(serve-in-production-config-file)= # Serve Config Files This section should help you: - Understand the Serve config file format. - Learn how to deploy and update your applications in production using the Serve config. - Learn how to generate a config file for a list of Serve applications. The Serve config is the recommended way to deploy and update your applications in production. It allows you to fully configure everything related to Serve, including system-level components like the proxy and application-level options like individual deployment parameters (recall how to [configure Serve deployments](serve-configure-deployment)). One major benefit is you can dynamically update individual deployment parameters by modifying the Serve config, without needing to redeploy or restart your application. :::{tip} If you are deploying Serve on a VM, you can use the Serve config with the [serve deploy](serve-in-production-deploying) CLI command. If you are deploying Serve on Kubernetes, you can embed the Serve config in a [RayService](serve-in-production-kubernetes) custom resource in Kubernetes to ::: The Serve config is a YAML file with the following format: ```yaml proxy_location: ... http_options: host: ... port: ... request_timeout_s: ... keep_alive_timeout_s: ... grpc_options: port: ... grpc_servicer_functions: ... logging_config: log_level: ... logs_dir: ... encoding: ... enable_access_log: ... applications: - name: ... route_prefix: ... import_path: ... runtime_env: ... deployments: - name: ... num_replicas: ... ... - name: ... ``` The file contains `proxy_location`, `http_options`, `grpc_options`, `logging_config` and `applications`. The `proxy_location` field configures where to run proxies to handle traffic to the cluster. You can set `proxy_location` to the following values: - EveryNode (default): Run a proxy on every node in the cluster that has at least one replica actor. - HeadOnly: Only run a single proxy on the head node. - Disabled: Don't run proxies at all. Set this value if you are only making calls to your applications using deployment handles. The `http_options` are as follows. Note that the HTTP config is global to your Ray cluster, and you can't update it during runtime. - **`host`**: The host IP address for Serve's HTTP proxies. This is optional and can be omitted. By default, the `host` is set to `` to expose your deployments publicly. If you're using Kubernetes, you must set `host` to `` to expose your deployments outside the cluster. - **`port`**: The port for Serve's HTTP proxies. This parameter is optional and can be omitted. By default, the port is set to `8000`. - **`request_timeout_s`**: Allows you to set the end-to-end timeout for a request before terminating and retrying at another replica. By default, the Serve HTTP proxy retries up to `10` times when a response is not received due to failures (for example, network disconnect, request timeout, etc.) By default, there is no request timeout. - **`keep_alive_timeout_s`**: Allows you to set the keep alive timeout for the HTTP proxy. For more details, see [here](serve-http-guide-keep-alive-timeout) The `grpc_options` are as follows. Note that the gRPC config is global to your Ray cluster, and you can't update it during runtime. - **`port`**: The port that the gRPC proxies listen on. These are optional settings and can be omitted. By default, the port is set to `9000`. - **`grpc_servicer_functions`**: List of import paths for gRPC `add_servicer_to_server` functions to add to Serve's gRPC proxy. The servicer functions need to be importable from the context of where Serve is running. This defaults to an empty list, which means the gRPC server isn't started. The `logging_config` is global config, you can configure controller & proxy & replica logs. Note that you can also set application and deployment level logging config, which will take precedence over the global config. See logging config API [here](../../serve/api/doc/ray.serve.schema.LoggingConfig.rst) for more details. These are the fields per application: - **`name`**: The names for each application that are auto-generated by `serve build`. The name of each application must be unique. - **`route_prefix`**: An application can be called via HTTP at the specified route prefix. It defaults to `/`. The route prefix for each application must be unique. - **`import_path`**: The path to your top-level Serve deployment (or the same path passed to `serve run`). The most minimal config file consists of only an `import_path`. - **`runtime_env`**: Defines the environment that the application runs in. Use this parameter to package application dependencies such as `pip` packages (see {ref}`Runtime Environments ` for supported fields). The `import_path` must be