.. include:: /_includes/rllib/we_are_hiring.rst .. include:: /_includes/rllib/new_api_stack.rst .. _rllib-algorithms-doc: Algorithms ========== .. tip:: See the `environments `__ page to learn more about different environment types. Available Algorithms - Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ============================== ========== ============================= ================== =========== ============================================================= =============== Algorithm Frameworks Discrete Actions Continuous Actions Multi-Agent Model Support Multi-GPU ============================== ========== ============================= ================== =========== ============================================================= =============== `APPO`_ tf + torch **Yes** `+parametric`_ **Yes** **Yes** `+RNN`_, `+LSTM auto-wrapping`_, `+Attention`_, `+autoreg`_ tf + torch `BC`_ tf + torch **Yes** `+parametric`_ **Yes** **Yes** `+RNN`_ torch `CQL`_ tf + torch No **Yes** No tf + torch `DreamerV3`_ tf **Yes** **Yes** No `+RNN`_ (GRU-based by default) tf `DQN`_, `Rainbow`_ tf + torch **Yes** `+parametric`_ No **Yes** tf + torch `IMPALA`_ tf + torch **Yes** `+parametric`_ **Yes** **Yes** `+RNN`_, `+LSTM auto-wrapping`_, `+Attention`_, `+autoreg`_ tf + torch `MARWIL`_ tf + torch **Yes** `+parametric`_ **Yes** **Yes** `+RNN`_ torch `PPO`_ tf + torch **Yes** `+parametric`_ **Yes** **Yes** `+RNN`_, `+LSTM auto-wrapping`_, `+Attention`_, `+autoreg`_ tf + torch `SAC`_ tf + torch **Yes** **Yes** **Yes** torch ============================== ========== ============================= ================== =========== ============================================================= =============== Multi-Agent only Methods ================================ ========== ======================= ================== =========== ===================== Algorithm Frameworks Discrete Actions Continuous Actions Multi-Agent Model Support ================================ ========== ======================= ================== =========== ===================== `Parameter Sharing`_ Depends on bootstrapped algorithm -------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Fully Independent Learning`_ Depends on bootstrapped algorithm -------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Shared Critic Methods`_ Depends on bootstrapped algorithm ================================ ======================================================================================= .. _`+autoreg`: rllib-models.html#autoregressive-action-distributions .. _`+LSTM auto-wrapping`: rllib-models.html#built-in-models .. _`+parametric`: rllib-models.html#variable-length-parametric-action-spaces .. _`Rainbow`: rllib-algorithms.html#dqn .. _`+RNN`: rllib-models.html#rnns .. _`+Attention`: rllib-models.html#attention .. _`TS`: rllib-algorithms.html#lints Offline ~~~~~~~ .. _bc: Behavior Cloning (BC; derived from MARWIL implementation) --------------------------------------------------------- |pytorch| |tensorflow| `[paper] `__ `[implementation] `__ Our behavioral cloning implementation is directly derived from our `MARWIL`_ implementation, with the only difference being the ``beta`` parameter force-set to 0.0. This makes BC try to match the behavior policy, which generated the offline data, disregarding any resulting rewards. BC requires the `offline datasets API `__ to be used. Tuned examples: `CartPole-v1 `__ **BC-specific configs** (see also `common configs `__): .. autoclass:: ray.rllib.algorithms.bc.bc.BCConfig :members: training .. _cql: Conservative Q-Learning (CQL) ----------------------------- |pytorch| |tensorflow| `[paper] `__ `[implementation] `__ In offline RL, the algorithm has no access to an environment, but can only sample from a fixed dataset of pre-collected state-action-reward tuples. In particular, CQL (Conservative Q-Learning) is an offline RL algorithm that mitigates the overestimation of Q-values outside the dataset distribution via conservative critic estimates. It does so by adding a simple Q regularizer loss to the standard Bellman update loss. This ensures that the critic does not output overly-optimistic Q-values. This conservative correction term can be added on top of any off-policy Q-learning algorithm (here, we provide this for SAC). RLlib's CQL is evaluated against the