.. _state-api-cli-ref: State CLI ========= State ----- This section contains commands to access the :ref:`live state of Ray resources (actor, task, object, etc.) `. .. note:: APIs are :ref:`alpha `. This feature requires a full installation of Ray using ``pip install "ray[default]"``. This feature also requires the dashboard component to be available. The dashboard component needs to be included when starting the ray cluster, which is the default behavior for ``ray start`` and ``ray.init()``. For more in-depth debugging, you could check the dashboard log at ``/dashboard.log``, which is usually ``/tmp/ray/session_latest/logs/dashboard.log``. State CLI allows users to access the state of various resources (e.g., actor, task, object). .. click:: ray.util.state.state_cli:task_summary :prog: ray summary tasks .. click:: ray.util.state.state_cli:actor_summary :prog: ray summary actors .. click:: ray.util.state.state_cli:object_summary :prog: ray summary objects .. click:: ray.util.state.state_cli:ray_list :prog: ray list .. click:: ray.util.state.state_cli:ray_get :prog: ray get .. _ray-logs-api-cli-ref: Log --- This section contains commands to :ref:`access logs ` from Ray clusters. .. note:: APIs are :ref:`alpha `. This feature requires a full installation of Ray using ``pip install "ray[default]"``. Log CLI allows users to access the log from the cluster. Note that only the logs from alive nodes are available through this API. .. click:: ray.util.state.state_cli:logs_state_cli_group :prog: ray logs