available _within_ the `runtime_env` if it's specified. The Serve config's `runtime_env` can only use [remote URIs](remote-uris) in its `working_dir` and `py_modules`; it can't use local zip files or directories. [More details on runtime env](serve-runtime-env). - **`deployments (optional)`**: A list of deployment options that allows you to override the `@serve.deployment` settings specified in the deployment graph code. Each entry in this list must include the deployment `name`, which must match one in the code. If this section is omitted, Serve launches all deployments in the graph with the parameters specified in the code. See how to [configure serve deployment options](serve-configure-deployment). - **`args`**: Arguments that are passed to the [application builder](serve-app-builder-guide). Below is a config for the [`Text ML Model` example](serve-in-production-example) that follows the format explained above: ```yaml proxy_location: EveryNode http_options: host: port: 8000 applications: - name: default route_prefix: / import_path: text_ml:app runtime_env: pip: - torch - transformers deployments: - name: Translator num_replicas: 1 user_config: language: french - name: Summarizer num_replicas: 1 ``` The file uses the same `text_ml:app` import path that was used with `serve run`, and has two entries in the `deployments` list for the translation and summarization deployments. Both entries contain a `name` setting and some other configuration options such as `num_replicas`. :::{tip} Each individual entry in the `deployments` list is optional. In the example config file above, you could omit the `Summarizer`, including its `name` and `num_replicas`, and the file would still be valid. When you deploy the file, the `Summarizer` deployment is still deployed, using the configurations set in the `@serve.deployment` decorator from the application's code. ::: ## Auto-generate the Serve config using `serve build` You can use a utility to auto-generate this config file from the code. The `serve build` command takes an import path to your application, and it generates a config file containing all the deployments and their parameters in the application code. Tweak these parameters to manage your deployments in production. ```console $ ls text_ml.py $ serve build text_ml:app -o serve_config.yaml $ ls text_ml.py serve_config.yaml ``` (production-config-yaml)= The `serve_config.yaml` file contains: ```yaml proxy_location: EveryNode http_options: host: port: 8000 grpc_options: port: 9000 grpc_servicer_functions: [] logging_config: encoding: TEXT log_level: INFO logs_dir: null enable_access_log: true applications: - name: default route_prefix: / import_path: text_ml:app runtime_env: {} deployments: - name: Translator num_replicas: 1 user_config: language: french - name: Summarizer ``` Note that the `runtime_env` field will always be empty when using `serve build` and must be set manually. In this case, if `torch` and `transformers` are not installed globally, you should include these two pip packages in the `runtime_env`. Additionally, `serve build` includes the default HTTP and gPRC options in its autogenerated files. You can modify these parameters. (serve-user-config)= ## Dynamically change parameters without restarting replicas (`user_config`) You can use the `user_config` field to supply a structured configuration for your deployment. You can pass arbitrary JSON serializable objects to the YAML configuration. Serve then applies it to all running and future deployment replicas. The application of user configuration *doesn't* restart the replica. This deployment continuity means that you can use this field to dynamically: - adjust model weights and versions without restarting the cluster. - adjust traffic splitting percentage for your model composition graph. - configure any feature flag, A/B tests, and hyper-parameters for your deployments. To enable the `user_config` feature, implement a `reconfigure` method that takes a JSON-serializable object (e.g., a Dictionary, List, or String) as its only argument: ```python @serve.deployment class Model: def reconfigure(self, config: Dict[str, Any]): self.threshold = config["threshold"] ``` If you set the `user_config` when you create the deployment (that is, in the decorator or the Serve config file), Ray Serve calls this `reconfigure` method right after the deployment's `__init__` method, and passes the `user_config` in as an argument. You can also trigger the `reconfigure` method by updating your Serve config file with a new `user_config` and reapplying it to the Ray cluster. See [In-place Updates](serve-inplace-updates) for more information. The corresponding YAML snippet is: ```yaml ... deployments: - name: Model user_config: threshold: 1.5 ```