Behavior Cloning (BC) benchmark at 500K gradient steps over the dataset. The only difference between the BC- and CQL configs is the ``bc_iters`` parameter in CQL, indicating how many gradient steps we perform over the BC loss. CQL is evaluated on the `D4RL `__ benchmark, which has pre-collected offline datasets for many types of environments. Tuned examples: `HalfCheetah Random `__, `Hopper Random `__ **CQL-specific configs** (see also `common configs `__): .. autoclass:: ray.rllib.algorithms.cql.cql.CQLConfig :members: training .. _marwil: Monotonic Advantage Re-Weighted Imitation Learning (MARWIL) ----------------------------------------------------------- |pytorch| |tensorflow| `[paper] `__ `[implementation] `__ MARWIL is a hybrid imitation learning and policy gradient algorithm suitable for training on batched historical data. When the ``beta`` hyperparameter is set to zero, the MARWIL objective reduces to vanilla imitation learning (see `BC`_). MARWIL requires the `offline datasets API `__ to be used. Tuned examples: `CartPole-v1 `__ **MARWIL-specific configs** (see also `common configs `__): .. autoclass:: ray.rllib.algorithms.marwil.marwil.MARWILConfig :members: training Model-free On-policy RL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _appo: Asynchronous Proximal Policy Optimization (APPO) ------------------------------------------------ |pytorch| |tensorflow| `[paper] `__ `[implementation] `__ We include an asynchronous variant of Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) based on the IMPALA architecture. This is similar to IMPALA but using a surrogate policy loss with clipping. Compared to synchronous PPO, APPO is more efficient in wall-clock time due to its use of asynchronous sampling. Using a clipped loss also allows for multiple SGD passes, and therefore the potential for better sample efficiency compared to IMPALA. V-trace can also be enabled to correct for off-policy samples. .. tip:: APPO isn't always more efficient; it's often better to use :ref:`standard PPO ` or :ref:`IMPALA `. .. figure:: images/impala-arch.svg APPO architecture (same as IMPALA) Tuned examples: `PongNoFrameskip-v4 `__ **APPO-specific configs** (see also `common configs `__): .. autoclass:: ray.rllib.algorithms.appo.appo.APPOConfig :members: training .. _ppo: Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) ---------------------------------- |pytorch| |tensorflow| `[paper] `__ `[implementation] `__ PPO's clipped objective supports multiple SGD passes over the same batch of experiences. RLlib's multi-GPU optimizer pins that data in GPU memory to avoid unnecessary transfers from host memory, substantially improving performance over a naive implementation. PPO scales out using multiple workers for experience collection, and also to multiple GPUs for SGD. .. tip:: If you need to scale out with GPUs on multiple nodes, consider using `decentralized PPO <#decentralized-distributed-proximal-policy-optimization-dd-ppo>`__. .. figure:: images/ppo-arch.svg PPO architecture Tuned examples: `Unity3D Soccer (multi-agent: Strikers vs Goalie) `__, `Humanoid-v1 `__, `Hopper-v1 `__, `Pendulum-v1 `__, `PongDeterministic-v4 `__, `Walker2d-v1 `__, `HalfCheetah-v2 `__, `{BeamRider,Breakout,Qbert,SpaceInvaders}NoFrameskip-v4 `__ **Atari results**: `more details `__ ============= ============== ============== ================== Atari env RLlib PPO @10M RLlib PPO @25M Baselines PPO @10M ============= ============== ============== ================== BeamRider 2807 4480 ~1800 Breakout 104 201 ~250 Qbert 11085 14247 ~14000 SpaceInvaders 671 944 ~800 ============= ============== ============== ================== **Scalability:** `more details `__ ============= ========================= ============================= MuJoCo env RLlib PPO 16-workers @ 1h Fan et al PPO 16-workers @ 1h ============= ========================= ============================= HalfCheetah 9664 ~7700 ============= ========================= ============================= .. figure:: images/ppo.png :width: 500px RLlib's multi-GPU PPO scales to multiple GPUs and hundreds of CPUs on solving the Humanoid-v1 task. Here we compare against a reference MPI-based implementation. **PPO-specific configs** (see also `common configs `__): .. autoclass:: ray.rllib.algorithms.ppo.ppo.PPOConfig :members: training .. _impala: Importance Weighted Actor-Learner Architecture (IMPALA) ------------------------------------------------------- |pytorch| |tensorflow| `[paper] `__ `[implementation] `__ In IMPALA, a central learner runs SGD in a tight loop while asynchronously pulling sample batches from many actor processes. RLlib's IMPALA implementation uses DeepMind's reference `V-trace code `__. Note that we don't provide a deep residual network out of the box, but one can be plugged in as a `custom model `__. Multiple learner GPUs and experience replay are also supported. .. figure:: images/impala-arch.svg IMPALA architecture Tuned examples: `PongNoFrameskip-v4 `__, `vectorized configuration `__, `multi-gpu configuration `__, `{BeamRider,Breakout,Qbert,SpaceInvaders}NoFrameskip-v4 `__ **Atari results @10M steps**: `more details `__ ============= ================================== ==================================== Atari env RLlib IMPALA 32-workers Mnih et al A3C 16-workers ============= ================================== ==================================== BeamRider 2071 ~3000 Breakout 385 ~150 Qbert 4068 ~1000 SpaceInvaders 719 ~600 ============= ================================== ==================================== **Scalability:** ============= =============================== ================================= Atari env RLlib IMPALA 32-workers @1 hour Mnih et al A3C 16-workers @1 hour ============= =============================== ================================= BeamRider 3181 ~1000 Breakout 538 ~10 Qbert 10850 ~500 SpaceInvaders 843 ~300 ============= =============================== ================================= .. figure:: images/impala.png Multi-GPU IMPALA scales up to solve PongNoFrameskip-v4 in ~3 minutes using a pair of V100 GPUs and 128 CPU workers. The maximum training throughput reached is ~30k transitions per second (~120k environment frames per second). **IMPALA-specific configs** (see also `common configs `__): .. autoclass:: ray.rllib.algorithms.impala.impala.ImpalaConfig :members: training Model-free Off-policy RL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _dqn: Deep Q Networks (DQN, Rainbow, Parametric DQN) ---------------------------------------------- |pytorch| |tensorflow| `[paper] `__ `[implementation] `__ DQN can be scaled by increasing the number of workers or using Ape-X. Memory usage is reduced by compressing samples in the replay buffer with LZ4. All of the DQN improvements evaluated in `Rainbow `__ are available, though not all are enabled by default. See also how to use `parametric-actions in DQN `__. .. figure:: images/dqn-arch.svg DQN architecture Tuned examples: `PongDeterministic-v4 `__, `Rainbow configuration `__, `{BeamRider,Breakout,Qbert,SpaceInvaders}NoFrameskip-v4 `__, `with Dueling and Double-Q `__, `with Distributional DQN `__. .. tip:: Consider using `Ape-X <#distributed-prioritized-experience-replay-ape-x>`__ for faster training with similar timestep efficiency. .. hint:: For a complete `rainbow `__ setup, make the following changes to the default DQN config: ``"n_step": [between 1 and 10], "noisy": True, "num_atoms": [more than 1], "v_min": -10.0, "v_max": 10.0`` (set ``v_min`` and ``v_max`` according to your expected range of returns). **Atari results @10M steps**: `more details `__ ============= ======================== ============================= ============================== =============================== Atari env RLlib DQN RLlib Dueling DDQN RLlib Dist. DQN Hessel et al. DQN ============= ======================== ============================= ============================== =============================== BeamRider 2869 1910 4447 ~2000 Breakout 287 312 410 ~150 Qbert 3921 7968 15780 ~4000 SpaceInvaders 650 1001 1025 ~500 ============= ======================== ============================= ============================== =============================== **DQN-specific configs** (see also `common configs `__): .. autoclass:: ray.rllib.algorithms.dqn.dqn.DQNConfig :members: training .. _sac: Soft Actor Critic (SAC) ------------------------ |pytorch| |tensorflow| `[original paper] `__, `[follow up paper] `__, `[discrete actions paper] `__ `[implementation] `__ .. figure:: images/dqn-arch.svg SAC architecture (same as DQN) RLlib's soft-actor critic implementation is ported from the `official