Source code for

import logging
import struct
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Union

import pyarrow

from ray.air.util.tensor_extensions.arrow import pyarrow_table_from_pydict
from import AggregateFn
from import Block
from import FileBasedDatasource
from ray.util.annotations import PublicAPI

    import pandas as pd
    import tensorflow as tf
    from tensorflow_metadata.proto.v0 import schema_pb2

    from import Dataset

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @PublicAPI(stability="alpha") @dataclass class TFXReadOptions: """ Specifies read options when reading TFRecord files with TFX. """ # An int representing the number of consecutive elements of # this dataset to combine in a single batch when tfx-bsl is used to read # the tfrecord files. batch_size: int = 2048 # Toggles the schema inference applied; applicable # only if tfx-bsl is used and tf_schema argument is missing. # Defaults to True. auto_infer_schema: bool = True
class TFRecordDatasource(FileBasedDatasource): """TFRecord datasource, for reading and writing TFRecord files.""" _FILE_EXTENSIONS = ["tfrecords"] def __init__( self, paths: Union[str, List[str]], tf_schema: Optional["schema_pb2.Schema"] = None, tfx_read_options: Optional["TFXReadOptions"] = None, **file_based_datasource_kwargs, ): """ Args: tf_schema: Optional TensorFlow Schema which is used to explicitly set the schema of the underlying Dataset. tfx_read_options: Optional options for enabling reading tfrecords using tfx-bsl. """ super().__init__(paths, **file_based_datasource_kwargs) self._tf_schema = tf_schema self._tfx_read_options = tfx_read_options def _read_stream(self, f: "pyarrow.NativeFile", path: str) -> Iterator[Block]: if self._tfx_read_options: yield from self._tfx_read_stream(f, path) else: yield from self._default_read_stream(f, path) def _default_read_stream( self, f: "pyarrow.NativeFile", path: str ) -> Iterator[Block]: import tensorflow as tf from google.protobuf.message import DecodeError for record in _read_records(f, path): example = tf.train.Example() try: example.ParseFromString(record) except DecodeError as e: raise ValueError( "`TFRecordDatasource` failed to parse `tf.train.Example` " f"record in '{path}'. This error can occur if your TFRecord " f"file contains a message type other than `tf.train.Example`: {e}" ) yield pyarrow_table_from_pydict( _convert_example_to_dict(example, self._tf_schema) ) def _tfx_read_stream(self, f: "pyarrow.NativeFile", path: str) -> Iterator[Block]: import tensorflow as tf from import ExamplesToRecordBatchDecoder full_path = self._resolve_full_path(path) compression = (self._open_stream_args or {}).get("compression", None) if compression: compression = compression.upper() tf_schema_string = ( self._tf_schema.SerializeToString() if self._tf_schema else None ) decoder = ExamplesToRecordBatchDecoder(tf_schema_string) exception_thrown = None try: for record in full_path, compression_type=compression ).batch(self._tfx_read_options.batch_size): yield _cast_large_list_to_list( pyarrow.Table.from_batches([decoder.DecodeBatch(record.numpy())]) ) except Exception as error: logger.exception(f"Failed to read TFRecord file {full_path}") exception_thrown = error # we need to do this hack were we raise an exception outside of the # except block because tensorflow DataLossError is unpickable, and # even if we raise a runtime error, ray keeps information about the # original error, which makes it unpickable still. if exception_thrown: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to read TFRecord file {full_path}.") def _resolve_full_path(self, relative_path): if isinstance(self._filesystem, pyarrow.fs.S3FileSystem): return f"s3://{relative_path}" if isinstance(self._filesystem, pyarrow.fs.GcsFileSystem): return f"gs://{relative_path}" if isinstance(self._filesystem, pyarrow.fs.HadoopFileSystem): return f"hdfs:///{relative_path}" if isinstance(self._filesystem, pyarrow.fs.PyFileSystem): protocol = self._filesystem.handler.fs.protocol if isinstance(protocol, list) or isinstance(protocol, tuple): protocol = protocol[0] if protocol == "gcs": protocol = "gs" return f"{protocol}://{relative_path}" return relative_path def _convert_example_to_dict( example: "tf.train.Example", tf_schema: Optional["schema_pb2.Schema"], ) -> Dict[str, pyarrow.Array]: record = {} schema_dict = {} # Convert user-specified schema into dict for convenient mapping if tf_schema is not None: for schema_feature in tf_schema.feature: schema_dict[] = schema_feature.type for feature_name, feature in example.features.feature.items(): if tf_schema is not None and feature_name not in schema_dict: raise ValueError( f"Found extra unexpected feature {feature_name} " f"not in specified schema: {tf_schema}" ) schema_feature_type = schema_dict.get(feature_name) record[feature_name] = _get_feature_value(feature, schema_feature_type) return record def _get_single_true_type(dct) -> str: """Utility function for getting the single key which has a `True` value in a dict. Used to filter a dict of `{field_type: is_valid}` to get the field type from a schema or data source.""" filtered_types = iter([_type for _type in dct if dct[_type]]) # In the case where there are no keys with a `True` value, return `None` return next(filtered_types, None) def _get_feature_value( feature: "tf.train.Feature", schema_feature_type: Optional["schema_pb2.FeatureType"] = None, ) -> pyarrow.Array: import pyarrow as pa underlying_feature_type = { "bytes": feature.HasField("bytes_list"), "float": feature.HasField("float_list"), "int": feature.HasField("int64_list"), } # At most one of `bytes_list`, `float_list`, and `int64_list` # should contain values. If none contain data, this indicates # an empty feature value. assert sum(bool(value) for value in underlying_feature_type.values()) <= 1 if schema_feature_type is not None: try: from tensorflow_metadata.proto.v0 import schema_pb2 except ModuleNotFoundError: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "To use TensorFlow schemas, please install " "the tensorflow-metadata package." ) # If a schema is specified, compare to the underlying type specified_feature_type = { "bytes": schema_feature_type == schema_pb2.FeatureType.BYTES, "float": schema_feature_type == schema_pb2.FeatureType.FLOAT, "int": schema_feature_type == schema_pb2.FeatureType.INT, } und_type = _get_single_true_type(underlying_feature_type) spec_type = _get_single_true_type(specified_feature_type) if und_type is not None and und_type != spec_type: raise ValueError( "Schema field type mismatch during read: specified type is " f"{spec_type}, but underlying type is {und_type}", ) # Override the underlying value type with the type in the user-specified schema. underlying_feature_type = specified_feature_type if underlying_feature_type["bytes"]: value = feature.bytes_list.value type_ = pa.binary() elif underlying_feature_type["float"]: value = feature.float_list.value type_ = pa.float32() elif underlying_feature_type["int"]: value = feature.int64_list.value type_ = pa.int64() else: value = [] type_ = pa.null() value = list(value) if len(value) == 1 and schema_feature_type is None: # Use the value itself if the features contains a single value. # This is to give better user experience when writing preprocessing UDF on # these single-value lists. value = value[0] else: # If the feature value is empty and no type is specified in the user-provided # schema, set the type to null for now to allow pyarrow to construct a valid # Array; later, infer the type from other records which have non-empty values # for the feature. if len(value) == 0: type_ = pa.null() type_ = pa.list_(type_) return pa.array([value], type=type_) # Adapted from # noqa: E501 # # MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2020 Vahid Kazemi # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. def _read_records( file: "pyarrow.NativeFile", path: str, ) -> Iterable[memoryview]: """ Read records from TFRecord file. A TFRecord file contains a sequence of records. The file can only be read sequentially. Each record is stored in the following formats: uint64 length uint32 