap() return kwargs def _resolve_kwargs( kwargs_fn: Callable[[], Dict[str, Any]], **kwargs ) -> Dict[str, Any]: if kwargs_fn: kwarg_overrides = kwargs_fn() kwargs.update(kwarg_overrides) return kwargs def _open_file_with_retry( file_path: str, open_file: Callable[[], "pyarrow.NativeFile"], ) -> "pyarrow.NativeFile": """Open file with an exponential backoff retry strategy. This is to avoid transient task failure with remote storage (such as S3), when the remote storage throttles the requests. """ if OPEN_FILE_MAX_ATTEMPTS < 1: raise ValueError( "OPEN_FILE_MAX_ATTEMPTS cannot be negative or 0. Get: " f"{OPEN_FILE_MAX_ATTEMPTS}" ) return call_with_retry( open_file, description=f"open file {file_path}", match=DataContext.get_current().retried_io_errors, max_attempts=OPEN_FILE_MAX_ATTEMPTS, max_backoff_s=OPEN_FILE_RETRY_MAX_BACKOFF_SECONDS, ) def _validate_shuffle_arg(shuffle: Optional[str]) -> None: if shuffle not in [None, "files"]: raise ValueError( f"Invalid value for 'shuffle': {shuffle}. " "Valid values are None, 'files'." )