SAC repo `__ to better integrate with RLlib APIs. Note that SAC has two fields to configure for custom models: ``policy_model_config`` and ``q_model_config``, the ``model`` field of the config is ignored. Tuned examples (continuous actions): `Pendulum-v1 `__, `HalfCheetah-v3 `__, Tuned examples (discrete actions): `CartPole-v1 `__ **MuJoCo results @3M steps:** `more details `__ ============= ========== =================== MuJoCo env RLlib SAC Haarnoja et al SAC ============= ========== =================== HalfCheetah 13000 ~15000 ============= ========== =================== **SAC-specific configs** (see also `common configs `__): .. autoclass:: ray.rllib.algorithms.sac.sac.SACConfig :members: training Model-based RL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _dreamerv3: DreamerV3 --------- |tensorflow| `[paper] `__ `[implementation] `__ DreamerV3 trains a world model in supervised fashion using real environment interactions. The world model's objective is to correctly predict all aspects of the transition dynamics of the RL environment, which includes (besides predicting the correct next observations) predicting the received rewards as well as a boolean episode continuation flag. An RSSM (recurrent state space model) is used to train in turn the world model (from actual env data) as well as the critic and actor networks, both of which are trained on "dreamed" trajectories produced by the world model. DreamerV3 can be used in all types of environments, including those with image- or vector based observations, continuous- or discrete actions, as well as sparse or dense reward functions. Tuned examples: `Atari 100k `__, `Atari 200M `__, `DeepMind Control Suite `__ **Pong-v5 results (1, 2, and 4 GPUs)**: .. figure:: images/dreamerv3/pong_1_2_and_4gpus.svg Episode mean rewards for the Pong-v5 environment (with the "100k" setting, in which only 100k environment steps are allowed): Note that despite the stable sample efficiency - shown by the constant learning performance per env step - the wall time improves almost linearly as we go from 1 to 4 GPUs. **Left**: Episode reward over environment timesteps sampled. **Right**: Episode reward over wall-time. **Atari 100k results (1 vs 4 GPUs)**: .. figure:: images/dreamerv3/atari100k_1_vs_4gpus.svg Episode mean rewards for various Atari 100k tasks on 1 vs 4 GPUs. **Left**: Episode reward over environment timesteps sampled. **Right**: Episode reward over wall-time. **DeepMind Control Suite (vision) results (1 vs 4 GPUs)**: .. figure:: images/dreamerv3/dmc_1_vs_4gpus.svg Episode mean rewards for various Atari 100k tasks on 1 vs 4 GPUs. **Left**: Episode reward over environment timesteps sampled. **Right**: Episode reward over wall-time. Multi-agent ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _parameter: Parameter Sharing ----------------- `[paper] `__, `[paper] `__ and `[instructions] `__. Parameter sharing refers to a class of methods that take a base single agent method, and use it to learn a single policy for all agents. This simple approach has been shown to achieve state of the art performance in cooperative games, and is usually how you should start trying to learn a multi-agent problem. Tuned examples: `PettingZoo `__, `waterworld `__, `rock-paper-scissors `__, `multi-agent cartpole `__ .. _sc: Shared Critic Methods --------------------- `[instructions] `__ Shared critic methods are when all agents use a single parameter shared critic network (in some cases with access to more of the observation space than agents can see). Note that many specialized multi-agent algorithms such as MADDPG are mostly shared critic forms of their single-agent algorithm (DDPG in the case of MADDPG). Tuned examples: `TwoStepGame `__ .. _fil: Fully Independent Learning -------------------------- `[instructions] `__ Fully independent learning involves a collection of agents learning independently of each other using single agent methods. This typically works, but can be less effective than dedicated multi-agent RL methods, since they don't account for the non-stationarity of the multi-agent environment. Tuned examples: `waterworld `__, `multiagent-cartpole `__ .. |tensorflow| image:: images/tensorflow.png :class: inline-figure :width: 24 .. |pytorch| image:: images/pytorch.png :class: inline-figure :width: 24