masked_crc32_of_length byte data[length] uint32 masked_crc32_of_data See for more details. """ length_bytes = bytearray(8) crc_bytes = bytearray(4) datum_bytes = bytearray(1024 * 1024) row_count = 0 while True: try: # Read "length" field. num_length_bytes_read = file.readinto(length_bytes) if num_length_bytes_read == 0: break elif num_length_bytes_read != 8: raise ValueError( "Failed to read the length of record data. Expected 8 bytes but " "got {num_length_bytes_read} bytes." ) # Read "masked_crc32_of_length" field. num_length_crc_bytes_read = file.readinto(crc_bytes) if num_length_crc_bytes_read != 4: raise ValueError( "Failed to read the length of CRC-32C hashes. Expected 4 bytes " "but got {num_length_crc_bytes_read} bytes." ) # Read "data[length]" field. (data_length,) = struct.unpack("<Q", length_bytes) if data_length > len(datum_bytes): datum_bytes = datum_bytes.zfill(int(data_length * 1.5)) datum_bytes_view = memoryview(datum_bytes)[:data_length] num_datum_bytes_read = file.readinto(datum_bytes_view) if num_datum_bytes_read != data_length: raise ValueError( f"Failed to read the record. Exepcted {data_length} bytes but got " f"{num_datum_bytes_read} bytes." ) # Read "masked_crc32_of_data" field. # TODO(chengsu): ideally we should check CRC-32C against the actual data. num_crc_bytes_read = file.readinto(crc_bytes) if num_crc_bytes_read != 4: raise ValueError( "Failed to read the CRC-32C hashes. Expected 4 bytes but got " f"{num_crc_bytes_read} bytes." ) # Return the data. yield datum_bytes_view row_count += 1 data_length = None except Exception as e: error_message = ( f"Failed to read TFRecord file {path}. Please ensure that the " f"TFRecord file has correct format. Already read {row_count} rows." ) if data_length is not None: error_message += f" Byte size of current record data is {data_length}." raise RuntimeError(error_message) from e def _cast_large_list_to_list(batch: pyarrow.Table): """ This function transform pyarrow.large_list into list and pyarrow.large_binary into pyarrow.binary so that all types resulting from the tfrecord_datasource are usable with dataset.to_tf(). """ old_schema = batch.schema fields = {} for column_name in old_schema.names: field_type = old_schema.field(column_name).type if type(field_type) == pyarrow.lib.LargeListType: value_type = field_type.value_type if value_type == pyarrow.large_binary(): value_type = pyarrow.binary() fields[column_name] = pyarrow.list_(value_type) elif field_type == pyarrow.large_binary(): fields[column_name] = pyarrow.binary() else: fields[column_name] = old_schema.field(column_name) new_schema = pyarrow.schema(fields) return batch.cast(new_schema) def _infer_schema_and_transform(dataset: "Dataset"): list_sizes = dataset.aggregate(_MaxListSize(dataset.schema().names)) return dataset.map_batches( _unwrap_single_value_lists, fn_kwargs={"col_lengths": list_sizes["max_list_size"]}, batch_format="pyarrow", ) def _unwrap_single_value_lists(batch: pyarrow.Table, col_lengths: Dict[str, int]): """ This function will transfrom the dataset converting list types that always contain single values to thery underlying data type (i.e. pyarrow.int64() and pyarrow.float64()) """ columns = {} for col in col_lengths: value_type = batch[col].type.value_type if col_lengths[col] == 1: if batch[col]: columns[col] = pyarrow.array( [x.as_py()[0] if x.as_py() else None for x in batch[col]], type=value_type, ) else: columns[col] = batch[col] return pyarrow.table(columns) class _MaxListSize(AggregateFn): def __init__(self, columns: List[str]): self._columns = columns super().__init__( init=self._init, merge=self._merge, accumulate_row=self._accumulate_row, finalize=lambda a: a, name="max_list_size", ) def _init(self, k: str): return {col: 0 for col in self._columns} def _merge(self, acc1: Dict[str, int], acc2: Dict[str, int]): merged = {} for col in self._columns: merged[col] = max(acc1[col], acc2[col]) return merged def _accumulate_row(self, acc: Dict[str, int], row: "pd.Series"): for k in row: value = row[k] if value: acc[k] = max(len(value), acc[k]) return acc