--- orphan: true --- (serve-text-classification-tutorial)= # Serve a Text Classification Model This example uses a DistilBERT model to build an IMDB review classification application with Ray Serve. To run this example, install the following: ```bash pip install "ray[serve]" requests torch transformers ``` This example uses the [distilbert-base-uncased](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/tasks/sequence_classification) model and [FastAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/). Save the following code to a file named distilbert_app.py: Use the following Serve code: ```{literalinclude} ../doc_code/distilbert.py :language: python :start-after: __example_code_start__ :end-before: __example_code_end__ ``` Use `serve run distilbert_app:entrypoint` to start the Serve application. :::{note} The autoscaling config sets `min_replicas` to 0, which means the deployment starts with no `ObjectDetection` replicas. These replicas spawn only when a request arrives. When no requests arrive after a certain period of time, Serve downscales `ObjectDetection` back to 0 replica to save GPU resources. ::: You should see the following messages in the logs: ```text (ServeController pid=362, ip= INFO 2023-03-08 16:44:57,579 controller 362 http_state.py:129 - Starting HTTP proxy with name 'SERVE_CONTROLLER_ACTOR:SERVE_PROXY_ACTOR-7396d5a9efdb59ee01b7befba448433f6c6fc734cfa5421d415da1b3' on node '7396d5a9efdb59ee01b7befba448433f6c6fc734cfa5421d415da1b3' listening on '' (ServeController pid=362, ip= INFO 2023-03-08 16:44:57,588 controller 362 http_state.py:129 - Starting HTTP proxy with name 'SERVE_CONTROLLER_ACTOR:SERVE_PROXY_ACTOR-a30ea53938547e0bf88ce8672e578f0067be26a7e26d23465c46300b' on node 'a30ea53938547e0bf88ce8672e578f0067be26a7e26d23465c46300b' listening on '' (ProxyActor pid=439, ip= INFO: Started server process [439] (ProxyActor pid=5779) INFO: Started server process [5779] (ServeController pid=362, ip= INFO 2023-03-08 16:44:59,362 controller 362 deployment_state.py:1333 - Adding 1 replica to deployment 'APIIngress'. 2023-03-08 16:45:01,316 SUCC :93 -- Deployed Serve app successfully. ``` Use the following code to send requests: ```python import requests prompt = "This was a masterpiece. Not completely faithful to the books, but enthralling from beginning to end. Might be my favorite of the three." input = "%20".join(prompt.split(" ")) resp = requests.get(f"{prompt}") print(resp.status_code, resp.json()) ``` The output of the client code is the response status code, the label, which is positive in this example, and the label's score. ```text 200 [{'label': 'LABEL_1', 'score': 0.9994940757751465}] ```